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09-05 投稿



protruded 发音

英:[pr??tru?d?d]  美:[pro??tru?d?d]

英:  美:

protruded 中文意思翻译



protruded 短语词组

1、protruded packing ─── [化] 多孔填料; 冲压填料

2、protruded disk ─── 突出的圆盘

protruded 词性/词形变化,protruded变形


protruded 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、His face was broad and craggy from the sun, with salty whiskers and a lower jaw that protruded slightly, making him look prouder than he felt. ─── 一副宽厚的脸膛被太阳晒得粗糙不平,胡子坚硬,下颚微突,使他看上去比实际上自负。

2、On Sunday, he was carrying a backpack from which protruded a little Greenlandic flag, its red-and-white design representing the sea, sky and sun. ─── 周日,他背着背包,背包上插着一面小小的格陵兰国旗,其红白相间的设计代表着海洋、天空与太阳。

3、protruded disk ─── 突出盘

4、Clinical study on the relation between the pressure of protruded nucleus pulposus of the lumbar disc and the degree of the nearby nerve root compression ─── 椎间隙突出髓核内压力与相邻神经根受压程度的临床研究

5、Davidson's brow lowered, and he protruded his firm chin. He looked fierce and determined. ─── 戴维逊紧锁双眉,伸出他那坚定的下巴,一副杀气腾腾、坚定不移的样子。

6、The clinical study on the relation between the degree of the nerve root compression and the pressure of protruded nucleus pulposus of the displacement disk ─── 突出髓核内压力在神经根受压机制中的作用

7、The saucy child protruded her tongue. ─── 这无礼的孩子伸出了她的舌头。

8、They turned a corner, slid down the railing of angled stairs and onto a catwalk that protruded over a ledge. Five hundred meters below, an ocean churned against rocky cliffs. ─── 他们转向一个拐角,顺着一座之字型楼梯的栏杆滑到一个探出悬崖的六脚架上。五百米之下,海潮拍打着岩石峭壁。

9、Something protruded at the centre of the field, some stumpy antenna of his present or previous self. ─── 有样东西从田野中央凸显出来,就像一根短粗的天线,代表着洛根生前或者死后的自我。

10、Therefore, FAP abrasives protruded naturally and an auto-conditioning effect occurred on the surface of the pad. ─── 因此, FAP的磨料磨具伸出自然和自动调节作用发生在表面上的垫板上。

11、A number of papers protruded from his pocket. ─── 几份文件从他口袋里漏出来。

12、His stomach protruded slightly. ─── 他的肚子微微鼓起来了。

13、Moreover, as active abrasive protruded naturally and loading and glazing did not occur on the pad surface, the mechanism kept on uniformly working until the pad life. ─── 此外,由于积极磨料伸出自然和装载和施釉没有发生就垫的表面,这一机制一直均匀地工作,直到垫的生活。

14、He was so infuriated that the blue veins on his forehead protruded out. ─── 他十分愤怒,额头上的青筋都凸出了。

15、The mass lesion protruded through the inguinal canal during voiding and disappeared after voiding. ─── 肿块在解尿时经由腹股沟突出,解完尿后就消失。

16、One of the five radial areas on the undersurface of the starfish and similar echinoderms,from which the tube feet are protruded and withdrawn. ─── 步带海星和类似棘皮动物底部五个辐射状排列部位中的一个,触手从这里进行伸缩。

17、protruded intervertebral disc ─── 椎间盘脱出

18、One of the five radial areas on the undersurface of the starfish and similar echinoderms, from which the tube feet are protruded and withdrawn. ─── 步带海星和类似棘皮动物底部五个辐射状排列部位中的一个,触手从这里进行伸缩

19、Rocks protruded from the snow. ─── 岩石从雪中突出来。

20、Complex convective heat transfer in an air-conditioning room with protruded heat source ─── 具有凸出热源的空调室内的复杂对流换热研究

21、The recent academic interest in Hermeneutics has protruded the relationship between Marxism and Hermeneutics. ─── 摘要在学术界出现的解释学研究热,使马克思主义与解释学的关系问题凸显出来。

22、4 Without sufficient practice, you can't be successful man of practice, even pretending to be. At least, your forehead can not be protruded, isn't it? ─── 工夫未到家,真人的样子是你再怎么装也是装不出来的。最少你的前额就弄不凸,是吧!

23、Effects of Surface Physical Characteristics of Protruded Packing on Biofilm Attachment ─── 多孔填料表面物理特性对生物膜附着的影响

24、But it was Thomas Aquinas and his sequelae that protruded and systemized the theory of analogy in philosophy and theology. ─── 但是,使类比问题在神学和哲学中的核心地位凸显出来,并得到系统化的创新发展,却是汤玛斯及其后继者的成就。

25、and a connecting protrusion which is formed to be protruded in the circumference of the penetration hole. ─── 以及在上述通孔的周围突出形成的连接突起。

26、Objective: To study the pathogenic mechanism, clinical manifestation, treatment mechanism and therapeutic effect on magnum protruded lumbar intervertebral disc (MPLID). ─── 摘要目的:探讨巨大型腰椎间盘突出症的发病机理、临床表现、治疗机理和疗效。

27、Objective To raise diagnostic rate of protruded lesion of gastrointestinal mucosa and to judge the precise differentiation to the depth of malignant lesion. ─── 目的提高消化道粘膜隆起病灶的确诊率及肿瘤浸润深度判断。

28、At that moment, our eyes connected.His big dark eyes that protruded lifelessly out of his skull seemed to fill with hope as he looked into mine. ─── 我们四目交叠,他的眼睛无神地突起从头颅处看著我,似然乞讨著一些希望。

29、Keywords Lumbar disc herniation;Protruded nucleus pulposus;Straight leg raising test; ─── 关键词腰椎间盘突出症;突出髓核;直腿抬高试验;

30、Mass-transfer characteristics of cross-flow rotating bed with protruded ripple plate packing ─── 多孔波纹板错流旋转床的传质性能

31、Urethane Mold Bearings-Inner Wheel Protruded Type(for Light Load) ─── 聚氨酯成形轴承-内轮突出型(轻载型)

32、When remove the free protruded fregments, the residue often is the case of reoperation of lumbar vertebrae. ─── 在取出游离于椎管内的间盘组织时,残余碎块未取净是腰椎再次手术的常见原因之一。

33、Through the review and interpretation of "issue of Kant", Husserl protruded the issue of the cognitive possibility. ─── 摘要胡塞尔通过对“康德问题”的重提和解释,凸现了认识可能性的问题。

34、Green fields without a single tree spreads beyond the cliff and a rock called “seondol” is protruded. ─── 摄支考地所在的海岸悬崖上是一片宽阔的草地,这里一棵树也看不到,海岸上耸立着一块叫仙石的岩石。

35、However, those protruded patterns also caused obstructions whilst sliding of the switchboard was in progress. ─── 然而,这些防滑纹理会对运送配电箱造成阻碍。

36、The child protruded his tongue. ─── 那小孩伸出舌头。

37、Conclusions:Detecting rate and characterizing accuracy for esphageal protruded lesions with digital gastroinrestinal apparatus are remarkably higher than that with conventional appartus. ─── 结论:数字胃肠机对食管局限隆起性病灶的检出率及形态学定性的准确率明显高于普通胃肠机。

38、protruded jaw ─── 突颌

39、The Clinical Study on the Relation Between the Space Occupation of Protruded Nucleus Pulposus Inside Spinal Canal and the Degree of the Nerve Root Compression ─── 突出髓核占位与神经根受压程度关系的临床研究

40、Benign protruded lesion of digestive tract ─── 消化道隆起病变

41、"All ready?" the captain asked the engineer, a portuguese half-caste, whose head and shoulders protruded from the small hatch ─── “准备好了吗?”船长问轮机手--一个葡萄牙混血儿,他从一个小舱口探出脑袋和肩膀。

42、* His fingers protruded from the holes in his gloves. ─── *他伸出手指从他的洞手套。

43、A number of papers protruded from his pocket. ─── 几份文件从他口袋里漏出来。

44、Experiment shows that the method can protect the high frequency information like edges from reducing the image’s noise effectively so that the de-noising effect is more protruded. ─── 实验表明,该方法在有效地滤除了图像的噪声的同时,还很好地保护了图像的边缘等高频信息,使得降噪效果更加突出。

45、Lu Xun protruded and stood fast to subject personality all his life, taking "cultivating moral character" as the objective of his struggles. ─── 鲁迅终其一生都表现出对主体人格的极力彰显与坚守,他以“立人”为奋斗目标。

46、As he looked at the woman in her characteristic attitude, her thick arms reaching up for the line, her powerful mare-like buttocks protruded, it struck him for the first time that she was beautiful. ─── 他看着那个女人的典型姿态,粗壮的胳臂举了起来往绳子上晾衣服,鼓着肥大的母马似的屁股,他第一次注意到她很美丽。

47、Objective:To compare the detecting rate and characterizing accuracy for protruded lesion of esophagus with digital apparatus and conventional apparatus. ─── 目的:观察数字胃肠机与普通胃肠机对食管局限隆起性病变的检出率及形态学定性的准确率。

48、He looked like a boat-owner or shopkeeper, in cowhide jackboots. From one comer of his pocket protruded a thick, bright silver chain. ─── 来了客,一个船主或一个商人,穿生牛皮长统靴子,抱兜一角露出粗而发亮的银链,喝过一肚子烧酒,摇摇荡荡的上了船。

49、Her eyes widened and she turned to look at my uncle, wanting to say something but nothing protruded from her mouth. ─── 她的眼睛变大,又看了看我叔叔,想要说什么,但却什么也没说。

50、They turned a corner, slid down the railing of angled stairs and onto a catwalk that protruded over a ledge. ─── 他们转向一个拐角,顺着一座之字型楼梯的栏杆滑到一个探出悬崖的六脚架上。

51、laryngalgia with protruded tongue ─── 弄舌喉风

52、Conjugate Natural Convective Heat Transfer in an Enclosure with Discrete Protruded Heat Sources ─── 有凸出离散热源封闭空腔内耦合自然对流换热

53、There are only a handful of buttons, and my only real criticism of the industrial design is that these were rubbery and protruded too little from the body, making them hard to press unseen. ─── 手机上的按键不多,工业设计方面唯一让我感到不满的是,按键有一种橡胶制品的感觉,而且过于贴近机身,很难确认是否按到位了。

54、the CT findings of retinoblastoma showed calcified plaque inside tumor 100%(11/11) and protruded soft tissue density mass on the wall of eyeball. ─── CT检查病灶区100%有斑点状或团块状钙化,眼球壁上还可见密度增高的软组织肿块隆起。

55、Naturally one would assume that very little of the root protruded from the gum; ─── 当然有人会以为很小的根源伸出从胶;

56、He looked like a boat-owner or shopkeeper, in cowhide jackboots. From one comer of his pocket protruded a thick, bright silver chain. ─── 来了客,一个船主或一个商人,穿生牛皮长统靴子,抱兜一角露出粗而发亮的银链,喝过一肚子烧酒,摇摇荡荡的上了船。

57、Kempka identified it in his own mind by the black trousers and shoes which protruded from the blanket and which the warlord always wore with his field-gray jacket. ─── 肯普卡根据露在毯子外面的黑色裤子和皮鞋,认定这是元首的尸体,因为希特勒穿他草绿色上衣时总是配这样的裤子和鞋子的。

58、Keywords rotating packed bed;hydrodynamic;mass transfer;protruded ripple plate;cross-flow;packing plate distance; ─── 旋转填料床;流体力学;传质;多孔波纹板;错流;板间距;

59、protruded packing ─── 多孔填料

60、Ultrastructure of protruded intervertebral discs in different pathological types ─── 不同病理类型椎间盘突出组织的超微结构观察

61、She found many rips and tears along the sides of the hovercraft, including one spot where a tiger claw as thick as a dagger actually protruded. ─── 她发现气垫车边沿已有多处破损,有一处竟插著一根粗若匕首的虎爪。

62、His weird-looking legs protruded from that chair, stretched out before him like two huge clothes-props, and behind his gold-rimmed spectacles I observed the most evil pair of grey eyes. ─── 他那看起来怪怪的双腿从椅子前突出来,像两根晒衣绳支架似的。透过他的那副金边眼镜,我看见一双至为邪恶的灰色的眼睛。

63、protruded intervertebral disk ─── 椎间盘突出

64、protruded disc ─── 椎间盘突出症

65、Her eyes widened and she turned to look at my uncle, wanting to say something but nothing protruded from her mouth. ─── 她的眼睛变大,又看了看我叔叔,想要说什么,但却什么也没说。

66、Keywords rotating packed bed;pressure drop;protruded ripple plate;cross-flow;packing plate distance; ─── 旋转填料床;压降;多孔波纹板;错流;板间距;

67、Methods:31 cases of esophageal protruded lesions were found among 1258 cases who underwent esophageal barium meal examination with digital gastronitestinal apparatus. ─── 方法:使用数字胃肠机食管吞钡检查1258例,发现食管局限隆起性病变31例。

68、A belt was cinched at his biceps and a syringe protruded from his forearm. ─── 他的二头肌上扎着一条带子,小臂里扎进去一个注射器。

69、Her eyes were depicted by two simple sunken lines, while the nose is protruded but shaped coarsely. ─── 爱情的力量真让人无法估量,我不仅原谅了他,还替他在我父母面前撒谎。

70、In young years, a cigar frequently protruded from under the dark moustache. ─── 嘴唇上有一排平整干净的胡子。

71、The paper have protruded three functions,those are regeneration for population,control with resource and change direction with environment. ─── 本文突出人口的“再生”,资源的“控制”和环境的“转向”功能。

72、protruded swollen red tongue ─── 红长胀出口外舌

73、Hydrodynamic Characteristics of Cross-flow Rotating Bed with Protruded Ripple Plate Packing ─── 多孔波纹板错流旋转床流体力学性能研究

74、He protruded his tongue. ─── 他伸出了舌头。

75、Histopathologic observations have suggested that malignant transformation of gastric adenomas is infrequent, occurring in only 2.5% of conventional protruded and 5.0% of depressed adenomas. ─── 组织病理学的观察已经提出胃腺瘤恶变是罕见的,在普通突出型中仅有2.5%,凹陷型中仅有5.0%发生。

76、In 41 of 93 cases with maxillary involvement, the high density soft tissue mass protruded into the middle meatus with enlargement and erosion of bony maxillary ostium. ─── 93例上颌窦真菌中,41例有高密度软组织团块突向中鼻道伴骨性窦口扩大和骨质侵蚀。

77、smooth muscle cells in the tunica media degenerated, proliferated and protruded to the lumen. ─── 中膜平滑肌细胞增生堆集并凸入管腔。

78、The quick development ofmathematics protruded the scientific character of universality and certainty,which had not developed much enough to clean God from science away. ─── 数学的突飞猛进的发展凸显了科学的普遍性必然性特征,这种特征虽没有发展到足以把神从科学中彻底清除出去的地步。

79、The three of them were excited.Slowly, they carefully changed position.That giant rock may have been big, but the suspended portion was covered with many cracks.Only one corner protruded outwards. ─── 三个人都兴奋起来,开始小小心心、慢慢地挪动身体位置,那块巨石虽大,但是驾空透隙,只有一角伸在外边。

80、Results (1)CT exhibition of renal carcinoma in aged patie nts was that the tumor protruded from outline of kidney with blurry edge and irr egular siz e; ─── 结果(1)老年肾细胞癌CT表现为肿块突出肾轮廓,边缘模糊,形状不规则,肿块内密度不均匀,无完整包膜。

81、Natural Convective Heat Transfer in an Enclosure with Protruded Heat Source and Heater ─── 室内有凸出热源和加热器的封闭空腔内自然对流换热

82、The protruded ciliary process was observed in all 23 patients with cyclodialysis by trigle prism or gonioscope.While spaces of iridocorneal angle was found in only 15 cases. ─── 本组23例均用三面镜或前房角镜通过瞳孔观察到隆起的睫状突,而直到房角裂隙者仅15例,且二者位置相关。

83、Protruded nucleus pulposus ─── 突出髓核

84、protruded ripple plate ─── 多孔波纹板

85、Studies on cross-flow rotating bed with protruded ripple plate packing ─── 多孔波纹板错流旋转床的性能研究

86、Past a bend in the river where the valley was so narrow that the trees formed a canopy over it, small terraced gardens protruded from the cliffs on each side, almost touching each other. ─── 在河流的一个转弯处,山谷变得非常狭窄,上方的树木形成了一个天然的雨棚,阶梯状的小花园从两边峭壁上伸出来,几乎要碰到一起。

87、The Clinical Study on the Relation Between the Space Occupation of Protruded Nucleus Pulposus Inside Spinal Canal and the Degree of the Nerve Root Compression 冯宇,冯天有,高燕, ─── 中药“腰痛定”硬膜外腔注射对模兔神经根局部炎症介质的影响章汉平,刘江涛,魏玉玲,刘又香,胡超

88、Her two remaining teeth protruded over her upper lip. ─── 她剩存的两颗牙齿在上嘴唇向外突出。

89、Second,a series of selections in all ages protruded and promoted his master-pieces; ─── 历代选本的编选实现着于湖词更广泛更普及的传播与接受;

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