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09-05 投稿



garth 发音

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英:  美:

garth 中文意思翻译




garth 网络释义

n. 庭院;中庭;为捕鱼而筑的坝或堰n. (Garth)人名;(德)加特;(英)加思

garth 短语词组

1、garth brooks n. ─── 加斯·布鲁克斯

2、barry garth ─── 巴里·加思

garth 相似词语短语

1、garths ─── n.庭院;中庭;为捕鱼而筑的坝或堰;n.(Garth)人名;(德)加特;(英)加思

2、girth ─── n.周长;围长;肚带;vt.围绕;包围;vi.围长为;n.(Girth)人名;(英)格思;(法、德)吉尔特

3、garts ─── n.(Gart)人名;(俄)加尔特;(英)加特

4、earth ─── n.地球;地表,陆地;土地,土壤;尘事,俗事;兽穴;vt.把(电线)[电]接地;盖(土);追赶入洞穴;vi.躲进地洞

5、Barth ─── n.巴斯(姓氏);巴斯(德国地名)

6、Hogarth ─── n.贺加斯(姓氏)

7、Garth ─── n.庭院;中庭;为捕鱼而筑的坝或堰;n.(Garth)人名;(德)加特;(英)加思

8、Asgarth ─── 阿斯加思。

9、gart ─── n.(Gart)人名;(俄)加尔特;(英)加特

garth 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Garth Brooks - That Summer ─── 那年夏季

2、6. this paper introduces atrium of the vernacular architecture in Quanzhou with garth of the quadrangle in Beijing, and comparing them through climate and Gestalt Esthetics. ─── 本文阐述了“庭”与“院”的概念,并结合气候环境、格式塔心理学对泉州官式大厝“中庭”与北京四合院“内院”的差异进行了比较。收藏指正

3、Garth, I realize that we’ve started off badly, but I think you will be pleased with the refinished work. ─── 我知道我们开头开得不好。但我想我们的返工结果会使您满意的。

4、Garth Brooks will be back on stage for one night to receive a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Academy of Country Music. ─── 加思布鲁克斯将重返舞台上一个晚上接受终身成就奖的乡村音乐研究院。

5、Garth Brooks - Unanswered Prayers ─── 无回馈的祈祷

6、I was about to log off my computer when I received an email from Garth, my Deputy Director. ─── 正当我要关闭电脑时,收到了副主任加思的电子邮件。

7、Garth Brooks - The Thunder Rolls ─── 雷声滚滚

8、is no longer the top-selling live album of all time; that honor goes to Garth Brooks' 16-times platinum Double Live set. ─── 不再是最畅销的所有时间现场专辑,这并不是最流行的加思布鲁克斯的16次双白金现场设置。

9、Comparing atium of the veruacular architecture in Quan zhou with garth of the quadrangle in Beijin ─── 泉州官式大厝的“中庭”与北京四合院的“内院”之比较

10、Garth Brooks - Last Night I Had The Strangest Dream ─── 昨夜我做了最奇异的梦

11、Garth Brooks with Trisha Yearwood Squeeze Me In. ─── 为我挤点时间。

12、Garth grit ─── 加思丘陵层

13、B.White, by/pictures by Garth Williams. ─── 书名/作者 Charlotte's web/E.

14、The Chicks racked up the second highest first-week sales for a country artist, behind Garth Brooks. ─── 最终,它成为一个乡村音乐演唱组有史以来销量最好的专辑。

15、Garth has a skeleton in his closet. ─── 贾斯有个不为人知的秘密。

16、Garth come on relax all right? Your pills? ─── 加思,伙计,放松好吗?你的药呢?

17、Following the successes of Randy Travis, Reba McEntire, and Alabama, a new leader emerged in early 1990-- Garth Brooks. ─── 继兰迪.特拉维斯,里芭麦克恩泰尔和阿拉巴马成功后,九十年代初又出现了一位新的乡村音乐领头人:加斯.布鲁克斯。

18、Garth pull over Oh man! Come on! ─── 思,停到路边。哦,伙计!不是吧!

19、Rev. 763(1986);Bryant Garth Joyce Sterling, From Legal Realism to Law and Society: Reshaping Law for the Last Stages of the Social Activist State, 32 Law SOC.Y Rev. 409(1998);Felice V. ─── 今天,如果你告诉一个法律家群体,你认为政治对法律制度起着重要的影响,法治并非像表面上的那样确定而是相当灵活的;

20、Are you saying that Garth has the perfect girth? ─── 你的意思是盖斯的尺寸非常完美?

21、24. Why are Arnold Schwarzenegger and Garth Brooks mentioned in Paragraph 5? ─── 第五段为什么提到阿诺施瓦辛格和葛司布鲁克斯?

22、With the release of his self-titled album, Garth started country music on the road to expansion and mass appeal. ─── 在以他的名字命名的专辑中,加斯开辟了一条道路,使乡村音乐得以迅速发展并赢得大众的喜爱。

23、Why are Arnold Schwarzenegger and Garth Brooks mentioned in Paragraph 5? ─── 第五段为什么提到阿诺·施瓦辛格和葛司·布鲁克斯?

24、“Microsoft engineers are working on ways to improve the user experience,” says Garth Fort, Microsoft's marketing head for Greater China. ─── 微软大中华区市场战略部总经理傅嘉思(GarthFort)表示,“微软工程师们正致力于改善用户体验。”

25、Recently, he booked country music hero Garth Brooks into Encore Theatre, luring thousands of Brooks' fans to Wynn's Strip resorts. ─── 最近,他预邀了乡村音乐的主角加思布鲁克斯到安可剧院演出,将成千上万布鲁克斯迷吸引到永利度假村地带。

26、Garth has a skeleton in his closet. He robbed a store 10 years ago. ─── 贾斯有个不为人知的秘密。他十年前抢了一家商店。

27、How you doing? Garth! ─── 你好吗,加思?

28、Garth Brooks will be back on stage for one night to receive a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Academy of Country Music. ─── 加思.布鲁克斯将会回到舞台一个晚上,他是为了接受美国乡村音乐学院颁给他的终身成就奖。

29、Garth’s email was short, but I learned more from that brief message than I ever did from a textbook. ─── 加尔斯的电子邮件是短暂的,但我学到更多的从这个简短讯息比我以往任何时候都没有从一本教科书。

30、Garth Geist, vice president of marketing, Uncoated Paper. ─── 加思精神,负责营销的副总裁,非涂布纸。

31、Garth Brooks - The Magic Of Christmas ─── 神奇般的圣诞节-葛斯布鲁克

32、"Microsoft engineers are working on ways to improve the user experience, " says Garth Fort, Microsoft's marketing head for Greater China. ─── 微软大中华区市场战略部总经理傅嘉思(GarthFort)表示,“微软工程师们正致力于改善用户体验。”

33、"With you as always is Garth?" ─── "像往常一样,跟你,加斯?"

34、"I want to speak to Mr. Garth, " said Fred, not yet ready to say more. ─── “我有事找高思先生,”弗莱德说,不打算多谈。

35、"I want to speak to Mr. Garth," said Fred, not yet ready to say more. ─── “我有事找高思先生,”弗莱德说,不打算多谈。

36、Garth come on relax all right? Your pills? ─── 伙计,放松好吗?你的药呢?

37、But Garth’s words immediately refreshed me and put a smile back on my face. ─── 但加尔斯的话,立即刷新我把微笑回到我的表情。

38、Garth pull over Oh man! Come on! ─── 加思,停到路边。哦,伙计!不是吧!

39、When Tim McGraw debuted in the early'90 s, few would have predicted that he would eventually take over Garth Brooks' position as the most popular male singer in country music. ─── 蒂姆·克劳出道于上世纪九十年代初,当时没有人知道他将来会取代加思·鲁克斯的位置,成为最受欢迎的乡村歌手。

40、Christening themselves the Dixie Chicks, sidewalk performances soon gave way to stints as opening act .for Garth Brooks, George Jones, and Emmylou Harris. ─── 她们将乐队取名为"南方少女",很快,人行道上的演出就让位于为加思·布鲁克斯,乔治·琼斯和埃米卢·哈里斯做开场演出。

41、this paper introduces atrium of the vernacular architecture in Quanzhou with garth of the quadrangle in Beijing, and comparing them through climate and Gestalt Esthetics. ─── 本文阐述了“庭”与“院”的概念,并结合气候环境、格式塔心理学对泉州官式大厝“中庭”与北京四合院“内院”的差异进行了比较。

42、Garth Saloner is the ninth dean of the Stanford Graduate School of Business. ─── 塞隆纳现任斯坦福大学商学院第九任院长。

43、garth space ─── 庭院空间

44、The images reveal blurry dots, "just a handful of pixels, " says Garth Illingworth, a University of California, Santa Cruz, astrophysicist. ─── 照片中显示出一些模糊的小点。位于圣克鲁斯加州大学的天体物理学家加思·伊林沃思说:“像素非常微弱。”

45、Here are two tickets for tonight's concert of Garth Brooks, the country-and-western music star. ─── 这里是两张今晚尕诗.布鲁克,乡村和西部音乐之星,音乐会的票。”

46、Doctors have diagnosed Garth as a split personality. ─── 大夫诊断加思是分裂人格(或:多重性格)。

47、5. Following the successes of Randy Travis, Reba McEntire, and Alabama, a new leader emerged in early 1990-- Garth Brooks. ─── 继兰迪.特拉维斯,里芭麦克恩泰尔和阿拉巴马成功后,九十年代初又出现了一位新的乡村音乐领头人:加斯.布鲁克斯。收藏指正

48、Garth Noonan, managing director in high-yield capital markets at Merrill Lynch said that while high-yield bond and loan supply was strong, it would not be enough to sate demand. ─── 美林(MerrillLynch)高收益率资本市场董事总经理加思.努南(GarthNoonan)表示,尽管高收益率债券和贷款供应充裕,但仍不足以满足需求。

49、cloister garth ─── 回廊中庭

50、Garth Brooks - Alabama Clay ─── 阿拉巴马泥土

51、with illustrations by Garth Williams. ─── 作者声明: by Margery Sharp ;

52、Absent from the compilations were the names of huge contempo-rary American country stars like Brooks and Dunn, the Dixie Chicks, Alan Jackson, George Strait, Garth Brooks, Mark Chestnut and Alabama. ─── 那些当代美国乡村音乐巨星如布鲁克斯/邓恩、南方妹子、阿兰-杰克逊、乔治-斯特雷特、加斯-布鲁克斯、马克-切斯那特和阿拉巴马全都没有在架上。

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