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09-05 投稿



ethic 发音

英:['eθ?k]  美:['?θ?k]

英:  美:

ethic 中文意思翻译



ethic 网络释义

n. 伦理;道德规范adj. 伦理的;道德的(等于ethical)

ethic 短语词组

1、protestant work ethic ─── 新教徒的工作伦理观

2、ethic group ─── 民族

3、work ethic ─── 职业伦理

4、Conservation (ethic) ─── 保护(伦理)

5、christocentric ethic ─── 基督中心伦理

6、Protestant ethic ─── 新教伦理; ─── 新教价值观

7、a great work ethic ─── 伟大的职业道德

8、hacker ethic ─── [计] 开发者宗旨, 开拓者信条

9、continuous work ethic ─── 持续的职业道德

10、degree programme ethic form ─── 学位课程伦理表

ethic 相似词语短语

1、etic ─── adj.(对特定语言和文化的描述)非位的,素的

2、erethic ─── 勃起的

3、alethic ─── adj.真势模态的;逻辑可能性的

4、ethical ─── adj.伦理的;道德的;凭处方出售的;n.处方药

5、ethnics ─── n.[人类]人种学(ethnic的复数形式)

6、benthic ─── adj.水底的;深海底的

7、ethics ─── n.伦理学;伦理观;道德标准

8、etheric ─── adj.以太的(等于ethereal);精微的;醚的;太空的;轻的

9、ethnic ─── adj.种族的;人种的

ethic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Burnley manager Owen Coyle put his team's fight-back through Ade Akinbiyi's goal and ultimate triumph down to their team and work ethic. ─── 伯恩利主教练欧文-科伊尔认为,他的球队通过阿金比伊的进球重或信心,最终的胜利要归功于他们的团队和工作精神。

2、In this way the aims of the technostructure become the ethic of society. ─── 于是,技术专家体制的目标成了社会的道德标准。

3、As their own particular environments, the ethic groups of China have all developed peculiar customs in terms of food, clothing and etiquette. ─── 中国各民族环境不同,在衣食礼仪方面各具有风俗习惯。

4、They can each attest to my hard work ethic and persistence. ─── 他们每一个人都可以证明我有勤劳的职业道德,而且坚毅不拔。

5、Pekka Himanen, The Hacker Ethic and the spirit of the Information Age. ─── 中文译本:骇客伦理与资讯时代精神(刘琼云译,大块文化,2002)

6、Second, the maternal culture implements and regulates the fatherhood culture and forms a dualistic ethic structure. ─── 二、母性文化对父性文化加以调节和补充从而形成了白族文化的二元伦理结构。

7、His work ethic matched the heft of a 10-man labor force, was perhaps rivaled only by his insatiable desire to learn. ─── 他的工作热情甚至超过了10个人合在一起,大概只有他永远无法满足的求知欲才能与其匹敌。

8、Industrious, responsible, it was their "Yankee ingenuity" and practicality that created the work ethic. ─── 他们勤勉尽责,正是他们那“扬基式的机灵”和务实精神创立了职业道德。

9、"Killing Father" and mutilation of life ethic are two kinds of commonly seen patterns in reform hero s lives. ─── “弑父”和生命伦理毁损是改革英雄生命中常见的样态。

10、The same ethic is applicable to cultural artifacts found on public land. ─── 同样的道德原则适用于在公共场所发现的文化遗产。

11、Turian society is highly regimented and very organized, and the species is known for its strict discipline and work ethic. ─── 图族的社会高度秩序化并且非常有组织,图族因他的严格律法和工作的道德准则而被人所知。

12、There is a natural connection between Ethic and Accounting Standards. ─── 伦理与会计准则之间存在着天然的联系。

13、Nikos's views are shared by the rest of the company. But John says it's also the lack of work ethic that has brought Greece to its knees. ─── 尼科斯的意见是赞同该公司的其余部分。但约翰说,它也是缺乏职业道德的工作带来了希腊的膝盖。

14、This ethic is applied to physicians, engineers, architects, professors, lawyers, and business executives. ─── 伦理被应用在内科医师、工程师、建筑师、教师、律师以及企业执行者。

15、Their work ethic, drive and morals will always continue to push me to be the best I can. ─── 他们的工作伦理,和道德建设继续推向我永远是最好的,我可以.

16、They also boldly championed the Christian ethic and Western Culture tradition. ─── 他们还勇敢地维护基督教道德伦理和西方文化传统。

17、For universal social justice, we need to use an ethic that applies universally. ─── 为了社会公平,我们需要使用一种可以普遍适用的道德规范。

18、He motivates corporations and organizations with his knowledge of the work ethic, focus and determination of his people, the Sherpas of Mount Everest. ─── 他对职业道德的领悟以及他作为夏尔巴人所特有的专注和决心,一直激励着不同的公司和组织。

19、Serena's been a great help. You must be so proud. He has such a strong work ethic. ─── 瑟琳娜帮了很大的忙。你一定很骄傲吧,他非常有职业精神。

20、With that strong work ethic and the caring they show for each other. ─── 他们学习的欲望和精力真是太惊人了!

21、But she also wonders whether she ought to make a report either to Mustafa, or to the ethic office. ─── 但是她也想到是不是应该就此事向穆斯塔法老板或者伦理办公室报告。

22、A: Insisting to behave under legal requirements and ethic standards. ─── 坚持按法律要求和道德标准行事。

23、From the perspective of economic and ethic mechanism, the imperfection of economic system is closely related to that of the ethic mechanism. ─── 从经济和道德运行机制来看,经济运行机制的不完善性与道德运行机制的不完善性密切相关。

24、To start this market, the lever of ethic appraisal should he effectively used and an active measure of financial interposition should be taken. ─── 启动农村消费市场必须有效运用伦理评价杠杆和进行积极地金融介入。

25、The functions of corporative ethic are found in its controlling effect,instrumental effect,and value effect. ─── 企业伦理的功能渐次演绎为“约束效用”、“工具效用”以及“价值效用”;

26、In that case ,it is necessary to study the construction of the contemporary zhuang ethic group people's culture schema . ─── 在这种情况下,对当代壮族文化适应的研究和对当代壮族人文化认知图式的重新审视是很有必要的。

27、Fluent English and Shanghai dialect with strong administrative skills in languages, excellent organisational ability and strong work ethic. ─── 会说流利的英语和上海话,具有较强的行政工作能力,组织协调能力和良好的职业道德.

28、Weber, Max. The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. ─── 《新教伦理与资本主义精神》.

29、Metamorphosis, in turn, certainly represents the horrible imagery of an ethic of lucidity. ─── 反过来,《变形记》当然代表了一种清晰的伦理道德的可怕形象。

30、Leisure is obligation ethic ,so ,leisure and freedom in leisure are not conceivable. ─── 休闲是不可抗拒的责任伦理。因此,休闲和休闲中的自由是不可能的。

31、The viewpoint of life ethic of iatrology about utilitarianism has characteristics of illegibility? unilateralism? reverse-ethic and misorientation. ─── 功利主义对医学生命伦理的功利计算具有模糊性、片面性、反伦理和定位错误等特点。

32、Culture and Communication on Global Networks: Cultural Diversity, Moral Relativism, and Hope for a Global Ethic? ─── 全球网络的文化与交流:文化多元性,道德相对主义,以及一种全球伦理的希望?

33、A strong work ethic, the ability to work independently. ─── 具有良好职业道德品质,独立工作能力强。

34、Confucian ethic doctrine is its ideaistic source. ─── 儒家礼教是无讼的思想渊源。

35、XX Province has a very serious TB prevalence status, especially in poverty and ethic minority races areas. ─── XX省结核病疫情非常严重,特别是贫困和少数民族地区。

36、CA: Can you picture, in our lifetimes, a politician ever going out on a platform of the kind of full-form global ethic, global citizenship? ─── CA:您能否想象,在您的有生之年里,一个政治家可以支持这种完整意义上的全球伦理,全球公民权?

37、Ethic is the foundation and evaluation criterion of Accounting Standards. ─── 伦理是会计准则存在的依据和评价的标准。

38、But beyond that, he is so unrelentingly dedicated that he earns the benefit of the doubt with his work ethic. ─── 他是如此的投入,乃至他的工作态度足以让人们把他的一切都往好处想。

39、His most recognized work is his essay The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. ─── 他最著名的作品是《新教伦理与资本主义精神》。

40、It is imperative and urgent to strength the academic ethic construction in ophthalmology in China. ─── 加强学术道德规范建设是我国眼科界具有必要性和紧迫性的大事。

41、Confucian political ethic, as an ideology commended by the Eastern Han government, enjoyed high standing and combined with political practice. ─── 儒家政治伦理作为东汉极力表彰的意识形态,享有崇高地位,并与政治实践密切结合。

42、I can't fault a single one of my players from a team ethic point of view. ─── 但从球队的道德规范上我不会去指责我球队中的任何一人。”

43、On the other hand, facing new challenges from Virtual-Real Twoness, and based on it, the basic ethic rules of this Virtual-Real world is proposed. ─── 在“虚-实世界”这一人类现代生活世界中,伦理关系及规范方式有其特殊样式。

44、The traditional culture,condensing a nation's centripetal force and vitality,has extremely important value in spiritual guide and ethic examples. ─── 传统文化凝聚着民族的向心力和生命力,具有极为重要的精神导向和伦理垂范价值。

45、Internationally, agedness salvation existed as an ethic concept and a practical activity early five hundred BC. ─── 国际上,早在公元前五百多年,老年救助就作为一种伦理观念、一种实践活动而存在。

46、In an age of specialization and education in complex skills, this ethic has gained importance and popularity. ─── 在这个专业化和复合技能教育的时代,伦理(标准)已经获取重要性及普及化。

47、He adheres to a self-styled"hacker ethic,"which justified any computer intrusion as long as the motive is pure. ─── 他坚守自称的“电脑窃贼伦理”,认为只要是动机纯正,任何入侵电脑的行为都是正常的。

48、The Hani ethic group is one of the ethnic minorities in China. ─── 哈尼族是中国的一个少数民族。

49、The former ethic suggested success was founded on integrity, modesty, loyalty, courage, patience, and so forth. ─── 前一种伦理认为,成功建立在正直、谦虚、忠诚、勇气、耐心等的基础上。

50、He believed in a personal God, an absolute ethic, and the essential goodness of his fellow men. ─── 他心目中自有一个上帝、一种绝对的道德准则;他相信他的同胞本质上是善良的。

51、Kantwho represents the reason ethic, puts the reason in the first plaee in people, Which leads to be formalized. ─── 以康德为代表的理性伦理把理性放在人的首位,其后果是生活的外在形式化。

52、It requires two stages for the building: harmony on the stage of juridical law and ethic, the former being basic while the latter mature. ─── 和谐社会的构建需要历经两个阶段:法理阶段的社会和谐和伦理阶段的社会和谐,前者是和谐的基础阶段,后者则是成熟阶段。

53、It is hot by social attention how to constitute the law and statute of liver transplantation through ethic analysis. ─── 从伦理道德角度来分析如何制定相关的法律法规,成为当前社会关注的热点。

54、A strong work ethic is expected of all constituents. Good performance will be freely recognized. Poor performance will not be condoned. ─── 全体职工要有良好的工作道德。倡导好的作风,消除不良表现。

55、So they volcanically animadverted on them and wanted to get rid of the groundwork of the family normal and ethic. ─── 他们一方面激烈地批判传统道德体系中的三纲五常,意欲彻底铲除家族道德伦理的根基;

56、It was time for"a new ethic of personal responsibility in the business community. ─── "企业界"应该形成"个人负责的新道德"。

57、They instilled the work ethic into their children. ─── 他们在孩子们的心中注入了职业道德的理念。

58、So the 23-year-old guard from Slovenia hit the gym and the court and carried his tireless work ethic from training camp into the regular season. ─── 因此这位来自斯洛文尼亚23岁的后卫在健身房和训练场上非常刻苦地训练,另外他还把他训练营时那种刻苦的精神带到了常规赛。

59、Has good workmanship standard and work ethic. ─── 具有良好的技术标准和工作热情。

60、A strong work ethic, the ability to work independently. ─── 具有良好职业道德品质,独立工作能力强。

61、His ideas forced a reexamination of the early leadership paradigm, which he observed centered on traits found in the character ethic and the personality ethic. ─── 他的观点迫使人们重新审视早期的领导范式,他观察到这种范式集中于在性格伦理和人格伦理中发现的特征。

62、In the rapid development of ophthalmology in recent years,there exit some manifests of academic ethic anomy and unhealthy climate. ─── 在我国眼科学快速发展的大好形势下,还存在着学术道德失范、学术风气不正的严重问题。

63、People are losing a sense of work ethic, the idea of working for what you got, unable to really be thankful for the origin of things. ─── 人们失去了职业道德意识,为了得到什么而工作,是无法真正感激事物根源的。

64、Ethic is a branch of philosophy. ─── 伦理是哲学的一个分支。

65、Esprit de corps, a strong sense of tradition and a self-imposed get-it-right work ethic permeate the rank and file. ─── 团队精神是一个强烈的传统意识且自我准确无误地在老百姓中普及履行职业道德。

66、Chinaese traditional culture is a kind of ethic culture in the nature in which Confucianism is its main body and core. ─── 中国传统文化本质上是一种人伦文化,其中儒家伦理是主体与核心。

67、The most prominent area of the humanitarian in Lessing's work is the ethic threshold. ─── 人道主义情怀最为凸显的范畴是莱辛作品中涉及的伦理视阈。

68、From the standpoint of success , a good work ethic is no less important than an education. ─── 从成功的角度来说,良好的职业道德与教育同等重要。

69、Lampe looked good in the summer league, but then appeared to get lazy and lose his work ethic. ─── 他在夏季联赛打的不错,不过他之后似乎变得懒散和缺少敬业精神。

70、The mode of practice-thought is only scientific method to comprehend radically life ethic of iatrology as a whole. ─── 两者都是形而上学思维,两者的前提是未经证实的。

71、They had a strict and consistent work ethic and expected the Thessalonians to have the same. ─── 他们有恪守严格的工作伦理,并且希望帖撒罗尼迦人也照样去做。

72、There isn't good or bad difference between Chinese and Western ethic al concept. ─── 中国伦理文化和西方伦理文化无优劣之别,只有特质上的差异,用今天的眼光去衡量,它们各自的优长中同时隐含着缺失。

73、In either case, you can only influence his conduct through influencing his desires: if you succeed in that, his ethic will change, and if not, not. ─── 在以上任何一种情况下,你只能通过影响其欲望来影响其行为:如果你能做到这一点,他的伦理观将会改变; 反之则不然。

74、She said she remains driven by the same work ethic she developed as a callused child dancing in China and has no plans to slow down. ─── 她说,她的工作作风依然是小时候在内地苦练舞蹈时形成的那样,并且不打算慢下来。

75、Before the season, Van Gundy praised Brunson's work ethic to build a career out of Temple and the CBA. ─── 在赛季开始之前,范甘迪对毕业于坦普尔大学并从CBA开始创业的布伦森的职业素养称赞有加。

76、For 15 years ,he has set a work ethic for the company and demanded that the rest of the company meet it. ─── 15年来,他为公司建立起一整套工作守则,并要求公司的所有其余人员都必须遵守。

77、A strong work ethic, the ability to work independently and a strong desire to succeed. ─── 具有良好职业道德品质,独立工作能力,拥有强烈希望成功的愿望。

78、The ethic study in body experiment has already lagged far behind the body experiment itself. ─── 人体实验中的伦理研究已经远远落后于人体实验研究本身。

79、In Chinese and western ethic ideas,"love" is a very kernal concept. ─── 在中西方伦理思想中,“爱”都是一个十分核心的概念。

80、"Take Civic Ethic Education as the Nucleus"--Reading Notes on the Research of Cai Yuanpei's Education Thought. ─── "以公民道德教育为中坚"--蔡元培教育思想研究札记。

81、Clan punishment continued resulting from ethic society and machinery in archaic China, and gubernatorial essence of in reverse dumb millions. ─── 中国古的社会特点和结构,以及统治者的反人民性的本质,决定了族刑得以延续。

82、People animadverted eugenics mainly for the reason of ethic and "miserable memory". ─── 人们对优生学的批判主要是因为"伤痛的历史记忆"及不同的伦理取向等方面的原因。

83、Yu is a practicer of Confucian ethic, a modern real Confucian instead of the modern real Confucian in general. ─── 余先生是多元文化论者,他对中国文化的认识注意到文化的整体性和历史性。

84、A 'work ethic' is a somewhat abstruse quality often bandied about in the world of work and management. ─── “职业操守”这个品质理解起来并不容易,在工作和管理中它常常被挂在嘴边随意谈论。

85、"Robert is helping us to obtain the championship players," he said, "He showed a great work ethic. ─── “罗伯特是帮助我们取得总冠军的球员,”他说,“他展示出了很棒的职业道德。

86、In comparison, deontology is a highly principled ethic which does not concern itself directly with consequences. ─── 在比较,义务论是不与后果直接使自己担心的一个高度原则性的伦理。

87、"Mondale was the personification of the social ethic of self- denial. ─── “今天,自我否定已不再是什么美德。”

88、Sustainable development ethic: overall coordination, orderly increase and decrease, and virtuous circle. ─── 可持续发展伦理:整体协调、有序增减、良性循环。

89、That is a bit of an understatement, characteristic of a guy who had an old-school upbringing with an emphasis on respect, humility, and a strong work ethic. ─── 他的说法有点过谦,未必充分反映事实,这是受过传统教育的人的特点,这种教育强调尊敬、谦虚和强烈的职业道德。





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