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09-05 投稿



follies 发音


英:  美:

follies 中文意思翻译



follies 网络释义

n. 罪恶;时事讽刺剧(folly的复数形式)

follies 短语词组

1、Ziegfeld Follies ─── [网络] 齐格菲歌舞团;齐格飞富丽秀;齐格飞歌舞团

2、follies beach rentals ─── 福利斯海滩出租酒店

3、follies magazine ─── 福利斯杂志

4、folli follies ─── 疯狂的愚蠢行为

5、follies define ─── 愚蠢定义

6、follies definition ─── 愚蠢的定义

7、follies sondheim ─── 愚蠢的桑德海姆

8、follies broadway ─── 百老汇的蠢事

9、follies musical ─── 愚蠢的音乐剧

10、follies bergere in paris ─── 巴黎卑尔根的蠢货

follies 词性/词形变化,follies变形


follies 相似词语短语

1、folkies ─── n.民谣歌唱家;民间音乐演奏者;民谣爱好者

2、folles ─── 被单

3、collies ─── n.柯利牧羊犬(collie的复数);v.(用煤烟、烟灰)把…弄黑(colly的第三人称单数)

4、fellies ─── n.轮辋,轮缘;外轮,轮圈;扇形轮缘

5、gollies ─── int.天哪(表示惊讶);n.一滩唾沫;黑脸短发布娃娃;v.吐口水;n.(Golly)(美、法、德、波、加)戈利(人名)

6、dollies ─── 手推车

7、foulies ─── 犯规

8、follis ─── 福利斯(人名)

9、fillies ─── n.小雌马,小母马(通常未满四岁);活泼的小姑娘;n.(Filly)人名;(法)菲伊

follies 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Mr. Darcy:I find it hard to forgive the follies and vices of others, or their offences against me. My good opinion, once lost, is lost forever. ─── 达西先生:我很难原谅别人的愚蠢和恶行,或他们对我的冒犯,我认为一旦犯错就不得翻身。

2、Their master, the King, was indulgent to their follies and sure to remit their fines. ─── 他们的主子国王既然纵容他们的种种蠢行,一定也会豁免他们的罚金。

3、Learn wisdom by trap follies of mousehumslightlyes struggle. ─── 从旁人的愚行初中等级中等学院到聪明。

4、Like others who had a Puritan education, I had the habit of meditating on my sins, follies, and shortcomings. ─── 像旁的受过清教徒教育的人一样,我惯对自己的罪守,愚妄和失败,作种种的冥想。

5、"Neo-liberalism made useful points in its critique of vested interests, of bureaucratic follies[and] of credentialism" (Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.) ─── “新自由主义在其对既得权益、官僚思想 文凭主义的批判中起了有效的作用” (小阿瑟M.施莱辛格)

6、Love is blind, and lovers cannot see the pretty follies that themselves commit. ─── 爱情是盲目的,恋人看不到自己所做的那些可爱的傻事。

7、For now, commodity producers are the winners from the developed world's attempt to escape the follies of its financial system. ─── 目前看来,在发达国家试图逃避自身金融体系“蠢行”的过程中,大宗商品出口国成了赢家。

8、Love is blind, and lovers cannot see the pretty follies that they themselves commit. ─── 爱情是盲目的,而恋人无法看见他们自己做的荒唐蠢事。

9、I gave my new mistress a carriage and jewels, I gambled and, in a word, committed all the follies which a man in love with a woman like Olympe normally commits. ─── 我送了一辆马车和一些首饰给我新结交的情妇。

10、My reconcilement to the kind in general might not be so difficult, if they would be content with those vices and follies only which nature has entitled them to. ─── 如果“野猢”这个种族满足于大自然赋予他们的那些罪恶与愚蠢,我同它们的和解就不会太困难。

11、Perkins said. It rallied because the federal government announced that it would rescue Wall Street from its own subprime follies, he said. ─── 他说,高盛股价反弹是因为联邦政府宣布会拯救华尔街,为华尔街在次级抵押贷款的愚蠢投资买单。

12、Learn wisdom by the follies of others. ─── 从旁人的愚行中学到聪明。

13、We spend half our lives unlearning the follies transmitted to us by our parents,and the other half transmitting our own follies to our offspring. ─── 我们把半生花费于抛弃传自父母的愚行,又把余下的半生花费于传授自己的愚行给子孙。

14、The follies which a man regrets the most in his life are those which he didn't commit when he had the opportunity. ─── 人一生中最后悔的傻事是那些有机会做却没有做的事。

15、For Thee alllhe follies Dating f sin I resign; ─── 世上罪中宴乐,为你愿舍弃;

16、A man loses his illusions first, his teeth second, and his follies last. ─── 人会首称丧失其幻想、继而失其牙齿、最后才失掉愚行。

17、I find it hard to forgive the follies and vices of others;or their offences against me. My good opinion:once lost,lost forever. ─── 我发现,要原谅别人的无知及罪恶真的很难;或是他们对我的侵犯。我的良心建议:一步错,步步错。

18、Love is blind ,and lovers can not see the pretty follies that themselves commit . ─── 爱情是盲目的,、它使情侣们堕入情网而不见其痴。

19、Learn wisdom by the follies of others . ─── 从别人干的傻事中学习有益的东西。

20、I find it hard to forgive the follies and vices of others, ─── 要原谅别人的无知及罪恶真的很难

21、We are all full of weakness and errors; let us mutually pardon each other our follies - it is the first law of nature. ─── 我们毛病都不少,错误也很多,让我们相互原谅,原谅各自的愚蠢吧。这是最最重要的原则。...

22、A momentary hush; the orchestra leader varies his rhythm obligingly for her, and there is a burst of chatter as the erroneous news goes around that she is Gilda Gray's understudy from the Follies. ─── 短暂的安静;乐队指挥亲切地为她变换节奏,当她是吉尔达·格雷在《愚蠢》里的替补演员的错误消息传开时,大家议论纷纷。

23、The follies of the nouveaux riches are fun but eventually pall. ─── 暴发户上演的荒唐剧虽颇有趣味,但终究会令人生厌。

24、his college days, his follies; ─── 大学的岁月,他搞的恶作剧;

25、But we are charming in our irrationality, our inconsistencies, our follies, our sprees and holiday gaieties, our prejudices, bigotry and forgetfulness. ─── 我们凡人的魅力正在于我们的不理性,我们的前后不一,我们的蠢笨,我们的狂纵作乐节假欢欣,我们的成见、偏执和健忘。

26、Happy is he who knows his follies in his youth ─── 记得青年时所做的愚笨事的人是幸福的

27、You'll pay later for your follies. ─── 你以後要为你的愚蠢行动付出 代价的。

28、42、Happy is he who knows his follies in his youth. ─── 记得年轻的时候所做的愚蠢事的人是幸福的。

29、Happy is he who knowingings his follies in his youth. ─── 记得年轻时所作蠢事的人是开心的。

30、Yet there is an even greater risk: that the politicians now contemplating Wall Street's follies draw the wrong conclusions and take the wrong decisions, losing their confidence in markets altogether. ─── 但还有一种更大的风险:正在思考华尔街蠢行的政客们,可能由于完全丧失对市场的信心,而得出错误的结论,并作出错误的决定。

31、110. Love is blind, and lovers cannot see the pretty follies that themselves commit. ─── 爱情是盲目的,情侣们往往看不见他们自己所犯下的愚蠢错误。

32、Still Kicking: The Fabulous Palm Springs Follies ─── 元气十足:美妙的棕榈

33、This, however, formed a part of the bitter cup which she was doomed to drink, to atone for crimes and follies to which she had no accession ─── 可是,这是她命中注定要喝的一杯苦酒,从而清偿与她毫不相关的罪过和愚蠢。

34、A momentary hush; The orchestra leader varies his rhythm obligingly for her, and there is a burst of chatter as the erroneous news goes around that she is Gilda Gray's understudy from the FOLLIES. ─── 片刻的寂静,乐队指挥殷勤地为她改变了拍子,随后突然响起了一阵叽叽喳喳的说话声,因为有谣言传开,说她是巡演剧团的吉尔德 - 格雷的替角。

35、The old man felt regret for the follies of his youth. ─── 老人很後悔他年轻时的愚行。

36、The experience taught me the follies of being a cultural purist. ─── 这段经历告诉我,文化纯粹主义是不明智的。

37、Second, over the past 30 years, regardless of the follies that we have committed, we have laid a preliminary material foundation for industry, agriculture, science and technology, thus creating a basis for achieving the four modernizations. ─── 第二条,三十年来,不管我们做了多少蠢事,我们毕竟在工农业和科学技术方面打下了一个初步的基础,也就是说,有了一个向四个现代化前进的阵地。

38、When you work for yourself, you'll benefit from all your gains, and you'll suffer from all of your follies. ─── * 当你为自己工作的时候,你会从全部所得中获益,也会为所有愚蠢行为承担后果。

39、In their conversations, the author reveals his own views about the follies of mankind and the simple truths that people seem to forget as they grow older. ─── 我这样做有三个首要的理由,其一是:这个大人是我在人世间最要好的朋友;其二是:这个大人什么都能明确,就连那些给孩子们写的书都能看懂;

40、With your good sense, you could be so honestly blind to the follies and nonsense of others! ─── 凭你这样一个聪明人,竟会忠厚到看不出别人的愚蠢和无聊!

41、Maybe I find it hard to forgive the follies and vices of others or offences against me. My good opinion once lost, is lost forever. ─── 也许因为我认为要原谅这样的不敬很难,特别是那些对我的攻击。我的好意见总是稍纵即逝。

42、Regretted the follies of his youth. ─── 为他年轻时的愚蠢行为而后悔

43、Love is blind ,and lovers can not see the pretty follies that themselves commit. ─── 爱情是盲目的,情侣们堕入其中而不见其行痴。

44、People said love is blind,hundreds of thousands of loverscannot see the pretty follies that themselves commit.It isimpossible to be wise in love,No fool like being inlove. ─── 人们说爱情是盲目的,它使千千万万的情侣们堕入情网而不见其痴。爱令人智昏,没有比恋爱中的人更傻的了!

45、Learn wisdom by the follies of others ─── 要从别人的愚行中学到聪明

46、How surprised we should be to see everyone committing follies of which we have been so ashamed and so anxious to hide from the eyes of all! ─── 看到人们都在干我们一直在干的蠢事,我们该多么惊讶啊!我们一直对自己干的蠢事感到羞愧,一直在竭力掩饰、想让它们躲过所有的眼睛。

47、If you simplify your English, you are freed from the worst follies of orthodoxy. ─── 如果你简化你的英语,你就不会有正统说教的最蠢笨的做法。

48、With your good sense, you could be so honestly blind to the follies and nonsense of others! ─── 凭你这样一个聪明人,竟会忠厚到看不出别人的愚蠢和无聊!

49、The love makes people to commit imprudences, follies and different stupid things. ─── 爱使人们轻率,做出各种不同荒唐又愚蠢之事。

50、A man whose youth has no follies will in his maturity have no power. ─── 少小不淘气,长大没权力。

51、The concessions risk prolonging some follies. ─── 这些让步将带来延长这出闹剧的危险。

52、Love is blind to the pretty follies that themselves commit. ─── 爱是盲目的,恋人们看不见自己所干的可爱的傻事。

53、In his previous work, "Dot. Con" , which came out in 2002, he chronicled the follies of the stockmarket bubble of the late 1990s. ─── 在他的上一本作品,2002年出版的《互联网经济:非理性的繁荣》中,他以时间顺序记录了20世纪90年代末期股市泡沫中出现的种种不靠谱。

54、Follies and nonsense, whims and inconsistencies do divert me, I own, and I laugh at them whenever I can. ─── 愚蠢和无聊,荒唐和矛盾,这的确叫我觉得好笑,我自己也承认,我只要能够加以讥笑,总是加以讥笑。

55、Some of the follies these Indians, Bangladeshis, Chinese and Filipinos build will not earn much return, but at least they help spread the wealth around. ─── 许多来自印度,孟加拉国,中国和菲律宾的劳工们虽然不能挣到很多,但他们也分享了这笔财富。

56、I cannot forget the follies and vices of others so soon as I ought, nor their offences against myself. ─── 别人的愚蠢和过错我本应该赶快忘掉,却偏偏忘不掉;人家得罪了我,我也忘不掉。

57、He eulogizes humor immensely, thinking that humor goes with good sense and the reasonable spirit, plus some subtle power of the mind in detecting inconsistencies and follies and bad logic. ─── 人们常说外语是工具,但究竟把外语看成怎样一种工具,其实是颇能体现出一个人的思维境界的。

58、The follies which a man regrets most in his life are those which he does not commit when he has the opportunity. ─── 人在一生中最后悔的失策就是有机会干傻事而没干。

59、Young women have committed similar follies often before, and have repented them in poverty and obscurity often before. ─── 这类蠢事年轻的女人以前也干过,等到陷入贫穷与卑微的境地以后又总懊悔。

60、1 The old man smiled sadly as he remembered the (follies) of his 8tth. ─── 老头儿笑得很悲伤,当他想起年青时的蠢事.

61、Really, people do commit altogether too many follies. ─── 真的,傻事儿干得太多了。

62、All her follies have, we believe, been told. ─── 我们相信,她干的蠢事已经全部说了。

63、The writings of Swift mocked the follies of his age . ─── 斯威夫特的作品嘲弄了他那个时代的愚人。

64、He has given up youthful follies. ─── 他不再做年轻人的荒唐事了。

65、Love is blind, and lovers can not see the pretty follies that themselves commit. ─── 爱情是盲目的,、它使情侣们堕入情网而不见其痴。

66、They are imbrued with the follies of youth. ─── 他们满脑子都是年轻人的傻念头。

67、Follies were particularly in vogue in England in the 18th and early 19th century. ─── 装饰性建筑在18世纪和19世纪初期的英格兰尤为盛行

68、His follies come to mind along with his kindnesses ─── 他的愚蠢行为和仁慈之心一起涌现在脑海里。

69、Lu the long run, you have to pay the price for your follies. ─── 你最终要为你的愚蠢付出代价。

70、To get back one's youth, one has merely to repeat one's follies. ─── 想恢复青春,只要重犯旧过就行。

71、Taken in hand13 by a quick-talking guide who hustled us through the rococo and Victorian follies of the Disney-esque architectural park, I longed for the tranquil pace of the Chao Phraya. ─── 接待我们的是一个口齿伶俐的导游,他领着我们匆匆穿过浮华纤巧的洛可可式和华而不实的维多利亚式的有迪斯尼动画建筑色彩的公园,我却渴望着湄南河的宁静节奏。

72、I am not suggesting that the US should embrace Europe's interventionist follies. ─── 我不是说美国应当实行欧洲那种费力不讨好的干涉主义政策。

73、The follies which a man regrets most in his life are those which he didn't commit when he had the opportunity. ─── 人在一生中最后悔的失策就是,有机会干傻事而没干。

74、Yet his mistakes and follies notwithstanding, Russia’s claim that it was “enforcing peace” is preposterous. ─── 尽管由于他的愚蠢铸成大错,但俄国“维持和平”的要求仍是荒谬的。

75、Will Venice be remembered for films or follies? ─── 威尼斯电影节落下帷幕令人难忘的是电影还是闹剧?

76、Vintage Our Gang Comedy Short Dog Daze and Classic MGM Cartoon Jitterbug Follies ─── 经典时事讽刺喜剧短片

77、Happy is he who knows his follies in his youth. ─── 记得年轻时所作蠢事的人是幸福的。

78、" In response to the lack of integrity and moral sense, Dong Lin School proposed to correct the academic styles and the follies of people's minds through their lectures. ─── 他们针对彼时乡愿的无气节廉耻及缺乏是非善恶观念,提倡以讲学正学术来救正彼时学术与人心之不正。

79、Always be ready to accept your mistakes. All great men are capable of doing that. Be the bigger man and apologise for your follies. ─── 随时准备承认自己的错误。所有大人物都擅于此道。做有品行的人,为自己的愚蠢道歉吧。

80、Ranked in rows along the broad stairs at the Prada store in SoHo, they resembled a Ziegfeld Follies tableau, said a shopper who happened to be there when the incident occurred. ─── 他们沿著索霍区普拉达店里的宽阔的台阶排列著,像是齐格飞尔德活报剧的场景,一位事故发生时恰巧在这里的顾客说。

81、But saving Wall Street from its follies is not the Fed's objective. ─── 但是,把华尔街从其愚蠢行为中拯救出来,并不是美联储的目标。

82、With your good sense, to be honestly blind to the follies and nonsense of others!Affectation of candour is common enough;-- one meets it every where. ─── 你是这么有判断力的人,怎么会忠厚的看不到他人的愚蠢和无聊呢,现在的人真是够故作正直的了。

83、The mouth of a fool boils forth follies ─── 蠢人嘴里说出来的尽是蠢话。

84、We decry men who ruin themselves for actresses and kept women; what surprises me is that they do not commit twenty times as many follies for them. ─── 人们都谴责那些为了女戏子和妓女而倾家荡产的人,使我奇怪的倒是,他们怎么没有更进一步地为这些女人做出更加荒唐的事来呢。

85、Women who do not fit into the community are still sometimes burned as witches. Lesbians are gang-raped to "cure" them of their follies. ─── 那些不合群的女性有时依然会被灼伤毁容,女同性恋者则会被群奸来“洗清”她们这种罪恶。

86、One could have called it a comedy if one were following the travails of Ron Artest and Derek Fisher in a subplot that might be entitled, The Ejection Follies. ─── 对于阿泰和费舍尔“辛勤劳动”的小插曲,你完全有权利把它看成一场闹剧。

87、Becky was just lecturing Mrs. Osborne upon the follies which her husband committing. ─── 蓓基正在对奥斯本太太训话,说她丈夫尽做糊涂事。

88、He grew out of his youthful follies ─── 他年纪渐大,不再做少年时的蠢事了。

89、On the contrary, you try to convey enlightenment and its path to people so they will all become free from their follies. ─── 相反地,你要努力于传达圆觉及觉道给人们,以便于他们都能从他们的愚蠢中解脱出来。

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