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09-05 投稿



existential 发音

英:[?eɡz??sten?l]  美:[?eɡz??sten?l]

英:  美:

existential 中文意思翻译



existential 网络释义

adj. 存在主义的;有关存在的;存在判断的

existential 同义词

extant | existing | surviving |alive | present | current | in existence | actual | real | ongoing

existential 短语词组

1、existential operator =existential quantifier

2、existential psychology ─── 存在心理学

3、existential sentence ─── 存在句

4、existential specification ─── [计] 存在规范

5、existential analysis ─── 存在分析

6、bounded existential quantifier ─── [计] 有界存在量词

7、existential reflection ─── 存在主义反思

8、existential vacuum ─── 存在主义真空

9、existential psychiatry ─── 存在主义精神病学

10、existential philosopher ─── [网络] 存在主义哲学家;存在主义的哲学家

11、existential closure ─── [计] 存在闭包

12、existential anxiety ─── 存在焦虑

13、existential philosophy ─── 存在哲学;现代实 ─── 存哲学

14、existential quantifier ─── [计] 存在量词

15、existential therapy ─── 存在疗法

16、pure existential character ─── [计] 绝对存在性

17、existential need ─── 存在的需要

18、existential proposition ─── 存在命题

19、existential terror ─── 存在主义恐怖

existential 词性/词形变化,existential变形

副词: existentially |

existential 反义词


existential 常用词组

existential philosophy ─── 存在哲学;现代实存哲学

existential sentence ─── 存在句

existential 相似词语短语

1、evidential ─── adj.证据的;基于证据的;提供证据的;可作证据的

2、existentials ─── 存在主义者

3、nonexistential ─── 不存在的

4、existentialist ─── n.存在主义者;adj.存在主义的

5、eminential ─── 卓越的

6、existentially ─── 存在地;存在主义地

7、existentialists ─── n.存在主义者;adj.存在主义的

8、essential ─── adj.基本的;必要的;本质的;精华的;n.本质;要素;要点;必需品

9、existentialism ─── n.存在主义

existential 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It may be said that the way by which for explaining existential issue is preferably successful. ─── 可以说,利用一阶逻辑解释存在问题的方法是比较成功的。

2、In a soothing monotone, he highlights the scariest hairpin turns on his itinerary, the ones that combine difficulty with danger plus a jolt of existential risk. ─── 他以平缓的语调强调了他的工作日程来了个九十度的急转弯,困难中又混杂着危机,还有夹带一点风险。

3、The Existential Marxist Concept of Deficiency ─── 存在主义马克思主义的“匮乏”概念

4、existential - humanistic therapy ─── 存在--人本主义疗法

5、As other branches of theology,eschatology was explained according to the private,individual,and existential method. ─── 同神学其它分支一样,末世论是按照私人的、个体的、存在主义的方式加以解释的。

6、NP Salience and Structural Formation in Existential Sentence ─── 存在句的NP突显与结构生成

7、It is an existential issue if China is to hold together in a peaceful and stable manner as it modernizes. ─── 它关乎中国能否在现代化的同时保持和平稳定、团结一致。

8、Immortality, as a kind of faith, is not any concepts, thoughts or knowledge concerning immortality but a special existential way released from human being as potentiality for being. ─── 作为信仰的神仙,不是任何关于神仙的观念、想和知识,而是人作为能在释放出来的一种独特生存方式。

9、subject -predicate existential sentence ─── 主谓型存在句

10、From his novel and short stories, we can find Qian Zhongshu"s existential ideology and modern style. ─── 从他的作品中我们不难看出存在主义的观念及现代特征和风格。

11、Like Morrison, who learned much from Hurston, she did not put the politics of race above the existential essence of black culture. ─── 如同莫里森一样——莫里森受赫斯顿很大影响,赫斯顿并没有把种族政治置于黑人文化的存在实质之上。

12、existential enhanced theme construction ─── 存在型强势主位结构

13、existential theorem of prenes normal form ─── 前束范式存在定理

14、What if there's nothing left at all?" he cried, lost in some intense existential angst. ─── 要是什么都没了会怎样?”他大叫起来,迷失在某种强烈的攸关人类存亡的痛苦中。

15、"There be +NP +PP"and"NP1 有NP2"are two typical existential constructions in English and Chinese respectively commonly used to indicate stative existence. ─── PP"和"NP1有NP2"分别是英汉语中表示静态存在句的典型结构,意思是"某处有某物/人"。

16、I have cited at the beginning of this paper a liturgical text summarizing the mystic theology and the existential spirituality which the event of the Transfiguration had inspired the Church. ─── 在一开始,我便引用了一段经文来为这奥秘神学和灵性存在做了结语,显圣容的事件在教会是一直被重视的。

17、In the twentieth century, Modernism inherits and develops such subject matters such as the alienation expressed in expressionist literature, and the absurdness exhibited in existential literature. ─── 到了20世纪,现代主义继承并发展了这一题材特征,例如,表现主义所表现的异化主题,荒诞派文学的荒诞性。

18、He often mixed his knowledge of art history (Miro.Goya, Canova, Rubens, Archimboldo, Courbet) with his concerns and intense impulses, whether spiritual or existential. ─── 他经常在作品中融入艺术史的知识,如米罗,戈雅,卡诺瓦,鲁本斯,库尔贝等,加上强烈的情感,不管是精神上的还是肉体上的。

19、Existential literature is a literature of life and philosophy. ─── 存在文学是一种人生文学、哲学文学。

20、On Existential Issue from a View of Logical Language ─── 存在问题的逻辑语言维度

21、This essay is an attempt to provide such a justification through an existential analysis of Chinese concept of nature. ─── 本文旨在通过对中国自然观念的存在分析来进行这样的考证。

22、At its extreme, an inability to know what will make you happy can lead to a more profound existential boredom arising from a pervasive sense of meaninglessness. ─── 在极端情况下,如果个体不知道如何找乐子,被无意义感包围,就会产生一种更复杂的无聊感,直指生存问题本身。

23、Thomas Hardy (1840-1928), one of the greatest British novelists and poets in the 19th century, expressed his understanding of women's existential plight in his creation. ─── 19世纪最伟大的小说家兼诗人之一的托马斯哈代(1840-1928)在其作品中对女性生存境况表达了自己的理解。

24、Williams' historical figures are endowed with the symbolical pattern of mythological archetype which results from "existential historicism". ─── 威廉斯笔下的历史人物具有神话原型的象征模式,这源于其“存在的历史相对论”的观念。

25、And since they never pose an immediate existential threat, it is harder to justify using massive force to wipe them out. ─── 他们从未造成直接存在的威胁,这很难找到使用大规模武力的借口来消灭他们。

26、Gadamer's foothold is that "understanding means application" and his interpretation about practice concept also reaches a high level of existential ontology. ─── 伽达默尔立足“理解就是应用”,同样赋予实践以存在本体论的意蕴。

27、Also at work is our existential anxiety, the fear of death and the unknown. ─── 存在的焦虑,以及对死亡和未知事物的恐惧,也在发挥作用。

28、It has all-too extensive experience in it;and it has a political system that can cope with disgruntlement without suffering existential doubts. ─── 它是深谙经济危机的老手,又有一套足以应对社会因此产生愤懑的政治体系,但不会压制社会对政府既有的疑问。

29、Russian existential construction ─── 俄语存在句

30、Approaches-Humanistic & Existential ─── 存在-人本论研究

31、Semantic and Structural Features of Existential Sentence ─── 存在句的语义与结构特征

32、Linguistics have been arguing about some ideas in English existential sentence. ─── 关于英语存在句的某些观点,语言学家们一直争论不休。

33、However, ontological being and existential being are different categories, so Heidegger's conflation of these categories is, according to Husserl's view, the root of Heidegger's error. ─── 从这一意义上来说,现象学首先是一种方法,即从直接直观和先验本质中提取知识的途径。

34、There's also a crazy existential subtext: No matter what these hapless escapees do or how fast they run, they always end up...booya! ─── 不过我不同意斯大叔的看法,是该结束的时候了,不然任何正常人都受不了那样反反复复的压力。

35、Japan is currently facing something of an existential crisis. has grown very slowly for more than a decade, and its population is declining. ─── 目前日本正面临着某种生存危机。十多年来,它的经济发展缓慢,人口持续下降。

36、Under the random oracle model,the proposed scheme is proven to be existential unforgeable against adaptive chosen message attack. ─── 在随机预言模型下,可证明该方案在适应性选择消息攻击下是存在不可伪造的。

37、So education returning to existential ontology represents as returning to its undistorted intendment. ─── 回归生存本体的教育因而表现为回归教育的本真意蕴的教育。

38、Existential Anxiety is one of definitions of anxiety ontology, and is one of the important concepts in philosophy, literature and psychology. ─── 存在焦虑是焦虑本体论的一种定义,是哲学、文学和心理学领域的重要概念之一。

39、The policy of One China is not a piece of indulgent nationalism.It is an existential issue if China is to hold together in a peaceful and stable manner as it modernizes. ─── “一个中国政策”不是放纵民族主义,这是一个事关中国生存的问题,即中国实现现代化时中国能否保持统一和稳定。

40、According to my understanding, an illuminative psychology should not merely be a positivist science but should extend to the domain of original existential comprehension. ─── 事实上,我一向不是在“实证科学”的层面而是在“生存体验”这个意义上来理解心理学的。

41、Taking three relations for example, applyin some relevant theories to discrete mathematics, this article converses the query of the universal quantifier problem into the query of equivalent existential quantifier, then to achieve it in SQL. ─── 以三个关系为例,应用离散数学的有关理论,把具有全称量词的查询问题转换成等价的存在量词的直询问题,并用SQL语言予以实现,

42、But, as always with this artist, even the prosaic topic can hold existential implications. ─── 但对这位艺术家,平凡的主题向来都带有存在的意涵。

43、The Existential Foundation of Double-value Pursuit ─── 双重价值追求的存在论基础

44、B. For each example, discuss whether an existential interpretation or the hypothetical interpretation is more appropriate. ─── 举例来说,讨论一个适当的存在解释或一个假定解释。

45、In the aspect of existential well-being, colostomy patients feel fullness and satisfaction about their own lives, but are still concerned about their future. ─── 存在安适因素中,结肠造口患者对于自我人生感到充实和满意,但对自己的未来仍会感到不安。

46、So, without further comment, here is better way to handle explicit way to handle conditional updates and do existential checks in general. ─── 因此,如果没有更多注释,这里有一种更好的方法,可用这种方法来处理通常用来处理条件更新和执行存在检查的显式方式。

47、The paper analyzed the existential questions of calculating the Planck constant by photoelectric effect, gave a computer-aided design for calculating the Planck constant automatically. ─── 分析了光电效应法测定普朗克常数的方法所存在的问题,给出了自动测定普朗克常数的计算机辅助方法。

48、rule of existential specification ─── 存在规定规则

49、Classification of existential sentences from the pragmatic perspective is consistent with single standard, and accords with the nature of existential sentences. ─── 从语用角度对存现句进行分类,标准单一,能够贯穿始终,与存现句的性质相吻合。

50、Thus, the basis for this pursuit is the existential freedom, its premise, the living.Social political freedom and personal moral actions are the two forms of realization of the freedom. ─── 为此,实践生活自由追求,必须以存在自由为基础,以生存自由为前提,以社会政治自由和个人道德行动自由为两翼形态。

51、The aim to solve these existential dichotomies produces people" s spiritual needs. ─── 为了解决这些生存矛盾,人产生了种种精神需要。

52、It signals a shift of western aesthetics from the epistemological contemplation to the existential understanding of life, the significance of which is epochal. ─── 它标志着西方美学由思辨的认识论美学到人生的存在论美学的转向,具有划时代的意义。

53、rule of existential generalization ─── 存在推广规则

54、The existential ontology implied in narrative psychotherapy ─── 叙事心理治疗的生存本体论含义

55、Iran is seen as an existential threat, and that has raised speculation that Israel might launch a pre-emptive strike on Iranian nuclear facilities. ─── 以色列把伊朗看作是对其存在的威胁,这引起人们猜测,以色列可能会对伊朗的核设施发动先发制人的袭击。

56、Existential aesthetician consider that the better choice is to bear and forgive suffering over passed, so human could develop himself actively. ─── 从存在美学的角度来看,承担与宽恕,是直面沉重记忆的较好选择,生命在担当与宽恕之后得以积极面对未来,日臻丰富完满。

57、Kierkegaard's contribution to existential philosophy is best described as "non-philosophy". ─── 克尔凯郭尔对存在主义哲学的贡献是以一种"非哲学"的方式完成的。

58、complete structural existential sentence ─── 完全结构存在句

59、The humanism established within this system is an integration of the Cartesian tradition and the existential one. ─── 在此基础上建立起来的人道集笛卡尔传统和存在主义的人道主义理念于一身。

60、As the organiger of existential analysis, Binswanger makes great contributions to this approach. ─── 作为存在分析学的创立者,宾斯万格可以说是功不可没。

61、In existential sentences, location and time phrase before MV or BV verb can be viewed as the subject, no matter whether it has semantic choice relation with the verb. ─── 存现句中,不论是一价动词前还是二价动词前的处所和时间词语,也不论其与动词是否具有语义上的选择关系,都可以看成主题。

62、In the system SBT-PT,the high dielectric constant batches is existential in wider range. ─── PT系统中,较宽范围内存在高介电系数组成点。

63、In the existential (sartrean) perspective death is a final and negation. ─── 从存在的方面来看,死是终归和否定。

64、What does Existential therapy look like in practice? ─── 在实践中存在主义治疗是怎么样的?

65、Existential philosophical study of August ─── 奥古斯丁的生存哲学探究

66、He tried transcending the feeling of existential hopelessness and finally settling himself in creation of literature. ─── 在那存在的绝望中,阮籍曾试图从中跃出,最后他将自己的生命安顿在文学的创作上。

67、Clashes are existential, audacity is breathtaking. ─── 书中的言辞激烈,空前大胆。

68、The analytical result suggests that, in political news, material process is the most frequently used, while mental process, behaviour process and existential process are the least used. ─── 分析结果表明,政治新闻导语中,物质过程出现最多,而心理过程、行为过程和存在过程几乎没有出现。

69、an existential moment of choice. ─── 存在判断的选择时刻

70、Kierkegaard mostly expounds the existential individual two aspects meaning from the perspective of existence. Firstly, the existential individual has inwardness and subjectively. ─── 克尔凯戈尔主要从生存的角度,阐述了存在个体两方面的含义:首先,存在个体具有内向性和主观性的生存特性。

71、clear is that all sorts of government issues—education, health-insurance portability, worker retraining—arc no longer just bonuses to already prosperous lives but existential requirements. ─── 清楚的是,政府的各种问题——教育、医疗保险的可转移性、员工再培训——不再仅仅是对已经富裕的生活的奖金,而是一种存在的需求。

72、For Wittgenstein, as for Sartre, philosophy begins in a kind of existential angst. ─── 但是即使他的语言是透明的话,他的思想决不是透明的。

73、I had a chapter I'd written, and at the time it was called "Experiential Psychotherapy: The Essence of Client-Centered, Gestalt, and Existential Approaches. ─── 以前我有本书的一章叫“体验:人本、完形与存在主义治疗法的本质”。

74、The existential sentence sometimes is chosen to meet the connection of text, sometimes the need of the psychological view of point. ─── 存现句的选择有时是篇章衔接的需要,有时是心理视点的需要;

75、Reveling in existential gladness. ─── 在狂欢的存在非常高兴。

76、On the other hand, Buddhism suggests that one’s view of existential phenomena, whether it is essentialism or enlightenment, forms the basis for one’s suffering. ─── 反之,佛教却著重个人的世界观,强调个人对世事的执著正是痛苦的根源,唯有觉悟才能脱离苦海。

77、"Harmoniousness" was used to understand perfect existential state of human as ontology in Greece. ─── “和谐”在希腊是在本体论意义上对人的理想生存状态的理解。

78、questions requiring religious answers still persist. ─── 需要宗教解答的生命问题持续存在着。

79、existential educational philosophy viewpoint ─── 存在主义教育哲学观

80、With a bit of luck, most of us will not find ourselves in such existential situations. ─── 好在我们还有那么一点运气,我们中的大多数人不会发现自己也会碰到这样有关生死存亡的局面。

81、daseinsanalysis (existential analysis) ─── 存在分析

82、Existential risk is a threat to human survival, or to the long-term potential of our species. ─── 存在风险是对人类生存,或对整个人类种群的长远潜能的一种威胁。

83、existential preparation for lessons ─── 存在式备课

84、Grief is existential testimony to the worth of the one loved.That worth abides. ─── 哀伤是被爱者值得所爱的明证,是值得容留的。

85、But Ziggy is a temperamental artist who's prone to bouts of ennui and existential doubts. ─── 伊丽莎白说:“他很喜欢画画,但必须是情绪好的时候才行。

86、The concept of Deficiency is the startingpoint of Existential Marxist ideology.Satre made use of it to grasp the existence of man and society as well as the historical developments. ─── “匮乏”概念是存在主义马克思主义思想体系的出发点,萨特用这一概念来理解人的存在、社会的存在和历史的发展。

87、Existential freedom gets its fundamental drive from the unity of wildness and rational order. ─── 存在自由的根本动力,是其自身野性创化力量和理性秩序力量的对立统一律令;

88、But since losing the 1983 election on a platform of unilateral nuclear disarmament, Labour has had an existential fear of being seen as soft on defence. ─── 但自1983年因为采取单方面核裁军的立场而在大选中落败之后,工党就一直害怕被视为防务上表现软弱。

89、The existential unity of nature and man is actualized through human socially and historically generation. ─── 人与自然的生存论统一是通过社会化的人的历史性生成所实现的。

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