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09-05 投稿



enraging 发音

英:[?n?re?d???]  美:[?n?re?d???]

英:  美:

enraging 中文意思翻译



enraging 词性/词形变化,enraging变形

名词: enragement |动词过去式: enraged |动词过去分词: enraged |动词第三人称单数: enrages |动词现在分词: enraging |

enraging 反义词


enraging 同义词


enraging 相似词语短语

1、enring ─── vt.围绕

2、-raging ─── adj.狂怒的,盛怒的;(自然事物)狂暴的,凶猛的;失控的,情不自禁的;很严重的,很痛苦的;(非正式)巨大的;v.发怒,恼火;流行,肆虐;变得强烈;(非正式)欢聚(rage的现在分词)

3、enranking ─── vt.将…排成行列

4、enranging ─── 激怒

5、engaging ─── adj.迷人的;v.参加(engage的ing形式);保证;雇用

6、enringing ─── vt.围绕

7、enracing ─── 侵扰

8、encaging ─── vt.关在笼中;禁闭

9、-naging ─── 唠叨

enraging 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Ate to fill can after enraging the medicine that enrich the blood, summer perspire quite? ─── 吃了补气补血的药以后夏天比较能出汗吗?

2、After classics travel, the machine of the discharge outside enraging fire to have, the bump inside reason breast narrows somewhat, aching Yi Jian is reduced or indolence. ─── 经行之后,气火有外泄之机,故乳房内肿块就有所缩小,疼痛亦渐减轻或不痛。

3、Unless some gargantuan scandal suddenly engulfs Mr Obama, which seems improbable, they cannot do this without enraging most rank-and-file Democrats and nearly all blacks. ─── 除非一大丑闻吞没了奥巴马--看起来不可能--这么做肯定会让普通民主党和几乎全体黑人选民大怒。

4、Last month, an American attack killed up to 90 civilians, enraging many Afghans. ─── 上月,美军的一次攻击行动导致了多达90名阿富汗平民的死亡,这引起了阿富汗民众的极大愤怒。

5、Then on September 12th Hawaii's governor declared that the ferry would indeed travel to Kauai at the end of the month, enraging many locals. ─── 接着,9月12日,夏威夷州长宣布客轮月底将正式通航考艾岛。这一消息激怒了许多本地人。

6、The effrontery of his deceptions inside and outside the conference room could be enraging ─── 他在会议室内外放肆的欺骗手段简直令人怒火中烧。

7、Dynamo of buy water column is to contain before large rotate of blade cylindrical device, rotate along with tide force rotor, compress air to generate electricity through enraging turbine dynamo. ─── 前置水柱发电机是带有大型旋转叶片的圆柱形装置,随潮汐力量转子旋转,压缩空气通过气轮机发电机发电。

8、Memories of traumatic or enraging events can also trigger angry feelings. ─── 创痛的记忆,或使人愤怒的事件也会引发愤怒情绪。

9、Enraging Bite reduces an enemy's resistance to physical attacks as well as drawing its attention. ─── 怒噬能降低敌人抵抗物理攻击的能力,并吸引其注意。

10、And you thought the most enraging part of this was the inability to select a white model. ─── 而最让人气愤的或许是你还无法选择白色的机型。

11、Over the next few weeks, BlackRock's share price dropped by almost 25 per cent, enraging Fink. ─── 在接下来的几周里,贝莱德的股价下跌了近25%,令芬克大为光火。

12、"I can't even begin to describe how unnerving, enraging, unbelievable and frustrating it is to have thousands of e-mails that I rely on disappear -- from a service that I'm paying for," she wrote me. ─── “我无法描述当时丧气、愤怒、质疑和沮丧的情绪。这是上千封电子邮件呀!这是我所信赖的,并且为其支付了服务费用的服务商搞丢的啊!”她在信中写道。

13、Their headache comes from trying to save the euro without enraging their voters. ─── 他们的头痛来自于试图拯救欧元而不激怒自己的选民。

14、And he does, too, which must make it all the more enraging. ─── 而他也的确是这样,这让这一切更加令他生气。

15、He is unlikely to let his warships or aircraft bomb jihadist strongholds in Somalia for fear of enraging the civilian population. ─── 由于担心激怒平民,他不会让军舰或飞机轰炸圣战分子在索马里掌握的要塞。

16、Summer when enraging burning hot travel every day perspire extremely easily, answer to often wash Wen Shuizao or swab with clear water. ─── 外出旅行时,日程紧张,旅途劳累甚至每日三餐也无法按时保证,有时更不在乎饮食的质量。

17、Not sold to the life of slavery for daily bread, or harrast with perplex'd circumstances, which rob the soul of peace, and the body of rest; not enrag'd with the passion of envy, or secret burning lust of ambition for great things; ─── 他们既不必为每日生计劳作,或为窘境所迫,以至伤身烦神;也不会因妒火攻心,或利欲薰心而狂躁不安。

18、Even the risk of enraging the Dug bully named Sebulba -- who provided the Ghostlings as slaves -- did not deter the boy. ─── 他甚至不怕激怒贩卖幽灵人奴隶的达格人(Dug)恶棍塞布巴(Sebulba)。

19、Whitaker knows, and let that, so Nature counsels, comfort you, instead of enraging you; ─── 大自然忠告你说,不要为此感到恼怒,而要从中得到安慰;

20、Mr Schröder's government approved the Nord Stream gas pipeline from Russia under the Baltic Sea, bypassing, and enraging, Poland and the Baltic states. ─── 施罗德政府曾经在未征求波兰和波罗的海诸国同意的情况下,批准了从俄罗斯穿过波罗的海的北欧天然气管道项目,使得这些国家大为光火。

21、By killing off her brand-creating show and diluting her personal contribution across an entire network, she runs the risk of enraging her fans. ─── 温芙蕾的离开是冒着激怒自己粉丝的危险,抹灭创造其个人品牌的脱口秀节目以及通过整个网络冲淡自己的个人贡献。

22、(2) shop front is largish: Bed area is large, MorpheusFacilitate freedom turns over when, be helpful for enraging blood stream to connect, bones and muscles is extended. ─── (2)铺面稍大:床铺面积大,睡眠时便于自由翻身,有利于气血流通,筋骨舒展。

23、Australia's military began culling hundreds of kangaroos at a defence base on Friday, enraging animal rights activists who vowed to stop the killings. ─── 澳洲军方自上周五开始,就开始毁灭数百只袋鼠,愤怒的悍卫动物权人士发誓要阻止这场捕杀。

24、Introduce a kind to undertake enraging the new method of mist immunity through sparge device now. ─── 现介绍一种通过喷雾装置进行气雾免疫的新方法。

25、Enraging swollen sex cystitis is a kind of inflammation that there is aeriform presence inside cystic wall or antrum, inDiabeticThe incidence of a disease in the patient is higher. ─── 气肿性膀胱炎是膀胱壁或腔内有气体存在的一种炎症,在糖尿病患者中发病率较高。

26、Microsoft product is enraging infestation forcedly to wear! ─── 微软产品硬气着横行着!

27、Its aerial bombing and artillery fire have proved better at enraging locals than at subduing bands of guerrillas; ─── 事实证明,向民怨沸腾的地方发动空袭和炮击,效果比向被镇压的游击队发动要好;

28、On Monday, planned power cuts never materialised, enraging a public used to precision. ─── 周一,原定的停电计划没有实施,这让习惯于准确性的公众愤怒。

29、It buffeted the beasts, enraging them. ─── 它打击着那些野兽,激怒着它们。

30、He is unlikely to let his warships or aircraft bomb jihadist strongholds in Somalia for fear of enraging the civilian population. ─── 由于担心激怒平民,他不会让军舰或飞机轰炸圣战分子在索马里掌握的要塞。

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