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09-05 投稿


beleaguered 发音

英:[b??li?ɡ?d]  美:[b??li?ɡ?rd]

英:  美:

beleaguered 中文意思翻译



beleaguered 词性/词形变化,beleaguered变形

动词过去式: beleaguered |名词: beleaguerment |动词过去分词: beleaguered |动词第三人称单数: beleaguers |动词现在分词: beleaguering |

beleaguered 短语词组

1、beleaguered antonym ─── 四面楚歌的反义词

2、beleaguered bees ─── 被围困的蜜蜂

3、beleaguered city ─── 四面楚歌的城市

4、beleaguered definition ─── 围困定义

5、beleaguered defined ─── 四面楚歌

6、beleaguered by ─── 四面楚歌

7、beleaguered define ─── 陷入困境的定义

beleaguered 相似词语短语

1、belabored ─── vt.痛打;抨击;过度说明;反复讨论

2、beleaguering ─── v.包围,围攻;使处于困境,困扰

3、beleaguerments ─── 贝尔盖朗

4、beleaguerment ─── 围攻

5、beavered ─── n.海狸;海狸皮毛;n.(Beaver)人名;(英)比弗

6、beleaguerer ─── 围攻者

7、belaboured ─── vt.痛打;不断辱骂和嘲弄

8、beleaguers ─── v.包围,围攻;使处于困境,困扰

9、beleaguer ─── v.包围,围攻;使处于困境,困扰

beleaguered 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Kohlberg Kravis Roberts, a large buy-out firm, is said to be mulling an investment in National City, a beleaguered Indiana-based bank. ─── 据称,大型收购公司KKR正在考虑对位于印地安那州的陷入困境的国民城市公司进行注资。

2、But Chinese consumers are unlikely to bail out the beleaguered toy industry. ─── 然而中国消费者不大可能拯救陷入困境的玩具业。

3、This unity, however, can be achieved only if we avoid the unproductive tendency of some to search for scapegoats among the victims, such as the beleaguered teachers. ─── 只有我们能够避免在牺牲品中搜索替罪羊这种徒然的工作,才能实现这种统一。

4、The rescue effort eventually proved futile, and all Hansen's men could do was hold open a bridgehead to receive their beleaguered colleagues. ─── 汉森的人所能做的就是坚守桥头堡来接应他们的战友。

5、In the far south, British forces fought on the fringes of the beleaguered city of Basra, while the first substantial relief convoy reached the Iraqi port of Umm Qasr on Wednesday after weathering a blinding sandstorm. ─── 在南方,英军正在被围困的巴士拉郊外战斗,第一批救援物资在令人不见五指的沙尘暴天气后于周三已经到达伊拉克港口乌姆盖斯尔。

6、The Bush administration has belatedly tried to rally its allies and to bolster such beleaguered figures as the Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, and the prime ministers of Lebanon and Iraq. ─── 布什政府试图重新团结它的盟友及帮助身陷围攻的人物,如巴勒斯坦总统阿巴斯及黎巴嫩和伊拉克的总理,但为时已晚。

7、For months the beleaguered garrison refused to surrender ─── 一连数月,被围困的驻军都拒绝投降。

8、German Europhiles feel beleaguered. ─── 德国的亲欧派感到四面楚歌。

9、But that may not be enough to help beleaguered consumers and businesses get a flagging recovery back on track. ─── 不过,这可能不足以帮助陷入困境的消费者和企业使乏力的复苏恢复势头。

10、Aided only by his own devoted Warsong clan, Hellscream continued to wage an underground war against the oppression of his beleaguered people. ─── 在他的战歌氏族的帮助下,地狱咆哮为解放他那些被压迫的同胞而不懈战斗。

11、-- it is not IT's project, nor the outsourcers' project, nor the responsibility of a single beleaguered and perhaps junior business project sponsor or analyst. ─── -这不是它的项目,也不是外包'的项目,也不是责任,一个单一的困扰,也许初级业务,项目单位或分析师。

12、The president declared that it was important to send a univocal message of support to the beleaguered country. ─── 总统宣称对处于困境中的国家,明确表示支持是很重要的。

13、We are beleaguered by problems. ─── 我们被许多困难所困扰

14、For months, beleaguered American consumers have defied expert forecasts that they would soon succumb to the pressures of falling home prices, fewer jobs and shrinking paychecks. ─── 几个月以来,困惑的美洲的消费者藐视专家关于他们不久将屈服于低价倾销内倾的价格、减少的工作机会和缩水的支票的压力的预测。

15、Enemy troops beleaguered the city. ─── 敌军围困该城。

16、The beleaguered party leader was forced to resign. ─── 那位饱受指责的政党领导人被迫辞职。

17、Simultaneously, Soviet and Mongolian forces attacked Yamagata's battalion, preventing it from assisting the beleaguered Azuma unit which by nightfall had exhausted its ammunition. ─── 同一时间,苏蒙军攻击了山县大队,阻止了他们对被围的东部队的支援,黄昏时,东部队弹药消耗殆尽。

18、Chrysler stumbled after having briefly seemed a beacon for beleaguered Detroit, thanks to its flashy 300C sedan, which was touted as a trendsetting design. ─── 当初,号称采用了引领潮流的新设计的300C豪华轿车的出现,让陷入重围的使底特律总部能稍微松了口气,但之后克莱斯勒步履蹒跚。

19、In the UK, Lord Mandelson recently asked Rothschild to advise on the future of Britain's beleaguered car industry. ─── 在英国,曼德尔森勋爵最近向家族问策,希望挽救国内饱受诟病的汽车业。

20、She beleaguered him with pleas for forgiveness. ─── 她缠着他要求宽恕。

21、Beleaguered Georgian president Eduard Shevardnadze resigns following weeks of mass protests over flawed elections. ─── 在因选举作弊而引发的持续数周的群众抗议后,被围攻的乔治亚州州长艾多尔德·施瓦德纳忒兹辞职。

22、The Italian government has announced its schedule to separate the beleaguered Alitalia into two parts, designed to save it from bankruptcy. ─── 意大利政府已宣布计划将陷入困境的意大利航空公司一分为二,以挽救其破产。

23、If you can put a beleaguered , a beleaguered company, group, any of these companies to work, you're talking about Ford, GM, Chrysler, it's really terrific. ─── 如果你能让一个陷入困境的公司,团队,任何这样的公司开始运转,你会谈论福特,通用,克莱斯勒,这真的很令人震惊。

24、In the game, the marines had been beleaguered on Wake after a sneak Japanese attack on Manila ─── 在那次演习中,在日本人偷袭马尼拉之后,威克岛上的海军陆战队就受到了围攻。

25、Warp gates can transport protoss warriors directly to the front lines, instantly send defenders to a beleaguered outpost, or rapidly build up attack groups in unexpected sectors. ─── 传送门能够直接将部队传送到前线,或者传送到被围攻的哨所,或者快速集结特攻部队。

26、In response, three young men - the aristocratic Liu Xuande, the fugitive Lord Guan, and the pig butcher Zhang Fei - met to swear eternal brotherhood and fealty to their beleaguered country. ─── 在回应中, 三个年轻的男人 - 贵族的 刘玄德 ,逃亡的统治者 关和猪屠夫 张飞- 碰到发誓对他们的围国家的永恒手足情谊和忠诚。

27、Thailand's central bank hopes to help the country's beleaguered exporters by allowing more investment overseas part of a strategy to cheapen the Thai baht. ─── 泰国中央银行希望通过扩大海外投资达到泰铢贬值的目的,从而给处境困难的出口商提供帮助。

28、beleaguered pound sterling ─── 处于困境的英镑

29、He has tantalized Russia's beleaguered liberals with rhetoric about freedom, rooting out corruption and modernizing the economy. ─── 他一直用自由、铲除腐败和经济现代化的言论吸引俄罗斯陷入困境中的自由主义者。

30、It will be interesting to see how beleaguered coach Lawrence Frank , a stickler for defense, handles this problem. ─── 看看饱受争议的主帅弗兰克如何处理这个问题,这将非常有趣.

31、There have been seven coup attempts against the beleaguered government. ─── 已有过7次政变企图要颠覆这个饱经风霜的政府。

32、Economist Peter Sperling of Touro College says unemployment figures are likely to continue even higher, despite recent positive indicators from beleaguered sectors of the U.S. economy. ─── 星期五,美国劳工部将报告3月份美国失业率。美国的失业率从过去一年多美国经济出现衰退以来就一直处于上升趋势。

33、But the beleaguered Jews were disunited too: secular, socialist, non-Zionist Jews like him, with ardent Zionists and communists, all bickering over tactics at the edge of the abyss. ─── 处于困境的犹太人也四分五裂:世俗[主义]者、社会主义者、像他那样的非犹太复国者、狂热的犹太复国者、共产主义者,所有这些人在深渊的边缘就出路争吵不休。

34、Her talk offers samples of this memoir about her career, especially her beleaguered time at Hewlett-Packard. ─── 她的演讲提到她的职场回忆录的例子,特别是她在惠普被围攻的日子。

35、On Tuesday May 19th America’s president announced plans to set strict new rules for fuel economy, to the acclaim of environmentalists and the acquiescence of Americas beleaguered car industry. ─── 19日星期二,美国总统宣布制定新的严格的燃料经济办法,这对于环保主义者来讲值得欢呼,但是对于美国的低迷的汽车行业来讲却只能默默地接受。

36、Sichuan Tengzhong, a private Chinese company, is to buy the division of General Motors, a beleaguered American carmaker, that makes the Hummer, a gas-guzzling hulk. ─── 四川腾中,一家私营公司,准备收购处于困境之中的美国汽车制造商通用汽车旗下品牌悍马,悍马以耗油量巨大著称。

37、The film is an original: a moving and courageous tribute from a child to her mother's beleaguered memory. ─── 这部影片是一个原始:一移动,从一个孩子勇敢赞扬她母亲的围困记忆。

38、President Bush said he was imposing the tariff, of up to 30%, to protect America's beleaguered steel industry. ─── 总统布什说他征收的关税高达30%,是为了保护美国多方受困的钢铁工业。

39、The classic characters of the Star Wars saga are now living legends, starring alongside a new generation of heroes in their endless struggle to bring peace to a beleaguered galaxy. ─── 星战小说的经典人物以及他们的事迹已经渐渐远去,留给新一辈人们以他们永无止息的奋斗为饱经战火蹂躏的银河换来和平与安宁。

40、The upshot is fewer new medicines available to ailing patients and more financial woes for the beleaguered pharmaceutical industry. ─── 其结果是病患能用的新药越来越少,而陷入窘境的制药企业面临更严重的经济危机。

41、As you see, you are going from being the sign most beleaguered to the one due to be most blessed! ─── 正如你所见,你将从重重包围中离开并进入最受祝福的那位。

42、Patience, that age-old virtue, finally brought its own reward for the beleaguered Honda team in Hungary. ─── 数年来的耐心让受尽折磨的本田车队终于在匈牙利站为自己带来了回报。

43、Two French security officials were captured by rebels while trying to advise Somalia's beleaguered government in Mogadishu, which is under persistent attack from jihadists. ─── 两法国安全官员在试图与被困于摩加迪沙并受到伊斯兰圣战分子连续攻击的索马里政府通信时被反叛分子绑架。

44、The general's own men were falling sick through continued hardship, so he gave the order to raise the siege on the beleaguered city. ─── 将军手下的人马因长期艰苦而相断病倒,因此他下令中止对该城的围攻。

45、Chinese bargain hunters are preparing to descend on the US cities such as Los Angeles and San Francisco where beleaguered homeowners have suffered some of the steepest price falls in the country. ─── 中国的地产投机商们,如今已经瞄准了诸如洛杉矶和旧金山等一些房价下跌幅度最大的美国城市。

46、The beleaguered U. S. paper industry is also trying to maintain pricing and profitability in the face of surging imports from Asia. ─── 处于困境的美国造纸行业还试图保持的定价和盈利能力在面对进口激增来自亚洲。

47、In some ways, today’s beleaguered FDA is not like yesterday’s. ─── 从某些方面来说,今天的围困林业局不像昨天。

48、But, say insiders, Cardinal Bertone has failed to create a base from which to launch reforms and strikes an increasingly beleaguered figure, unable to impose his will on the Curia. ─── 但是,业内人士说,贝尔托内枢机未能建立一个基地,以推出改革和打击日益围困的数字,无法对他的意志强加在教廷。

49、be beleaguered with annoyance ─── 为烦恼所折磨

50、Now the supply of rental properties is rising as beleaguered owners try to rent out their unsold flats. ─── 现在,因为陷入麻烦的拥有者驶入租出未售出的公寓,租赁物业的供给正不断提升。

51、Now the final endgame events are in play, and we watch with confidence as the 'nooses' descend over the heads of these beleaguered miscreants! ─── 现在最后的最后阶段事件已经上演,我们自信地看着天网徐徐下落到这些作恶多端的瓮中之鳖的头上。

52、Braving intense anti-aircraft fire, Shilling made 37 supply drops to the beleaguered French garrison at Dien Bien Phu. ─── 希林向被围困在奠边府的法国驻军投下了37包供应品。

53、the politically beleaguered Abbas ─── 政治上陷入困境的阿巴斯

54、IF AMERICA'S two beleaguered carmakers, General Motors (GM) and Chrysler, had harboured the hope that Barack Obama would prove a soft touch, any such illusion has been robustly dispelled. ─── 如果美国两家陷入困境的汽车生产商,通用汽车(GM)和克莱斯勒还抱有一丝希望,认为巴拉克.奥巴马容易被说服,那么任何这样的幻想都会遭到破灭。

55、Higher oil prices could hit the beleaguered auto and airline industries. ─── 油价上涨有可能对已深陷困境的汽车和航空业造成打击。

56、Russia has vowed to put a floor under the beleaguered ruble. ─── 俄罗斯宣布对不断贬值的卢布设定下限。

57、The motors division reported stable turnover growth and performance, despite a challenging market environment beleaguered by increases in copper and steel prices, and shortage in labor. ─── 摩打部门虽然因铜及钢的价格攀升,加上劳工短缺,令经营环境变得格外困难,但仍能取得稳定的营业额增长和业绩表现。

58、Some 223,000 people have fled Somalia's beleaguered capital, Mogadishu, since early May, when jihadist rebels attacked government forces there, according to the UN's High Commission for Refugees. ─── 根据联合国难民事务高级专员公署统计,自5月初圣战分子反动武装袭击了首都政府军队以来,已有大约22.3万人逃离遭受围攻的索马里首都摩加迪沙。

59、The beleaguered JT began the year inauspiciously with a tainted food scare, which battered sales in its food division. ─── 在冲击了该公司食品部分销售的污染食品的恐慌中,困顿的日本烟草今年开局不利。

60、Meteorologist are predicting more rain in the coming days, offering little comfort to a beleaguered population. ─── 气象学家预计接下来几天会有更多的降雨,这对四面楚歌的灾区人民来说无疑是雪上加霜。

61、Numerous other property companies around China are similarly beleaguered. ─── 全国各地的开发商都面临着相同的处境。

62、Beleaguered then by Islamists and a tide of public piety, the ostensibly secular government was prone to posing as a defender of orthodoxy. ─── 在那之后,披着世俗外衣的埃及政府受困于伊斯兰主义者和公共敬虔之潮,因此倾向于扮演正统卫士的角色。

63、Thus Madoff posed as a man beleaguered by his own generosity, who took on new clients as a favor to friends. ─── 然后,麦道夫摆出一副因自己慷慨大方之举而困扰不已的样子,他把吸收新客户加入当成对朋友们的帮助。

64、When Montenegrin judges overwhelmingly voted for a boy band from their country, the Serb audience booed the beleaguered singers off the stage. ─── 当黑山共和国的评委们以压倒性地投票支持他们国家的男子乐队时,受到围攻的歌手在塞尔维亚观众的一片倒喝彩声中被轰下了台。

65、But for at least one crisp, clear night, the dreams of a beleaguered generation were improbably fulfilled, and that's all that counted. ─── 但至少有那么一个新鲜松脆,清亮的夜晚,一代人“团结一致”的梦想似乎得到满足,也就是这样。

66、Following the rule of law, he said, even if it results in bonuses and contract payouts for beleaguered and bailed-out companies, is often necessary to avoid panic. ─── 他说,根据法律规定,即使它导致处于困境和接受救助的公司发放奖金和合同分红,这对避免恐慌常常也是必要的。

67、Marriage is like a beleaguered fortress: those who are without want to get in, and those within want to get out. ─── 婚姻象是一座被包围的堡垒:外面的人想要进去,里面的人想要出来。

68、Bad Bugs and Beleaguered Bladders: Interplay between Uropathogenic Escherichia Coli and innate Host Defenses ─── 尿路致病性大肠埃希菌和宿主膀胱防御反应的相互作用

69、If you can put a beleaguered, a beleaguered company, group, any of these companies to work, you're talking about Ford, GM, Chrysler, it's really terrific. ─── 如果你能把一个陷入危机的,任何一个这样的公司重新恢复到正常的轨道上来。

70、The kampfgruppe punched through the Russian front after destroying several tanks, and pushed 48km (30 miles) behind enemy lines to find the beleaguered infantry division. ─── 战斗群在摧毁几辆坦克后突破了苏军的防线,突入敌军纵深48公里(30英里)去寻找被困的步兵师。

71、"We're not convinced splitting the organization ultimately enhances shareholder value, but at least the beleaguered company is trying different things," said RBC Capital Markets analyst Mark Sue. ─── “我们还不能确定将公司一分为二最终能提升股东价值,但是为了扭转公司的颓势我们至少需要尝试不同的东西,”RBC资本市场公司分析师马克苏伊说。

72、People living in the city are beleaguered with countless chores,making them struggling to themselves towards the controdictions inside their hearts. ─── 生活在都市中的人们,每一天都被无比琐屑的事情烦扰着,内心充斥着矛盾的挣扎。

73、Ahead of the election, opposition parties are stepping up their attacks on the beleaguered PM. ─── 大选前,各个反对党正在紧锣密鼓地对已是四面楚歌的首相进行攻击。

74、Een the sunniest, most smugly organic person starts feeling a bit beleaguered after a while. ─── 甚至最有朝气的,对自己身体最自鸣得意的人在一段时间以后也会受到疾病的围攻。

75、As soon as the city was beleaguered, life became more subdued as the citizens began their long wait for outside assistance. ─── 城市一被围困,市内就变得毫无生息,市民引颈盼望外援。

76、But when push comes to shove, beleaguered Israelis often sink their differences and stand together. ─── 但是当外来危机越演越烈,被围困的以色列人通常会抛弃分歧,站在同一条战线上。

77、Boston now will have to rely on the waiver wire to pick up some talent that can help their beleaguered bench. ─── 波士顿也只能依赖在被抛弃球员名单中挑选一些能人来填充替补阵容。

78、When he was pressed to the wall, his romantic streak surfaced and he would see himself as a beleaguered military commander in the tradition of Patton. ─── 当他被逼得走投无路时,他略带浪漫色彩的气质就会表现出来,他就会把自己看作是一位象巴顿将军那样遭到围困的军事指挥官。

79、sometimes snatching children or, more often, women from the beleaguered villages; ─── 他们有时从备受困扰的村庄里抢走孩子,更多情况下掳走妇女。

80、As the Executor of the remaining Protoss forces, you must now attempt to reunite your beleaguered people and save them from the ravenous Zerg who still roam mindlessly across the blackened fields of Aiur. ─── 作为残余神族势力的执行长,一个艰巨的任务摆在你的面前:你要重新集结那些历经艰险的神族同胞们,并将他们救出仍旧被虫族残余势力肆虐的艾尔星球。

81、Most worrying are the signs Tata Group is struggling to put out the fires at its beleaguered group members. ─── 最令人担心的是,塔塔集团为受困的各子公司解围正显出疲态。

82、A new kid moves into school, making enemies with the affluent societies and joining the beleaguered Science Club. ─── 一个转校新生和有钱学生产生矛盾,他参了加被人攻击的科学会。

83、The general's own men were falling sick through continued hardship,so he gave the order to raise the siege on the beleaguered city. ─── 将军手下的人马因长期艰苦而相断病倒,因此他下令中止对该城的围攻。

84、Warp gates can transport protoss warriors directly to the front lines, send defenders to a beleaguered outpost, or build up attack groups in unexpected sectors. ─── 偏位门可以直接把战士传送到前线,将守军传送到被围攻的前哨,或是在意想不到的区域组建攻势。

85、beleaguered by naughty children ─── 受顽皮孩子的烦扰.

86、"Citigroup on Thursday set another milestone as the beleaguered bank dropped below $1 a share, marking the first stock to be offered on the McDonalds value meal. ─── “周四花旗集团又创下一个里程碑,这家处于困境的银行股价跌破1美元,成为第一个麦当劳餐厅特惠菜单上供应的股票。”

87、Her beleaguered nation, one of the most densely populated on earth, lives in the shadow of chronic hunger, which, many experts fear, may threaten the entire world. ─── 她遭到灾难围困的国家是世界上人口最密集的地方,长期受到饥荒的困扰。许多专家担心饥荒可能会威胁到整个世界。

88、Aeneas, with his Etrurian allies, arrived on the scene of action in time to rescue his beleaguered camp ─── 埃涅阿斯和他的厄特鲁利亚盟军及时赶到发生战斗的现场来解救被围困的军营。

89、As you see, you are going from being the sign most beleaguered to the one due to be most blessed! ─── 正如你所见,你将从重重包围中离开并进入最受祝福的那位。

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