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09-05 投稿



grimace 发音

英:['gr?m?s; gr?'me?s]  美:[ɡr?'mes]

英:  美:

grimace 中文意思翻译



grimace 网络释义

vi. 扮鬼脸;作怪相;作苦相n. 鬼脸;怪相;痛苦的表情

grimace 反义词

meek |quiet | mild | gentle

grimace 同义词

down in the mouth | dour | rough | inexorable | stern | cheerless | bad | shoddy | fearful | down | frightful | dark | funereal | grave | terrible | forbidding | somber | violent | harsh | black |ghastly | fierce | downhearted | ugly | gloomy | merciless | horrible | dreadful | dispirited | unrelenting | blue | drear | dingy | ill | constant | macabre | sorry | depressing | dismal | relentless | downcast | shocking | low-spirited | rigid | inflexible | serious | unwell | unappeasable | bleak | depressed | gruesome | unyielding | dreary | adamant | disconsolate | drab | mordant | iron | low | sick | bloodless | strict | grisly | unforgiving

grimace 词性/词形变化,grimace变形

动词过去分词: grimaced |名词: grimacer |动词第三人称单数: grimaces |动词过去式: grimaced |动词现在分词: grimacing |

grimace 相似词语短语

1、grime ─── n.尘垢;污点;煤尘;vt.使污秽;使…弄脏;n.(Grime)人名;(法)格里姆

2、grievance ─── n.不满,不平;委屈;冤情

3、grimacing ─── adj.扮鬼脸的;v.扮鬼脸(grimace的现在分词)

4、grimacer ─── 鬼脸

5、primacy ─── n.首位;卓越;大主教的职位

6、grice ─── n.格赖斯

7、grimaces ─── vi.扮鬼脸;作怪相;作苦相;n.鬼脸;怪相;痛苦的表情

8、grimaced ─── vi.扮鬼脸;作怪相;作苦相;n.鬼脸;怪相;痛苦的表情

9、to grimace ─── 做鬼脸

grimace 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Small S:That good, I number 1, 2, 3 we together come, is a true grimace, little pack lovely face for me over there, otherwise the leg interrupt. ─── 小S:那好,我数1,2,3我们一起来,是真的鬼脸哦,少在那边给我装可爱脸,不然腿打断。

2、He took another drink of his coffee. "Awful," he said with a grimace. ─── 他又喝了一口咖啡,“太难喝了”,他边说边扮了个怪相。

3、to make/give a grimace of pain ─── 做出/露出痛苦的表情

4、FOR a very short time as a reaction to pain or annoyance, or to cause laughter. grimace. ─── 通常为时短暂,是痛苦或烦恼的反应,或是为引人发笑。

5、Martin pocketed it with a grimace, and felt for a moment the kindly weight of Brissenden's hand upon his shoulder. ─── 马丁苦笑了一下,把钱收回了腰包,感到布里森登的手亲切地按在他的肩头上。

6、But hunter does not use a gun, tailor-made an iron rod, encounter a wolf to grimace intentionally to the wolf, offend wolf termagancy, one rod sweeps raise hand wolf leg. ─── 但猎手并不用枪,特制一根铁棍,遇见狼故意对狼扮鬼脸,惹狼急躁,扬手一棍扫狼腿。

7、"Since you ask, it makes me ache. I have lupus, they tell me. A mild form, whatever that means." Her grimace he took to be sarcastic. ─── “既然你问了,就告诉你:它让我疼痛。他们说我长了狼疮。轻度的狼疮,管它那是什么意思呢。”他觉得她说这番话时做的那个鬼脸是在讥讽他。

8、At first it may feel completely fake and perhaps much more like a grimace than a smile. ─── 最初的时候你可能会觉得很假而且看起来笑得比哭还难看。

9、Behind my words are all those grinning, leering, skulking skulls, some dead and grinning a long time, some grinning as if they had lockjaw, some grinning with the grimace of a grin, the foretaste and aftermath of what is always going on. ─── 我的话后面是那些咧着嘴嘻笑、藏在暗处的脑袋,有些死掉的人的脑袋长时间地笑,有些像患了牙关紧闭症一样笑,有些又扮出鬼脸来狞笑,这是一直在进行中的事情的预演和结果。

10、They stare at each other in silence, then Malfoy clenches his eyes shut with a grimace. ─── 他们静静的瞪着对方,然后Malfoy痛苦的闭上了眼。“滚出去。

11、Click the left mouse button or the space bar down grimace. ─── 点击鼠标左键或者空格键放下鬼脸。

12、Vegetarians who declare their dietary eccentricities in Korea usually meet with a gasp, a grimace, and an “isn't it difficult?” ─── 在韩国,素食者宣布他们的饮食食谱时,别人的反映通常是大吃一惊,做痛苦状,并问到“不会很难吗?”

13、make/give a grimace of pain ─── 作出露出痛苦的怪相.

14、The grimace is reflected in the pond. ─── 池塘中可以看到鬼脸的倒影。

15、He quitted the mask for an agreeable grimace. ─── 他不再做出那种自鸣得意的怪模怪样的假象。

16、Compare smirk, sneer, frown, scowl and grimace ─── 试比较smirk、sneer、frown、scowl、grimace这几个词

17、Reactions may be quite inhibited orr excessive andd unrelated to the situation; may grimace, laugh, orr become rigid even though no apparent emotion producing objects orr events are present. ─── 他的反应可能相当内向或者相当外项,并且和情境无关;可能在没有明显能够引发情绪变化的事物存在的情况下做鬼脸、发笑、或者变得呆板。

18、Interesting headline appearance, the little girl will make a grimace toward you however, click to"get into" the beginning game.The blank space key jump. ─── 有趣的标题画面,妞妞可是会向你做鬼脸哦,点击“进入”开始游戏。空格键跳。

19、'What's that?' she asked with a grimace. ─── “那是什么?”她皱着眉头问道。

20、If someone gestures disagreement with the speaker (e.g. by a grimace), then make sure they are brought into the discussion next: "what do you think Gretchen?" ─── 如果有人聊天,你既可以简单的告诉他们影响了你听/集中注意力在发言者身上,也可以直接问他们:“你们对这个问题怎么看?”

21、The Saturnalia, that grimace of antique beauty, ends, through exaggeration after exaggeration, in Shrove Tuesday; ─── 农神节,这个古代美的模仿,由于不断夸张扩大,后来发展成为狂欢节。

22、Without Henin around, the women's game reverts to a greater uniformity of two-fisted might, where supremacy is sought through grunt, grimace and grinding power. ─── 小威走了、莎娃走了,赛前被看好的夺冠热门却先后遗憾的告别了罗兰-加洛斯。

23、An odd grimace crosses her mouth and vanishes. ─── 她的嘴角掠过一丝奇怪的表情,转眼就消失了。

24、She screwed her face into a smile (grimace). ─── 她歪着脸做一个微笑(鬼脸)。

25、Thomas makes a grimace after he has tasted the wine. ─── 汤玛斯尝了那葡萄酒后做了个鬼脸。

26、The clown grimace at the children. ─── 小丑给孩子们做鬼脸。

27、's that?' she asked with a grimace. ─── 那是什么?”她皱着眉头问道。

28、This gesture, and an inspection of the stranger's costume and baggage, which the Thenardier passed in review with one glance, caused the amiable grimace to vanish, and the gruff mien to reappear. ─── 德纳第大娘一眼望见他那手势和他的服装行李,又立即收起了那副笑容,重行摆出她生气的面孔。

29、to draw back the lips and reveal the teeth,in a smile,grimace,or snarl ─── 微笑、扮鬼脸或吼叫时拉起嘴唇、露出牙齿

30、Snazzy oufit: Grimace, the English bulldog, won the Current Canine Characters category with her Taxi Cab costume at the Times Square Dog Day Masquerade. ─── 名叫"鬼脸"的英国牛头犬赢得了在泰晤士广场举办的犬类化妆舞会流行组别的冠军,上图就是它的身着“出租车装束”的照片。

31、Joe cringed against the stall's wall, his balls shrinking against him in his wet underwear. With a grimace, he turned around so that his back could get its share of the icy torture. ─── 乔畏缩对抗货摊的墙壁,他的在他湿内衣裤中收缩对抗他 的球。 藉由一个面部的歪扭,他回过头,以便他的背部可以得到它的冰拷问的股票。

32、The wireless device can be trained by the user to distinguish between subtle thoughts and feelings, such as expressions of shock or even a grimace. ─── 用户应该先训练无线设备识别微妙的思想和感情,比如震惊乃至鬼脸的表达。

33、Il faisait une grimace en mangeant ses escargots. ─── 他在吃蜗牛时做了个鬼脸。

34、The porkbutcher snapped two sheets from the pile, wrapped up her prime sausages and made a red grimace. ─── 猪肉铺老板从那堆报纸上麻利地拿起两张,将她那上好的腊肠包起来,红脸膛咧嘴一笑。

35、Some of the smart ones, hiding themselves behind him, wrinkled their noses in a grimace ─── 调皮的小伙子,躲在他背后挤眉弄眼作出怪脸。

36、Tu Chu-chai hurriedly squeezed out, and when he looked up and saw Wu Sun-fu standing on the steps, he made a grimace and shook his head. ─── 杜竹斋匆匆地钻出车厢来,抬头看着当阶而立的吴荪甫,就皱了眉尖摇头。

37、The old aunt coughed, swallowed the phlegm, and said in French that she was very glad to see Ellen;then she addressed Pierre with the same greeting and the same grimace. ─── 姑母干咳了几声,清清嗓子,吞下口水,用法国话发言,她看见海伦觉得很高兴,之后把脸转向皮埃尔,用同样的言词问寒问暖,流露着同样的神色。

38、He kneaded them with his fingers, trying to rub the ache away, but when he stood the pain was still enough to make him grimace. ─── 他用手指揉搓着它们,想把那些疼痛搓走,但是当他站起来是那痛楚依然扭曲了他的脸。

39、However, that doesn't change the fact that I grimace each time the Rockets face them. ─── 然而,这却改变不了事实,每次对阵爵士,我都很痛苦。

40、Fred Henry stared after her, clenching his lips, his blue eyes fixing in sharp antagonism, as he made a grimace of sour exasperation. ─── 佛瑞德.亨利望着她离去的背影,紧咬嘴唇,蓝色眼睛里满是强烈的反感,丝丝阴郁的恼怒浮现在他脸上。

41、His lips were drawn back in a grimace as his dead eyes latched onto her hungrily. ─── 他那双死气沉沉的眼睛饥饿地盯着她,歪歪扭扭的脸上,嘴唇撕裂着,像是扮了个鬼脸。

42、To signal the end of a conversation, clap your hands over your ears and grimace. ─── 以拍打自己的耳朵和扮鬼脸,去示意要结束对话了。

43、Or rather, his whole person was a grimace. ─── 更恰当地说,他整个人就是一副怪相。

44、What is making your heart grimace? ─── 是什么让你的心露出痛苦状?

45、But his grimace and jutting jaw were new for Game 1. ─── 但他的狰狞表情和咬紧的牙关是第一战新出现的。

46、Kugelmass made a grimace of disbelief. ─── 库马思一脸苦相,表示怀疑。

47、A scent associated with a good experience can bring a rush of joy, while a foul odour or one associated with a bad memory may make us grimace with disgust. ─── 一种与美好经历有关的气味会带来快乐,而一种恶臭或与糟糕的记忆有关的气味可能会让我们厌恶地做鬼脸。

48、may grimace, laugh, orr become rigid even though no apparent emotion producing objects orr events are present. ─── 可能在没有明显能够引发情绪变化的事物存在的情况下做鬼脸、发笑、或者变得呆板。

49、2.Snazzy oufit: Grimace, the English bulldog, won the Current Canine Characters category with her Taxi Cab costume at the Times Square Dog Day Masquerade. ─── 名叫"鬼脸"的英国牛头犬赢得了在泰晤士广场举办的犬类化妆舞会流行组别的冠军,上图就是它的身着“出租车装束”的照片。收藏指正

50、Make-up process and staff have been talking, spirits one is happy扮起cute grimace. ─── 化妆过程中一直都和工作人员谈笑风生,兴致一来更是扮起鬼脸逗人开心。

51、"I know that." My accompanying grimace was limp and unimpressive. ─── “我知道。”我做的鬼脸无力地停留在皮肤表层。

52、Reporters on the scene saw that the man slept, at the top Liang Haizhuqiao reinforced from time to time make various moves grimace. ─── 记者在现场看到,该男子蓬头垢面,站在海珠桥下顶梁的钢筋上不时做出各种动作鬼脸。

53、she made a grimace at the prospect. ─── 她在相机前作了一个鬼脸。

54、He acknowledged his mistake with a wry grimace. ─── 他做了个怪怪的表情,算是认了错。

55、Prince Andrey, without looking round, twisted his face into a grimace of annoyance at any one's touching him, but seeing Pierre's smiling face, he gave him a smile that was unexpectedly sweet and pleasant. ─── 安德烈公爵没有掉过头来看看,他蹙起额角,做出一副丑相,心里在埋怨碰到他的手臂的人,但当他望见皮埃尔含笑的面庞,他就出乎意外地流露出善意的、快的微笑。

56、But the pain returned, contorting his face into a grimace ─── 但不久他又觉得痛;因为疼能的折磨,他的脸部表情变得非常难看。

57、to make a grimace ─── 做苦相

58、1. His lips contorted into a grimace. ─── 他的嘴唇歪扭成怪相。

59、To distort the features of the face; grimace. ─── 改变脸部的容貌;扮鬼脸

60、His forced smile was more like an embarrassed grimace, his cheeks creasing and blushing slightly. ─── 他挤出来的微笑看起来更像个尴尬的怪相,面颊皱着,有点涨红。

61、Make a face To distort the features of the face; grimace. ─── 改变脸部的容貌;扮鬼脸。

62、Thomas made a little grimace, perhaps he thought the wine was sour. ─── 托马斯微微皱起眉头可能是他认为酒发酸了。

63、The body had apparently once lain in the attitude of an embrace, but now the long sleep that outlasts love, that conquers even the grimace of love, had cuckolded him. ─── 尸体显然曾保持着拥抱的姿势,但现在,永远的睡眠却比爱情更长久,战胜了由爱情产生的苦痛,并让他蒙受着戴绿帽子的恶名。

64、6 She looks up at him Is she blushing? and an odd grimace crosses her mouth and vanishes. She moves away from him and joins the crowds in the terminal. ─── 她抬头看着他,女孩的脸潮红了吗?奇怪的表情在她嘴边闪过后,瞬间消失。女孩从他身边逃开,汇入到拥挤的通道里。

65、Paris has a sovereign joviality.Its gayety is of the thunder and its farce holds a sceptre.Its tempest sometimes proceeds from a grimace. ─── 巴黎有着一种庄严的嬉笑,它的笑声是劈雷,它的戏谑有威严,它有时能在一挤眉一弄眼之间引起风暴。

66、The old woman retorted with a composite grimace, and a wonderful improvisation of hatred taking advantage of feebleness and ugliness,which was, unfortunately, wasted in the dark:-- ─── 老妇人作了个表情复杂的鬼脸,那是厌恶、衰龄和丑态的巧妙结合,只可惜在黑暗中没人看见。她回答说:

67、Compare smirk, sneer, frown, scowl and grimace. ─── 试比较smirk、 sneer、 frown、 scowl、 grimace这几个词.

68、Thomas make a grimace after He has taste the wine ─── 汤玛斯尝了那葡萄酒後做了个鬼脸

69、Compare smirk,sneer,frown,scowl and grimace. ─── 试比较smirk,sneer,frown,scowl and grimace.这几个词.

70、He passed his hand over his eyes, made a little wincing grimace. ─── 他抬手摆了个遮阳的姿势,稍稍扮了一个鬼脸。

71、“Since you ask, it makes me ache. I have lupus, they tell me. A mild form, whatever that means.” Her grimace he took to be sarcastic. ─── “既然你问到了,倒是勾起我的痛苦,他们说我得了狼疮,轻度的,也不知道轻度是什么意思。”她那苦涩的表情在他看来带有嘲讽的意味。

72、He rarely smiles, and when he does, his face, topped by an unruly mop of brown hair, contorts into something more closely resembling a grimace. ─── 他不苟言笑,而当他发笑时,在一头蓬乱的棕色头发的映衬下,更像是在做鬼脸。

73、The shape of child's grimace is applied to expose the product function. ─── 借用小孩鬼脸的造型作为载体说明其产品的功能。

74、Of course! ' replied the uncle, with a hardly suppressed grimace, resulting from his deep aversion to both the proposed visitors. ─── “当然,”姑夫回答,现出一副难以压制的狞笑,这是由于他对这两位要来的客人的恶感所引起的。

75、The latter made a grimace at the two women and gleefully hurried out behind Tu Wei-yueh ─── 李麻子朝阿珍她们扮鬼脸,笑了一笑,也就赶快跟了出去。

76、The Thenardier speedily replaced her gruff air by her amiable grimace, a change of aspect common to tavern-keepers, and eagerly sought the new-comer with her eyes. ─── 德纳第大娘的怒容立即变成了笑脸,这是客店老板们特有的机变,她连忙睁眼去找那新来的客人。

77、Grimace: a sharp contortion of the face expressive of pain ─── 痛苦表情地

78、to draw back the lips and reveal the teeth, in a smile, grimace, or snarl. ─── 微笑、扮鬼脸或吼叫时拉起嘴唇、露出牙齿。

79、"make/pull faces/a face at “=grimace at 对... ─── 小姑娘在老师的背后做了个鬼脸。

80、With a grimace, he pushed Joe’s head out of his lap. ─── " / 藉由一个面部的歪扭,他从他的膝盖推动了乔的头。

81、A pout, grimace, or similar expression. ─── 噘嘴,鬼脸扮出的噘嘴的怪相、鬼脸或类似的表情

82、I fought back the grimace that would give her lie away. ─── 我对抗似的朝她做了个鬼脸,揭穿她的谎言。

83、to screw one's eyes/face into a grimace ─── 眯起双眼/皱起面孔做怪相

84、Do not grimace like that when the teacher is speaking. ─── 老师说话的时候你不要嘻皮笑脸的。

85、He began to retell the story quietly, with his lips drawn to a grimace. ─── 他开始静静地讲起了故事,嘴唇拉长成一副怪相

86、Thomas made a grimace after he had tasted the wine. ─── 汤玛斯尝了那葡萄酒後做了个鬼脸。

87、But after the first injection, Diaz continued to move, squint and grimace as he tried to mouth words. ─── 但是,在第一次注射后,迪亚兹仍然有反应,他试图说话时,目光斜视、情扭曲。

88、A small grimace; a pout. ─── 怪相;撅嘴

89、He took only a single bite of the frozen treat, and his face twisted into a terrible grimace. ─── 他只吃了一口,随即疼得整张脸扭曲起来。

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