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09-05 投稿



refines 发音

英:[r??fa?nz]  美:[r??fa?nz]

英:  美:

refines 中文意思翻译



refines 同义词

civility | style | tastefulness | grace | amendment | shade | good manners | gentleness | urbanity | gentility | purification | refining | betterment | delicacy | alteration | courtesy | nuance | sophistication | civilization | finish | polish | tweak | perfection | manners | nicety | breeding | refinement | modification | enrichment | finesse | graciousness | cultivation | subtlety | fineness | civilisation | maturity | discrimination | revision | politeness | good | reform | enhancement | advancement | improvement | purity |culture | propriety | elegance | minor change | class | elaboration

refines 词性/词形变化,refines变形

动词过去式: refined |动词现在分词: refining |动词过去分词: refined |动词第三人称单数: refines |名词: refiner |

refines 常用词组

refine on ─── 精于;改进

refines 反义词


refines 短语词组

1、refines as ore crossword ─── 精炼为矿石纵横字谜

refines 相似词语短语

1、refiner ─── n.精炼机;精制者,精炼者

2、refinds ─── 重新找到

3、refined ─── adj.[油气][化工][冶]精炼的;精确的;微妙的;有教养的

4、defines ─── v.定义;规定;详述;表明特征(define的三单形式)

5、refine ─── vt.精炼,提纯;改善;使…文雅

6、refixes ─── vt.再设立;重新装设

7、refiners ─── 精炼者;精炼机(refine的复数)

8、refires ─── vt.再点燃

9、refiles ─── 续杯

refines 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Our products are “Green and Precise” refines powder Ge and”Greeu and Precise” instant kudzu vine precise series, etc. ─── 本公司现在生产的产品有“绿晶”牌精制葛粉,“绿晶”牌速溶葛根晶系列等产品。

2、Metallographic analyses show that the ultrasonic welding significantly refines the grains with more acicular ferrite appears in the fusion zone. ─── 金相分析表明,在电弧超声作用下,焊缝结晶组织明显细化,焊缝区针状铁索体增加。

3、“To defend himself, man refines the meanness of his heart,” she observes. ─── 她认为“人们为了维护自己,粉饰了心中的卑劣”。

4、The project management team in the Scope Definition process further refines the preliminary project scope statement into the project scope statement. ─── 范围定义过程中的项目管理团队将项目初步范围说明书进一步细化为项目范围说明书。

5、The results suggest that dynamic recrystalliztion (DRX) occurs during the compression process.The DRX in turn refines the grains. ─── 研究表明,该合金在热压缩实验中通过动态再结晶过程细化基体晶粒。

6、The enhanced lockset algorithm refines the data race condition by catching the end of the thread and analyzing the right thread information of various variables. ─── 该算法通过分析线程结束情况和理解变量的线程信息,精化数据竞争检测条件。

7、Theharmonious management pattern also expands the system management, and refines the theories on human-based management as well. ─── 高校教师人力资源管理采用和谐管理模式是高校师资管理发展的有效途径。

8、It has established broad sourcing channels and is of many-year experiences in designing, developing and making refines. ─── 制作部:具有广泛采购渠道,和多年制作物开发、生产经验。

9、The result shows that: the improved arithmetic refines the distribution of cluster and head-note,it s much better than LEACH in lifetime and LBF. ─── 结果表明,优化算法改进了簇和簇头的分布方式,提高了负载均衡度,并延长了无线传感器网络的生存时间。

10、On the other hand it refines the features from the question of student, and then it returns the best answer of the question from the knowledge base with relational algorithms. ─── 另一方面,对学生的问题进行特征提炼,最后,利用相关的算法从知识库中返回学生问题的最佳答案。

11、It molds, refines, and polishes you. ─── 它塑造你,优化你,改进你。

12、We are all put on the potters wheel and He refines us like gold. ─── 我们都在他这窑匠的手中,他将我们提炼成金。

13、Messe Frankfurt refines range of textile trade fairs worldwide ─── 法兰克福展览公司重建世界纺织品贸易博览会的格局

14、Perceiving an apparent connection between certain actions performed by the group and the result it desires, the group repeats, refines and formalizes those actions into fixed ceremonies, or rituals. ─── 群体意识到他们所做的某些行为与他们所期望的结果之间存在的明显联系时,他们就会对这些行为进行重复,改进,并正式化为固定的典礼或仪式。

15、Sinopec is especially vulnerable to the effects of China's price controls because it must buy most of the oil it refines. ─── 中国石化尤其容易受到中国政府控制燃料价格的影响,因该公司炼油所需的大部分原油都必须从市场上购买。

16、Thus animation serves as a complimentary to the painting, making it more comprehensive while painting rearranges and refines animation in a compulsory way. ─── 画对于动画是一个梳理和提炼的过程,在这个过程中具有"强迫"的色彩。

17、First, it sweeps away dead surface skin and refines rough, uneven patches. ─── 第一步,去除老化的表皮细胞,平复粗糙的皮肤。

18、Match function refines the location of search terms. ─── 使用匹配功能下拉菜单精确定位你输入的检索项

19、Before concluding, the article refines the hypotheses and draws differential conclusions concerning the possible implications for East Asia as a region. ─── 接著本文修正上述假设;且得出关于对东亚整体区域可能影响的独特结论。

20、The results show that higher Nb content is favorable for obtaining acicular ferrite (AF).Accelerated cooling promotes AF transformation, and refines lath size of AF. ─── 结果表明,铌含量高有利于在极低的冷却速率下获得针状铁素体组织,提高冷却速率则能进一步促进针状铁素体转变,并使铁素体板条得到细化。

21、This paper introduces the light gaso line etherify technology,brings fo rward the project of building the light gasoline etherify device on th e catalyst cracking cell in the refin ery plant. ─── 介绍了轻汽油醚化技术,提出了在炼油厂催化裂化单元建设轻汽油醚化装置的方案。

22、Therefore, according to the poetry theme category, refines the poetics proposition, and gives a more systematic analysis, considers unscrambles the Yuan poetry esthetics thought the effective way. ─── 因此,按照诗歌题材的类别,提炼出诗学命题,并予以较为系统的剖析,当是解读袁枚诗歌美学思想的有效路径。

23、Once free and back in Malibu, Stark secretly refines his design, turning himself into a more peace-minded crusader. ─── 一获得自由就返回马利步的斯塔克秘密地改进他的设计,使自己成为一个和平主义改革者。

24、Gently removes old surface cells and refines skin texture. ─── 清除老化的表皮细胞,令皮肤重现细致肤理。

25、This dislocation cell structure is inherited by martensite,restricts the growing of the martensite and refines the structure so as to strengthen and toughen the magnetic field quenched materials. ─── 高温顺磁性奥氏体在外强磁场的作用下可发生磁化变形,使奥氏体形成高密度的位错胞结构,并有弥散碳化物析出。

26、He refines it, pursues it, develops it, and is all the time imitating himself. ─── 于是他完善这表达,追逐它,发展它,他始终在模仿自己。

27、Operating in a responsible and honest manner, it constantly redevelops and refines its technologies. ─── 在技术上不断发展、创新,精益求精。在经营上公司遵循诚实守信、认真负责的原则。

28、To ensure the refines and practicality of the archives, careful identification of material is very important. ─── 为了保证消防档案的精练和实用,认真细致地材料鉴别是十分重要的。

29、Thirdly, by diagnosing the enterprise culture of CLIC, the author refines and integrates the core idea of enterprise culture of CLIC. ─── 第三个层面在对中国人寿保险公司企业文化诊断的基础上进行企业文化核心理念提炼和整合。

30、If checked, refines search results to match only the word as a whole. ─── 如果勾选此项,在搜索结果中精选出完全匹配的文字。

31、Chest refines change to the function, gain ground more between change clothes, dresser decrescent. ─── 衣柜向功能细化转变,更衣间更普及,梳妆台变小了。

32、By analyzing development trends and markel space of modern kitchen furniture, this article refines out new concept and new design styles of modern kitchen furniture in IT time. ─── 通过分析现代厨房家具的发展趋势和市场空间,提炼出信息时代的现代厨房家具设计的新理念和新的设计风格。

33、This further refines the visual style so that it reflects key behaviors and information. ─── 我们进一步使视觉风格完善,从而可以体现和反应关键的行为和信息。

34、To make the yellow streak look as if it is on the field, the operator continually refines the colors in the broadcast feed over which the computer should paint the line( grassy greens) and those it should not( players' skin and uniforms). ─── 为了让这条黄线看起来像画在球场上,操作员需根据电脑应该画线的区域(皮的绿地)以及不应该画线的区域(员的皮肤和制服)不断调整播送内容的颜色。

35、This study refines these researchers' preious work by identifying those women with estrogen-receptor-sensitie oarian cancer who are the most likely to respond to this drug. ─── 这项研究鉴别出雌激素受体敏感性卵巢癌妇女,来曲唑疗法对于她们可能最有效,这是对以前工作的升华。”

36、Refines the abstract idea of resources to add XML particulars. ─── 精化了资源这个抽象概念,增加了XML的具体特性。

37、Efficacy:Rich green tea extract and moisture factor,rapidly infiltrate skin,deeply nourishes and refines,make skin more refreshing,smooth,also emits elegant green tea fragrance. ─── 功效:富含绿茶萃取液和滋润因子,质地轻柔,能够迅速渗入肌肤,深层滋养,细致肤质,令肌肤倍感清爽、润滑,散发淡雅绿茶香氛。

38、Abstract: In the chemical industry, oil refines, medicine and other some industry sectors, the tower is one kind of important unit operation equipment. ─── 摘要: 在化工、炼油、医药和另外一些工业部门,塔是一种重要的单元操作设备。

39、The radio system employs a method that refines distribution still further by ensuring that traffic is only sent to routers that have an interest in receiving it. ─── 这种无线系统所采用的方式通过优化分发以确保信息能传输到有权收到的路由器。

40、It refines and corrects and gives a style to our emotional life, and does so swiftly, with power. ─── 它迅速而有力地净化和矫正着我们的感情生活,赋予它一种正当的模式。

41、he works in the open air and transcribes the vitality and beauty of the organic world, which he later refines in the studio. ─── 他在野外写作,记下有机世界的活力和美,然后在画室里加以精雕细琢。

42、It refines and corrects and gives a to our emotional life, and does so swiftly, with power. ─── 它迅速而有力的澄清着、矫正着我们的感情生活,赋予它以一种正当的模式。

43、The Daqing Petrochemical Corporation is a petrochemical megacorporation that refines oil and produces chemical products. ─── 大庆石化公司是从事炼油与化工产品生产的特大型石油化工联合企业,是我国重要的炼油、化工生产和科研基地。

44、But Peter says also that while trials are like fire, it is not fire that destroys, but the kind that refines or purifies our faith. ─── 但彼得却指出,试炼虽然像火一般,但它却不会对我们造成伤害,反而会炼净我们,使我们的信心尤如精金。

45、Refines pores and purifies skin.Gives you instant pleasure of tightness and clean. ─── 毛孔恢复收缩舒张弹力,清爽通透,立即感受肌肤被收紧的快乐。

46、If checked, refines search results to match only the word as a whole. ─── 如果勾选此项,在搜索结果中精选出完全匹配的文字。

47、Disc refiner: Machine which refines pulp by rubbing fibres between vertical rotating discs. ─── 碟型磨浆机:由两片垂直旋转的碟构成的打浆机器。它把纤维作精细的研磨。

48、Then it refines this price when the shipping information is known. ─── 然后当他得知传递信息之后,可以进一步地完善估价活动。

49、The article further refines what has been an ongoing theme for the series: Modeling is about simplifying reality for practical purposes. ─── 本文进一步升华了贯穿本系列文章的一个主题:建模是出于特定目的而对现实的简化。

50、The softening effect of pink clay refines the skin's texture while toning the epidermis. ─── 粉红泥的柔软作用在强健表皮的同时使肌肤细腻。

51、This alcohol-free, freshener gently tones and refines to brighten the complexion, while leaving it perfectly clean, soft and supple.. ─── 这种不含酒精的清洁剂在温和的增白面部肌肤的同时,还可以很好的清洁肌肤,并使其柔嫩.

52、Getting them to explain concepts to other team members helps consolidate their own learning and refines their own thinking. ─── 让新成员向其他的团队成员解释概念,这样既能巩固他们所学的知识,又能提高他们的思考方法。

53、It firms and refines your skin for a clear and fair complexion. ─── 平衡调理皮脂分泌,锁住水分,令肌肤白皙,富有弹性。

54、This paper refines factors governing on mergers and acquisitions vs greenfield investments horn the researches in strategic theories, industrial organization and mergers and acquisiitons. ─── 本文运用战略管理、产业组织和并购理论,从中提炼出并购与新建投资决策影响因素。

55、Thus, it will be easier to control the time of refining sugar, and it will be convenient to realize automation of refin... ─── 这样就可以间接得出蔗糖的结晶速度,从而可以控制制糖的时间,便于实现制糖的自动化。

56、Disc refiner Machine which refines pulp by rubbing fibres between vertical rotating discs. ─── 碟型磨浆机由两片垂直旋转的碟构成的打浆机器。它把纤维作精细的研磨。

57、The results show that higher Nb content is favorable for obtaining acicular ferrite(AF).Accelerated cooling promotes AF transformation,and refines lath size of AF. ─── 结果表明,铌含量高有利于在极低的冷却速率下获得针状铁素体组织,提高冷却速率则能进一步促进针状铁素体转变,并使铁素体板条得到细化。

58、It gently eliminates impurities and scrubs away dead cells and refines the skin's texture. ─── 令肌肤再生及恢复生气。去除皮肤杂质,粗糙和死皮。提高皮肤的含氧度。

59、Gold refines in the fire and man in trouble. ─── 金凭火炼,人凭苦练。

60、As for Soar's dust,it is given to each umpiring crew by a "mud man", who refines it from the clay found near the Susquehana River. ─── 至于索尔倒出的粉末,那是一位“泥匠”以每罐50美圆的价格提供给每个裁判的,它是“泥匠”用以萨斯奎哈纳河附近采到的黏土精制而成的。

61、Zibo ruifa textile refines co., Ltd. ─── 淄博瑞发纺织制品有限公司。

62、It has established broad sourcing channels and is of many-year experiences in designing, developing and making refines . ─── 具有广泛采购渠道,和多年制作物开发、生产经验。

63、Clears and refines pore openings. ─── 清洁滋润毛孔。

64、Gently tones and refines the pores so skin looks revitalized. ─── 恢复皮肤自然的酸碱值的平衡。

65、Refines dry, rough and uv-damaged skin while encouraging a silky suppleness.Helps protect against environmental irritants and keeps skin moisturizing and supple. ─── 修复受紫外线和环境因素的损伤,同时嫩白肌肤,还原晒后肤色,令肌肤净白亮采。

66、It is shown that the addition of Be (0.023%)significantly increases the recrystallization temperature of the alloys,reduces the recrystallization speed and refines the grain size. ─── 实验结果表明:加入0.023%Be能有效地提高7475铝合金的再结晶温度,降低再结晶速度,使合金的晶粒得到细化,且硬度值仍高于不含铍的合金;

67、The fire only refines; it does not destroy. We are to be brought through the fire, not left in it. ─── 火不会烧毁我们,它只会炼净我们,我们是会被丢到火中,但不会永远在那儿。

68、Love refines the thoughts . ─── 爱使思想高尚。

69、Enhances the brand loyalty the main principle to include: Refines the consumer unique values; ─── 提高品牌忠诚度的主要法则有:提炼消费者独特的价值观;

70、In multi-phase projects,this process validates or refines the project scope for each phase. ─── 在多阶段项目中,这一过程确认或细化每一阶段的项目范围。

71、A world of fear and treachery is torment, a world of trampling and being trampled upon, a world which will grow not less but more merciless as it refines itself. ─── 这是一个恐惧、叛卖、折磨的世界,一个践踏和被践踏的世界,一个在臻于完善的过程中越来越无情的世界。

72、Using one or all of these categories further refines your search results. ─── 使用这三种类型中的一个或全部可以进一步优化搜索结果。

73、It can be testified that the improved arithmetic refines the distributions of cluster and head-node,so it s much better than LEACH in lifetime and LBF,as well as in the suitability of WSN beginning. ─── 结果表明,优化算法改进了簇和簇头的分布方式,提高了负载均衡度,并延长了无线传感器网络的生存时间,适应更多的网络初始条件。

74、The Swiss company was founded in Chiasso in 1977, and refines around 400 metric tonnes of gold each year. ─── 瑞士公司成立于1977年基亚索,并提炼约400公吨的黄金,每年。

75、Before this, cleaning out the means that treasure uses is kind of eye that refines commodity ceaselessly, will satisfy buy the home to search commodity and platform the need of censorial commodity. ─── 此前,淘宝采用的方式是不断细化商品的类目,来满足买家找寻商品以及平台监察商品的需要。

76、Perceiving an apparent connection between certain actions performed by the group and the result it desires, the group repeats, refines and formalizes those actions into fixed ceremonies, or rituals. ─── prosperity对应的就是the result it desires。这句有点因果句的味道,意思是:group repeats是因为事先知道某个动作能带来好的结果。

77、And further, it refines each macro phase, which is accomplished by building a abstract action mechnaism and developing selected actions. ─── 进一步地,它细化 每一宏阶段,这是通过建立一种抽象的活动机制,按照具体需要开发 可选活动完成的。

78、Once free and back in Malibu, Stark secretly refines his design, turning himself into a more peace-minded crusader. ─── 重获自由后他马上返回马利步的斯塔克秘密地改良他的设计,使自己成为一个和平主义改革者。

79、Gently removes old surface cells and refines skin texture. Lifts and plumps up collapsed skin structures to reduce the appearance of expression lines and deep wrinkles. Also reduces age spots. ─── 清除老化的表皮细胞,令皮肤重现细致肤理。能加速愈合作用,令皱缩的皮肤结构重现平整柔滑,面纹及深陷的皱纹全都显为消灭。老人斑也一一减少。

80、This is a stage whereby God refines the characters separately, in preparation not for marriage, but for spiritual growth and for service. ─── 这个阶段里,上帝分别对各人的品性做炼净的工作,但不是作为婚姻的预备,而是为了各人灵命的长进以及更好的事奉。

81、The result shows that: the improved arithmetic refines the distribution of cluster and head-note, it's much better than LEACH in lifetime and LBF. ─── 结果表明,优化算法改进了簇和簇头的分布方式,提高了负载均衡度,并延长了无线传感器网络的生存时间。

82、Organic lavender oil creates this refreshing toner that removes the last traces of cleansers and refines pores to prepare the skin for moisturising. ─── 纯天然的薰衣草精油使本款水水能够有效清除残留清洁液并能清洁毛孔,为皮肤进一步的吸收水分做好准备。

83、Therefore, our R&D refines every selection of materials, process parameters and quality acceptances to ensure the most prominent range of products. ─── 我们的研发(R&D)部门精挑细选每一件原材料,有效控制和完善每一道生产工艺以确保每一件产品的质量可靠,尺寸规范。

84、The final section refines development experiences of some cities, such as Suzhou, Guangzhou, Dalian, Shenzhen and Shanghai, giving a conclusion and some implement suggestions. ─── 第6部分提炼苏州,广州,大连,深圳,上海等市的发展经验,提出提升西部城市竞争力的对策建议,主要体现在提升企业核心竞争力、产业主导竞争力和区域整体竞争力三方面。

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