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09-05 投稿



unwind 发音

英:[??n?wa?nd]  美:[??n?wa?nd]

英:  美:

unwind 中文意思翻译




unwind 网络释义

vt. 放松;解开;[计] 展开vi. 放松;解开;松开

unwind 反义词


unwind 短语词组

1、carry trade unwind ─── 套利交易平仓

unwind 词性/词形变化,unwind变形


unwind 同义词

loosen | decompress |relax | wind down | calm down | chill out | unbend | loosen up | wind off | unlax | unravel | untwist | disentangle | unstrain | uncoil | undo | slow down | unroll

unwind 相似词语短语

1、unwinged ─── 无拘无束的

2、unwinds ─── vt.放松;解开;[计]展开;vi.放松;解开;松开

3、unwinder ─── n.[机]退绕机;拆卷机

4、unkind ─── adj.不友善的,不亲切的;刻薄的;(天气)恶劣的

5、enwind ─── vt.缠绕

6、unbind ─── vt.解开;解放

7、inwind ─── inwind

8、upwind ─── n.逆风;adj.逆风的;adv.逆风地

9、enwinds ─── vt.缠绕

unwind 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Gale: Legally? Music, books, cycling. Being with friends-we're all pretty tight on the cast-is something I love to do to unwind. ─── 合法的?音乐,看书,骑脚踏车。和我的朋友----我们在剧组都是压力很大的---是一些我喜欢做的缓解压力的事。

2、Do yourself a favor and learn how to effectively unwind. ─── 帮你自己一个忙,学习如何有效的放松。

3、It is a vibrant destination and the perfect place to simply arrive, relax and unwind. ─── 因而她是旅客休闲娱乐的最理想场所,更是令游客心驰神往的地方。

4、Editing code after an unhandled exception, when the "Unwind the call stack on unhandled exceptions" option is not selected. ─── 在未选择“在未处理的异常上展开调用堆栈”选项的情况下,在发生未处理的异常之后编辑代码。

5、Listening to music helps me unwind after a busy day. ─── 听音乐使我在忙碌一天后得到了松弛。

6、Unwind the lanyard beginning with the snap hook. ─── 展开端头为固定钩的固定绳.

7、unwind after a hard day at the office ─── 在办公室辛苦一天后轻松一下

8、Unwind and relax amidst some of the most innovative and creative art in China in your UCCA home. ─── 在中国最具创新和创造力的当代艺术中心尽情得释放自我!

9、S.Treasurys.Before the Fed can unwind its $2 trillion balance sheet, it has to stop expanding it. ─── 在美联储能减少2万亿美元的资产负债表之前,必须停止扩大资产负债表。

10、Shake the rope and let the coils unwind. ─── 抖动绳索把绳圈展开。

11、When he comes home try to provide him with some time to unwind; ─── 当他回家后,应设法给他提供时间放松;

12、By the way, trying to unwind those ties just causes Europe to unravel more quickly, so we are like a dog trying to chase our own tail. ─── 这种切割工作还可能让欧洲更快地瓦解炒成碎片。美国现在的处境,就像拼命想咬自己尾巴的狗。

13、It is nice to unwind at the end of a hard day. ─── 一天劳累之后去轻松一下,真是惬意。

14、A chunk of mark-to-market losses reflect illiquidity discounts on fairly high-quality bonds, which could unwind if markets normalise.But time is running out. ─── 一大部分市值损失反映的是对高品质债券流动性不足的贴现,如市场回复正常的话,这部分可望解套。

15、People have been worrying about itand making all efforts to achieve the objective.From now on, "Juchuang"stone-wood floorboard will unwind you from the trouble completely! ─── 人们一直在担心这个问题并努力想找到它,现在,“巨创”牌微晶木纳米地板为您完全解决这个问题。

16、He no doubt deserves his cigar and brandy.But as Japan tightens its belt, his irritable defence of how he likes to unwind has grated. ─── 他当然有权抽他的雪茄,喝他的白兰地,但日本眼下正值开源节流之秋,因此他忿忿不平地将此辩解为放松心情是站不住脚的。

17、Within the farm itself, there are plenty of fascinating scenic spots. Unwind and take a walk along the many walking trails and enjoy the scenery at your own leisure. ─── 农场距离奋起湖开车只要十分钟,没有到过奋起湖的访客,当然不能错过老街上的便当、糕饼,还有难得一见、长的方方正正的方竹。

18、Enroll in a noontime or an after-work exercise class. This will give you a chance to unwind and a way to relieve stress. ─── 参加中午或下班后的锻炼班。这会给你带来一个放松的机会、帮你减压。

19、He may have abandoned Bush-era phrases such as “the war on terror”.But he has done little to unwind that war. ─── 他可能已经放弃了布什时代的一些字句,诸如“反恐战争”,但是他却对结束那场战争所做甚少。

20、Meanwhile, more investors would unwind their positions of highend property to mitigate debt burden. ─── 另一方面,更多高端物业持有者逐渐抛售其优质资产以求缓解债务压力。

21、The UNWIND programme uses gentle yet firm air pressure massage to lull you into a state of calm, while the AMBIENCE music relaxes your mind to prepare you for a restful sleep. ─── 优质睡眠模式运用轻柔且紧实的气压按摩,让您进入放松状态。搭配舒柔环境音乐,有助于释放压力,让您舒适入眠。

22、The IMF, European Central Bank and others urged countries to take steps to unwind their stimulus schemes. ─── 国际货币基金组织,欧洲中央银行和其他的机构催促各国放松刺激方案。

23、2. Enroll in a noontime or an after-work exercise class. This will give you a chance to unwind and a way to relieve stress. ─── 中午或下班后参加健身培训,这使你有机会放松筋骨,缓解压力。

24、With soothing scenery and calming music, HD Moods Beaches will help you relax and unwind from a hectic day. ─── 与风光和悠閒舒缓的音乐,高清情绪海水浴场将帮助您放松繁忙的一天。

25、Unwind in the Butterfly Park or stroll through the beautiful orchid and hibiscus displays at the Orchid Garden. ─── 在蝴蝶公园放松一下神经,或者在兰花花园里美丽的蓝花和木槿展中溜达溜达。

26、If you're still having difficulty drifting off,repeat this routine to relax and unwind your body and mind. ─── 如果还难以入睡,重做这套动作,使自己放松,使身心松弛下来。

27、The Anglo-Saxon economies will experience a huge downturn as they unwind the bubble. ─── 因为放松了对泡沫的抑止,美国经济将经历一个巨大的衰退。

28、It has trait which technology of wrap up simplicity, cost underrate, protection of length, effect well, quickly unwind. ─── 具有封存工艺简单,成本低、护时间长、果好,启封快速的特点。

29、unwind reel ─── 开卷机折卷机

30、In the absence of new policy decisions, several of these measures will unwind naturally. ─── 如果没有新的决策出台,一些措施将自然而然地解除。

31、An invalid unwind target was encountered during an unwind operation. ─── 在解除操作期间遇到一个无效的解除目标。

32、Test Method for Unwind Force of Pressure-Sensitive Tapes ─── 压合带开卷力的试验方法

33、" The ISDA, which arranges trades for derivatives, said it was allowing customers to make trades and unwind positions linked to Lehman. ─── ISDA是提供衍生品交易的机构,它允许客户进行交易,对雷曼相关的交易进行平仓。

34、If you write a call at 90 cents and it goes down to 10, it may make sense to buy it back and unwind your position. ─── 如果你发行了行权价是90分的看涨期权,它跌到了10分,你应该买回来,对冲自己的仓位。

35、If you can't think, go for a walk. It's important to give yourself time to unwind and let your subconscious mind do its work. A change of atmosphere is good for you and gentle exercise helps shake up the brain cells. ─── 如果你无法思考, 那么去散散步吧.你需要给自己一些时间放松一下,并且让你的潜意识活动活动.改变一下环境对你是非常有益的,而轻松的运动则能帮助你活跃脑细胞.

36、An invalid or unaligned stack was encountered during an unwind operation. ─── 在解除操作期间遇到一个无效或不正确配置的堆栈。

37、After a few drinks,he began to unwind,ie to talk more freely. ─── 他喝了几杯酒, 话就多起来了。

38、Plenty to choose from here at Rainforest Lodge or just sit on your balcony, relax and unwind and enjoy the views. ─── 在这里雨林山庄有很多选择。坐在阳台上,休息、放松、欣赏景色。

39、The epilog code must follow a strict set of rules for the unwind code to reliably unwind through exceptions and interrupts. ─── 对于展开代码,Epilog代码必须遵守一组严格的规则,以便通过异常和中断进行可靠的展开。

40、Whatever the weather whatever the season and after a hard day on the ski slopes, the geothermally heated pools at AquaCity are the perfect place to relax, unwind and soothe those tired muscles. ─── 定金/预付政策:酒店将不收取定金。含增值税及城市/旅游税:包括增值税。包括服务费。包括城市/旅游税。网络连接:酒店在酒店客房提供调制解调器网络连接,并不收费。

41、In today's busy world, laughter therapy is becoming a popular way to unwind. ─── 在今天这个劳碌的世界,笑疗正成为放松精神的一大捷径。

42、To unwind or untwist or to become unwound or untwisted. ─── 展开使展开或伸开,伸开或展开

43、The work-weary can unwind with a Google-subsidized professional massage. ─── 员工可到公司赞助的按摩休息室按摩,消除一日的工作疲劳。

44、position unwind ─── 回复原来持股量

45、It is often when we have the least free time or energy to devote to joy that we need to unwind and enjoy ourselves the most. ─── 我们的确需要快乐的心境来放松自己,然而很多时候我们只肯花费最少的时间和精力去体会快乐。

46、Rolls of label stock unwind from the top-and-bottom labeler downstream of the robot. ─── 劳斯莱斯的股票平仓的标签从顶部和底部贴标机下游的机器人。

47、Spray anytime with this conveniently sized and portable spray to relax, unwind, and ease stress.To help keep germs at bay, spritz to cleanse the air especially during colds and flu season. ─── 任何时间可以用来放松休闲减压,也能远离细菌,在感冒和流感季节喷一下可以净化空气。

48、Rumei: I can't wait to go out into the wide open spaces. It'll be great to unwind. ─── 如梅:我巴不得现在就到广阔的田野里去。能轻松一下简直太好了。

49、Music helps me unwind after a busy day. ─── 音乐使我在忙碌一天后得以放松。

50、When the greeter happens to be your pet, you begin to forget your worries and start to unwind. ─── 如果迎接你的刚好是你的宠物,你就会忘记烦恼,开始放松心情。

51、The associated unwind data must describe the action of the prolog and must provide the information necessary to undo the effect of the prolog code. ─── 关联的展开数据必须描述Prolog的操作,必须提供撤消Prolog代码的影响所需的信息。

52、Children (and adults) flocked to the Bricks House of Peace exhibit at this year's convention to unwind and play a variety of games. ─── 孩童(以及成人)聚集今年度国际扶轮年会所展的和平砖块砌造之家来放松心情并且参与各种比赛。

53、A chunk of mark-to-market losses reflect illiquidity discounts on fairly high-quality bonds, which could unwind if markets normalise. ─── 市值下跌很大程度上反映了较高信用债券的流动性不足问题,这一问题随着市场正常化可以得到解决。

54、Jittery and desperate to unwind, David tries watching some unmarked videos he finds in the room which turn out to be graphic, low-budget slasher films. ─── 为了放松不安而无助的情绪,大卫索性看起在房间里找到那些没有标示内容的录影带,却发现影带的内容,竟是一部部极度写实的低成本虐杀影片。

55、The Lodge is a complete 'getaway from it all' experience: a place to unwind and appreciate the world without a lot of interruptions and distractions. ─── 住宿的地方给人一种完全想从里逃走的体验:一个心情轻松的地方,体会世界而不被打断或分心。

56、A place to relax and unwind. ─── 一个让你放鬆身心的地方。

57、The man continued observing. He imagined the butterfly would unwind and outspread its wings at one time and then fly like other beautiful healthy butterflies ─── 他接着观察,期待着在某一时刻,蝴蝶的翅膀会打开并伸展起来,足以支撑它的身体,成为一只健康美丽的蝴蝶

58、Many IT professionals use this amphitheatre to unwind after a hard day at work. ─── 专门资讯人员利用这里纾解工作后的疲劳。

59、This is occurring at the same time as America's export machine has revved up, which is bound to help trade imbalances unwind. ─── 同时,美国的机械出口大幅上升,这将有助于恢复贸易平衡。

60、Maybe in the car on the way home you should just listen to music to let them unwind and then after dinner, talk to them about their day. ─── 也许是你接他回家的路上,那么你就应该只听听音乐让孩子放松放松,吃完饭,再和他们了解一天的情况。

61、Fully unwind the power cord and plug it into an earthed socket. ─── 将电源线展开并插入接地的插座中。

62、AirAsia has been profitable for all but the second half of 2008, when Mr Fernandes decided to unwind fuel hedges before most other airlines took the plunge. ─── 亚航的运营除了2008年下半年外都处在赢利状态。2008年下半年,费尔南德斯决定在其它航空公司决断之前抢先下手解决燃油问题。

63、A malformed function table was encountered during an unwind operation. ─── 在释放操作期间遇到格式不正确的功能表。

64、"What we need is an organized program of entertainment, and some kind of center where people could go to unwind, no matter what shift they're working or who they are. ─── “我们需要的是有组织的娱乐计划,以及某种活动中心让人们可以去那放松,而不管他们承担何种工作,也无论他们是谁。

65、It has trait which technology of wrap up simplicity,cost underrate,protection of length,effect well,quickly unwind. ─── 具有封存工艺简单,成本低、防护时间长、效果好,启封快速的特点。

66、Standard Test Method for Unwind Force of Pressure-Sensitive Tapes ─── 压敏胶带开卷力的标准试验方法

67、When he comes home try to provide him with some time to unwind ─── 当他回家后,应设法给他提供时间放松

68、Liked to unwind with a cocktail before dinner. ─── 喜欢在正餐前喝一杯鸡尾酒来放松一下

69、After a few drinks, he began to unwind, ie to talk more freely. ─── 他喝了几杯酒, 话就多起来了.

70、Carl: Some of our co-workers and I are going out for a few drinks after work. Need to unwind a little. Care to join us? ─── 我和一些同事下班后要去喝酒。该放松一下了。想一起去吗?

71、If you like lullabies, meditational music, and music to relax to, you have found your jackpot. 2002 really helps you unwind. ─── 2002可以帮你展开你的心灵,实现你的梦想。

72、It helps them to unwind after a busy day at work. ─── 这有助于他们在一天繁忙的工作后放松一下。

73、But Monday, the contract for oil for October delivery on the Nymex was expiring, and so the player may have had only one choice if he didn't want to make delivery of the oil: unwind the bad bet. ─── 不过,由于周一恰逢十月期货合约到期,如果这些交易员不想进行现货交割的话,就只有一个选择:平仓。

74、Besides, the well-equipped gymnasium, swimming pool and SPA provide the best place for business traveler to unwind and relax. ─── 另外,酒店完备的健身、水疗设施更是为商务旅客的放松休闲提供了最佳的去处。

75、After a hard day 's work, it 's good to unwind . ─── 一天劳累的工作之后,放松一下很有好处。

76、It will threaten for the children If adult can't unwind question of himself, This thing is happening everyday from everybody, besides me. ─── 如果大人的心结未解,对孩子来说是一场灾难,这种事情每天都在上演,我也不例外。

77、They unwind those positions near the close, when one loser after another throws in the towel. ─── 他们在收盘前要平仓,当时会有一批又一批的输家送上门来。

78、A commodity burst could cause correlation trades to unwind in other markets, which could snowball into a financial crisis. ─── 商品过剩可能导致在其他市场上的引起牛市逆转的关联交易,这将滚雪球般的引发金融危机。

79、Enroll in a noontime or an after-work exercise class.This will give you a chance to unwind and a way to relieve stress. ─── 午饭后到外面走几步或下班后做一点运动,不求强身健体,但这毕竟给你提供了一个舒缓情绪放松心态的机会。

80、A place to relax and unwind ─── 一个让你放松身心的地方。

81、Any attempt to unwind the warp at this stage is likely to lead to entanglement. ─── 在这种情况下,任何从经轴上退绕纱线的做法都会导致纱线的纠缠。

82、Other member firms picked up the offer, leaving Mizuho with a large short position that it had to unwind at great expense. ─── 交易所其它会员公司承接了卖盘,使瑞穗证券建立了巨大的空头头寸,需要花费巨资才能平仓。

83、People drink to relax,unwind and enjoy themselves. ─── 人们以喝酒来放松自己,轻轻松松地自我享受一下。

84、to unwind or untwist or to become unwound or untwisted ─── 使展开或伸开,伸开或展开

85、The fear was that if these were to unwind rapidly, with confidence evaporating in the US economy and the dollar, the outcome would be grim. ─── 人们担心,一旦贸易失衡状况迅速纾解,外界对美国经济和美元的信心消散,后果将相当严重。

86、Unwind In The Charming Surroundings And Lap Up The Host Of Modern Comforts. Benefit From The Proximity To The Transport Network And Explore The Attractions On Your Doorstep. ─── 在吸引人的环境中放轻松,并享受多样现代的舒适设备。酒店邻近公交设施,让您探索附近的旅游景点。

87、Among them, a larger and more comfortable break room where employees can go unwind, longer extensions on overdue projects, and the option of working from home on Fridays and possibly also Mondays. ─── 其中包括,一间更大更舒适的休息室以便员工可以放松心情,对逾期项目延长期限,并增加在星期五最好再加上星期一都可在家工作的选择。

88、A person takes a few extra drinks to unwind, to forget, or to sleep ─── 一个人为了消除紧张,忘记烦恼,或是催眠,往往额外多喝几杯。

89、"Our problem is that at least some of that is about to unwind. ─── 但现在,其中的一些已经开始放缓。

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