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09-05 投稿


becloud 发音

英:[b??kla?d]  美:[b??kla?d]

英:  美:

becloud 中文意思翻译



becloud 网络释义

vt. 蒙蔽;使变暗

becloud 短语词组

1、becloud movie ─── 云彩电影

2、becloud meaning becloud ─── 意思

3、becloud synonym becloud ─── 同义词

4、becloud belarus ─── 白俄罗斯

5、becloud solutions becloud ─── 解决方案

6、becloud llc becloud ─── 有限责任公司

becloud 词性/词形变化,becloud变形


becloud 相似词语短语

1、beclouded ─── vt.蒙蔽;使变暗

2、becloak ─── 贝克洛克

3、beclog ─── 贝克洛格

4、becrowd ─── 拥挤

5、beclown ─── 贝肯

6、encloud ─── vt.阴云遮蔽;使阴郁

7、beclogs ─── 贝克洛斯

8、cloud ─── n.云;阴云;云状物;一大群;黑斑;vt.使混乱;以云遮蔽;使忧郁;玷污;vi.阴沉;乌云密布;n.(Cloud)克劳德(人名)

9、beclouds ─── vt.蒙蔽;使变暗

becloud 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Don't try to becloud the basic issues. ─── 别企图把基本问题搅乱了。

2、Advertisement could be seen as a money-making skill which make people becloud human intelligence for long time. ─── 2广告可被视为一种长久蒙蔽人类智慧以期从中赚钱的技巧。

3、A few media are in competition by becloud conscience, while management consciousness increases, moral consciousness is in however wear off. ─── 一些媒体在竞争中被蒙蔽了良知,经营意识增强的同时道德意识却在逐渐减弱。

4、Remorse took hold of the disciples because they had allowed the prevailing unbelief to leaven their opinions and becloud their understanding. ─── 门徒心中觉得非常痛悔,因为他们让当时社会上流行的不信,影响自己的思想,蒙蔽自己的认识。

5、Similar to visual illusion, cognition illusion becloud one's feeling to the real-world. ─── 视错觉类似,认知错觉蒙蔽了人们对真实世界的感受。

6、But in the real world, all too often personalities and emotions becloud objective thinking. People sometimes want vengeance, for example. ─── 但在现实世界 理性的思考往往会被情感与个性所左右 其中又以报复心理为甚。

7、1.Bao Fuxin of slam the door manages and have an insatiable desire for read aloud, must not by becloud of redound of so called high specified number; ─── 1.摒弃暴富心理和贪念,千万不要被所谓的高额回报蒙蔽;

8、If you have made a great mistake in your life, do not let it becloud all of it;but, locking the secret in your breast, compel it to yield strength and sweetness. ─── 如果你生活在性情不相投的人们中间,你就当用爱心去战胜他们。

9、Don't try to becloud the basic issues. ─── 别企图把基本问题搅乱了。

10、Problems began to becloud the real issues. ─── 这些问题开始掩盖着真正的问题。

11、In the meantime, virus still can be shown after pilfer date " the file is missing, download installation afresh please " user of false information becloud. ─── 同时,病毒在盗号后还会显示出“文件丢失,请重新下载安装”的虚假信息蒙蔽用户。

12、information hiding model is introduced which can becloud human auditory in transmission of tone. ─── 提出了一种在话音传递中,蒙蔽人类听觉的信息隐藏模型。

13、In addition, virus still can be shown after pilfer date " the file is missing, download installation afresh please " user of false information becloud. ─── 此外,病毒在盗号后还会显示出“文件丢失,请重新下载安装”的虚假信息蒙蔽用户。

14、To this kind of camouflage, unfamiliar of a lot of pairs of Internet judge by becloud, maintain a website simply not to form tort. ─── 对于这种障眼法,很多对互联网不熟悉的法官被蒙蔽,简单认定网站不构成侵权。

15、Problems began to becloud the real issues. ─── 这些问题开始掩盖着真正的问题。

16、It is becloud sex is mixed puzzle the gender is strong. ─── 一是蒙蔽性和迷惑性强。

17、Whether is because,knowing suffer from excessive internal heat, like always feeling to seem to be worn by what becloud inside ear, excuse me specific reason issue what? ─── 不知道是否是因为上火,耳朵里面总觉得好象被什么蒙蔽着一样,请问具体的原因事什么?

18、If poisonous defect pericardium, becloud deities is sent weigh disease to fizzle out urgently. ─── 假如毒陷心包,蒙蔽神明则发为急黄重症。

19、She is a subtle girl, you must be careful and don't becloud your eye with her sweet words. ─── 她是个狡猾的女孩子,你一定要当心,别被她的花言巧语蒙蔽,让她得逞。

20、Emulation product is different, it is to wrapping around lawful appearance hall and the ground becloud consumer of emperor. ─── 仿真产品则不一样,它是披着合法的外衣堂而皇之地蒙蔽消费者。

21、Lustful desires becloud the heart ─── 嗜欲薰心

22、An information hiding model is introduced which can becloud human auditory in transmission of tone. ─── 提出了一种在话音传递中,蒙蔽人类听觉的信息隐藏模型。


家庭的英文单词:family;family;英 [?f?m?l?] 美 [?f?m?l?] ;n. 家庭;亲属;家族;子女;[生]科;语族;[化]族;adj. 家庭的;家族的;适合于全家的;例句:;

1.The family was often in flight, hiding out in friends' houses.;这一家人常常东躲西藏,在朋友家里避风头。;

2.Each family farms individually and reaps the benefit of its labor.;各家经营各自的农场,收获各自的劳动成果。;扩展资料;形近词:;familial ;英 [f?'m?lj?l] 美 [f?'m?l??l] ;adj. 家族的;家庭的;遗传的;例句:;The Crane. It stands for familial obligation; standing watch out for your own.;总之我查过了,那纸鹤是代表着家族的责任,对亲人的关心。



1、couple 英 ['k?pl] 美 ['k?pl]n. 对;夫妇;数个v. 连结;交配例句:The couple seemed to be on cloud nine.那对夫妇看上去极其幸福。

2、parents英 ['pe?r?nts] 美 ['pe?r?nts]n. 父母;双亲名词parent的复数形式.例句:Don't be so rude to your parents!别对你的父母这么没礼貌!

3、child英 [t?a?ld] 美 [t?a?ld]n. 小孩;子女;产物例句:They cherished the child as one of their own.他们把这孩子当作自己亲生子女一般。

4、brother英 ['br???(r)]美 ['br???r]n. 兄弟;教友;同胞;老兄例句:I always confounded him with his twin brother.我总分不清他和他的孪生兄弟。

5、sister英 ['s?st?(r)] 美 ['s?st?r]n. 姐妹例句:You should take care of your niece for the sake of your sister.看在姐妹的份上,你应该照顾你的侄女。

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