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09-05 投稿


gripes 发音

英:[ɡra?ps]  美:[ɡra?ps]

英:  美:

gripes 中文意思翻译



gripes 短语词组

1、gripes crossword clue ─── 抱怨纵横字谜线索

2、gripes about migrant life ─── 对移民生活的抱怨

3、gripes about ─── 抱怨埋怨

4、gripes bay ─── 字节

5、gripes about every change in the routine ─── 抱怨日常生活中的每一个变化

6、have the gripes ─── 腹部突然绞痛

7、gripes definition ─── 抱怨定义

8、come to gripes with ─── 与…扭打

gripes 词性/词形变化,gripes变形

动词第三人称单数: gripes |动词现在分词: griping |动词过去分词: griped |动词过去式: griped |名词: griper |

gripes 相似词语短语

1、grikes ─── 岩溶沟

2、griper ─── 河上运煤船

3、grides ─── v.锉切;n.刺耳擦刮声

4、griped ─── n.发牢骚;肠胃绞痛;紧握;小艇扣带;v.发牢骚;肠胃绞痛;握紧;惹恼;用扣带系紧(小艇);偏航

5、grimes ─── n.格兰姆斯(广州电气公司名称)

6、cripes ─── int.天啊!(christ的委婉说法,表示惊讶,不耐烦)

7、grices ─── n.格赖斯

8、gripe ─── n.发牢骚;肠胃绞痛;紧握;小艇扣带;v.发牢骚;肠胃绞痛;握紧;惹恼;用扣带系紧(小艇);偏航

9、gripey ─── 格里佩

gripes 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、gripe one's soul ─── vt. 骚扰某人

2、Japanese bosses gripe about activism, yet privately concede that the pressure is spurring many firms to increase returns to shareholders. ─── 日本的老板抱怨激进主义,然而,私下却承认这种压力刺激了很多公司给股东增加了投资回报。

3、Bus drivers and motorists gripe about this dusty road ─── 公共汽车司机和其他的司机都抱怨这条尘土飞扬的道路。

4、My main gripe is, there's no hot water there. ─── 我主要不满的是,那儿没有热水。

5、The military men have plenty of gripes but there seems little chance that they will take the law into their own hands. ─── 军方手握重权但他们掌控法律的机会甚微。

6、He's got the gripes. ─── 他忽然肚子绞痛起来了。

7、Will he borrow to spend, only to wish he hadn't, and then gripe about having to repay me? ─── 作为家长,你已不再想贴补他们。

8、"In Hester Prynne's instance, however, as not unfrequently in other cases, her sentence bore, that she should stand a certain time upon the platform, but without undergoing that gripe about the neck and confinement of the head," ─── 不过,就海丝特·白兰的例子而论,例和多数其它案子相仿,她所受到的惩处是要在刑台上罚站示众一段时间,而无需受扼颈囚首之苦,从而幸免于这一丑陋的机器最为凶残的手段。

9、Two extremes in my life that most of the time I find uncomfortable.I normally dread them and gripe about it all the way through. ─── 在大多数时候,我对生活中的两个极端都不感到舒服。我总是惧怕它们,并且一直在抱怨。

10、I keep my personal gripes or frustrations to myself as much as possible. ─── 我一直尽可能多地控制着个人的抱怨或挫折感。

11、People on the job often develop close relationships with coworkers as they come to share gripes, jokes, gossip, and satisfactions. ─── 人们在工作当中通常会与同事形成亲密的关系,因为他们彼此之间相互发牢骚,开玩笑,闲聊,以及分享满足感。

12、I'll register a few small gripes and suggest a shift in emphasis. ─── 我会指出书中小的毛病,并且建议改变重点。

13、Russian support for South Ossetia and Abkhazia, two enclaves that broke away from Georgia in the 1990s (see map), is one of Mr Saakashvili's main gripes. ─── 受俄罗斯支持的南奥塞梯和阿柏卡兹亚两块飞地,于二十世纪九十年代与格鲁吉亚分裂,是萨卡什维利的一块心病。

14、“Of course we want United players to be recognised for their abilities, and I think Michael's done that, but I have no gripes about him not being picked. ─── “我们当然想曼联球员的能力得到认可,我觉得卡里克已经做好,但是我不会因为他落选国家队而苦恼。

15、The one gripe I do have with the Quest is in the level design. ─── 我确实有寻求有的一报怨在水平内设计。

16、But businessfolk still have plenty of gripes. ─── 但商业人士仍旧抱怨良多。

17、What about you, Captain? You don't gripe at all? ─── 上尉你呢?你不会抱怨吗?

18、gripe about ─── 抱怨

19、come to gripes ─── 互相揪扭

20、11 To prevent lashing or gripes from getting entangled, proper release should be checked before swinging out the davit. ─── 小艇摆放出吊架前,应确认所有系固或艇边扶手绳清爽,不会缠绕小艇。

21、Bring all your gripes to the boss. ─── 你跟老板发牢骚去.

22、Think not that I shall interfere with Heaven's own method of retribution, or, to my own loss, betray him to the gripe of human law. ─── 不要以为我会扰乱上天的惩治方法,或者,把他揭露出来,诉请人间的法律去制裁,那样我会得不偿失。

23、We're often misled by the gripes and complaints surrounding difficult work; ─── 我们通常被对难活的抱怨所误导;

24、There may be grumbles and gripes after the weekend's result but columnist Giles Smith calls upon his fellow Chelsea fans to remember what is important. ─── 对于上周末的结果,也许你会捶胸顿足,也许你会撕心裂肺,不过我们的专栏作家吉尔.史密斯却号召切尔西球迷不必为此过于伤心,重要的是我们要能透过现象看本质。

25、It is not uncommon to hear the man in the street gripe about hospital services ─── 因此,我们也不时可以听到许多民众对医院的不满和投诉。

26、Bitterly cold temperatures in America as far south as Florida broke some local records and snow caused travel havoc in Britain, where perennial gripes were aired about icy roads not being gritted. ─── 低温席卷美国,最南端已达佛罗里达州。某些地区已创下低温纪录。暴雪使英国交通瘫痪,不少民众谴责结冰的路面并没有被砂石覆盖。

27、Her petty complaints really gripe me. ─── 她唠叨的抱怨真的弄得我心烦

28、The only gripe I have with them is how do you get rid of the water if it rains inside? ─── 把手形状通常为半环。通常材质为纯瓷,釉瓷,玻璃,不锈钢或塑料。

29、He seized a tureen of hot apple sauce (the first thing that came under his gripe) and dashed it full against the speaker's face and neck; who instantly commenced a lament that brought Isabella and Catherine hurrying to the place. ─── 他端起一碗烫苹果酱(这是他抓起来的第一件东西),用力砸向说话人的脸上;随即(林顿少爷)的哀嚎把伊莎贝拉和凯瑟琳引了过来。

30、Employee feel like checks result and does not reflect self work results, self accepts injustice pay , is full of gripes as a result budding even to be away from intention. ─── 员工觉得考核结果并未反映出自己的工作实绩,自己受到不公正待遇,因而满腹牢骚甚至萌生离意。

31、His principal gripe with the City is it is too driven by the short term thing you can measure rather than the real long term gain. ─── 他对这个城市最大的不满就是它总是受到可见的短期利益的驱使而忽略了真正的长期利益.

32、We'll gripe firmly the subject of properly resolving contradictions among the people to propel the socialism modernization forward. ─── 我们要紧紧抓住正确处理人民内部矛盾这个主题 ,通过不断解决各个领域存在的人民内部矛盾 ,推动社会主义现代化事业的发展。

33、"Yet fear not for him! Think not that I shall interfere with Heaven's own method of retribution, or, to my own loss, betray him to the gripe of human law." ─── 不过不必为他担心!不要以为我会扰乱上天的惩治方法,或者,把他揭露出来,诉请人间的法律去制裁,那样我会得不偿失。

34、gripe strength ─── 握力

35、Gripe Water ─── n. 〈医〉驱风剂(商标名称)

36、Moreover, in such places regulators tend to be easy to reach and take the gripes of the business community seriously. ─── 而且在这些地区政府官员们更容易控制和维护商业环境的安全。

37、My main gripe is that the heater doesn't work in the hotel room. ─── 我最大的抱怨就是旅馆里房间的暖气是坏的。

38、China's polemics are also designed to resonate with India's smaller neighbours, who have their own gripes about its overbearing style. ─── 中国论战的目的还在于唤起印度周边较小邻国的同仇敌忾之心,后者本身对印度的霸道作风就颇有怨言。

39、His complaining taught me to listen to myself when I start to gripe and realize complaining isn't going to get me the results I desire. ─── 我听了忍俊不禁,我不得不向他承认我确实并不知道怎样才能去天堂,我只是相信有天堂这回事。

40、My other gripe about this research stems my own experience in being the father of non-identical twins. ─── 对这项研究的另一个不满源于我是一对异卵双胞胎的父亲。

41、He likes to have a good gripe from time to time ─── 他时常爱发上一通牢骚.

42、One gripe: Bankers used to flying business class have to sit in coach when on government business. ─── 他们的一大牢骚是:习惯于乘坐商务舱的银行家在为政府办事时只能坐经济舱。

43、He like to have a good gripe from time to time. ─── 他时常爱发上一通牢骚。

44、"But even as I gripe about not Being able to join the circles of local students, I must admit that I was initially reluctant to move into the university's six-to-a-room hostel." ─── 另一方面,我必须承认我在埋怨无法融入当地学生生活的同时,不大愿意住进他们六人一房的宿舍。

45、The Chinese-educated complain that young people know nothing about poetry from the ancient Tang and Song dynasty while the English-educated gripe about them not knowing the works of Shakespeare. ─── 传统华校生抱怨年轻人不懂唐诗宋词,传统英校生则怪他们不懂莎士比亚。

46、Remember, too, that our kids' gripes are sometimes justified. ─── 同时,请记住,有时孩子的抱怨是有道理的。

47、Or gripe and complain,make life hard on someone. ─── 也可以牢骚满腹,抱怨不停,让他人不悦.

48、price is too low," he gripes. ─── 价格太低了,”他抱怨道。

49、Every time she hung out with her single female friends, the same gripes surfaced. ─── 每一次她与她的单身女友出去,同样的牢骚一再出现。

50、He seized a tureen of hot apple sauce (the first thing that came under his gripe) and dashed it full against the speaker' ─── 他端起一碗烫苹果酱(这是他抓起来的第一件东西),用力砸向说话人的脸上;

51、I had made some powerful interests angry, and gripes about the car tags were growing, but I had a long list of progressive legislative and administrative initiatives of which I was very proud. ─── 我的确惹恼了一些实力强大的利益集团,人们对于汽车牌照费的抱怨也日益增多,但是我在改进立法和行政提案方面都做出了很多的成绩,这是让我引以为豪的事情。

52、Others within OPEC, though, will surely gripe if prices tumble that far. ─── 不过,如果油价跌到这个水平,欧佩克的其他成员国显然会大为不满。

53、There's no sense in just gripe about it. ─── 光发牢骚没意义。

54、gripe dynamometer ─── 握力计

55、I don't gripe to you. Gripe means complain. ─── 我不会向你抱怨的。

56、I gripe more from habit than from genuine distress. ─── 我抱怨是出于我的习惯,并非遭遇真正的不幸。

57、For instance, if I am displeased with any governmental decisions, my initial violent protests are often watered down to gripes so common of disgruntled taxi drivers. ─── 如果我对任何政府政策觉得不满,开始时的强烈抗议总会逐渐的变成抱怨,有如一些满腹牢骚的德士司机。

58、Her pettycomplaints really gripe me. ─── 她唠叨的抱怨真的弄得我心烦。

59、We'll gripe about our jobs, and then we'll argue over whose turn it is to microwave dinner. ─── 大家吐一下工作的苦水,然后争论到底今天轮到谁去用微波炉热晚饭。

60、and maintained its tenacious gripe, almost maddening me with fear. ─── 想着,我就站起来,费力想推开窗扉。

61、“This my gripe for you, for only the loss of you, the hurting of you, my love, my love, my love. ─── 我偿还我所犯的错,心甘情愿。即使你已经离开,即使所有故事都已经完结,偿清这心愿,才不会在某个夜里,从愧疚中痛醒。

62、My only gripe about the hotel was the food. ─── 我对这家旅馆唯一不满的是食物。

63、We're often misled by the gripes and complaints surrounding difficult work; deep down most people regard their own capacity to conquer the tough job the mark of their own unique personality. ─── 我们通常被对难活的抱怨所误导;而在内心深处,大多数人认为自己克服困难工作的能力是自己独特性的标志。

64、For internet operators, the biggest gripe with CALEA and similar laws in other countries is that they are told what their lawful-intercept obligations are, but not how to meet them. ─── 互联网运营商们的苦恼在于,CALEA和其他国家的类似法律只规定了运营商的法律义务却没有说明该如何履行。

65、I can enjoy what Ido,and make it seem fun,Or gripe and complain,nake life hard on someone. ─── 我可以享受我的工作,让它充满乐趣,也可以牢骚满腹,抱怨不停,让他人不悦。

66、Put your gripes away in a box. ─── 把你的烦恼抛开。

67、Workers there voice similar gripes. ─── 那里的工人有同样的抱怨。

68、9. My main gripe is, there's no hot water. ─── 我主要的不满是这里没有热水供应。

69、in the gripe of ─── adj. 在 ... 的控制下

70、But some of the gripes that investment banks have about the TSE look unlikely to go away for some time. ─── 但各投资银行对于东京证交所的某些抱怨,似乎在一段时间内不太可能消失。

71、gripe session ─── 批评会意见听取会

72、Bus drivers and motorists made their gripes loud and clear ─── 公共汽车司机和开车者高声出怨言。

73、Most companies are barely prepared to deal with unhappy customers who use social media to air their gripes. ─── 当前,绝大多数公司在面对顾客通过社会媒体表达种种不满时,都显得准备不足。

74、He's got the gripes ─── 他患肠绞痛。

75、His gripe has something to do with a perceived demotion within the offense. ─── 他对球队的抱怨很大程度上和他在球队进攻中作用的下降有关。

76、"My main gripe is, there's no hot water there." ─── "我主要不满的是,那儿没有热水。"

77、Steering gripe with braking handle ─── 带有刹车手柄的把手式方向把手

78、Responding to Mr Ho's gripes, Mr Adelson advised those who "can't stand the heat [to] get out of the kitchen" . ─── 在对何鸿燊的抱怨做出回应时,埃德森建议那些“无法忍受热度的人离开厨房”。

79、For those who constantly gripe about life, turn and walk away. ─── 对经常抱怨生活的人,转身离开。

80、ANSI-C compilers will gripe about implicit casts from and to this type. ─── ANSI-C编译器会对隐型转型发出警告或提示。

81、I know I hear these gripes quite often and it perhaps partly explains the huge interest in productivity and “life hacks”. ─── 它部分解释了人们对工作效率和“生活不顺”的在意。

82、They are quick to gripe about the burdens they say they face in the form of red tape, harassment and bribe-taking by Kyrgyzstani police. ─── 他们不久就开始抱怨在那里做生意太累,说吉尔吉斯斯坦警方办事手续繁琐,还经常骚扰他们,并收受贿赂。

83、We have no gripes with the people who score goals getting the adulation. ─── 我们不需要嫉妒那些进球的人。

84、If I am honest with myself, I would estimate that about 70% of the things that come out of my mouth are gripes. ─── 凭心而论,我估计自己嘴里说出来的话有70%左右都是在发牢骚。

85、Or gripe and complain, make life hard on someone. ─── 也可以满腹牢骚,抱怨不停,让他人不悦。

86、I'm trying to find not the metaphors, but, rather, the points in common: the common gripes, the common issues, the common preoccupations. ─── 我试图寻找的并非隐喻而是共识类的普遍性的:当前的共同问题,当务之急。

87、He suggested that the main gripe is with the 'two-tier' element of the FIA's proposed rules for 2010, but that the prospects of that are "slowly disappearing". ─── 他建议,主要的抱怨是与'双轨制'的因素国际汽联的规则,2010年提出,但的前景是“慢慢消失".

88、"Most American movie stars are boy-men," the actress, 34, gripes to PEOPLE. ─── 34岁的莱瑟说:“大部分的美国男星都是还没有长大的孩子。

89、Don't always gripe about something or other. ─── 不要总是抱怨这,抱怨那的。

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