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09-05 投稿



genette 发音

英:[[d??'net]]  美:[[d??'net]]

英:  美:

genette 中文意思翻译



genette 短语词组

1、focalization genette ─── 聚焦基因

genette 相似词语短语

1、Annette ─── n.安妮特(女子名)

2、reinette ─── 雷奈特

3、Lynette ─── n.利奈特(女子名)

4、benetted ─── vt.用网捕捉(benet的变形)

5、Nanette ─── n.纳内特(女子名,等于Anna)

6、generate ─── vt.使形成;发生;生殖;产生物理反应

7、jeanette ─── n.[纺]细斜纹布;三页斜纹呢

8、denetted ─── 脱网

9、genettes ─── n.(Genette)人名;(法)热内特

genette 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Genette: Who's this "they" you're referring to? ─── 你所说的他们到底是指谁?

2、In his work, Genette firstly reinterprets the aesthetics of Kant through the theme of aspectual attention and dialogues with English-spoken theorists. ─── 在这本著作中,珍奈特首先以面向性关注对康德的美学进行了重新诠释,并且和英美的现代美学家进行讨论。

3、Gerard Genette ─── 热拉尔·热奈特

4、(Genette) After my article, "The Four Wings of Sand Island" was published to wide acclaim, I grew bolder. ─── 在我的文章“沙鳥四翼”发表并广受好评后,我便开始大胆起来。(意指敢在基地里面到处走、到处拍)

5、The article observes and evaluates in the end the contribution of Genette through the aspects of the restarting, dialogue, approach and his own implied taste. ─── 本文最后就其再出发判定、对话贡献、方法进路及隐藏的自身品味进行观察和评价。

6、Finally, these locations will be significant when I attempt to sort through narrative curricular functions using Genette’s three categories. ─── 最后,这些地点将大幅当我试图通过这种叙述利用课外活动奈特的三类.

7、(Genette) I got a notice of assignment as a member of the press crops. ─── 我收到分配通知,让我作为报道班组成员。

8、The thesis seeks its direct and major theoretical resource from Narrative Discourse by the distinguished French critic Gerard Genette. ─── 法国著名批评家热奈特的《叙事话语》是本文最主要最直接的理论依据。

9、Deloof T, Berre J, Genette F, et al. Disturbances of the carbohydrate metabolism in acute head trauma. Acta Neurochir Suppl(Wien) 1979;28(1): 113 -4 ─── 全国第四届脑血管病学术会议.各类脑血管疾病诊断要点[J].中华神经外科杂志,1996,29(6):379

10、Genette ,Gerard. Paratexts: Thresholds of Interpretation[M]. Trans. Lewin, Jane E. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997 ─── 唐述宗,扬绍北.翻译英文书名与标题的十大基本原则[J].四川外语学院学报,1999(2).

11、Secondly, this thesis borrows the classification of transtextuality according to Genette and then studies Fortress Besieged with the analysis of constructive intertextuality on one hand; ─── 因此,本文一方面借鉴热奈特的五种跨文本性类型的区分,完成建构的互文性分析;

12、Genette brings forward the theory of hypertextuality, whose emobodiment is imitative writing and parody. ─── 热奈特提出了超文性,而超文性的具体运用就是仿写和戏仿。

13、The third part begins with the general introduction to the literary theory used in the analysis-Gerard Genette"s, Rimmon-Kenan"s and Stanzel"s narrative theory. ─── 第三部分介绍本文中运用的叙述学理论。

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