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09-05 投稿


emanate 发音

英:[?em?ne?t]  美:[?em?ne?t]

英:  美:

emanate 中文意思翻译



emanate 网络释义

vt. 放射(过去式emanated,过去分词emanated,现在分词emanating,第三人称单数emanates,形容词emanative);发散vi. 发出;散发;发源

emanate 词性/词形变化,emanate变形


emanate 常用词组

emanate from ─── v. 放射;发源于;出自

emanate 短语词组

emanate from

1. 发源; 发出

Do you know where these rumors emanated from?


2. 散发; 发射

A bad smell emanated from the shed.


1、emanate from v. ─── 放射,发源

2、emanate from sth ─── 发出, 生出, ─── 发源, ─── 发散

3、emanate definition ─── 放射定义

4、emanate patient portal ─── 发出病人门

5、emanate synonym ─── 散发同义词

6、emanate mean ─── 放射平均值

7、emanate health ─── 散发健康

8、emanate health foothill presbyterian hospital ─── 放射健康麓山长老会医院

9、emanate foothill presbyterian hospital ─── 散发山麓长老会医院

emanate 相似词语短语

1、emanates ─── v.产生;(抽象可感的东西)散发;表现出(品质)

2、geminate ─── adj.叠音的;双音的;双重的;成对的;v.使(语音)双音化;重复(语音);成对

3、impanate ─── 刺穿

4、emanated ─── v.产生;(抽象可感的东西)散发;表现出(品质)

5、seminate ─── adj.(种子)散布的,散播的;v.(种子)散布,传播,播种于

6、emanator ─── n.射气投置器

7、emaciate ─── v.(使)消瘦;(使)衰弱;消瘦

8、emanative ─── adj.发散的,发射性的;流出的

9、hetmanate ─── n.哥萨克将军的职权;哥萨克首领的权力

emanate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Usually overlying the second lumbar vertebral body, but subject to considerable variation, the paired renal arteries next emanate laterally from the aorta. ─── 再从主动脉分支出来的是一对肾动脉,它们从主动脉的侧面伸出,通常覆盖在第二腰椎体上,这一对动脉有相当大的变数。

2、Scalar wave weapons - (scalar waves emanate naturally from living organisms and the earth itself). ─── 标量波武器-(标量波产生的性质是来源于活的生物以及地球本身)

3、Multiple meanings emanate from this, as we are made to consider geographical experience as one of the most transformative aspects of contemporary life. ─── 多重意义由此浮现,不难想像,正是这些地理上的经验彻底改变了我们当代生活的内容。

4、With the application of the latest technology in server, storage and back-up system, the platform of EMAN resources is presented in detail based on the Browser/Server structure and SAN storage technology. ─── 在网络资源平台的设计中,运用网络服务器、网络存储和网络备份系统的最新技术,构建了以Browser/Server服务器体系结构和以SAN存储网络技术为基础的教育城域网网络资源平台。

5、Considering there are large population of users and wide range of covering, the program for safety of EMAN of Zibo discussed with the application of the latest technology. ─── 在网络安全设计中,作者根据教育城域网用户数量多、覆盖范围大的特点,运用网络安全与管理的最新技术,制定了符合淄博市教育城域网系统特点的网络安全方案。

6、the location in a broadband system that serves as the root for the branching tree comprising the physical medium; the point to which all forward signals converge and the point from which all reverse signals emanate ─── 宽带系统中的一个点,用作由物理媒体组成的分支树的根,所有正向信号都在此点会聚,所有反向信号都在此点发出

7、The waves that emanate from the collision of two black holes should be detectable. ─── 两个黑洞相撞时产生的波动可以测到。

8、However, fastest growth is likely to emanate from the burgeoning Asia-Pacific market. ─── 不过,全球增长速度最快的应该是亚太地区。

9、The existentialism that emanate from the west mentality and affect the whole conceptive of human being has undoubtedly important influence on China. ─── 源于西方思想并对整个人类构设影响较大的存在主义,其对中国的影响无疑是重大的。

10、The last section is a summative assessment and a tentative plan for EMAN for future completion. ─── 最后,对本论文进行总结性评估,并提出了今后进一步完善的设想。

11、I wish I am a cup of tea, leave the misery in my heart and emanate the fragrance! ─── 我愿意做茶,把枯涩留在心里,散发出来的都是清香。

12、A decision as important as the execution of thousands of Polish POWS would have had to emanate from the Politburo. ─── 显然,像这样一个处决上万名波兰战俘的重要决策必须经由苏共中央政治局批准才能执行。

13、The code of chivalry that so decided social relationships in the later Middle Ages was to emanate from courts such as this. ─── 如此在比较迟的中世纪内决定社会的关系骑士精神的密码要例如 这从法院散发。

14、She will emanate the mild sweetness of a mother, ─── 她散发出母性的温柔与甜蜜。

15、However, all creators emanate from the Source of All Sources or myself. ─── 但是,所有的创造者化身都来自于一切源头,我自己。

16、are generally classed as the producers only of books, or other useable or saleable articles, which directly emanate from them. ─── 思想家一般只是被归类于书籍生产者之列,或归类于其他有用的或可以出售的物品的生产者之列,因为这些都直接出自他们之手。

17、Don't use the cellphone when the signal is weakling,as that means the cellphone works more operose so it will emanate more radiations. ─── 手机信号弱时别用,因为那意味着手机工作起来费力,因而会散发出更多的辐射。

18、Much of the activity is likely to emanate from groups of hackers, but the lines between private espionage and government-sponsored operations are blurred. ─── 大部分此类攻击活动都是由黑客组织发动的,但是个人活动和政府背景的入侵行动之间的界限却非常模糊。

19、No corporate body, no individual may exercise any authority that does not expressly emanate from it. ─── 任何团体、任何个人都不得行使主权所未明白授予的权力。

20、Hooked around his finger was a single bell that he shook continuously, producing what is surely the most benign sound to emanate from any vehicle in Kolkata. ─── 他不断摇动那个挂在他手指上的铃铛,而产生出的声音肯定是柯尔喀塔任何车辆中最环保的。

21、The Met broadcasts have resulted in a notable growth in concert audiences around the world, principally because people know the live opera performances emanate from one of the great opera houses of the world. ─── 大都会歌剧院的广播演出在全世界吸引了更多的音乐会听众,这主要是因为人们知道这些直播的歌剧演奏是来自一家世界上最伟大的歌剧院。

22、Soul Power is a power that can only emanate from within. ─── 只有灵魂力量是从内在发出的。

23、Aegis of Blades II Effect: This spell summons a shield of blades that emanate from you, dealing damage over time to all opponents nearby. ─── 召唤刀盾包围自己,在一段时间内对周围的对手造成伤害。

24、Trainers are happy, for that they provide their acquirement for others’ disabuse, as well as emanate their happiness to the others. ─── 培训师是快乐的。培训师既要能够用自己的学识助人解惑,也要能将自己的快乐传染给人。

25、These chemicals can emanate certain poisonous gases. ─── 这些化学药品会散发出某些有毒的气味。

26、Clouds of fire emanate from the mouth of a performer in Barranquilla, Colombia, on Sunday. ─── 在哥伦比亚巴兰基利亚星期天的街头,一团火云从表演者的口中喷出。

27、"It's becoming obvious that Pakistan faces very serious internal threats and that Afghanistan faces continuing external threats that emanate out of Pakistan. ─── 日趋明显,巴基斯坦面临非常严重的内部威胁,而阿富汗则不断面临来自巴基斯坦的外部的威胁。

28、Your psychic abilities, your intuitive knowing, your feeling and compassion, your ability to experience your body, your visioning, your expressiveness all emanate from the right brain. ─── 你的灵魂能力、你的直觉了解、你的感觉和同情,你有能力去经历你的身体、你视野,你的表达全部从右脑散发。

29、Marketers ignore the messages that emanate from these groups at their peril. ─── 忽视这些信息的商家会将自己置于险境。

30、She decides she wants to be like the supreme god and be able to emanate on her own, so she puts out a being on her own. ─── 她决定她要向至高无上的神那样,自己也可以发散,于是她自己创造了一个存在。

31、6 And the sons also of Zare: Zamri, and Ethan, and Eman, and Chalchal, and Dara, five in all. ─── 则辣黑的儿子:齐默黎、厄堂、赫曼、加耳苛耳和达辣,共五人。

32、The painting is delicate and vivid.A wind breezing over,the petals and leaves are lopsided.With float grasses waving,there seems to emanate a tangy scent of lotus.The thickness and texture of the petals are real to nature. ─── 本图精致生动,画中一风吹来,花叶倾侧,水草飘动,若有莲香水味扑鼻;荷花花瓣的厚重、肌理和质感十足。

33、appearing to emanate from a source other than the actual point of origin. Used chiefly of intelligence operations. ─── 出自非真实的来源,主要指情报处理。

34、By loving and pampering them, this loving aura will pervade our house, our whole family, and emanate beyond, extending the positive atmosphere to the world. ─── 我们这样爱护他、宠爱他,这种爱的气氛就会充满我们整个房子、整个家庭,然后也会散发出来,带给世界好的气氛。

35、Particulates can emanate from process equipment (E.G., in CVD and etch reactors)as well as from humans (From street clothes, skin flakes, etc. ─── 尘粒也能由工艺设备(如化学气相淀积和刻蚀反应器)以及工作人员(身穿的外套,体表的皮屑等)而产生。

36、Rose color seems to emanate the fragrance of love flower, just like the girl of my true love. ─── 玫瑰红仿佛散发着爱情花的芳香,爱恋我的纯真女生!

37、Listen Up: Unusual Forms of Sound to Emanate From RNC ─── 听听:从皇家海军学院发出的非正常的声音

38、Recasting is the opportunity for any soul to share all records of all experiences experienced throughout time and space or outside of time and space with the source from which they emanate. ─── 对于所有灵魂,重铸都是一个分享来自他们本源的所有体验记录的机会。这些体验处于时空中或者外在于时空。

39、This is usually the region from which most of the secondary particles emanate. ─── 大多数次级粒子通常是从这个区域中发射出来的。

40、eman(anation)-equivalent to 10-10 curie per liter ─── 埃曼:放射性单位, 等于10-10居里/升

41、Don't use mobile telephone when signal is low, that means mobile telephone work with hard sledding, so it can emanate with more radicalization. ─── 手机信号弱时别用,因为那意味着手机工作起来费力,因而会散发出更多的辐射.

42、Effect:This spell summons a shield of blades that emanate from you, dealing damage over time to all opponents nearby. ─── 召唤刀盾包围自己,在一段时间内对周围的对手造成伤害。

43、1A canticle of a psalm for the sons of Core: unto the end, for Maheleth, to answer understanding of Eman the Ezrahite. ─── 1科辣黑子孙的诗歌。上主喜爱自己的宫殿,是建筑在一切的圣山。

44、The fetid aroma of passivity that began to emanate from Obama-Biden, particularly after the Palin coronation, had partisan Democrats screaming for their candidates to do something. ─── 从奥巴马-拜登组合那里,已开始飘来迟钝的臭气,特别是佩琳被共和党提名后,一些民主党人开始强调自己的候选人应该做点什么。

45、In essence, the non-Duchenne smile is contrived, whereas the genuine smile seems to emanate from a deeper connection to one's joy. ─── 事实上,非杜兴式微笑是做作的,然而,一份真诚的微笑像是从一个人的内心深处的快乐散发出来。

46、You broadcast it, so to speak, as the energy you emanate, and others will pick it up subliminally. ─── 好比你在将其作为你散发出的能量来广播它。别人会潜意识地沾上它。

47、The location in a broadband system that serves as the root for the branching tree comprising the physical medium; the point to which all forward signals converge and the point from which all reverse signals emanate. ─── 宽带系统中的一个点,用作由物理媒体组成的分支树的根,所有正向信号都在此点会聚,所有反向信号都在此点发出。

48、But the two researchers wanted to know which chemicals emanate from freshly dead bodies, as well as from those that have been around for a few days. ─── 但这两位研究人员希望了解未经搁置的尸体与已存放数天的尸体分别会产生怎样的化学物质。

49、It is ironic that the more serious problems emanate from the more industrially advanced societies. ─── 很讽刺的是越严重的问题都是在越进步的工业社会中出现的。

50、Blue jets are flashes of blue light that emanate from the top of thunderstorms and then spreading upward as much as 20 miles above Earth. ─── “蓝色喷流”是从雷暴云顶端发出的蓝色闪电,它会向上传至地球表面20英里的高度。

51、Many of his most famous quotes emanate from his annual letters to his shareholders; others come from speeches or interviews. ─── 许多著名语录摘自于他每年写给股东的信,还有一些来自他的演讲和访谈。

52、Like their counterparts in the first angelic triad, they come the closet of all angels to spiritual perfection and emanate the light of God with mirrorlike goodness. ─── 就像第一个三个一组相对应的天使一样,他们会来到所有天使的壁橱去完善自己的精神(灵性),用镜子似的善良来折射出神的光。

53、emanate from ─── v. 放射, 发源

54、A personality of smallness and egotism and petty underhandedness seemed to emanate from the letters themselves ─── 一个狭隘、自私,玩小花头的男人似乎正从那些大字后面露了出来。

55、are generally classed as the producers only of books,or other useable or saleable articles,which directly emanate from them ─── 一般只是被归类于书籍生产者之列,或归类于其他有用的或可以出售的物品的生产者之列,因为这些都直接出自他们之手

56、In visible (shown in gold) and infrared (red) light, two prominent arms emanate from the bright nucleus and spiral outward. ─── 在可见光(以金黄色表示)和红外(以红色表示)波段,两条突出的旋臂从星系核区伸出,并螺旋向外延展。

57、The awful sounds which can emanate from eight-day clocks after midnight are too generally known to need description. ─── 一只“八日时钟”在子夜以后所能发出的可怕可畏的声音,是大家都知道的,根本无需描写。

58、These are said to emanate from Henry Kissinger. ─── 据说这些是亨利 基辛格出的主意。

59、These weapons too carry no country markings though the intelligence groups are almost certain that they emanate from the Chinese. ─── 尽管情报人员几乎可以确认这些武器来自中国,但它们没有任何生产国标记。

60、Waves emanate from the same atom source. ─── 波是由同一原子辐射的。

61、This site provides related information about EMAN. ─── 此站点提供该网络的相关信息。

62、waves that emanate from the collision of two black holes should be detectable. ─── 两个黑洞相撞时产生的波动可以测到。

63、The tactic worked well throughout the opening exchanges but just as the first groans were beginning to emanate from Old Trafford's vertiginous stands United began to emphasise the gulf in status between the clubs. ─── 最初的交易很成功,但在第一声叹息从老特拉福德的看台上传来的时候,曼联开始强调俱乐部正处于困境中。

64、emanate from sth ─── 发出, 生出, 发源, 发散

65、emanate heat ─── 散热

66、So ,all ranks government need eman cipate the mind and change its idea ,it must heighten responsib ility and advance the public bidding and auction of the using right of the s tated -owned land vigorously. ─── 因此,各级政府要解放思想,转变观念,增强推动国有土地招标拍卖工作的责任感,大力推动国有土地使用权招标拍卖工作。

67、Resorted to these key technologies, adjust and control mechanism for mould production procedure is achieved. A production management system for die & mould enterprise, eMan, is developed using MVC architecture based on J2EE. ─── 以上述研究成果为基础,在J2EE 平台上采用MVC 构架,开发了面向模具企业生产过程管理信息系统eMan。

68、Glorious adamantine Goddess, Wrathful female with lion's face, Whose fire of Wisdom emanate light rays, Lion-faced Goddess, to You I bow! ─── 祷文:显赫的金刚女神,显现出忿怒的狮面女,您的智慧像光芒一样散发出来,狮面女神,我向您俯首致敬。

69、The spires that appear to emanate from Venus are diffraction spikes caused by the camera itself. ─── 从金星上放射出来的光芒是由相机本身造成的衍射光。

70、What appears to you to emanate from a celestial source, seems to me to proceed from one far less pure ─── 在你看来纯粹是天意的事情,在我看来却远没有那样简单。

71、Because He is the Complete Whole, even though so many complete units emanate from Him, He remains the complete balance. ─── 任何产生自“完整”的整体,其本身也是完整的,因为他是完整的整体,所以纵使有这样多完整的单元流衍于他,他依然既完整,又均衡。

72、Perfume too seemed to emanate from the glorious hair and white clinging vestments of she herself ─── 她光亮的头发和雪白的罩袍也散发着这种香气。

73、You need to emanate as much power, authority and credibility and command as much respect as you do in a suit. ─── 因为你所穿的服装必须要体现出相应的能力、身份、信心、支配力等等。

74、Enjoy the charm of Asia culture and emanate the glamour of Asia arts ─── 感受亚洲文化魅力展现亚洲艺术风采

75、This article deals with the alphabets, transliterations and writing form of the Buddhism literatures in Mongolian scripts unearthed in ancient city and holds the idea that the Buddhism literatures emanate from Mongolian Yuan period. ─── 本文考察了哈勒不浑-巴勒哈孙古城出土的蒙文佛经所使用的字母、音和文章格式,判定它们源自蒙元时代。

76、However, while they put on a brave face in public, rumbles of deep discontent continued to emanate from executives talking privately. ─── 尽管通用汽车公司在公众面前表现的很勇敢,然而公司高层在私下里还是会有很大的不满。

77、The painting is delicate and vivid.A wind breezing over,the petals and leaves are lopsided.With float grasses waving,there seems to emanate a tangy scent of lotus. ─── 本图精致生动,画中一风吹来,花叶倾侧,水草飘动,若有莲香水味扑鼻;

78、With wooden doors, class and elegance is spelled.They usually emanate an air of Victorian era. ─── 加厚面层还可进行多次打磨翻新处理,从而增加使用年限。

79、What rule, then, could emanate from that unreasonable order? ─── 那么,从这种不合理的秩序中显现出了什么准则呢?

80、The apparent "injection" of conentional sound or radio signals so they appear to emanate from any point in mid air. ─── 明显的“注入”常规的声音或无线电信号使得它们听起来像是来自空中的任何一处。

81、This instrument emanate baneful radialization.This apparatus produces hamful radiation. ─── 2.这仪器散发有害的辐射物。

82、I make a apology to you and emanate from the whole hearted and hope that you correct. please change and return original you! ─── 是否是你的人品变了,向你道歉,我是完全出于真心,希望你能改正!请变回原来的你自己吧!

83、The Educational Metropolitan Area Networks (EMAN) ─── 教育城域网

84、The apparent" injection" of conentional sound or radio signals so they appear to emanate from any point in mid air. ─── *明显的“注入”常规的声音或无线电信号使得它们听起来像是来自空中的任何一处。

85、Palestinian boy and a destroyed building in the Gaza Strip. Photo: Eman Mohammed. ─── 加沙地带一个巴勒斯坦男孩儿和一个被毁的建筑。

86、10. By loving and pampering them, this loving aura will pervade our house, our whole family, and emanate beyond, extending the positive atmosphere to the world. ─── 我们这样爱护他、宠爱他,这种爱的气氛就会充满我们整个房子、整个家庭,然后也会散发出来,带给世界好的气氛。收藏指正

87、What other sound could emanate from the mountains on so still a night but Brook Suoxi? ─── 在这样的深山! 在这样的静夜!

88、The third, just outside the emotional, is the mental body, from where our thoughts emanate. ─── 情绪层外的第三层是头脑层,亦是我们思想产生的地方。

89、The finer details of the scene are deliberately abstracted while light seems to emanate from the gate itself. ─── 景中较细致的部份被刻意抽象化,而光线则彷佛从闸间放射出来。

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