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09-05 投稿


furrowing 发音

英:[?f?r????]  美:[?f??ro???]

英:  美:

furrowing 中文意思翻译



furrowing 同义词

creasy | crinkly |wrinkled | crumply | rugged | wrinkly

furrowing 短语词组

1、furrowing plow ─── 犁沟 ─── 犁

2、furrowing disc ─── 犁沟圆盘

3、furrowing eyebrows ─── 皱眉

4、furrowing def ─── 犁沟def

5、furrowing land ─── 犁地

6、furrowing brow ─── 皱眉

7、furrowing skin ─── 皱纹皮

8、furrowing hoe ─── 犁沟锄头

furrowing 反义词


furrowing 常用词组

furrow irrigation ─── 沟灌,畦灌;畦沟灌溉

furrowing 词性/词形变化,furrowing变形

动词第三人称单数: furrows |动词过去分词: furrowed |动词过去式: furrowed |动词现在分词: furrowing |

furrowing 相似词语短语

1、sorrowing ─── adj.(因失去或被剥夺而感到)悲伤的,伤心的;n.悲伤;懊悔;伤心事;v.懊悔;遗憾;感到悲伤;为……悲痛(sorrow的现在分词)

2、outrowing ─── vt.划船比…...快

3、harrowing ─── adj.痛心的;悲惨的;vt.耙地;使苦恼(harrow的ing形式);vi.被耙松(harrow的ing形式);n.(Harrowing)(英)哈罗因(人名)

4、burrowing ─── v.挖掘(burrow的现在分词);[古生]掘穴

5、farrowing ─── n.产小猪;v.产小猪(farrow的ing形式)

6、borrowing ─── n.借款;借用;v.借入;采用(borrow的ing形式)

7、tarrowing ─── 塔罗(人名);泰罗(人名)

8、narrowing ─── n.缩小,收缩;变窄;v.变窄(narrow的ing形式)

9、furring ─── n.船旁衬条;(建筑用)内垫条安装;(建筑用)内垫条;v.用毛皮衬;积垢,生苔(fur的现在分词)

furrowing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This product can eliminate furrow about gestation so resume the velvet of skin. ─── 对消除妇女妊娠纹、花纹、橘皮现象,恢复皮肤原有光滑平整,有辅助作用。

2、But in infiltration furrow and Pi Qiu, input elite fluid effectively. ─── 可渗入皱纹与皮丘深处,将精华液有效输入。

3、But the hedgehog ran only about three steps and then ducked down in the furrow and remained there sitting quietly. ─── 但那只刺猬只跑了两三步远就蹲在了菜畦沟里,并安安静静地呆在了那儿。

4、A is used one kind namely protect skin to taste except what knit, let skin the outerest cell falls off, let furrow look a few more shallow. ─── A 一种就是使用除皱的护肤品,让肌肤最外层的细胞脱落,让皱纹看起来浅一些。

5、The tuber yield of the three culture ways with plastic mulch were significantly higher compered with furrow in the field, The tuber yield of hole with plastic mulch was the highest. ─── 3种覆膜栽培法球茎产量均显著高于露地栽培法,打孔覆膜栽培法球茎的产量最高。

6、He obeyed. He made a furrow in the ground, and planted the teeth, destined to produce a crop of men. ─── 他遵命行事,挖了一条垄,把龙牙洒在其中,天意决定了这些牙会滋生出一茬人。

7、The trunks also had some mild twist, random flaws, extensive furrowing, and were grown together at the base. ─── 这个树干也有了一些扭曲的,杂乱的裂纹,,广泛的树纹沟,而且连根。

8、hollow out in the form of a furrow or groove. ─── 以犁沟或开槽的方式来挖掘。

9、There are several English teachers at the school, but Jeanne continues to plough a lonely furrow, teaching French and German. ─── 学校里有好几位英文老师,不过珍妮依然干自己的行当,教授法语和德语。

10、Sequela: Because,the skin in the winter is the easiest dry and appear petty furrow when oh! ─── 后遗症:冬天的肌肤是最轻易因为干燥而出现细小皱纹的时候哦!

11、After a week of brow-furrowing deliberation, I raised the price per can from 50 cents to 55. ─── 在一周的仔细思考后,我把每罐价格从50分涨到55分。

12、A plow equipped with a double moldboard that turns up the soil on each side of the furrow,often having an attached drill for seed planting. ─── 双壁开沟犁,犁头后部有两块曲面铁板的犁,可翻开犁沟两边的泥土,常附有播种机。

13、The skin of the forehead forms slight wrinkles above the eyes that convergetowards the frontal furrow. ─── 前额的皮肤在眼睛上面形成轻微的皱纹,汇集于前沿皱摺。

14、Shoe of small crew cut, grey dacron drill, round day, black in rubicund face bestrewed furrow, person of 58 years old has 779 years old however it seems that. ─── 小平头、灰涤卡、圆日鞋,黑里透红的脸庞布满了皱纹,58岁的人看起来却有七八十岁。

15、Look from the exterior, cutaneous surface just has sunken have dash forward, like furrow. ─── 从外观看起来,皮肤的表面才有凹有突,像皱纹一样。

16、This morning Marston seemed to be a little angry at something, furrowing his brow 2, so I didn't want to bug him with further discussion of American idioms and slang. ─── [1]今天早上马斯顿哭丧着脸,好像为啥事儿生气,所以,我不想打扰他继续讨论美国习语和俚语。

17、A plow equipped with a double moldboard that turns up the soil on each side of the furrow, often having an attached drill for seed planting. ─── 双壁开沟犁犁头后部有两块曲面铁板的犁,可翻开犁沟两边的泥土,常附有播种机

18、Also can cover a kraft paper in furrow place, iron on kraft with electric iron next very hot. ─── 也可在皱纹处覆盖一层牛皮纸,然后用电熨斗在牛皮纸上熨烫。

19、In primitive protoctisis, as in animals, the cell membrane ingrows under the control of a ring of actin microfilaments, and a furrow constricts the cell equator until it pinches the cell in two. ─── 在动物细胞中,胞质由肌动蛋白控制,在赤道面处向下凹沟,形成环状缢缩,最后缢缩断裂,细胞一分为二。

20、The improvement of flabby to deep-seated furrow and skin prolapse has very good effect. ─── 对于深层皱纹和皮肤松弛下垂的改善有很好的效果。

21、Since his wife 's death he has been ploughing a lonely furrow. ─── 从他妻子死后,他一直过着孤独的生活。

22、DON'T: To obscure furrow or stain, hit a thick powdery bottom, can make lines more distinct instead. ─── DON'T:为了遮住皱纹或斑点,打上一层厚厚的粉底,反而会使皱纹更明显。

23、There is a slight centerline furrow, fore and aft, from apparent stop to moderate occiput. ─── 中线有轻微的皱纹,从前到后,从止部到后脑。

24、thus the operations of furrowing, surface soil scraping and banking can be done in a coordinated process. ─── 这样可实现开沟、刮表土、筑埂一条龙作业。

25、And through the green his crimson furrow grooves. ─── 并且通过绿色他的绯红色犁沟凹线。

26、He arrived Tartarean, telling a devil him will settle, the devil asks him to go in, what can recieve him this is head of a bitter fleabane sends out, all over the face the old lady of furrow. ─── 他到了地狱,告诉魔鬼他是来定居的,魔鬼请他进去,可这次接待他的是一个蓬头散发、满脸皱纹的老太太。

27、He was unbothered when age began to furrow the brow and fill out the jowls. ─── 当岁月流逝,皱纹爬上了他的额头,布满了他的脸庞,他也丝毫没有在意。

28、The first day I entered the firm, the boss gave me a hard furrow to plough . ─── 我第一天进公司上班,老板就给了我一份苦差事。

29、And the ruthless pirates have seized the power over survived people You are the captain of a frigate and youre furrowing the boundless seas. ─── 并且残忍的海盗掠夺幸存人们的能源。你是一支护卫舰队的舰长并且正在广袤无垠的大海上航行。

30、Additionally one kind of meshy furrow resembles gauze same, plait mark is petty but apparent. ─── 另外一种网状皱纹像纱布一样,褶痕细小但明显。

31、Additional, a few algal and extractive elite, also can reduce furrow to regain skin flexibility. ─── 另外,一些海藻萃取精华,也可以减少皱纹恢复肌肤弹性。

32、He bestrewed deep furrow on that weather-beaten face, his hand is so dirty, so black, do not coordinate a little than appearing with the people look in the village. ─── 他那饱经风霜的脸上布满了深深的皱纹,他的手是那么脏、那么黑,与小区里的人们相比显得有点儿不协调。

33、Bounce fibrous systole can make the skin is tightened up, shallow furrow of farther stimulative watch disappears, except knit the effect more apparent. ─── 弹力纤维的收缩可使皮肤收紧,进一步促进表浅皱纹消失,除皱效果更加明显。

34、The unplowed land at the end of a plowed furrow. ─── 在犁沟末端未耕种的土地。

35、After he had hitched the bulls to the plough, the king ploughed a furrow, which was so long and straight and deep that the field seemed cut in two. ─── 国王把那些牡牛套上犁之后,耕出一条畦地,那畦地又长又深,让人以为田地将被切成两半了。

36、A plowman and his great plow, now standing idle in the furrow, had in a day wrought a terrible havoc. ─── 一个农夫扶着铁犁,站在畦间,在一天之内造成了这一个大破坏!

37、There is no more depressive things than that he suddenly find he have never done anything try his best to achieve his goal when his hair become white and furrow come onto his face. ─── 24人最悲哀的事,莫过于醒来发觉自己已满头白发、满脸皱纹,而自觉这么多年来并未尽其所能以求有成。

38、Canst thou bind the unicorn with his band in the furrow? or will he harrow the valleys after thee? ─── 你岂能用套绳将野牛笼在犁沟之间。它岂肯随你耙山谷之地。

39、Since his wife's death, he has been plowing a lonely furrow . ─── 从他妻子死后,他一直过着孤独的生活。

40、The pillow of use damask face is covered, there won't be furrow on the face when can letting your morning rise, and the hair also won't sleep random. ─── 使用缎面的枕头套,能够让你晨起时脸上不会有皱纹,而且头发也不会睡乱。

41、Work ethic "seems like one of those chunks. It elicits a halo of simple images: a man hunched over a desk, staying late, furrowing his brow." ─── 1LF系列翻转犁是同四轮拖拉机配套的全悬挂式液压翻转犁,适用砂土壤和旱田熟地耕翻作业,可进行梭式双向作业,耕后地表面平整,具有地头空转行程少,作业效率高等特点。

42、I'm afraid I don't understand the question,"Shavas replied, shaking her head slightly and furrowing her arched brows. ─── 恐怕我没明白这个问题,"夏瓦斯微微地摇头,皱其她那对的弯眉。

43、Contain extract of elite of bear's paw careless etc, have furrow of slow down ageing and the effect that prevent microgroove, close fact, protect wet can adorn cervical line. ─── 含有熊掌草及其他精华萃取物,有减缓老化皱纹及预防细纹的作用,紧实、保湿并能修饰颈部线条。

44、The furrowing seeding machine completes furrowing, seeding, earth covering and pressing for one step. ─── 实现了开沟、播种、覆土、镇压一次完成。

45、He obeyed. He made a furrow in the ground,and planted the teeth,destined to produce a crop of men. ─── 他遵命行事,挖了一条垄,把龙牙洒在其中,注定这些牙会滋生出一茬人。

46、The region of the forehead is of medium width, but appearing broader through ears set low to complete an alert expression, with a slight furrow between the eyes. ─── 前额宽度中等,但耳朵位置低,故穿过耳朵的部分显得宽阔,位置较低的耳朵形成警惕的表情,两眼间有轻微的浅沟。

47、Because mastication can exercise facial muscle, improve facial haemal circulation, enhance the metabolic function of facial cell, make furrow gradually subsidise. ─── 因为咀嚼能锻炼面部肌肉,改善面部的血液循环,增强面部细胞的新陈代谢功能,使皱纹逐渐消退。

48、Although be bestrewed on the face,he observes brew husband's mother fine fine furrow, both hands is very fine however white tender slip. ─── 他注重到酿酒老婆婆虽然脸上布满细细的皱纹,双手却非常细白嫩滑。

49、Accounting work waste time of 30 years used his countless painstaking effort, furrow bestrews forehead, frontal eminence grows white hair. ─── 三十年的会计工作耗用了他的无数心血,皱纹布满额头,额角变成白发。

50、So, splanchnic function is maladjusted the shortage that causes nutrient material necessarily, make facial skin loses gas blood alimentary and bring about premature senility, occurrence furrow. ─── 所以,内脏功能失调必然导致营养物质的缺乏,使面部肌肤失去气血滋养而导致早衰,出现皱纹。

51、China's high inflation has shoppers furrowing their brows and gripping their wallets these days. ─── 些天来,中国的高通胀已经让消费者皱起眉头、捂紧钱包了。

52、Because of the furrow that colter turns over, soft wet acerbity, go do not get in the shoe nest of shoe of round mouth of a few paces full earth. ─── 因为犁头翻开的犁沟,酥软湿涩,走不几步圆口鞋的鞋窝里就钻满了土。

53、There was a broad furrow right across his forehead, as he stood in a window, staring over his spectacles and seeing no one. ─── 他的额角上横着一条深深的皱纹,他站在窗口,透过眼镜向前望去,没有望见任何人。

54、A similar groove or furrow, as in a pleated ruffle of cloth or on a piece of furniture. ─── 凹槽,褶痕沟如在布的折皱边或家具上的类似的槽或纹

55、Phyllome is unripe, egg form, have furrow. ─── 叶丛生,卵形,有皱纹。

56、In the trial,the methods of film mulching over furrow and increasing surface soil thickness to 40 cm may be used as a planting mode for effective dryland production,and reached 8 277.8 kg/hm2. ─── 因此,沟膜+聚40 cm厚度熟土处理,可作为该区旱作高效种植模式,能获得8 277.8 kg/hm2的较高产量。

57、Can you hold him to the furrow with a harness? Will he till the valleys behind you? ─── 10你岂能用套绳将野牛笼在犁沟之间。它岂肯随你耙山谷之地。

58、Deeply imbedded between the eyes and starting at the root of the muzzle, a furrow runs over the whole skull. ─── 开始的一半非常清晰,向后逐渐消失在后枕骨。

59、Forehead is broad and flat with a slight furrow. ─── 前额:前额宽而平坦,有轻微的凹槽。

60、The optimal furrow pit direction and the optimal slope configuration fit to the little north open mining was obtained. ─── 优化设计所取得的边坡形状为金堆城露天矿最大限度的减少废石剥离量,指导采区安全生产提供了帮助。

61、If furrow is irregular triangle, rectangle, or be there is deep and apparent nick grain on eye week, neck, that belongs to dermal layer furrow. ─── 如果皱纹是不规则的三角形、长方形,或是在眼周、脖子上有深刻而明显的刻痕纹路,那就属于真皮层皱纹了。

62、Matchable with tractor, it furrow soil when patches rotate, mainly applicable for complex land, such as weedly land, heavy soil, farmland with bricks and stones, etc. ─── 圆盘犁与拖拉机全悬挂连接配套,作业时犁片旋转运动,对土壤进行耕翻作业,特别适用于杂草丛生、茎杆直立、土壤比阻较大,土壤中有砖石碎块等复杂农田的耕翻作业。

63、But I shall endure, though my brows may furrow and my fragrant tears pearl on the quilts I prepare for your journey. ─── 且将恨忍结成眉峰一寸香沾翠被池重重束紧。

64、"Can you bind the wild ox in a furrow with ropes, Or will he harrow the valleys after you? ─── 你岂能用套绳将野牛笼在犁沟之间.他岂肯随你耙山谷之地。

65、KJV] Canst thou bind the unicorn with his band in the furrow? or will he harrow the valleys after thee? ─── [新译]你怎能用套绳把野牛系在犁沟呢?它怎肯跟着你耙山谷之地呢?

66、Including varied vitamins and natural plant essence, gently filter eye-area skin to smoothen furrow, amend skin and raise skin's elasticity, keep skin around eyes delicate, tender and glowing. ─── 含多种维他命成份及天然植物精华,能柔和渗入纤细眼部肌肤,平滑眼部周围的细纹、干纹,改善眼部周围肌肤,增加眼部肌肤弹性,使眼部周围肌肤经常保持细致柔嫩、美目生辉。

67、The forehead furrow and occiput are palpable. ─── 前额有皱纹,后脑勺明显。

68、Where faith?Where sympathy?In a furrow cut by pain.--- Maltbie D.Babcock.Every person and every nation must take lessons in God’s school of adversity. ─── 我们同样可以说:“忧愁是有福的,因为忧愁显示了神的安慰”。

69、Multi-nutrition essence can effectively heighten the cell vitality, meanwhile frap flab, improve skin and muscle ageing, decrease the furrow to come into being. ─── 多重营养精华能有效增强细胞活力,同时收紧松弛,改善肌肤老化,减少皱纹产生。

70、The wild boar plow the earth up like a furrow, and does irreparable damage in the cultivated lands. ─── 公野猪把地面拱得像一条垄沟,耕地给糟蹋得不能种庄稼了。

71、Another kind of furrow is deepen as the growth of the age, this kind of lines may be very distinct. ─── 另一种皱纹则是随着年龄的增长而加深,这种皱纹可能非常明显。

72、The main mechanism is the furrow action and the micro-cutting action of the abrasive particles on martensite, as well as the brittle peeling of Fe_2B(Fe_3(C, B)). ─── 其主要磨损机理,是磨粒对马氏体的犁沟作用和显微切削作用,以及Fe_2B(Fe_3(C·B))的脆断剥落。

73、Rooney worked tirelessly as he ploughed a lone furrow in the Stade Gerland, and admitted his delight as his side grabbed what he believes was a deserved late equaliser. ─── 卡洛斯-特维兹横空出世,替补上场终于扳平比分,给法国球队留下了一个致命的客场进球,对此鲁尼欢喜溢于言表。

74、The girl smiled at them, a sad, helpless smile that deepened the furrow on her forehead, a furrow that somehow heightened her beauty and intensified her melancholy air. ─── 他们还不曾答话,倒是那个女子先笑了。 但这是凄凉的微笑,是无可奈何的微笑,她的额上那一条使她的整个脸显得更美丽、更凄哀的皱纹,因了这一笑显得更深了。

75、Face of the cover that include line must stretch tight quite closely, furniture of delicate the cushion that include line should not appear ought not to some furrow and ruffle. ─── 包衬罩面必须绷得够紧,精致的包衬坐垫家具不应出现不该有的皱纹和皱褶。

76、It can effectively moisten skin and muscle, Guard against the formation of arid and furrow,Heighten the delicate bright and clean of hand. ─── 多重营养精华能有效增强细胞活力,同时收紧松弛,改善肌肤老化,减少皱纹产生。

77、Not all seed applied pesticides are toxic to rhizobia.If they are toxic it is important to separate the inoculant from the seed treatment by applying a dry or liquid inoculant in the furrow. ─── 并不是所有用于种子的杀虫剂对根瘤菌都有毒害,但如果它们影响到根瘤菌,采用液体或干燥的菌剂形式沟施,将其同种子杀虫剂分开施用,这一点非常重要。

78、Work ethic" seems like one of those chunks. It elicits a halo of simple images: a man hunched over a desk, staying late, furrowing his brow. ─── 职业道德’似乎正是此类语义块之一,它引出一系列光辉的图像:一个人弓身坐在桌前,工作到深夜,紧锁双眉。

79、And that first slaughter that Jonathan and his armor bearer made was of about twenty men in half a furrow of an acre of land. ─── 14约拿单和拿他兵器的人起头所杀的,约有二十人,都在一亩地的半犁沟之内。

80、Action: Prevent furrow to appear gradually, hypodermic grease gland is secreted decrease, skin burnish feels abate, coarse feeling increases. ─── 作用:防止皱纹逐渐出现,皮下的油脂腺分泌减少,皮肤光泽感减弱,粗糙感增强。

81、Dry do obeisance to with furrow, the skin of stretch burnish came back! ─── 干燥和皱纹拜拜,弹性光泽的肌肤回来了!

82、He made a furrow in the ground. ─── 他挖了一条垄。

83、Because of inside contained part conduces to bate cutaneous surface layer, cell of eliminate skin death, furrow also was eliminated subsequently. ─── 因里面含有的成分有助于软化皮肤的表层,除去表皮死亡细胞,皱纹也就随之消除了。

84、Only the furrow in her brow was deeper now, her long braid of hair had been done up in a married woman's bun, and her face was slightly powdered. ─── 只是额上的皱纹深了些,脑后的辫子又改成了发髻,而且脸上只淡淡地傅了一点白粉。

85、The resulting overload on the lower furrow could cause it to overtop and begin a chain reaction that would likely produce a gully. ─── 在较浅的沟道里,如果流量过大就可能使沟水漫溢,并引起连锁反应,从而产生冲沟。

86、They were ploughing a lonely furrow . ─── 他们孤立无援。

87、Main effection:Ginsenoside is immunity regulator,can resist caducity and fatigue,reduce blood sugar,enhance memory,skin cell activation,enhance the skin elasticity,reduce furrow etc. ─── 主要功效:本品为免疫调节剂,具有抗衰老、抗疲劳、降血糖、增强记忆力、活化皮肤细胞,增强皮肤弹性,减少皱纹等作用。

88、There was no appearance of concentration, no furrowing of the brow - only a placid inner communion. ─── 没有专著的神情,也没有皱眉---只有宁静的内心的交流。

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