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09-05 投稿


compensator 发音

英:[?kɑ?mp?n?se?t?r]  美:[?k?mpense?t?(r)]

英:  美:

compensator 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 补偿器


compensator 词性/词形变化,compensator变形


compensator 短语词组

1、neutral compensator ─── [电] 中线补偿器

2、Babinet compensator ─── [化] 巴比涅补偿器

3、lead compensator ─── [电] 领前补偿器

4、level compensator ─── [电] 位准补偿器

5、filter impedance compensator ─── [电] 滤波器阻抗补偿

6、current compensator ─── [电] 电流补偿器

7、line-drop compensator ─── [电] 线路压降补偿器

8、amici compensator ─── [机] 补偿棱镜

9、line-drop voltmeter compensator ─── [电] 线路压条伏计补偿器

10、starting compensator ─── [电] 起动补偿器

11、filter-impedance compensator ─── [电] 滤波器阻抗补偿器

12、ideal compensator ─── [电] 理想补偿器

13、lag compensator ─── [电] 滞后补偿器

14、cabinet compensator ─── [电] 箱内补偿器

15、heat compensator ─── [电] 热补偿器

16、compensator circuit ─── [建] 补偿电路

17、impedance compensator ─── [电] 阻抗补偿器

18、record compensator ─── [电] 记录补偿器

19、lag lead compensator ─── [电] 滞领补偿器

compensator 相似词语短语

1、compensates ─── v.补偿;付报酬(compensate的第三人称单数)

2、compensations ─── 补偿;[会计]补偿金

3、compensation ─── n.补偿;报酬;赔偿金

4、commentator ─── n.评论员,解说员;实况播音员;时事评论者

5、compensatory ─── adj.补偿的,赔偿的

6、compensators ─── n.[电][自]补偿器(compensator的复数);补偿装置

7、compensated ─── v.补偿(compensate的过去式);偿还

8、commendator ─── 圣职托管人

9、compensate ─── vi.补偿,赔偿;抵消;vt.补偿,赔偿;付报酬

compensator 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They can be plug-installed power compensator, the power factor can be more than 0.9 after expiation. ─── 可按用户要求加装功率补偿器,补偿后功率因数可达0.9以上。

2、low tension starting compensator ─── 低压起动补偿器

3、Apply the compensator online for adjusting the PID parameter of the controller, to attenuate the parameter perturbation, nonlinear and outer disturbance of the system. ─── 将神经网络自适应补偿器与PID控制器并联,补偿系统参数摄动、非线性和外界扰动对系统控制性能的影响,提高系统的鲁棒性和抗干扰能力。

4、Based on the dynamic phasor models of TCR, the dynamic phasor model for static VAR compensator (SVC) and that for thyristor controlled series capacitor (TCSC) are put forward. ─── 基于TCR的动态相量模型提出了静止无功补偿器和晶闸管控制串联电容器的动态相量模型。

5、thyristor controlled series compensator (TCSC) ─── 可控串联电容补偿

6、The signal of the photomultiplier is sampled 256 times each rotation of the compensator. ─── 光电倍增管信号在每次补偿器旋转时采样256次。

7、parallel feedforward compensator ─── 并联前馈补偿器

8、Some precision gages used a thermal compensator. ─── 有些精密仪器用了热补偿器。

9、Tianshou Brand damping corrugating tube compensator and flexible metal tube are your best choice. ─── 减震波纹管补偿器,金属软管是震动系统配管的最佳选择。

10、differential pressure compensator ─── 压差补偿器

11、Ma X J, Jiang Q R, Wang Z H et al.Unbalanced control based on individual phase for static synchronous compensator[J].Proceedings of the CSEE, 2001, 21(1): 52-56. ─── [1]马晓军.姜齐荣.王仲鸿,等.静止同步补偿器的分相不对称控制[J].中国电机工程学报,2001,21(1):52-56.

12、An Improved Static Synchronous Compensator ─── 一种改进的静止同步补偿器

13、Application of static var compensator(SVC) is one of the effective ways to improve power system stability and achieved some results. ─── 应用静止无功补偿器(SVC)是提高电力系统稳定性的有效措施之一,并取得了一些成果。

14、A compensator of fore feedback is add to the ILC arithmetic so as to remove the influence and obtain better trail precision and it does. ─── 为消除滞后的影响而获得更高的跟踪精度,在ILC算法中增加一个前馈补偿器,从而可有效地消除系统滞后影响。

15、The fix value compensator and the current follow compensator has the inherent limitation and will cause the overcompensation, so they can"t be used in secondary loop voltage drop compensation.4. ─── 3、由于存在设计缺陷,定值补偿器和电流跟踪式补偿器必然产生过补偿现象的发生,因而不能用于二次压降补偿;

16、The CRM compensator must expose a public default constructor. ─── CRM补偿器必须公开公共的默认构造函数。

17、A new method for compensating wavefront error is put forward to test large-aperture and high-order aspheres by using ZYGO interferometer, which uses the combination of a lens compensator and a computer-generated hologram (CGH). ─── 为了能够利用ZYGO数字干涉仪检测大口径深度高次非球面,提出了一种新的波前补偿方法,即透镜补偿与计算全息相结合.

18、To build a high quality of power supply, the voltage sag compensator is applied. ─── 为了建立高品质的电源,电压骤降补偿器因此被广泛使用。

19、For the large capacity cage electric motor, it cannot use the "star - angle" to start, but can use autotransformer (compensator) to start. ─── 对于较大容量的鼠笼电动机,不能用“星一角”起动方式时,可采用自耦变压器(补偿器)进行降压起动。

20、Effect of Static Var Compensator (SVC) to the stability of Yangcheng transmission system is investigated using BPA stability software. ─── 利用BPA软件重点针对阳城?淮阴长距离输电线研究静止无功补偿器(SVC)对系统故障后暂态和动态稳定的影响。

21、The light intensity of photobecteria in the sample disturbed by the suspenders in container or other light color is proofread with light route compensator. ─── 光路补偿器校正有颜色、含悬浮物样品对发光细菌发光强度的干扰。

22、This paper presents a new type of continuous reactive compensator based on a soft switching technique and the design of an ARM-based controller. ─── 介绍一种新型的基于软开关投切技术的连续无功补偿装置,设计出适用于该方案的基于ARM嵌入式微处理器的无功补偿控制器。

23、Conclusion:The main causes of the disease might be of the retrogressive metamorphosis,compens... ─── 保留脊柱后结构的髓核摘除、椎管扩大减压的手术效果是满意的。

24、low-voltage reactive power compensator ─── 低压无功功率补偿器

25、A method of the adaptive feed forward compensator (AFFC) to correct static nolinear characteristic of the switching solenoids is proposed based on closed loop control. ─── 在闭环控制基础上,提出自适应前馈补偿方法,解决开关电磁铁的非线性问题;

26、STATCOM ( Static Synchronous Compensator) ─── STATCOM

27、It is introduced the principles, critic technology and application effects on electrified railways of the static dynamic passive compensator for high voltage thyristor. ─── 介绍基于高压晶闸管阀的静止型动态无功补偿装置原理、关键技术及在电气化铁路上的应用效果。

28、Based on instantaneous reactive power theory and double closed-loop PID control strategy, a novel FC-TCR static var compensator (SVC) control system was designed. ─── 基于瞬时无功功率理论和双闭环PID控制构架,设计了一种新型的FC-TCR型SVC控制系统。

29、It also testifies the intermediate variate in the system is servo valve loading pressure; compensator is a first derivative element. ─── 可以证明本系统的这种观测量是伺服阀的负载压力,而所谓补偿器是一个一阶微分环节,因而容易实现。

30、Based on the balance of the instantaneous power of the distribution static synchronous compensator(DSTATCOM) system the direct output voltage control strategy for voltage control is proposed. ─── 为寻求性能优良、容易实现的配电静止同步补偿器(DSTATCOM)的电压控制策略,根据DSTATCOM系统中的瞬时功率平衡理论,推导出了DSTATCOM用于控制电压时的直接电压控制策略。

31、After passing the Liquid Wedge Compensator, laser beam become becomes plumb datum with high precision. ─── 在此基础上,铅垂基准,衡量平行偏差分析,垂直度,两导轨。这是最关键的技术在产品开发中。

32、However, the compensator cracked in the next year when it was used to offer heat by disemboguing the hot water in it after it has been used in the last year. ─── 在第二年供热前注水时发现有的补偿器产生了断裂,致使大量水外溢。

33、The structure and mechanism of the static synchronous series compensator(SSSC) as well as its specific function in power system are described in this paper. ─── 介绍了静止同步串联补偿器(SSSC)的系统结构,工作机理以及在电力系统中的具体功能。

34、C shaped bellows is frequently used as flexible joint and compensator. ─── 型波纹管是一种重要的柔性连接和补偿元件。

35、compensator with series capacitance ─── 串联电容补偿装置

36、Fourthly, after linearizing the Maglev train system input-output model using feedback linearization techniques, the nonlinear compensator and nonlinear PI controller were designed. ─── (4)利用反馈线性化技术,处理了磁浮列车系统的非线性动力学模型,设计了非线性补偿器和PI控制器。

37、The series power quality compensator has the important functions on improving power qualities and decreasing economic losses. ─── 串联电能质量补偿器对提高电能质量、减小经济损失具有重要作用。

38、I needed to change my position to being a hirer and mentor and compensator. ─── 我需要调整自己的定位,当个雇佣者、指导者以及补偿者。”

39、In a beam type compensator a stress pattern produced by pure bending is frozen into the material. ─── 在梁式补偿器中,其应力光图是由纯弯曲产生而被冻结在材料之中。

40、low voltage capacitive reactive power compensator ─── 低压电容无功补偿装置

41、series power quality compensator (SPQC) ─── 串联型电能质量补偿器

42、TB serial auto hydraulic tensioning compensator ─── TB系列接触网液压张力自动补偿器

43、The device has advanced throw-cut mode of the capacitor and function of automatic m eter,solving the tickler of the dynamic var compensator,presenting the frame of software. ─── 对动态无功补偿的难点进行了有效解决 ,包括冲击电流、投切振荡、谐波放大、电容器的保护等措施 ;给出了软件设计框架。

44、Because the plant must be almost strictly positive real(ASPR), we add the feedforward compensator to the plant and reference model, enabling the plant to meet the ASPR condition. ─── 在此我们选取系统前五个模态来进行控制器的设计以及系统的模拟。

45、A topology of the main circuit for the harmonic compensator with a resonant AC link soft-switching is analyzed. ─── 分析了一种带交流谐振环节软开关谐波补偿器的主电路拓扑。

46、A neural adaptive inverse compensator design method is proposed for a class of nonlinear systems with input ummodeled dynamics based on RBF neural networks. ─── 对于一类存在输人未建模动态的非线性系统,提出了一种基于RBF神经网络的自适应逆补偿器设计方法。

47、three-dimensional physical compensator ─── 三维物理补偿器

48、Integrate compensator is introduced in slide mode controller of velocity loop to reduce the torque chattering, and the pseudo slide mode control is used in place loop to reject the place chattering. ─── 在速度环滑模控制器中引入了积分环节,减小了转矩的脉动,位置环采用了准滑模控制方案,极大地抑制了位置输出的抖动。

49、New Type Compensator for Thermal Power Pipeline ─── 填料式热力管路补偿器

50、You adjust your buoyancy compensator (BC) to make yourself more buoyant while you wait for the others to enter the water. ─── 你调节了一下浮力调整器(BC),以使自己在等待其他人入水时具有更大的浮力。

51、The effect of the turbulence of the fan convection field and the position of the wind compen... ─── 在进行机械排烟时还应考虑风机对流场的扰动、补风口位置的影响。

52、QIAN Jian-hua,CHEN Bai-chao.The application of reactive power compensator on magnetic-valve controllable reactor in electric railway[J].Proceedings of the EPSA,2003,15(2):66-70. ─── [2]钱建华,陈柏超.基于磁阀式可控电抗器的无功补偿系统[J].电力系统及其自动化学报,2003,15(2):66-70.

53、In the paper, the dynamic model of a electric power steering system is founded, based in the model, a compensator is designed to control the vibration of the steering system. ─── 建立了电动转向器的动力学模型,在此模型的基础上,设计补偿器以达到对电动转向系统的振动控制。

54、Study on Dispersion Compensator Based on F-P Etalon ─── 基于F-P腔标准具的色散补偿器件的研究

55、In early July 2006,the first domestic 500 kV series compensator in Sanbao Substation passed system tests and entered the trial operation. ─── 2006年7月初,第1套国产500kV串补装置在三堡变电站完成了所有的系统试验项目,进入试运行阶段。

56、The choice of no-power automatic compensator ─── 低压无功功率补偿装置的选择

57、In comparison with previous results, the dynamic compensator can satisfy a wider class of uncertainties. ─── 与先前有关结果比较,该动态补偿器能适应更广类型的不确定性。

58、Object Reference Adaptive Dead Time Compensator ─── 对象参考参数自适应时滞补偿器

59、Simulation and experiment results show that performance of the classical state feedback system can be improved by means of the compensator. ─── 仿真和实验研究结果表明,该方法可有效地提高经典状态反馈控制系统的动态性能。

60、A switching function with a difference compensator is designed, which guarantees that the movement of the system is asymptotically stable in the quasi-switching manifold. ─── 其次设计了带有差分补偿器的切换函数,使得系统在准切换流形上的运动渐近稳定。

61、Power output compensator Half clutch ─── 功率输出补偿件半离合器

62、Design of Reactive Power Compensator Based on ARM ─── 基于ARM的无功补偿控制器设计

63、The influence of generator excitation system and static var compensator (SVC) on stability of long-distance transmission system is great. ─── 发电机励磁系统以及静止无功补偿器(SVC)对远距离输电系统的稳定性有很大影响。

64、three dimensional ripple compensator ─── 三维波纹补偿器

65、cold junction automatic compensator ─── 冷接点自动补偿器

66、Keywords cold-rolled sheet;second-flow at roll gap;second-flow for tension;tolerance of thickness;compen sation value; ─── 冷轧板;辊缝秒流量;张力秒流量;厚度偏差;补偿值;

67、The sampled-information processor is researched, and a compensator for Internet time delay is presented. ─── 不但对该驱动方式下的采样信息处理方法进行研究,而且提出了相应的网络时延补偿方案。

68、polarization mode dispersion compensator (PMDC) ─── 偏振模色散补偿

69、Angle pipe pressure equilibrium ripple compensator ─── 取管压力平衡式波纹补偿器

70、three-dimensional physics compensator ─── 三维熔铅挡块

71、Secondly, adaptive fuzzy logic systems are constructed and modeling errors are eliminated by a compensator based on the adaptive fuzzy logic systems with three adjustable parameters: weights, centers and widths. ─── 其次,构建了自适应模糊逻辑系统; 应用基于权值、中心和宽度三个参数可调节的自适应模糊逻辑系统作为补偿器来补偿建模误差。

72、motor compensator with PID regulator ─── 带 PID 调节器的电机补偿器

73、A non-affine nonlinear model for a single-machine infinite-bussystem with static VAR compensator (SVC) is established. ─── 对于含静止无功补偿器的单机无穷大系统建立了非仿射非线性模型。

74、Thyristor Controlled Series Compensator ─── 可控串联补偿电容器

75、Model YTD starting compensator is a mechanical-hydraulic-electric device for starting compensation of large - scale wet ball mill. ─── YTD型装置是一种适用于大型湿式球磨机起动的机械-液压-电气补偿装置。

76、The results of test show that this inverse model feed-forward compensator has effectively reduced the non-linear error of the system and has improved the control precision of GMA. ─── 实验结果表明,逆模前馈补偿器有效地减小了系统的非线性误差,提高了执行器的控制精度。

77、As one of the important members of FACTS, Static Synchronous Compensator(STATCOM) has widely applied all over the world. ─── 静止同步补偿器(STATCOM)是FACTS家族的重要装置成员之一,在世界各地正得到越来越广泛的应用。

78、fixed parallel capacitor compensator ─── 固定并联电容补偿装置

79、Fishing method of downhole temperature compensator ─── 井下温度补偿器的打捞方法

80、Secondly, the modeling errors are eliminated by a compensator based on the adaptive fuzzy logic systems. ─── 其次,应用自适应模糊逻辑系统作为补偿器来补偿建模误差。

81、Smith foreordaining estimated compensator ─── Smith预估补偿器

82、Thyristor Controlled Series Compensator(TCSC) ─── 可控串补

83、A controller designed by this method consists of a nominal controller and a robust compensator. ─── 该方法设计的控制器由标称控制器和鲁棒补偿器组成。

84、Liu Hongtao,Xu Zheng,Zhou Changchun.A study on subsynchronous oscillation of generating set connected to static var compensator[J].Power System Technology,2003,27(1):1-4(in Chinese). ─── [20]刘洪涛,徐政,周长春.静止无功补偿器对发电机组次同步振荡特性的影响[J].电网技术,2003,27(1):1-4.

85、The sufficient conditions for the existence of the dynamic output feedback compensator were derived. ─── 给出动态输出反馈补偿器存在的充分条件。

86、The paper demonstrated principles of electrically-controlled box of compensator in glazed tile line and a software process. ─── 给出釉线储坯器的电气控制部分原理框图以及软件编写流程。

87、Design of Lead Compensator in MATLAB Environment ─── 在MATLAB环境下设计超前补偿器

88、Multi-dimension motion compensator ─── 多维运动补偿器

89、This investigates the voltage flicker problem of a large steel plant and presents the mitigation strategy by applying the static var compensator (SVC) and cogenerator. ─── 中文摘要本文主要探讨大型钢铁厂产生电压闪烁的电力品质问题,并且利用静态虚功补偿器和自备发电机系统来改善电压闪烁。


SVC(Static Var Compensator)是一种静止无功补偿器。



静态无功补偿 - SVC\r电力负荷不仅产生而且吸收无功功率。由于传输的负荷在任何时间差别都很大,在一个电网中的无功功率平衡也有差别,结果将导致无法接受的电压变化或电压突降,在极端情况下,甚至会发生电压崩溃。一个快速反应的静态无功补偿器可以在不同的系统条件下,连续地提供为控制动态电压摆动所需的无功功率,由此可改善电力系统输配电性能。在网络中恰当的位置安装静态无功补偿器,可以在不同网络状态下,在维持一个平稳的电压水平的同时,提高传输容量,降低损耗。另外,静态无功补偿器可以通过电压调幅减轻有功功率的摆动。

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