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09-05 投稿



disinterested 发音

英:[d?s??ntr?st?d]  美:[d?s??ntr?st?d]

英:  美:

disinterested 中文意思翻译




disinterested 短语词组

1、disinterested benevolence definition ─── 仁义定义

2、disinterested service ─── 无私服务

3、disinterested uninterested ─── 无利害关系 ─── 无利害关系

4、disinterested forum ─── 无私的论坛

5、disinterested antonym ─── 无私反义词

6、disinterested witness ─── [法] 与案件有利害关系的证人

7、disinterested clue ─── 无私的线索

8、disinterested synonym ─── 无私的同义词

9、disinterested aid ─── 无私援助

10、disinterested vs indifferent ─── 无私与冷漠

11、disinterested crossword ─── 无私纵横填字游戏

12、disinterested assistance ─── 无私的援助

disinterested 词性/词形变化,disinterested变形

名词: disinterestedness |副词: disinterestedly |

disinterested 相似词语短语

1、disinteresting ─── adj.索然无味的;无聊的;v.使无兴趣(disinterest的ing形式)

2、disintegrated ─── adj.分裂的;崩溃的;v.使分解;使碎裂;使崩溃;使衰变(disintegrate的过去式和过去分词)

3、disinterred ─── vt.掘出;发掘;显露

4、disinfested ─── vt.消灭害虫,驱除害虫

5、disinterests ─── n.不关心;无兴趣;vt.使不关心

6、disinvested ─── vi.投资缩减;减资

7、disinherited ─── adj.剥夺继承权的;v.剥夺……继承权(disinherit的过去式和过去分词)

8、disinterest ─── n.不关心;无兴趣;vt.使不关心

9、disinterestedly ─── adv.公正地;无私地;无偏见地

disinterested 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Your works really have caught me inside.Even so they show isolation and disinterest,the feeling of hope and humanity is still dominant. ─── 你的作品抓住了我的心。虽然它们表现了一种逃遁和漠然的情绪,但是希望和人文色彩还是占了上风。

2、Whether it's because of divorce, disinterest, or poor parenting, there's no one else there but us to get up in the middle of the night to cuddle a miserable, frightened child. ─── 不管是离婚、分居或是有没有足够的能力,没有别人,只有我们自己会在半夜里起身哄抱我们那可怜的、害怕着的小宝贝儿。

3、He claimed to be disinterested, but I knew he had an axto grind. ─── 他宣称无私利,但我知道他另有企图。

4、Academics I know, members of the Tiananmen generation, are shocked by some students' disdain for foreigners and, often, disinterest in liberal concepts such as democratization. ─── 他们吃惊地发现一些学生蔑视外国人,对民主化等自由概念漠不关心。

5、For contrary to centuries of interested propaganda and disinterested confusion, the tariff reduces the American level of wages. ─── 与数百年来无数出于自利的宣传与并非出于自利的认识混乱相反,关税降低了美国的工资水平。

6、He's always on the make, I have never known him do a disinterested action. ─── 他这个人一贯都是唯利是图, 我从来不知道他有什么无私的行动。

7、They're giving the impression that they're disconnected, disengaged and disinterested," said Sharon Barclay, editor at UberCEO.com who runs executive PR firm Blue Trumpet Group. ─── 他们给人的感觉是不联系、不参与、也不感兴趣。”

8、"He is so disinterested and kind to offer me all that I can desire," Bathsheba mused. ─── “他是那么善良,毫无私心,把我所能乞求的一切都向我奉献出来了。”巴丝谢芭沉思着。

9、Ten percent might be an understatement considering Williams made 52 unforced errors, committed seven double faults, lost serve nine times and looked disinterested in the final set. ─── 卡拉坦切娃仍然是个孩子,连说话都还难脱稚气:“我现在要试着去控制自己激动的情绪了。如果控制不了,我可能会绕着圈儿的来回跳或者出去吃点儿冰淇淋降降温。”

10、the ineffable ultimate in which one has attained disinterested wisdom and compassion ─── 不可言喻的终极,在此情况下一个人已达到智悲双运的境界

11、He is impartial and disinterested. ─── 他公正无私。

12、He was now playing the role of disinterested host and avuncular mentor ─── 他现在正扮演着慷慨的主人和伯父似的指导人的角色。

13、His unwillingness to give five minutes of his time proves that he is disinterested in finding a ─── 他连自己的五分钟时间都不愿拿出,证明他对这一个解决问题的方法不感兴趣,与前一段统计中不赞成这一同样用法的比率百分之九十三相比,没有什么大的差别

14、A mentor from outside can set problems in a wider context and talk about them in a disinterested, non-confrontational way. ─── 从外面来的导师可以在更宽广的背景下设置问题和用一种无私和非对抗性的方式谈话。

15、His coach Alfredo Sampaio said: 'He was a good kid who was always chatting and laughing ...... his only weaknesses were his heading and his total disinterest in defending. ─── 他的教练alfredosampaio说:“他是个健谈爱笑的好孩子....他唯一的缺点就是顶球及对防守根本不敢兴趣。

16、"It doesn't depend upon her, but upon you. Venture to appear as disinterested as you are," said Mrs. Penniman, ingeniously. ─── “那并不取决于她,而是取决于你。你得尽可能装得对此一点也不感兴趣,”佩尼曼太太很有见识地说。

17、As a general matter, the courts ought to be at least as expert as the agencies in interpreting constitutional and statutory requirements, and they are comparatively disinterested. ─── 作为一般事实,法院在解释宪法要求和法定要求方面至少应该和行政机关一样富有经验,且两者都是比较公正无私的。

18、"The near-term interests of Wall Street were completely integrated into the disinterested crusade to save Western Civilisation," he writes. ─── “华尔街的近期利益已完全融入拯救西方文明的无私征战中,”他写道。

19、Bent looked even more disinterested in the game than Berbatov as he sat behind the bench wearing a pair of earphones. ─── 本特看起来比贝巴更对于这场比赛漠不关心,他坐在替补席后面,戴着一副耳机。

20、It was a purely disinterested operation in the strictest sense of the term, and offered not the slightest chance of profit ─── 从精确的词义上说,这是一项无利可图的工作,没有带来任何利益的机会。

21、So I agree with you, and I am surprised you have found recruiters to be so disinterested. ─── 我同意你的看法,你发现雇人单位对你不感兴趣,我也觉得很吃惊。

22、He must be purposeful and disinterested in a simulataneous mood;as aloof and incorruptible ans an artist,yet sometimes as near as politician. ─── 他必须同时兼具目的性和公平的气质,同时是个冷淡和清廉的艺术家,有时他又类似于一个政客。

23、Jerry's advice appeared to be disinterested. ─── 他的建议似乎是客观公正的。

24、"disinterested scientific opinion on fluorides in the water supply" (Ellen R. Shell) ─── “对饮用水中氟化物的含量作个公正的科学鉴别”(埃伦R.谢尔)

25、Proceed from disinterest of the contents learned , disapproval for teacher's teaching method they adopt the perfunctory behavior to examination. ─── 出于对所学的内容无兴趣,对教师教学方法不认可而采取敷衍行为。

26、18. "How could I make such a proposition, especially to a woman who always professes to be so entirely disinterested?" ─── “我怎么能提出这样的一项建议呢,特别是对一个总自认为对金钱毫无兴趣的女人?”

27、Other "disinterested" neurons became quiet during the maze run, perhaps so as not to bother the critical neural signals. ─── 其他“无私”的神经细胞在迷宫穿行中变得平静,也许为了不打扰重要的神经中枢的信号。

28、Some kids become high-achievers to compensate for their parents' disinterest. ─── 一些孩子努力成为佼佼者,以弥补父母的漠不关心使他们形成的自卑感。

29、Under the foundation of western theory of disinterest that takes Kant as representative, Wang Guo-wei formed his unique esthetic utilitarianism combining with reality of the society of China. ─── 作为中国近现代美学思想的发轫者,王国维在借鉴以康德等为代表的西方审美超利害说的基础上,结合中国社会的实际,糅进古老的诗教传统,形成了独特的审美功利主义。

30、Translation : Beware of the woman who shows disinterest in money! ─── 30连钱都不要的女人,要小心。

31、indifferent; uninterested; disinterested; languid; unconcerned ─── 不感兴趣

32、He claimed to be disinterested,but I knew he had an ax to grind. ─── 他宣称无私利,但我知道他另有企图。

33、(Disinterested; absently playing with a napkin)Thank you. ─── (心不在焉地玩着餐巾)谢谢。

34、a disinterested viewpoint ─── 公正的观点

35、a bored disinterested manner ─── 厌倦, 漠视的态度

36、and he thought it an excellent one, full of eligibility and suitableness, and excessively generous and disinterested on his own part. ─── 他认为这真是个独出心裁的办法,既极其妥善得体,又来得慷慨豪爽。

37、The term is used to describe the feelings in the relationship, from passion, marriage, to disinterest, fatigue and run-away. ─── 人们用它来描述感情世界从热恋、婚姻、到无趣、疲惫,直至最后逃离的心态。

38、The end of philosophy is now no longer what one may call disinterested contemplation of the eternal but the relief of man's estate. ─── 今天,哲学的终极关怀,不再是所谓对永恒的纯逻辑的思辩,而是对人类的救赎。

39、The principal threats stem from disinterest on the part of the younger generation and the decreasing number of Wajapi proficient in the kusiwa repertory. ─── 主要的威胁来自于年轻一代对这门艺术不感兴趣;以及现在精通“库西瓦”的艺术家的老龄化和数量的减少。

40、A solicitor can give you disinterested advice. ─── 律师可给你公正的忠告。

41、He's always on the make; I have never known him do a disinterested action. ─── 他这个人一贯都是唯利是图, 我从来不知道他有什么无私的行动。

42、Closed doors, windows, and shutters were to be seen everywhere, in the most distant and most "disinterested" quarters. ─── 人们看见,在那些最远和最“无动于衷”的区里,门、窗以及板窗在大白天也都关上了。

43、It was like something out of Casablanca with a few disinterested young workers shing us along through customs. ─── 就像是卡萨布兰卡,只有几个冷漠的年轻工人带我们过关。

44、The FDLA-backed disclosure law will go into effect next year after a decades-long fight against the state's dentists and disinterested legislators. ─── FDLA支持的公开政策将会在明年生效,其结束了州内长达十年牙医与立法委员之间的争论。

45、Simon felt sure that his disinterest in Binabik's woodlore was the reason. ─── Simon觉得,这是因为自己对于Binabik渊博的森林知识不感兴趣的缘故。

46、He had thought himself the most disinterested person in the world. ─── 他一直认为他是世界上最无私的人了。

47、Besides, financial forecast offered by disinterested financial analysts is another alternative. (2)In authorizing the financial forecasts, the credibility of verification must be strengthened. ─── 2.在核阅者方面,重点为加强验证功能的可靠性。

48、His action was not altogether disinterested. ─── 他的行动并不完全公正。

49、Thus the secret of hominine vitality lies in the comprehension of significane of being with the attitude of disinterest, which is highest embodiment of initiative dimension of conciousness. ─── 人的意义的领会以及由此具有的非佔有的自我实现的感觉与意识才是人具有非凡生命力的秘密,才是意识能动性的最高体现。

50、73 The world suffers most from the disinterested tyranny of its well-wisher. ─── 世界在痛痒无关的专暴中为它的好心者而遭受最大的痛苦。

51、It will lecture on disinterested purity while its neck is being remorselessly twisted toward a skirt. ─── 在训诫无私的纯真的时候它的脖子却为了短裙而执意扭曲。

52、We had both become jaded, disinterested, and disillusioned. ─── 我们两人都变得厌倦、了无兴趣且心灰意冷了。

53、"He is so disinterested and kind to offer me all that I can desire," Bathsheba mused ─── “他是那么善良,毫无私心,把我所能乞求的一切都向我奉献出来了。”巴丝谢芭沉思着。

54、So much of the Party's activities were carried out in the shadows of a disinterested, and therefore uninformed, civic society. ─── 这个党的很多活动都是在秘密状态下进行,公众既不关心,也就都蒙在鼓里。

55、His coach Alfredo Sampaio said: "He was a good kid who was always chatting and laughing ...... his only weaknesses were his heading and his total disinterest in defending." ─── 他的教练AlfredoSampaio说:“他是个健谈爱笑的好孩子....他唯一的缺点就是顶球及对防守根本不敢兴趣。”

56、And in a complete reversal the disinterested, shy or bashful look sideways a woman often gives is not the brush-off most men thought it was. ─── 女人经常会漠然或害羞地看向一边,这根本不是大多数男人以为的在表示拒绝。

57、Eliphaz saw God as unconcerned and disinterested in human suffering, except as it vindicates His justice, and since Job could in no way benefit God, there was no ulterior motive involved. ─── 以利法以为上帝除了为拥护祂的公正之外,对人们的苦难,不关心且无兴趣。既然约伯不能有益上帝,那麽上帝降罚,就没有另外的动机了。

58、Because I don't covet the honor, so I disinterest in sticking up for peacockery.And because I don't covet the benefit, so I would not meet the rivalship of benefit. ─── 因为不贪名,所以无所谓名的维护,因为不图利,所以不会有利的竞争。

59、It was a purely disinterested operation in the strictest sense of the term, and offered not the slightest chance of profit. ─── 从精确的词义上说,这是一项无利可图的工作,没有带来任何利益的机会。

60、Regardless of the exact reason, there does seem to be a clear pattern of targeted microbiologists, and paired with it, an obvious government disinterest in the matter. ─── 不管确切的原因,似乎是一个明确的目标模式微生物而与它配对,显然政府在这件事的冷淡.

61、Both emphasize the importance of meditation and its power to make an individual loving and compassionate ?most Buddhists are disinterested in whether God exists. ─── 两者都强调冥想的重要性以及冥想的力量产生个人的爱与慈悲?大多数佛教徒是处于上帝是否存在的无私里。

62、Now it is often not the diffused gain of the increased supply or new discovery that most forcibly strikes even the disinterested observer, but the concentrated loss. ─── 但是即使公正无私的观察者,也总是注目在最显眼的集中的损伤,而非因为增产或新发明而带来的广为扩散的好处。

63、In financial matters it is important to get disinterested advice, ie from somebody who is not directly involved. ─── 在财务方面, 要徵询与之无利益关系者的意见, 这是十分重要的.

64、His total disinterest in money puzzled his family. ─── 他对金钱毫无兴趣使他的家人感到迷惑不解。

65、"supremely disinterested in all efforts to find a peaceful solution" (C.L. Sulzberger) ─── “对试图找到和平解决的方法而做出的努力很不感兴趣”(C.L.苏兹贝格)

66、a disinterested onlooker/spectator ─── 不偏不倚的旁观者/观众

67、The world suffers most from the disinterested tyranny of its well?wisher.? ─── 世界在漠然的苛政中为善者承受极大的痛楚。??

68、"How could I make such a proposition, especially to a woman who always professes to be so entirely disinterested?" ─── “我怎么能提出这样的一项建议呢,特别是对一个总自认为对金钱毫无兴趣的女人?”

69、His action was not completely disinterested. ─── 他的行为并不完全公正。

70、For a "disinterested observer," Hermione watches Cho from afar frequently and does quite a lot of thinking about Cho's emotional state and interest in Harry. ─── 作为一个“无私的观察员”,赫敏有好几次远远地观察秋并且想了很多关于秋的情感和对哈利的兴趣的问题。

71、a disinterested decision ─── 公平的决定

72、As he surveyed the closet with disinterest a board creaked somewhere, and he heard the measured sound of footsteps in the blackness below him. ─── 他不感兴趣地环视这个小壁橱,这时,不知从哪里,响起了一声木板的吱吱声,他听到下面的黑暗处,传来有节奏的脚步声。

73、Her advice appeared to be disinterested. ─── 她的建议似乎是客观公正的。

74、But, the mere idea of having that much money is enough to make even the most disinterested students pay attention in a social studies class. ─── 可是,哪怕仅仅是想到有这么一大笔钱,已经足够使那些对此最不感兴趣的学生也关注起这门社会学课程。

75、Had he, in lending to this stranger the aid of his key, and in making some other man than himself emerge from that portal, the pure and disinterested intention of rescuing an assassin? ─── 他用钥匙来帮助一个陌生人,让除他之外的另一个人从这道门出去,他是否出于完全无私的目的去救一个凶手?

76、His action was not disinterested because he hoped to make money out of the affair. ─── 他的行为并不是无私的,因为他希望从中赚钱。

77、Friendship is a disinterested commerce between equals; love, an abject intercourse between tyrants and slaves. ─── 友谊是地位平等者之间公正的交往;爱情则是暴君和奴隶之间不公平的交往。

78、Our delegation, he told the assembled experts on board, would be the only disinterested spokesman at the conference ─── 他告诉船上的专家们说,我国代表团将是会上唯一大公无私的发言人。

79、disinterested witness ─── 与案件无利害关系的证人

80、The world suffers most from the disinterested tyranny of its well wisher. ─── 世界在漠然的苛政中为善者承受极大的痛楚。

81、Also thank those disinterested limb offering as a tribute of no reputation! ─── 也谢谢那些默默无闻的肢体无私的奉献!

82、His unwillingness to give five minutes of his time proves that he is disinterested in finding a solution to the problem ─── 他连自己的五分钟时间都不愿拿出,证明他对这一个解决问题的方法不感兴趣,

83、He claimed to be disinterested, but I knew he had an ax to grind. ─── 他宣称无私利,但我知道他另有企图

84、His action was not disinterested because he hoped to make money out of the affairs. ─── 因为他希望从这件事中捞取好处,所以他的行为是不公正的。

85、The God makes everyone disinterested. ─── 上帝对每个人都是公平的!

86、He is a disinterested person. ─── 他是一个没有私心的人。

87、In financial matter It be Important to get disinterested advice ─── 在财务方面, 要徵询与之无利益关系者的意见, 这是十分重要的

88、"It says that Lord Erskine performed his duty without desiring any result for himself. Disinterested duty." ─── “这本书是说主厄斯金不计较任何结果地履行他的责任,是无私的责任。”

89、2 His action was not disinterested because he hoped to make money out of the affair. ─── 他这么做不是没私心的,因为他想从此事中捞些钱。

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