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09-05 投稿



disseminator 发音

英:[[d?'sem?ne?t?r]]  美:[[d?'sem?ne?t?r]]

英:  美:

disseminator 中文意思翻译



disseminator 词性/词形变化,disseminator变形

名词: dissemination |动词过去分词: disseminated |动词过去式: disseminated |动词现在分词: disseminating |动词第三人称单数: disseminates |

disseminator 相似词语短语

1、dissimilatory ─── adj.异化的

2、dissemination ─── n.宣传;散播;传染(病毒)

3、inseminator ─── n.输精员;人工授精器

4、disseminating ─── v.传播(disseminate的ing形式);宣传;散播

5、disseminate ─── vt.宣传,传播;散布;vi.散布;广为传播

6、disseminative ─── adj.传播的;散布的

7、discriminator ─── n.[电子]鉴别器;辨别者

8、disseminates ─── vt.宣传,传播;散布;vi.散布;广为传播

9、disseminated ─── adj.浸染的;散播性的;v.散布(disseminate的过去分词);撒播

disseminator 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The results reveal that the strength of electronic negative word-of-mouth, the disseminator s expertise and the strength of relationship would affect the consumer switching behavior. ─── 在研究方法上,本研究以网际网路使用者为研究对象,并选择次世代电玩主机作为问卷填答产品,同时透过网路问卷的方式进行。

2、Language model which reports live the disseminator that the main research of this subject takes soccer announcer as an example, analyze their characteristic style. ─── 本课题主要研究以足球解说员为例的现场报道传播者的语言模型,分析他们的特点风格。

3、This thesis is about a research on disseminator influence of star spokesman in TV advertisement. ─── 这是一项关于明星代言人电视广告传播效果的研究。

4、Moreover, I elaborate the factor (namely disseminator, messages, acceptor, medium, feedback) and the characteristic (namely communication, multiplicity, uniqueness, coordination) of publication brand. ─── 同时,还对出版品牌的传播要素(即传播者、讯息、受传者、媒介、反馈)与特性(即沟通性、多样性、唯一性、协同性)进行了系统分析。

5、As the fourth media, network has more advantages than the press, broadcasting, movie and TV. First, everyone can be information promulgator, disseminator and embracer. ─── 网络作为第四媒体,它与前三大媒体报刊、广播、影视比较,有三大优势,一是每个人都可以同时拥有信息发布者、传播者和信息接受者的多重身份。

6、41. The media literacy has become the essential software during the new countryside reconstruction, so we need urgently to enhance the disseminator and the farmer audiences' media literacy. ─── 媒介素养已成为新农村建设不可缺少的软件,因此急需提高传播者和农村受众的媒介素养。

7、TV presenters, as a mass disseminator, are in charge of the commonality between the public and harmony dissemination. ─── 而电视节目主持人作为大众传播中的传播者,就担负着与大众之间建立共同性,以求得和谐传播的任务。

8、Mobile telephone is not only a material housing, but also the cultural carrier, information disseminator and communicator. ─── 手机不仅是表面的物质壳体,也是文化的载体、信息的传播与沟通者。

9、intermediatry disseminator ─── 中间传播者

10、newly disseminator ─── 新兴传者

11、Low pressure enters the pressure chamber through a disseminator and bottom air pad which fluidizes the material and pressurizes the chamber. ─── 低气压通过传播器进入气压室,底部气压垫液化材料并给气压室增压。

12、In English teaching, the teacher is the beautiful disseminator, the student is the beautiful practitioner. ─── 在英语教学中,教师是美的传播者,学生是美的实践者。

13、Postgraduate education is the highest stage of the regular education system.Its aim is to train people to become creator , disseminator and user of the high-level new knowledge. ─── 研究生教育为正规教育体系的最高阶段,其目的是培养高层次新知识的创造者、传播者和应用者。

14、Fan: As the first disseminator of "Bauhaos"----the student of St.John's U.,Could you please tell us about it again,and the relationship between it and Modernism,and milimalism? ─── 范:您作为“包豪斯”在中国最早的传播者---上海圣约翰大学的学生,请您谈一谈“包豪斯”以及它与现代主义,简约主义的关系?

15、Should strengthen the information literacy education disseminator discipline teacher's information accomplishment. ─── 应加强信息素质教育传播者-学科教师的信息素养。

16、Subscriber understands and acknowledges that each Authorizing SRO and Other Data Disseminator has a proprietary interest in the Market Data that originates on or derives from it or its market(s). ─── 资料所有权性质:订阅者了解并承认,每一个“授权SRO”和其它资料传讯人拥有由市场产生或获取的市场资料的拥有权。

17、First of all, from the concept, as a disseminator of the media as a spread on the target audience, what was the attitude? ─── 首先,从观念上来说,作为传播者的媒介对作为传播对象的受众持何种态度?

18、That is a home combine with thirteen-million clients who will be your best disseminator and bring you customers with highly purchasing power. ─── 这3000万客户群体,为您带来优越的传播环境与富有购买力的群体。

19、Professor Chen Meizhang pointed out that pirates involves the tripartite dough figurine: Pirates the manufacturer, the disseminator is also the seller, general public users. ─── 陈美章教授指出,盗版涉及三方面人:盗版制造者,传播者也就是销售商,广大公众用户。

20、I have much teaching experience, I am pleased to be a disseminator of Chinese culture. ─── 教学经历丰富,本人乐于做一个中国文化的传播者!

21、abstract:the press campaign personnel are the ideology political works inventor, the practitioner, the disseminator, the pusher. ─── 摘要:新闻宣传人员是思想政治工作的创造者、实践者、传播者、推动者。

22、Starts from oneself, starts from the minor matter periphery, with own spoken language each person who affects with the behavior, makes a green idea initiator and wish disseminator. ─── 从自身做起,从小事做起,用自身的言语和行为去影响周围的每一个人,作一个绿色理念的倡导者和志愿传播者。

23、An editor is a disseminator as well as a unique subject medium among all the main media. ─── 编辑是传播者,也是诸媒体中重要的主体性媒介。

24、That as a disseminator of news, the paper shall observe the decencies that are obligatoryupon a private gentleman. ─── 作为新闻的传播者,报纸要如绅士一样正派。

25、As a result is that the Web site as a disseminator of information is bound to take on the obligations of prior censorship, but there is no obligation for the Web site, nor the right. ─── 导致的结果是,网站作为信息传播者,势必承担事先审查的义务,但是网站既没有这个义务,也没有这个权利。

26、The press campaign personnel are the ideology political works inventor, the practitioner, the disseminator, the pusher. ─── 新闻宣传人员是思想政治工作的创造者、实践者、传播者、推动者。

27、Secondly, the referee is a disseminator of the competition spirit, their each penalty brings certain direction to football fan. ─── 其次,裁判员是比赛精神的传播者,他们的每一次判罚都给球迷带来一定的导向性。

28、strategic positioning of enterprises should be: an integrated disseminator enterprise of superior quality, environmental protection in pursuit of excellence. ─── 企业的远期战略定位应当是:高品位、绿色环保、追求卓越的综合传媒企业。

29、Does for etiquette's positive disseminator, below makes some preliminary inquisitions on this question. ─── 那么礼仪规范问题究竟该如何看待呢?做为礼仪的积极传播者,下面就此问题做一些初步探究。

30、While displaying the extraordinarycharming of Chinese ancient culture and the soul of the orientallife, Wuzhen has become a disseminator of traditional culture andan emissary of the communication between China and foreigncountries. ─── 乌镇在向我们展示其中国古文化的独特魅力和东方生活的灵魂的同时,也是中国传统文化的传播者和沟通中国和外国的使者。

31、inheritor and disseminator of culture ─── 文化传承人

32、Low pressure enters the pressure chamber through a disseminator and bottom air pad which fluidizes the material and pressurizes the chamber. ─── 低气压通过传播器进入气压室,底部气压垫液化材料并给气压室增压。

33、Naval Unit Disseminator ─── 海军单位(密件)分发人员

34、So, I hope you young elite from all walks of life in Xialu District concentrate to study and work, strive to be a disseminator of scientific spirit by participating in this activity. ─── 因此,我希望参加本次活动的下陆各界青年精英代表刻苦学习、奋发图强,争做科学精神的传播者。

35、and the disparity in disseminator, a case study of officials, soldiers and businessmen who introduced the belief in Guanyu into each region. ─── 传播主体的差异,以官员、军人和商人为例介绍了关羽信仰在各个地区信仰交流中所发挥的作用。

36、My life goal is to be a culre disseminator. ─── 我的终生目标是成为一名文化传播者。

37、Without a doubt, Song Dynasty is the peak of Chinese classical culture,the scholars as the inheritor and disseminator of the culture, obtained the unprecedented value and the respect in Song Dynasty. ─── 毋庸置疑,宋代是中国古典文化的巅峰时期,文人士大夫作为文化的继承者和传播者,在宋代得到了前所未有的重视和尊敬。

38、Sociologically speaking, the university teacher is a learned person and scholar, who isa combined body of knowledge disseminator, knowledge organizer, knowledge contributor and knowledge creator. ─── 依据知识社会学的观点,大学教师是知识人,是学者,是“知识的传播者”、知识的组织者”、知识的贡献者”和“知识的创造者”的有机结合体。

39、1.The scores of publication is a visible value of the knowledge .To the owner and disseminator of the knowledge, the payment from selling their pulication is one way to reward their efforts. ─── 1出版物销售的好坏是知识价值的外在表现,对于知识的创造和传播者而言,他们所得的报酬是对劳动成果的一种肯定,而这种报酬又与出版物的销售额直接挂钩。

40、On the other hand, the development of the popular disseminator and the long-distance telecommunication, which has springed up in 90s', make the populor culture develope unprecedentedly. ─── 另一方面,90年代兴起的大众传媒和远程电讯的发展使大众文化得到空前的发展。

41、First of all, from the concept, as a disseminator of the media as a spread on the target audience, what was the attitude? ─── 首先,从观念上来说,作为传播者的媒介对作为传播对象的受众持何种态度?

42、Health, culture, the creator and disseminator of water ------" Zhineng ", permanent provision of a user at a full range of high-quality water treatment products. ─── 健康水文化的缔造者与传播者------“致能”,恒久不惜的提供用户全方位的优质水处理产品。

43、Then the disquisition describes the disseminator, audience and medium in the transmission.The thesis expounds is the designer is the sponsor in the process of transmission. ─── 首先,论文阐述了视觉传播过程中的传播者即设计师,是视觉传播过程发起者,为了加强视觉传达效果,分析了设计师的任务、设计原则以及影响设计师的因素。

44、From its very beginning,copyright law always pursues the balance among author, disseminator, and user. ─── 自著作权法诞生之日起,就始终追求如何可以在作者、传播者、使用者之间维系一种平衡。

45、That as a disseminator of news, the paper shall observe the decencies that are obligatoryupon a private gentleman. ─── 作为新闻的传播者,报纸要如绅士一样正派。

46、The ideological and moral teachers of secondary school is not only the disseminator of scientific and cultural knowledge, but also the builder of the younger generation, carrying the glorious mission. ─── 中学思想品德课教师既是社会科学文化知识的传播者,更是年轻一代思想品德的培育者,肩负着光荣的使命。

47、"As a disseminator of the news," states one of those principles, "the paper shall observe the decencies that are obligatory upon a private gentleman. ─── 其中就有一条“作为新闻的传播者,报纸理应让那些正经的绅士表现得更得体。”

48、On the foundation, the paper brings forward some countermeasures, namely, boost up disseminator"s humanistic consciousness; ─── 在此基础上,本论文提出了以下对策,即增强传播者的人文意识;

49、The research finds that most predecessors are disseminator-based, their definition of the media functions is one- dimensional. ─── 通过研究发现,前人大多从传者本位单向度地来界定传媒的功能。

50、Teachers are engineers of human civilization, casting is the disseminator of human civilization and builders. ─── 教师是铸造人类文明的工程师,是人类文明的传播者和建设者。

51、Is similar to the overwhelming majority thunderbolt, the network becomes the first disseminator. ─── 如同绝大多数突发事件,网络成为最先传播者。

52、Paper-cut is a disseminator in the history. ─── 它是跨越历史的沟通!

53、Lvyuan Environmental Protection Association of Nanjing Agricultural University ,which means source of the green, the green environmental protection disseminator and the service provider . ─── 南京农业大学绿源环境保护协会成立于1999年,绿源意为绿色之源,是绿色环保的传播者和服务者。

54、In the modern media environment, image as an old-line disseminator, it appears new significances. ─── 在现代媒介环境中,图像作为一种历史悠久的传播载体,产生了新的技术意义。

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