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09-05 投稿



housebreaking 发音

英:[?ha?sbre?k??]  美:[?ha?sbre?k??]

英:  美:

housebreaking 中文意思翻译




housebreaking 词性/词形变化,housebreaking变形

名词: housebreaker |

housebreaking 相似词语短语

1、housecleaning ─── n.清扫房屋;肃清

2、halterbreaking ─── vt.使小马带惯笼头

3、housebreaker ─── n.强盗,侵入家宅者;拆屋者

4、housebreak ─── v.训练(宠物)养成卫生习惯(同house-train);驯服;侵入家庭盗取

5、heartbreaking ─── adj.令人心碎的;让人心疼的

6、housebreakers ─── n.强盗,侵入家宅者;拆屋者

7、housebreaks ─── v.训练(宠物)养成卫生习惯(同house-train);驯服;侵入家庭盗取

8、house-cleaning ─── n.清扫房屋;肃清

9、groundbreaking ─── adj.开创性的;n.动工

housebreaking 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Housebreaking can be difficult with dachshunds.While most dachshunds do eventually get the hang of it, it is not totally uncommon to hear things like "she's 95% reliable." ─── 腊肠很难在家搞破坏,大多数的腊肠确实是这样,通常可以听到:她95%可以相信。

2、A great deal of housebreaking cases happen in urban villages, which brings about a lot of negative effects against property safety of the residents. ─── 摘要都市村庄入室盗窃案件的高发,严重侵害了居民的财产安全。

3、The idea that a dog could tell a red carpet from a housebreaking pad may sound far-fetched. ─── 认为狗能把分辨狗尿垫和红色地毯的想法可能听起来很荒谬。

4、When the police arrested Bill for housebreaking he coughed to five other burglaries he'd done. ─── 警察以侵入住宅罪逮捕了比尔,他还供认出其他的5件盗窃案。

5、Are dachshunds easy to housebreak? ─── 腊肠容易破坏家吗?

6、Pet owners should housebreak their dongs and cats. ─── 宠物主人应该训练他们的猫狗养成卫生习惯。

7、If a thief is caught in the act of housebreaking and beaten to death, there is no bloodguilt involved. ─── 窃贼若在挖窟窿时,被人逮住打死,打的人没有流血的罪。

8、He was arrested by the police on a charge of housebreaking ─── 他被指控侵入民宅而被警方逮捕

9、By the time he was a teenager, he had been brought before the juvenile courts for incidents of burglary and housebreaking. ─── 当他是一名少年时,他就因为入室行窃的罪名而被带上了少年法庭。

10、4. robbery by force or housebreaking. ─── 4. 抢劫或入宅抢劫。

11、there were several housebreaking burglaries this year. ─── 今年发生了好几起强行入室盗窃事件。

12、In addition, close the balcony, the person that will be theft is offerred by the balcony up the way of ascend housebreaking. ─── 此外,封闭阳台,将为盗窃者提供由阳台向上攀登入室行窃的途径。

13、We're not dealing with a case of petty housebreaking . ─── 我们现在处理的不是一件微不足道的入室行窃案。

14、My housebreaking took a little longer than expected, because you were terribly busy, but we worked on that together. ─── 你非常忙碌,但是我们还是一起努力让我改掉了乱啃家居物品的坏习惯,虽然所花的时间比预期的要长。

15、The Amendment Proposal on the Legal Explanation of "Housebreaking" ─── 对“入户抢劫”司法解释的修改建议

16、My housebreaking took a little longer than expected, because you were terribly busy, but we worked on that together. ─── 我的破坏行为因为你工作忙碌而持续过久,但最后我俩一起克服了。

17、My housebreaking took a little longer than expected,because you were terribly busy,but we worked on that together. ─── 我改掉乱啃东西的坏习惯所需的时间比预期的要长,因为你一直都比较忙,但你仍然努力帮我摆脱这个坏习惯。

18、In addition, close the balcony, the person that will be theft is offered by the balcony up the way of ascend housebreaking . ─── 此外,封闭阳台,将为盗窃者提供由阳台向上攀登入室行窃的途径。

19、Pet owners should housebreak their dogs and cats。 ─── 宠物主人应当训练狗猫的卫生习惯。

20、By using the anti-theft steel door housebreaking after breaking steel door or door lock by thief can be avoided and anti-theft performance is good. ─── 使用该防盗铁门能有效的避免窃贼破坏铁门或门锁后入室行窃,防盗性能好。

21、Many people including dog trainers believe that crate training a puppy is an excellent idea because it is easier to housebreak your puppy, as they do not like to soil where they sleep. ─── 包括专业的训练员在内的许多人都相信对于小狗来说木箱训练法是很好的,这样能让您的小狗学会自己找地方休息,因为它们不喜欢弄脏自己睡觉的地方。

22、He is arrested by the police on a charge of housebreaking. ─── 他被指控侵入民宅而被警方逮捕。

23、Robbery of housebreaking is one of the additional statuses of robbery. ─── 入户抢劫是抢劫罪的八种加重情节之一。

24、housebreak a puppy. ─── 使小狗养成良好的户内排泄习惯

25、On the Characteristics and Countermeasures of Current Housebreaking Cases ─── 谈当前入室盗窃案件的特点与侦查对策

26、And now, for the first time, Oliver, well-nigh2) mad with grief and terror, saw that housebreaking and robbery, if not murder, were the objects of the expedition3). ─── 奥利弗这才明白过来,这次远行的目的即便不是谋杀,也是入室抢劫,伤心和恐惧几乎让他发疯。

27、Puppies which have been kept clean during their formative period should be easy to housebreak. ─── 在成长期注意保持幼犬的整洁会让他们更容易养成正确的室内卫生习惯。

28、The Amendment Proposal on the Legal Explanation of "Housebreaking" ─── 对"入户抢劫"司法解释的修改建议

29、A crate and a pen are useful tools for housebreaking. ─── 要帮助小狗养成正确卫生习惯,一个狗窝和狗笼会是很有用的工具。

30、Like housebreaking, consistence and patience goes a long way. ─── 像在家搞破坏,坚持和耐性就可以解决它。

31、Housebreaking is necessary for cats and dogs。/ Pet owners should housebreak their dogs and cats。 ─── 宠物主人应该训练狗、猫的卫生习惯。

32、Digging deeper, I recalled when we were housebreaking a puppy, and just before Ed got home from work, the pup relieved herself on the couch ─── 继续往深处挖掘,我想起了训练小狗保持卫生习惯的事儿,就在埃德下班回家前小狗已在沙发椅里撒了尿。

33、Last year there was a plague of robbery and housebreaking. ─── 去年抢劫和入室行窃成灾。

34、3.Describe how to housebreak a puppy. ─── 3) 描述如何做幼犬适应家居。

35、However, there is something different in the transfer of this crime.4、"Housebreaking" should be defined as the actor enters into the private domicile or else like illegally. ─── 4、“入户抢劫”应是行为人非法进入私人住宅及具有私人住宅特征的其他场所进行的抢劫。

36、And the information transmitted in the network is encrypted by SSL agreement maintain secrecy technique to avoid housebreaking of the information in the point to point transmission which aims to raise the safety of the system. ─── 同时,使用SSL协议加密技术对网络中传输的举报信息进行了加密,确保了服务器端到客户端的安全连接,保证了信息在传输过程中不被窃取、篡改,提高系统的安全性。

37、Pet owners should housebreak their dogs and cats. ─── 宠物主人应该训练狗猫的卫生习惯。

38、Patience goes a long way with housebreaking a dachshund. ─── 耐心会解决腊肠的破坏性。

39、He was arrested by the police on a charge of housebreaking . ─── 我们现在处理的不是一件微不足道的入室行窃案。







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