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09-05 投稿


anatomies 发音

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anatomies 中文意思翻译



anatomies 词性/词形变化,anatomies变形

名词复数: anatomies |

anatomies 常用词组

human anatomy ─── [医]人体解剖学

anatomy and physiology ─── 解剖生理学;解剖学与生理学

applied anatomy ─── 应用解剖学

anatomies 相似词语短语

1、anatomizes ─── vt.解剖;仔细分析

2、anatomiser ─── 解剖

3、anatomised ─── v.解剖;剖析(同anatomize)

4、anatomises ─── v.解剖;剖析(同anatomize)

5、anatomists ─── n.解剖学家;剖析者

6、anatomized ─── vt.解剖;仔细分析

7、anatomizer ─── 解剖器

8、anatomise ─── v.解剖;剖析(同anatomize)

9、anatomic ─── adj.组织的;解剖学上的;结构上的

anatomies 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Result and Conclusion Thinner slices, shorter period and more accurate orientation were achieved to highlight the spacial features of the temporal bone, thus facilitating the anatomi... ─── 此技术具有切片薄、制片周期短、定位准确等优点,所得图像既具备切片的细节性,又能反映颞骨的空间特性,对颞骨解剖研究具有重要意义。

2、New thresholds, new anatomies, wine talons. ─── 新的开端,新的构建,葡萄酒的爪子。

3、He wrote about people, people in their stressed psychic anatomies , and, as he aged, people in history and society. ─── 他写那些处在紧张精神状态中的人,成年后写历史和社会中的人。

4、It lengthways hackles the notion of scientific literacy and breadthwise anatomies the senior high school students" scientific literacy, from the angle of theoretical analysis. ─── 从理论分析的角度,纵向梳理科学素养概念,横向剖析中学生科学素养。

5、This paper mainly anatomies the structure of ARK identifier, describes how to name the digital resources with ARK, introduces the character and quality control of ARK. ─── 主要对ARK标识符的结构进行了剖析,阐述了如何利用ARK对数字资源进行命名,并介绍了ARK的特点及质量控制。

6、Keywords Bile duct stone Biliary ductal anatomies; ─── 胆道结石;胆道解剖;

7、Tragic Anatomies 1996 consists of a group of sexually-mutated child mannequins with genitalia sprouting from unlikely places, naked except for a pair of Nike trainers. ─── 《解剖的悲剧》,1996,是一个由一群性别变异的小孩模型所组成的作品,它们的生殖器从身体个别的地方长出,光着身体,除了脚上的耐克球鞋。

8、For instance, modern anatomies tell us that the first vertebra is called Atlas because it holds up the head. ─── 例如,现在解剖学告诉我们,主脊椎骨被称为阿特拉司,因为它支撑头颅。

9、The fourth part analyses the abuse of the enterprise-owned school, mainly anatomies modern enterprise system’s influence on the enterprise-owned school. ─── 第四部分分析了企业办学的弊端,重点剖析了现代企业制度对企业办学的影响。

10、In Chapter three, the thesis analyses concretely anatomies some pairs of Philosophy categories such as sensibility and logos, inevitability and chanciness, exc. ─── 第三章在紧密结合新闻报道需要遵循的原则的基础上,具体剖析了感性与理性、必然性与偶然性等几对哲学范畴,为其寻找哲学上的理论依据。

11、lt's just a matter of certain adaptations in their anatomies, specifically in their circulatory system. ─── 这只是它们在解剖学上,特别是循环系统上的某些适应性问题。

12、Given the very different anatomies of the human and chimpanzee larynx , the Gardners suspected that previous experiments had failed because chimps are physically incapable of speech. ─── 由于人类和黑猩猩喉咙的结构不同,卡德勒夫妇认为前人研究的失败是因为黑猩猩生理上就无法说话。

13、He wrote about people, people in their stressed psychic anatomies, and, as he aged, people in history and society. ─── 他写那些处在紧张精神状态中的人,成年后写历史和社会中的人。

14、The most powerful response to my work has come from people who have unusual anatomies themselves, and have never before seen such bodies portrayed as beautiful. ─── 对我作品最有力的支持来自那些自身有着残缺的人们,在此之前他们从未见人把这样的身体定义为美。

15、Man and ape have comparable anatomies. ─── 人类与人猿有类似的构造。

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