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09-05 投稿


impassion 发音

英:[?m?p???n]  美:[?m?p??(?)n]

英:  美:

impassion 中文意思翻译



impassion 网络释义

vt. 激起…热情;使激动

impassion 短语词组

1、impassion 050 ─── 僵局050

2、impassion 131 ─── 僵局131

3、impassion 150 ─── 僵局150

4、impassion 120 ─── 僵局120

5、impassion 133 ─── 僵局133

6、impassion 130 ─── 僵局130

7、impassion 132 ─── 僵局132

impassion 词性/词形变化,impassion变形


impassion 相似词语短语

1、impassioned ─── adj.充满激情的;感激的;v.使充满激情(impassion的过去式和过去分词)

2、compassion ─── n.同情;怜悯

3、impassive ─── adj.冷漠的;无感觉的

4、dispassion ─── n.冷静;公平

5、impassions ─── v.激起……的热情

6、impaction ─── n.压紧;装紧;嵌入

7、implosion ─── n.向内破裂;内破裂音

8、impression ─── n.印象;效果,影响;压痕,印记;感想;曝光(衡量广告被显示的次数。打开一个带有该广告的网页,则该广告的impression次数增加一次)

9、immission ─── n.引入,注入;允许进入

impassion 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Federal Service Impass Panel ─── 联邦服务未通过面板

2、It is a blissful experience to impassion students and share my music. ─── 对我而言,激起学生的热情让他们能参与到我的音乐中,是一件极为快乐的事。

3、This article mainly researches about the impassion of DI and LFHW terms on classification,the construction of LFHW term sets and new approaches to term weighting. ─── 该文重点研究了特征的类间、类内分布,以及低频高权特征对分类的影响,并在此基础上提出了低频高权特征集的构造方法及特征权重的新算法,同时将该算法推广到多层次分类体系。

4、At this point a meeting is the only way to go in order to resolve the impass. ─── 现在唯一的方法就是通过会议解决这个争论。

5、Focus on the things in your life that impassion you and give them your all! ─── 注意力集中于生活中能够激励你的事物,然后全身心地投入进去。

6、The favor of host gave us a favourable impassion. ─── 主人的好客给我们留下了非常好的印象。

7、It is a painting work portrayed the state of mind in the form of color and shape which describes the big force got up and go, a kind of noble touch and the red keynote symbolizes impassion. ─── 这是以色彩与形状描摹思维状态的画作。画面表达出的大魄力,格调高尚,红色基调象征热血披沥。

8、Focus on the things in your life that impassion you and give them your all! ─── 将注意力集中于生活中能够激励你的事物,然后全身心地投入进去。

9、Focus on the things in your life that impassion you and give them your all! ─── 将注意力集中于生活中能够激励你的事物,然后全身心地投入进去。

10、to excite; to thrill; to agitate; to impassion; to carry away; to work up ─── 使激动

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