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09-05 投稿



inveighed 发音

英:[?n?ve?d]  美:[?n?ve?d]

英:  美:

inveighed 中文意思翻译



inveighed 词性/词形变化,inveighed变形

名词: inveigher |动词过去分词: inveighed |动词过去式: inveighed |动词现在分词: inveighing |动词第三人称单数: inveighs |

inveighed 相似词语短语

1、inveigles ─── vt.诱骗;诱使

2、inveigler ─── inveigler公司

3、inveigle ─── vt.诱骗;诱使

4、unweighed ─── [计量]未称量过的

5、inveigled ─── vt.诱骗;诱使

6、inveigher ─── n.漫骂者;抨击者

7、neighed ─── v.(马)嘶鸣;(人)发马嘶般的声音;n.马嘶声

8、inveighs ─── vi.痛骂;漫骂;猛烈抨击

9、inveigh ─── vi.痛骂;漫骂;猛烈抨击

inveighed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It was not only Osama bin Laden who inveighed against the “crusader” armies, spreading “like locusts” through the holy land of Arabia. ─── 还有反对“十字军”军队的本拉登,在阿拉伯圣地上,像“蝗虫”一样蔓延扩张。

2、The detective had, indeed, good reasons to inveigh against the bad luck which pursued him ─── 说实在话,一点也不能怪费克斯咒骂他一再碰上的坏运气。

3、Relatives of the victims (pictured above) inveighed against the killers. ─── 受害者的亲属(如上图)对这些残忍的刽子手谩骂不止。

4、To speak loudly and vehemently; inveigh. ─── 慷慨陈词;猛烈抨击

5、They inveighed against slavery, concubinage, foot binding, arranged marriage, cruel punishments, and the use of opium. ─── 他们痛骂了反对奴隶制, 非法同居, 脚捆绑, 被安排的婚姻, 残暴的处罚, 并且对鸦片的用途。

6、Many speaker inveighed against the proposal in meeting. ─── 大会上许多的发言人强烈抨击了这项提案。

7、"The poisons generated by remorse inveigh against the system, and eventually produce marked physical deterioration. To these Hurstwood was subject. " ─── 由悔恨产生的毒素侵袭着身体组织,最终造成明显的体质恶化。这种情况正在赫斯渥身上发生。

8、inveigh against God, destiny, the elements, the system ─── 亵渎上帝、 咒骂命运、 诅咒天气、 抨击该制度.

9、The people inveighed against the traitorous treaty ─── 人民痛斥那个卖国条约。

10、The Comintern propagandas had inveighed against the Nazi menace for years ─── 多年来共产国际的宣传猛烈抨击纳粹的威胁。

11、Newspapers of the day inveighed, nastily, against what one called an "unnecessarily imported" crisis of "ethnic criminality" . ─── 当时的报纸猛烈甚至地抨击了被称作“不必要的引进”的关于“种族犯罪”的危机。

12、It was not only Osama bin Laden who inveighed against the "crusader" armies, spreading "like locusts" through the holy land of Arabia. ─── 还有反对“十字军”军队的本拉登,在阿拉伯圣地上,像“蝗虫”一样蔓延扩张。

13、inveigh against bureaucracy ─── 指责官僚主义

14、They inveighed against the unscientific procedures ─── 他们强烈反对违反科学的程序。

15、Charles Schumer, a prominent Democratic senator, has inveighed against it, claiming it is just what drug dealers have been waiting for. ─── 杰出的民主党参议员查尔斯·斯舒默强烈抗议反对比特币,称这正是毒品交易者所期待的。

16、Hayek inveighed against the mechanical and uncritical application of the quantitative methods of natural science . ─── 哈耶克猛烈抨击了机械和轻率地将自然科学中定量方法应用于经济学的尝试。

17、The poisons generated by remorse inveigh against the system, and eventually produce marked physical deterioration. ─── 由悔恨产生的毒素侵袭着身体组织,最终造成明显的体质恶化。

18、After Ludwig Feuerbach had inveighed against the whole philosophy-metaphysics, Max Stirner again declared a war against philosophy-metaphysics, particularly aiming at Ludwig Feuerbach. ─── 在费尔巴哈对整个哲学—形而上学进行了猛烈抨击之后,施蒂纳又特别地针对费尔巴哈再度向哲学—形而上学宣战。

19、Inveigh against corrupt officials ─── 痛骂贪官污吏

20、Dynamic "2002 Korean-Japanese World Cup" end some time, some of the World Cup concluded, victory, slander, inveigh also temporarily come to an end. ─── 轰轰烈烈的“2002年韩日世界杯”结束已有时日,一些有关世界杯的总结、庆功、诋毁、漫骂等也暂告一段落。

21、They inveighed against this unscientific procedure. ─── 他们痛骂这种违背科学的程序。

22、Marx inveighed against the evils of the property-owning classes. ─── 马克思猛烈抨击了有产阶级的罪恶。INVETERATE:根深蒂固的,顽固不化的 He was an inveterate gambler.

23、Candidates for state and federal office alike inveighed against Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. ─── 州和联邦办公室候选人都猛烈地抨击巴拉克.奥巴马、南希佩洛西和哈里.瑞德。

24、Bahrainis of both sects have inveighed against corruption, inequality and their toothless parliament. ─── 两个派系的巴林人民都猛烈抨击官员贪污、不平等和没有实权的国会。

25、to inveigh against bureaucracy ─── 猛烈抨击官僚主义

26、Inveigh against hegemonism ─── 痛斥霸权主义

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