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09-05 投稿


croton 发音

英:[?kro?t?n]  美:[?kr??t(?)n]

英:  美:

croton 中文意思翻译



croton 短语词组

1、one-seeded croton ─── 单籽巴豆

2、croton aldehyde process ─── [化] 丁烯醛选择精制过程; 丁烯醛选择精制润滑油过程

3、croton oil ─── [化] 巴豆油

4、croton seed ─── [医] 巴豆

5、Croton L. ─── [医] 巴豆属

6、Croton laccifera ─── [医] 虫胶巴豆

7、croton resin ─── [医] 巴豆脂

8、croton bug ─── [医] 德国蠊

9、croton mamey ─── 巴豆妈妈

10、Croton tiglium n. ─── 巴豆 [网络] 大戟科的 ─── 巴豆; ─── 巴豆油产自 ─── 巴豆;而另一个是 ─── 巴豆

11、croton oil colllodion ─── [医] 巴豆油火棉胶

12、croton poisoning ─── 巴豆中毒

13、Croton philippinensis ─── [医] 菲律宾巴豆

14、croton on hudson dentists ─── 克洛顿对哈德逊牙医

15、croton oil poisoning ─── 巴豆油中毒

16、Croton aromaticus ─── [医] 香巴豆 ─── [树]

17、Croton eluteria ─── [医] 苦香树, 西印度苦香树, 加斯加利拉树

18、genus Croton ─── [网络] 巴豆属

19、croton condos ─── 巴豆避孕套

croton 词性/词形变化,croton变形

名词: crotchetiness |

croton 常用词组

croton oil ─── n. 巴豆油

croton 相似词语短语

1、croon ─── v.低声歌唱;柔情地唱;对……低声唱;n.低吟,低吟声;轻哼,轻哼声;n.(Croon)(美、荷、瑞、德、比)克龙(人名)

2、crotonic ─── 巴豆

3、roton ─── n.[物]旋子

4、crouton ─── n.油煎面包块;烤的碎面包片

5、Crotone ─── 克罗托内;n.(Crotone)人名;(意)克罗托内

6、croutons ─── n.油炸面包丁;烤碎面包块;巴豆(crouton的复数形式)

7、proton ─── n.[物]质子;n.(Proton)人名;(法)普罗东

8、croupon ─── 全后背皮

9、crotons ─── n.巴豆;巴豆属

croton 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Chewing the roots or the bark of the croton plant can cause burning sensations in the mouth. ─── 我不知道怎么翻译得准确,主要是吃了巴豆植物的根或者是皮会引起口腔上火还是麻木呢?

2、purging croton leaf ─── 巴豆叶

3、Croton lachnocarpus ─── n. 毛果巴豆

4、2, Pieces: Aconite banned, Wu, mercury, Croton, Daphne, Euphorbia, leech, commercial land, centipede, realgar, orpiment, led by the son of cattle, musk, bidentata, bezoar, and so on; ─── 2、饮片:禁用附子、乌头、水银、巴豆、芫花、大戟、水蛭、商陆、蜈蚣、雄黄、雌黄、牵牛子、麝香、牛膝、牛黄等;

5、Croton tiglium L. ─── 巴豆树

6、Test result in DaXing distric, German Croton bug's resistance to action of drug ─── 大兴区德国小蠊抗药性检测结果

7、croton bark ─── 巴豆茎皮

8、Croton philippinensis ─── [医] 菲律宾巴豆

9、Croton urticifolius ─── n. 荨麻叶巴豆

10、Croton laevigatus ─── n. 光叶巴豆

11、4Vaisberg AJ, Milla M, Planas MC, et al. Taspine is the cicatrizant principle in Sangre de Grado extracted from Croton lechleri [J]. Planta Med, 1989, 55(2): 140143. ─── 2高琨,贺浪冲,杨广德.用细胞膜色谱法筛选研究红毛七中的有效成分[J].中国药学杂志,2003,38(1):1416.

12、A tropical shrub or tree(Croton eluteria) native to the West Indies and northern South America,having a bark that yields an aromatic,spicy oil used as a flavoring and fragrance. ─── 加斯加利刺原产于西印度群岛和南美洲北部的一种热带灌木或乔木(苦香树巴豆属),其树皮产一种可用作调味品和芳香剂的辛辣香味油。

13、Croton caudatus ─── n. 卵叶巴豆

14、Croton merrillianus ─── n. 厚叶巴豆

15、purging croton spermoderm ─── 巴豆壳

16、Croton yanhui ─── n. 延辉巴豆

17、Laboratory Research about Antibacterial Range of Croton Oil ─── 巴豆油抗菌范围的实验室研究

18、Croton yunnanensis ─── n. 云南巴豆

19、The whole Croton system runs in a laptop. ─── 整个Croton系统都可以在笔记本电脑中运行。

20、croton oil ─── n. 巴豆油(用作泻剂)

21、Keywords croton oil;vomiting;propranolol;phentolamine;vagus; ─── 巴豆油;呕吐;心得安;酚妥拉明;迷走神经;

22、Croton kongensis ─── n. 越南巴豆

23、FFZZACT inhibited the mouse ear edema induced by xylene or croton oil, and also inhibited the xylene induced increase of vascular permeability. ─── 复方珍珠暗疮片能抑制二甲苯、巴豆油合剂所致小鼠耳炎症肿胀,也能抑制二甲苯致炎耳毛细血管通透性增高;

24、croton aldehyde ─── 巴豆醛, 丁烯醛

25、Croton aromaticus ─── [医] 香巴豆[树]

26、croton base ─── 巴豆属碱

27、Keywords Croton tiglium pesticide components biological activity; ─── 巴豆;农药活性物质;药效;

28、Evan Mahoney. I live three blocks away, on Croton Street. ─── 埃文·马海尼。我住的地方离这里三个街区,在克罗顿街。

29、croton oil collodion ─── 巴豆油火棉胶

30、purging croton root ─── 巴豆树根

31、Study on the diterpenes and their bioactivities in Croton plant ─── 巴豆属植物中二萜类成分研究概况

32、croton seed ─── 巴豆带壳巴豆

33、California croton ─── n. 加州巴豆

34、croton bug ─── n. [昆]茶婆虫(小蟑螂的一种)

35、croton oil colllodion ─── [医] 巴豆油火棉胶

36、laevigate croton root and leaf ─── 光叶巴豆

37、Croton crassifolius ─── n. 鸡骨香

38、croton oil poison ─── 巴豆(油)中毒

39、croton chloral ─── 巴豆氯醛

40、Advancement in Research on Pharmacology of Croton ─── 巴豆的药理研究进展

41、croton figiium ─── 巴豆

42、faceted navigation search interface of Croton is shown in Figure 1. ─── 图1中显示了Croton的分面导航搜索界面。

43、Croton eluteria ─── [医] 苦香树, 西印度苦香树, 加斯加利拉树

44、umbilical application of croton ─── 巴豆贴脐法

45、Croton L. ─── [医] 巴豆属

46、If allowed to come into contact with the skin, croton oil causes blistering and painful skin irritation which can last up to three weeks. ─── 如果这种油滴到皮肤,立马就会起泡并伴有疼痛感,这种感觉会持续三周。

47、croton oil poisoning ─── 巴豆中毒

48、A 2002 report found traces of thirty-seven pesticides in streams feeding into the Croton River Watershed. ─── 一则2002年的报告在流向克罗顿河分水岭的溪流中发现了三十七种杀虫剂的踪迹。

49、Croton cascarilloides ─── n. 银叶巴豆

50、Croton laui ─── n. 海南巴豆

51、An experiment was done to observe whether the capsaicin frost agent can control the mouse s auricular plumping caused by xylene and croton oil. ─── 为研究辣椒素霜的抗炎作用,分别实验观察了辣椒素霜对二甲苯,巴豆油所致小白鼠耳廓肿胀的作用。

52、ECP and LGP markedly inhibited the ear edema caused by croton oil and the increased vascular permeability induced by acetic acid in mice. ─── ECP与LGP可显著抑制致炎剂引起的小鼠耳肿胀和毛细血管通透性增加。

53、The faceted navigation search interface of Croton is shown in Figure 1. ─── 图1中显示了Croton的分面导航搜索界面。

54、Keywords microwave digestion;hydride generation;inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry;croton fruit; ─── 微波消解;氢化物发生;电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法;巴豆;

55、A brownish-yellow oil obtained from the seeds of a tropical Asian shrub or small tree (Croton tiglium) and having a cathartic action too violent for human use. ─── 巴豆油:一种棕黄色油,从一种亚洲热带灌木或小树(巴豆属巴豆)的种子中提取,有强烈的导泻作用,人类不宜食用

56、Keywords croton oil;bacterium;antibacterial spectrum; ─── 巴豆油;细菌;抗菌谱;

57、Any of various plants of the genus Croton, which includes the sources of cascarilla bark and croton oil. ─── 巴豆植物任一种巴豆属植物,包括卡斯卡里拉树皮和巴豆油的最初来源

58、4)Anti-inflammation tests revealed that EOB-f has obvious inhibiting effect on mice's auricle swell caused both by croton oil and dimethylbenzene; ─── 4)抗炎药理试验显示,对巴豆油和二甲苯所致的小鼠耳廓肿胀均具有显著的抑制作用(p

59、Resisting reaction of mice ear inflammation caused by croton oil; ─── 小鼠巴豆油耳部致炎试验对抗作用明显;

60、Croton olivaceus ─── n. 榄绿巴豆

61、Past a general wood, oak wood, northeast China ash, Gan croton; ─── 一般的有槭木、柞木、水曲柳、甘巴豆;

62、croton condensation ─── 丁烯缩合

63、Croton chunianus ─── n. 光果巴豆

64、Croton hancei ─── n. 香港巴豆

65、Croton euryphyllus ─── n. 石山巴豆

66、purging croton seed oil ─── 巴豆油

67、The 54 case of acute osteomyelitis treated by croton seed broth ─── 巴豆汤治疗急性骨髓炎54例

68、Effect of croton extract on biological characterization of human intestinal epithelial cells ─── 巴豆提取物对人肠上皮细胞生物学特性的影响

69、Croton tiglium extract ─── 巴豆提取物

70、Croton howii ─── n. 宽昭巴豆

71、Poinsettia, Croton, Acalypha sp., Crown of thorns (or Christ plant), Petroleum plant (or Aveloz, Milk bush), and Bishop wood are common ornamental species. ─── 台湾原产的有茄苳、血桐、白匏子、乌桕、锡兰馒头果、叶下珠等;

72、croton cream ─── 巴豆霜

73、eg:So we were in our twenty-first night adrift-the night in which the tramp Croton finally picked us up. ─── 原来我们已经进入了第二十一夜的海上漂流,也就是后来“克洛顿”货船把我们从海上救起的那天夜里。

74、Croton purpurascens ─── n. 淡紫毛巴豆

75、Croton laccifera ─── [医] 虫胶巴豆

76、Croton mangelong ─── n. 曼哥龙巴豆

77、croton resin ─── 巴豆脂

78、hairyfruit croton leaf and root ─── 小叶双眼龙

79、Application of ab initio calculation in photo-CIDNP investigation of croton aldehyde through biradical intermediate ─── 从头算法在巴豆醛的双自由基反应CIDNP研究中的应用

80、Croton limitincola ─── n. 疏齿巴豆

81、Extracting the Pesticide Components from Croton tiglium and Preliminary Study of its Biological Activity ─── 巴豆中农药活性物质的提取及其药效初探

82、Effects of power and extract of Croton tiglium on control of Sitophilus zeamais ─── 巴豆粉及其溶剂提取物对玉米象的防治效果

83、A tropical shrub or tree(Croton eluteria) native to the West Indies and northern South America, having a bark that yields an aromatic, spicy oil used as a flavoring and fragrance. ─── 加斯加利刺原产于西印度群岛和南美洲北部的一种热带灌木或乔木(苦香树巴豆属),其树皮产一种可用作调味品和芳香剂的辛辣香味油

84、Conditions were so bad that New Yorkers adopted a plan to dam the Croton River and transport its water forty miles to the city. ─── 这种糟糕的情况迫使纽约人计划在克劳顿河上建了一个大坝,再把水从四十英里外运到城里。

85、croton aldehyde process ─── [化] 丁烯醛选择精制过程; 丁烯醛选择精制润滑油过程

86、croton bug Blatta ─── 德国蠊



89、then adding proportioned croton oil into croton dreg, and grinding evenly. ─── 然后按比例取巴豆油加到巴豆渣中,研磨混匀。

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