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09-05 投稿



helichrysum 发音


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helichrysum 中文意思翻译



helichrysum 词性/词形变化,helichrysum变形


helichrysum 短语词组

1、genus Helichrysum ─── [网络] Helichrysum

helichrysum 相似词语短语

1、helichrysums ─── n.蜡菊属植物

2、heliochromic ─── 日晒色

3、helices ─── n.螺旋线(helix的复数)

4、helicons ─── n.赫利孔山;诗的灵感源泉;海利空低音大号(军乐队等中可套在肩上吹奏的大喇叭)

5、helicase ─── n.解旋酶

6、helicity ─── n.[物]螺旋性

7、helicases ─── n.解旋酶

8、helicoids ─── adj.螺旋状的;回转式的;蜗牛壳状的;n.螺旋面;螺旋体

9、helicopts ─── n.直升机;vt.乘直升飞机

helichrysum 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、sometimes placed in genus Helichrysum. ─── 有时归小麦秆菊属。

2、Ingredient: Helichrysum, sea salt and rose hip oil etc. ─── 主要成份:蜡菊、海盐、玫瑰果油、酪蛋白酵素、杏仁颗粒。

3、Ingredient: Helichrysum, walnut oil and walnut grain etc. ─── 主要成份:蜡菊、杏仁油、核桃粒子、绿茶萃取精华、乳清蛋白。

4、Helichrysum Organic. ─── 永久花.

5、Main ingredients: helichrysum, beeswax, rose and sandalwood. ─── 主要成份:蜡菊、蜂蜡、玫瑰、檀香。

6、5.Main ingredients: helichrysum, beeswax, rose and sandalwood. ─── 主要成份:蜡菊、蜂蜡、玫瑰、檀香。

7、shrub with white woolly branches and woolly leaves having fragrant flowers forming long sprays; flowers suitable for drying; sometimes placed in genus Helichrysum. ─── 喷射状并带香味的灌木植物,长有有绒毛的叶柄和叶片;可做干燥剂;有时归小麦秆菊属。

8、Helichrysum arenarium ─── n. 沙生蜡菊

9、helichrysum bracteatum ─── n. 蜡菊, 蜡菊

10、Sect. Helichrysum ─── n. 蜡菊组

11、Helichrysum thianschanicum ─── n. 天山蜡菊

12、Helichrysum essential oil is used medically to treat Abscesses, boils, burns, cuts, dermatitis, eczema, irritated skin and wounds. ─── 永久花单方精油在医学上用来处理脓肿,疖子,烧伤.割伤,皮炎,湿疹,敏感肌肤,及伤口

13、Usage:Apply evenly adequate amount around the eyes and gently massage until absorption. For better efficacy, use it together with YC021 Helichrysum Instant Smoothing Eye Cream. ─── 用法:洁肤后,取适量均匀擦于眼周,轻柔按摩至吸收为止。配合YC021腊菊瞬间无痕眼霜使用效果显著。

14、The UV-adsorption ranges of natural flowers including Magnolia denudata, sweet osmanthus, O. indicum, Helichrysum bracteatum and Flos lonicerae were relatively wide, especially for M. denudata. ─── 白玉兰、桂花、玉蝴蝶、七彩菊、金银花等天然花卉的紫外吸收范围比较宽,特别是白玉兰。

15、Ingredient: Helichrysum, collagen synthesizer and micro-liposome etc. ─── 主要成份:乳木果、蜂蜡、檀香、佛手柑。

16、Efficacy: Helichrysum essence is available for nourishing skin.Gently massaging may soften the skin epidermis cutin and instantly renew the skin vitality and luster. ─── 功效:蜡菊精华能够滋养皮肤,轻揉按摩可软化表皮层角质,瞬间回复皮肤的活力与光泽;

17、Efficacy: perfectly combined new-born flow bub with morning dew and the exquisite, sweet helichrysum, bring sweet flower scent and the feeling of elegance and noble. ─── 功效:完美结合沾染朝露的新生花苞与细致香甜的蜡菊,带来甜美迷人的花香,令人感觉淡雅、尊贵。

18、For beauty purposed helichrysum is used for acne and to reduce the appearance of scars. ─── 在美容方面永久花用来处理痤疮及减少皮肤表面的疤痕.

19、Efficacy: Helichrysum essence can supply hair with moisture and protein, repair the hurt hair, make hair smooth, shiny, healthy and easy to deal with. ─── 功效:蜡菊精华能够补充秀发的水分及蛋白质,修护受损毛鳞片和发芯,令秀发顺滑亮泽,健康易于梳理。

20、Ingredient: Helichrysum and cucumber extracted liquid etc. ─── 主要成份:蜡菊、黄瓜萃取液、水解蛋白、弹力素。

21、Ingredient: Helichrysum, collagen synthesizer and silk fibroin etc. ─── 主要成份:蜡菊、胶原蛋白多肽、丝素蛋白、维他命、绿茶精华。

22、Ingredient: Helichrysum, collagen synthesizer and micro-liposome etc. ─── 主要成份:蜡菊、胶原蛋白多肽、微油脂质体、弹力素。

23、Usage: Apply evenly adequate amount around the eyes and gently massage until absorption. For better efficacy, use it together with YC021 Helichrysum Instant Smoothing Eye Cream. ─── 用法:洁肤后,取适量均匀擦于眼周,轻揉按摩至吸收为止。配合YC021蜡菊瞬间无痕眼霜使用效果显著。

24、Ingredient: Helichrysum, Helichrysum essence oil and hyaluronic acid (HA) etc. ─── 主要成份:蜡菊、蜡菊精华油、透明质酸、红花油微脂囊、蚕丝油。

25、Ingredient: Helichrysum, vitamin E and lighting particle etc. ─── 主要成份:蜡菊、维生素E、采光微粒、透明质酸、丝素粉。

26、5. shrub with white woolly branches and woolly leaves having fragrant flowers forming long sprays; flowers suitable for drying; sometimes placed in genus Helichrysum. ─── 喷射状并带香味的灌木植物,长有有绒毛的叶柄和叶片;可做干燥剂;有时归小麦秆菊属。收藏指正

27、Efficacy: Fresh and pure helichrysum essence oil matching with the nourishing and moisturizing efficacy formed by nourishing honey makes you fragrant and free as if you were back to the nature. ─── 功效:清新的蜡菊精油,搭配滋润的蜂蜜所交织出滋润、保湿的功效,让你散发出甜蜜诱惑的自然芬芳气息,犹如回归到自然的怀抱中。

28、Ingredient: Helichrysum, rose hip oil and hyaluronic acid (HA) etc. ─── 主要成份:蜡菊、玫瑰果油、透明质酸、乳清蛋白、氨基酸。


蜡菊(学名: Helichrysum bracteatum (Vent.) Andr.)是菊科蜡菊属植物,一年或二年生草本。茎直立,高20-120厘米,分枝直立或斜升。叶长披针形至线形,长达12厘米。头状花序径2-5厘米,单生于枝端。总苞片外层短,履瓦状排列。瘦果无毛。 





快乐鼠尾草精油具有令人愉悦的草本和略带花香的香气,广泛用于古龙水和香水中。 它有助于缓解和平衡激动的情绪。 当你感到焦虑时,扩香这一美妙的精油即可获得平静的香气。 快乐鼠尾草精油也可以用来促进放松,为夜晚的安眠做准备。 快乐鼠尾草与薰衣草,天竺葵,依兰,柑橘和檀香精油皆可混合使用。

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