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09-05 投稿



haltering 发音


英:  美:

haltering 中文意思翻译




haltering 词性/词形变化,haltering变形

动词过去式: haltered |动词现在分词: haltering |动词第三人称单数: halters |动词过去分词: haltered |名词复数: halteres |

haltering 相似词语短语

1、altering ─── n.变更;v.变更(alter的现在分词)

2、faltering ─── adj.踌躇的,犹豫的;摇晃的,蹒跚的;不太有效的,不太成功的;v.衰退,衰弱;支吾地说,结巴,(嗓音)颤抖;蹒跚,犹豫,畏缩(falter的现在分词)

3、unaltering ─── 不变的

4、-altering ─── n.变更;v.变更(alter的现在分词)

5、chattering ─── n.(机器)颤振,震颤;喋喋不休;(动物发出的)鸣叫声;v.唠叨,饶舌;(因冷或害怕)打战;(动物)鸣叫(chatter的现在分词)

6、sheltering ─── v.掩蔽;收容,提供庇护所(shelter的现在分词);隐蔽;提供住所

7、paltering ─── v.含糊其词;敷衍了事;讨价还价

8、chartering ─── n.租用;v.给予…特权;[车辆][航]包租(charter的ing形式)

9、shattering ─── adj.破碎的;令人震惊的;令人极度疲劳的;非常响亮的;v.打碎;削弱;使震惊;使筋疲力竭(shatter的现在分词)

haltering 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、and, Ventre Saint Dieu!I think is more like one day to deserve the halter himself than to use it to another. ─── 然后他从我们经常提到的那顶帽子周围装饰着的圣像当中挑出克列里圣母像,跪在它面前,作了一次不同寻常的祷告。

2、lead a horse By the halter. ─── 用缰绳牵着马。

3、We must lead an ox by the halter. ─── 牵牛要牵牛鼻子。

4、Mention not a halter in the house of him that was hanged ─── [谚]在有人被吊死的人家,千万别谈起绳子;别提起人家忌讳的东西。

5、Showing up in sexy sundresses and skirt-and-top combos with ruffled edges, wrap waists and halter tops. ─── 奶奶穿过的衣服经常让你爱不释手。

6、To control with or as if with a halter. ─── 用或好象用缰绳控制

7、Name not a halter [rope] in his house that hanged himself. ─── 房里有人吊死,千万别提绳子。

8、To a greedy eating horse a short halter. ─── 贪马须配短缰绳。

9、Halter: Item of equipment worn of the horse's head, enabling to lead the horse. ─── 牵马笼头,戴在马头上的,与牵马缰组合使用。

10、Make sure that the use of any halter or bridle is not causing pressure on cheeks or inducing pain in any way. ─── 确保马笼头和马勒的使用不会对面颊造成压力以及任何方式引起痛苦。

11、Name not a halter in his house that hanged himself. ─── (谚语)房里有人吊死,千万别提绳子。

12、High-quality products: Green naked, rapeseed, and Tibetan clothing and saddle, halter and other famous horses. ─── 名优特产:青裸、油菜籽、藏族服饰和马鞍、马笼头等闻名遐迩。

13、Masters of the gold halter on him and the saddle get pretty down, sold to a driver. ─── 主人把他身上的金笼头和漂亮的鞍子取了下来,卖给了一个车夫。

14、length seersucker gown trimmed with eyelet,or a silk wrap halter dress with pleated skirt in an old-fashioned floral print and silver hoop earrings and dainty espadrilles. ─── 天秤:温柔娇媚、伶俐可爱的服饰都很适合你。长长的拖地泡泡裙,复古风潮的丝质束腰印花褶裙,再配上银质环状耳环和考究的帆布鞋,无不衬托你纯情少女般的柔美魅力。

15、He comes to a tree and lies down in its shade (awaiting death), for he has lost all hope of finding his camel. Then, while he is in that state (of desperation), suddenly it is there before him! So he seizes its halter and cries out ─── 他来到一颗树并躺在树荫下(等死),因为他几乎不可能找到他的骆驼。然后,当他处于那种状态时(绝望),突然骆驼出现在他眼前!然后它抓住骆驼的绳子并大喊:

16、Tony Chi, Manager Halter Financial Group. Products or Services: Financial Cooperation Business Interests Help fast-growing and profitable companies to be enlisted on the US stock market. ─── 美国财务集团合作意向希望帮助经营良好、有发展潜力的中国企业在美国上市。

17、a leather eye-patch sewn to the side of the halter that prevents a horse from seeing something on either side ─── 在笼头边上的一块皮革护眼片,它用来阻止马向两边看

18、obstetrical halter ─── 产科绞索

19、" saying accost lackey comes, bade: " saddle halter discharge, pull that bald ass comes in dozen, and see me hit its labium labrum to also be moved!And see me hit its labium labrum to also be moved!! ─── 说着便招呼仆人来,吩咐道:“把鞍子笼头卸了,牵那秃驴进来打,且看我打它下唇上唇也动!”

20、A white horse, in a halter of gold, Galloping swiftly to the northwest. ─── 白马饰金羁,连翩西北驰。

21、win the mare or lose the halter ─── v. 孤注一掷

22、For example, miniskirts, tight pants, bikinis, and halter tops are considered in good taste only for slim people in good physical shape. ─── 举个例子,超短裙、紧身裤、比基尼和露背吊带装,只有那些身材苗条的人穿上才好石。

23、halter top ─── 三角背心

24、stretch a halter ─── 受绞刑

25、An old thief desire a new halter. ─── 惯盗期盼新绞架。

26、Use Halter to pull head around ─── 用缰绳将牛头拉向一旁

27、To be the host of yourself,control yourself well who like a horse having no rein(halter),without long time temper and stupendous backbone(willpower),you will collapse for your recreance . ─── 如果,要做自己的主人,控制好自己,就简直是面对脱缰的野马。没有多年的修炼,没有超人的毅力,你只能拜倒在自己的懦弱里,成为奴隶。

28、Put the bit of the bridle into the mouth of the horse and put a halter on it as well. ─── 你给这匹马戴上嚼口和笼头。

29、put a halter round one's neck ─── 给自己套上绞索

30、If your bust is large, www.lingeriediva.com/waist is small and hips are curvy, then a strapless gown or a halter will be suitable for you. ─── 第一节两句,表达了诗者自己对论坛关注的决心,“死在这里”其心可与苍天齐表,与论坛共生,对论坛献身。何其了得!

31、Isla Fisher looked at home on the red carpet in her navy halter neck dress set off with a silver clutch. ─── 红地毯上的伊拉·菲舍尔因为一身海军蓝吊带礼服和银色手袋看起来就像在家中一样随意。

32、Info:Detailed Product Description This one piece with halter tie will have you feeling young and fres ...... ─── 主要材质:其它次要材质:其它尺码:全码适用人群:女人

33、When the man saw this he put a halter on the ass at once and gave him back to his owner.the owner felt quite surprised he asked the man,"Why are you back so soon? ─── 当男人看到这情景之后他用缰绳拴着驴子,把它退还给主人。主人感到很惊奇,于是他问男人:“你为什么这么快就回来了?

34、Lead: Item of equipment, enabling to lead and tie the horse with the halter. ─── 牵马缰,于牵马笼头组合用于牵马、栓马。

35、Just like a horse freely galloping without halter, the art is the wind of the artist's spirit to excite his soul. ─── 艺术应是无缰之马,可以自由驰骋,艺术是心灵的风,可以激荡灵魂起伏。

36、He announces on all and indoor market with open air: "If who found that burro, I give this the individual simultaneously with respect to along with halter and saddle. ─── 他在所有室内的和露天的集市上公布:“谁要是找到了那头驴子,我就连同笼头和鞍子一齐送给这个人。”

37、She was dressed in a halter top and shorts. ─── 她穿着三角背心和短裤。

38、a leather eye-patch sewn to the side of the halter that prevents a horse from seeing something on either side. ─── 缝在笼头边上的一块皮革护眼片,它用来阻止马向两边看。

39、halter neckline ─── 三角背心式开领女装

40、They had some trouble once over a halter, and, both being good haters, there was bad blood between them ─── 他们两人以前为了缰绳的事发生过一些龃龉,因为两人都是记仇记恨的人,所以宿怨不能消解。

41、He put it to this of a gold halter, installed an expensive saddle ornate and covered with a woven gold above line. ─── 他让人给这匹骏马套上一副金质的笼头,安上一只昂贵的装饰华丽的鞍子,并披上了一条上面织有金线的丝毯。

42、2. Mention not a halter in the house of him that was hanged. ─── 在有人被吊死的人家,千万别谈起绳子;别提起人家忌讳的东西。

43、A halter and lead rope, to tie your horse or allow him to graze. ─── 一套牵马笼头和牵马缰,用以休息时栓马、让马觅食。

44、for I have savage cause;And to proclaim it civilly, were likeA halter’d neck which does the hangman thankFor being yare about him. ─── 可是他要是听见我说您已经离开了安东尼,把您自己完全置身于他的羽翼之下,尊奉他为全世界的主人,那才会叫他心满意足哩。

45、Male Lions look great in polo shirts, while Lady Leos look smashing in snazzy halter and jersey dresses. ─── 至于运动衫,不论男女,都很衬狮子座人哦。

46、Faux Suede boned corset with hook and eye front, removable halter straps and Laser Burnout detail. Includes matching thong. ─── 朔身马甲2件一套:马甲+内裤,前有拉鍊,方便穿脱,活动式肩带可取下或绑在后颈

47、Win the mare or lose the halter. ─── [谚]孤注一掷。

48、The ass,seeing this,broke loose from his halter and commences prancing about in imitation of the lapdog. ─── 当哈巴狗跳上主人膝盖,主人抚摸它的耳朵时,它会舒服地躺在那儿眨着眼睛。

49、One day, this horse has been closely , he broke free of the halter hard, neighing and then rushed from out there. ─── 一天,这马被紧紧地拴着,他使劲挣脱了笼头,然后嘶鸣着从那里冲了出去。

50、A red print halter top dress with low-cut back or a silky, royal blue-and-purple, above-the-knee sheath dress are party-perfect options. ─── 红色印花外套,配上低胸丝质的皇家蓝紫过膝中裙绝对是你参加时尚派对的完美着装。

51、The lower part of this pink silk halter top is slightly narrow and curved. ─── 本件粉红缎地肚兜,下端较窄,底部成圆弧形度。

52、When the waves raging around, fierce growl, it was realized that the sea savagery and arrogance without halter; ─── 当巨浪汹涌翻滚,猛烈咆哮时,人们体会到的是大海野性与狂妄无羁;

53、Mention not a halter in the house of him that was hanged. ─── [谚]在有人被吊死的人家,千万别谈起绳子; 别提起人家忌讳的东西。

54、Lead a horse by the halter ─── 由缰绳拉马

55、They had had some trouble once over a halter, and, both being good haters, there was bad blood between them. ─── 他们两人以前为了缰绳的事发生过一些龃龉。因为两人都是记仇记恨的人,所以宿怨不能消解。

56、he's like a horse without a halter ─── 他是没笼头的马

57、Two colored boys walk by, leading a mule by the halter ─── 两个黑人小伙子牵着一头驴子走过。

58、Button halter V-neck singlet with a loveable deer's shape diamond at front. Very comfortable cotton material. ─── 开钮设计,穿起来超舒服的布料,V领还可以显瘦哟!

59、A rope or rawhide halter with a wide band that can be lowered over a horse's eyes, used in breaking horses to a bridle. ─── 辔头一种绳索或生皮笼头,带有一条宽带,可以用来遮住马的眼睛,用于勒停马匹

60、head halter traction ─── 头颈部系带牵引

61、Ooh, ooh, the halter with the bare midriff, oh, and my black hip-huggers. ─── 噢,噢,那件像绳索一样,上腹部什么装饰都没有的,并且还显得臀部很大。

63、A red print halter top dress with low-cut back or a silky, royal blue-and-purple, above-the-knee sheath dress are party-perfect options. ─── 红色印花外套,配上低胸丝质的皇家蓝紫过膝中裙绝对是妳参加时尚派对的完美著装。

64、head halter ─── 缚头带

65、 双语使用场景

66、He has made a halter to hang himself. ─── 自做绞索套自己。

67、NIV] A whip for the horse, a halter for the donkey, and a rod for the backs of fools! ─── [和合]鞭子是为打马,辔头是为勒驴,刑杖是为打愚昧人的3背。

68、He put a halter on the horse. ─── 他给马套上了笼头。

69、But what is peculiarly pitiful is that it is the most willing creature on earth, it follows its master like a dog and does not need either bridle or halter . ─── 但更让人可怜的是,它是地球上最任劳任怨的生物,它就像一条狗一样跟着主人,既不需要笼头也不需要缰绳。

70、After a collar comes a halter. ─── 先来些甜头,再给些苦头。

71、come to the halter ─── 被处绞刑

72、halter pulling ─── 一种半硬山羊奶干酪

73、When the man saw this he put a halter on the ass at once, owner. ─── 他把驴牵回家,放在自己其他的驴之间,这驴四处看看,立即走向一边。

74、Buy a horse in the east market, buy a saddle in the west market ,buy a halter in the south market and buy a horsewhip in the north market. ─── 东市买骏马,西市买鞍貉,南市买辔头,北市买长鞭。旦辞爷娘去,暮至黄河边。

75、Lilu halter top features floral prints with shades of light and dark pink. ─── 右胸大的深粉色花朵图案,左胸小的深粉色花朵图案,后部有同样的绣花图案。

76、Art can gallop freely like a horse without halter, Can rage freely through the soul like a wind of heart. ─── 艺术是无缰之马,可以自由驰骋艺术是心灵的风,可以激荡灵魂起伏。

77、The new policy, posted at the jail's front desk, states that women cannot wear halter tops, sleeveless dresses and shirts, see-through garments, revealing dresses, and shorts cut higher than2 inches above the knee. ─── 张贴在监狱接待处的规定草案指出,女性不能身着露背装、袖衣裙、明外套、身裙,以及高于膝盖两英寸的下装。

78、The impatient horse which will not quietly endure his halter only strangles himself in his stall. ─── 不肯耐心忍受羁络的马,结果只是使自己被拴在马厩里。

79、Look elegant on the beach with tumbling, loosely braided curls; wear this style with a silk-chiffon halter gown featuring an open-latticework back and embroidered floral design. ─── 核心提示:新娘发型图库本站推荐新娘流行发型样式,全是经典的杰作,形式多样,肯定有符合您要求的一款,也是众多美容化装师们的参考资料......新娘发型图库(7

80、When the man saw this he put a halter on the ass at once, and gave him back to his owner. ─── 当这个男的看到这种情况,他立刻拉起缰绳,把这头驴还给了它的主人。

81、One day, an old cow broke away from her halter and got into the middle of the only road in the desert, on which the water trucks had to pass. ─── 一天,一只老牛挣脱缰绳,闯到运水车必经的公路上,这是沙漠里唯一的公路。时间一分一秒地过去,人们不知道老牛究竟怎么了。

82、Halter straps tie at the nape. Shirred bodice and back. Constructed with padded bra cups, boning and an inner silicone/elastic band that prevents the back from shifting. ─── 这一款裹胸式吊带裙,面料如真丝般顺滑,却无褶皱的烦恼.采用小礼服设计,暗定型设计,衬托出较好的胸型,高腰设计体现了苗条的身体,可搭配小外套、小批肩,款式新颖时尚。

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