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09-05 投稿



homophonic 发音

英:[[?h?m?'f?n?k]]  美:[[?h?m?'f?n?k]]

英:  美:

homophonic 中文意思翻译



homophonic 短语词组

1、Homophonic puns in Mandarin Chinese ─── 普通话中的谐音双关语

2、homophonic clash ─── 谐音冲突

homophonic 词性/词形变化,homophonic变形

名词: homophobe |形容词: homophobic |

homophonic 相似词语短语

1、colophonic ─── 树脂

2、homotonic ─── 同音

3、homophone ─── n.同音异形异义字

4、homophobia ─── n.对同性恋的恐惧;对同性恋的憎恶

5、homophobic ─── adj.害怕同性恋的

6、homophones ─── n.同音异形异义词(homophone的复数)

7、photophonic ─── 光声

8、homophony ─── n.同音异义;齐唱

9、homophonies ─── n.同音异义;齐唱

homophonic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Key Concepts: rise of piano standardisation of the orchestra sonata form chamber music symphony balance enlightenment absolute music concerto homophonic. ─── 主要音乐概念:钢琴地位的提升,管弦乐队的标准编制,奏鸣曲式,室内乐,交响乐,音乐平衡感,音乐教化作用,纯音乐,协奏曲,主调音乐。

2、However, said Chen Yushan, has decided to delete "Chen, Guan seven" words, the name will be changed to "Justin" mainly do not want to see rise to homophonic to the outside world think of too many. ─── 不过陈玉珊说,已决定删掉“陈冠七”字眼,将名字改为“贾斯汀”,主要是不希望谐音为外界引起过多联想。

3、Spoken Chinese is highly homophonic - many characters share the same syllables -, and written characters are based on meaning rather than sound. ─── 中文有很多同音字,而文字主要是基于意思,与语音没有直接关系。

4、“It's texture is homophonic and the accompaniment is on the left hand bottom part .It belongs to classical period. ─── 但我忘了告诉他作曲家是谁,而他也好像急著要去另一个环节,就是分辨拍子和拍出节奏。

5、荔 :The homophonic word of"benefit". ─── 荔:“利”的谐音字。

6、chorus music with one dominant voice (in a homophonic style) ─── 有一种占主导的声音(同音风格)的合唱音乐

7、Elucidation:Use a skill of homophonic, will"encourage, good man! ─── 说明:用了一个谐音的手法,将“加油,好男儿!”

8、Poor readers produced more orthographically different homophonic characters; ─── 阅读水平低的儿童比阅读水平高的儿童产生更多的同音替代错误;

9、"Rope" and "God" homophonic Chinese culture in the formation stage, had been a rope worship. ─── “绳”与“神”谐音,中国文化在形成阶段,曾经崇拜过绳子。

10、He often employs homophonic words, exaggeration, and other techniques, in order to better display the characteristic of the comic dialogue as an “art of laughter”. ─── 他常常运用谐音、贯话、夸张等手法,更好地表现出相声的笑的艺术的特点。

11、In my life all the condensate Shibuya and contradictions melt into a sweet Sophie's homophonic - I love you like a happy bird, flying over the ocean Zhenyi. ─── 我生命中一切的凝涩与矛盾融化成一片甜柔的谐音--我对你的爱像一只欢乐的鸟儿,振翼飞越海洋。

12、In addition to "homophonic synonymy", we have also three other cases, namely, "homophony", "homography", and "difference both in sound and in sense". ─── 除了“音同义通”外,还有“音同而义不通”、“音不同而义通”、“音不同义亦不通”三种情况。

13、Bach’s musical innovations plumbed the depths and the outer limits of the Barorque homophonic an polyphonic forms. ─── 巴赫的音乐改革在广度和深度上探究了巴洛克和声和复调音乐形式的限制。

14、part music with one dominant voice (in a homophonic style). ─── 有一种占主导的声音(同音风格)的合唱音乐。

15、Homophonic Music ─── 多声道音乐

16、At present,homophonic transliteration has become a fashion in the translation of trademarks. ─── 时下,谐音译在商标翻译中成为一种时髦。

17、Homophonic translation also called homophonic pun, namely when translation can arouse Chinese consumers choose good words or phrases of the association. ─── 谐音译法也称谐音双关法,即在翻译时选取能激起中国消费者美好联想的谐音词汇或词组。

18、The quality or condition of being homophonic. ─── 同音同音的性质或状态

19、" Homophonic to the Ming Dynasty to Lane called "Kat Bailey Lane," admitted Jixiangruyi.Bailey Habitat peace means. ─── 明代以谐音改巷名为“吉庇巷”,取吉祥如意.庇境安宁之意。

20、The homophonic of five FU WA name add exactly" Peking is welcome you".This expressed the Chinese people's amity to the people in the world again. ─── 回想当初申办奥运会的历程,中国奥运委员会也是好不容易才取得2008奥运会的举办权。

21、Xiao Wu as the name of "wu" with the number "5" homophonic, Peng was also frequently tease. ─── 小武因为名字中的"武"跟数字"5"谐音,也屡屡被彭宇捉弄。

22、homophonic parodied words ─── 谐音仿词

23、The "give birth to a daughter" homophonic cans have a good prospect and hopes and also has for"while was living view"'s pointing one promise daughter, idea of unlimited future. ─── “生千金”谐音为“生前景”指能有个好的前途和希望、也有一诺千金,前途无量之意。

24、Homophonic customs are a kind of customs about harmonic voice, which are built upon phonetics. ─── 摘要谐音习俗是因语音相谐而形成的民俗事象,其产生是建立在语音的基础上。

25、Experiment 2 further showed that the violation effects in the dissimilar condition lasted longer than those in both the homophonic condition and the orthographically similar condition. ─── 结果发现,在阅读初期,同音字、形似字及无关字所造成的干扰效应,无论在效果大小及出现位置上并无差异。

26、Among all kinds of word-buildings, the homophonic one is popular with many people, which has wonderful effect on the vogue Chinese and English. ─── 摘要在英汉语言的众多构词法中,谐音构词法起到不可替代的奇妙的作用并得到了越来越多人们的喜爱。

27、Chicken: The homophonic word of "Ji" ; Li: The homophonic word of "benefit" . Chicken and litchi, put together be a "lucky" meaning. ─── 鸡:“吉”的谐音字;荔:“利”的谐音字。鸡与荔枝,合起来就是“吉利”的意思。

28、The homophonic of five FUMA name add exactly.Peking is welcome you! ─── 五个福娃名字的谐音加起来正是北京欢迎你!

29、This is a kind of research method based upon the primitive "homophonic" relations. ─── 这是一种建立在原始“同音异义”关系上的研究方法。

30、homophonic parody ─── 谐音仿拟

31、"In place of the intricate texture of the polyphonic works, music now tended to be more homophonic . a pioneer composer of the period was C. ─── 此时的音乐一扫复调作品中细密的织体,主调音乐逐渐占上风。

32、According to the characteristics and functions of their formation, Lv Xu divided English pun into three types, they are homophonic puns, homographic puns, puns on both pronunciation and meaning. ─── 并凭据其布局因素所起的作用,再细致地探究了吕煦把英语双关重要分为三类:同音双关、同词双关、音义双关。

33、In repeated condition, a word in the first sentence was homophonic to a word in the third sentence such that a homophone was presented twice. ─── 重复条件下 ,句子第一个分句中的一个词与第三个分句中的一个词同音异形。

34、What is yellow, white dichromatic, symbol, rice said, "silver, cakes," and "annual high" homophonic, meaning the people's life and work to improve each year. ─── 年糕有黄、白两色,象征金银,年糕又称“年年糕”,与“年年高”谐音,寓意着人们的工作和生活一年比一年提高。

35、Zhejiang wenzhou area called the "three cakes, according to local dialect kam" homophonic is "kill tight". ─── 浙江温州一带称这种月饼"三锦",按当地方言的谐音就是"杀紧"。

36、homophonic enciphering ─── 同音异字编码

37、homophonic channel ─── 多名码信道

38、That evening host is Cantonese, must eat orange so (big tangerine, its homophonic is ' big auspicious ' ) . ─── 当晚的主人是广东人,所以一定要吃柑橘(大橘,它的谐音是‘大吉’)。

39、Chinese homophonic phenomenons and Chinese national characteristic ─── 汉语谐音现象及其民族性

40、About the Homophonic Words in Ningbo Dialect ─── 宁波方言谐音趣难词

41、Such words account for 4.3% of the total in A Dict ionary of Wuhan Dialect.The dictionary fails to give proper explanations to the motivation of the homophonic words. ─── 该词典对这些词义理据不能解释,或错误的解释成比喻,或错误的以为是有音无字的同音代替。

42、homophonic puns ─── 语音双关

43、Homophonic rhetoric; ─── 谐音修辞;

44、homophonic substitution cipher ─── 多名码代替密码

45、The homophonic of five FU WA name add exactly"Peking is welcome you" ─── 会徽采用红色,代表了中国人民对世界各国的美好祝愿。

46、homophonic clash ─── 同音词冲突

47、concealing the true word and using homophonic false word ─── 隐实示虚

48、"I invented this homophonic who gave high praise metaphor. ─── “我为发明这种谐音隐语的人击节赞叹。

49、Um geographical location, in the beginning of the next set by the end of Walled, so-called "end of Om", written in homophonic "Xia Um United States. ─── 庵所处地理位置,是在明初所设下尾寨,故俗称“下尾庵”,谐音写成“霞美庵”。

50、The homophonic of five FU WA name add exactly" Peking is welcome you". ─── 五个福娃名字啲谐音加起来正是“北京欢迎您”。

51、In order to make the net name more attractive and more distinctive, the net people use a lot of rhetoric such as homophonic、substitute、superiorly matches etc when they construct their net names. ─── 为了让网名更具吸引力,更与众不同,网民在网名的构造过程中大量使用了谐音、借代、超常搭配等修辞格。

52、An Analysis of the Linguistic Basis and Cultural at Values of Homophonic Puns ─── 英汉谐音双关的语言基础及文化价值探析

53、Rhetorical analysis of homophonic nonce words ─── 谐音杜撰词的修辞功能试析

54、High, cake, "euphony," nine, a long time, "homophonic, are auspicious connotations meaning." ─── 高、糕”谐音,“九、久”谐音,都是寓意吉祥的意思。

55、homophonic coder ─── 多名码编码器

56、Homophonic pun ─── 谐音双关

57、Because"祟 "and"year old" homophonic, turn into into "New Year's Money" gradually after. ─── 因为“祟”与“岁”谐音,之后逐渐演变为“压岁钱”。

58、Homophonic hypertexts are of a function of puns and rhetorically featured with humor, novelty and brevity. ─── 谐音超文具有双关底文的功能,充满幽默、新异和简洁的修辞特点。

59、homophonic association ─── 谐音联想

60、Is the texture of the work monophonic, homophonic, or polyphonic? ─── 作品的机构是单声部的,双声部的还是多声部的?

61、Xiao Wu as the name of "wu" with the number "5" homophonic , Peng was also frequently tease. ─── 小武因为名字中的“武”跟数字“5”谐音,也屡屡被彭宇捉弄。

62、Also, the Chinese character "fu" (meaning blessings) will be put on paper and pasted normally or upside down, for in Chinese the "reversed fu" is homophonic with "fu comes". ─── 相传中国古时候有一种叫“年”的怪兽,长年居住海底或深山,每到除夕便出现吞食牲畜伤害人命。然而“年”最怕红色、火光和炸响,人们因而用鞭炮驱赶“年”兽以求平安。

63、"High, cake," euphony, "nine, a long time," homophonic, are auspicious connotations meaning. ─── “高、糕”谐音,“九、久”谐音,都是寓意吉祥的意思。

64、A critical character in each of the experimental passages was manipulated to be either intact, orthographically similar, homophonic, or totally dissimilar to the original character. ─── 基本实验作业是让被试移动鼠标以阅读计算机屏幕逐字呈现之短文。

65、Dumpling of dumpling and pay homophonic, close and pay get together of Italy, took the more years of jiaozi meaning. ─── 饺子的饺和交谐音,合和交有相聚之意,又取更岁交子之意。

66、Such ways as omission, transplantation and homophonic creation are also adopted in the translation of puns. ─── 双关语的翻译还包括谐音法、省略法、移植法等。

67、Fish more than ", " harmony ", " lotus homophonic transition lotus, meaning " fish " enough. ─── 鱼谐音“余”,莲谐音“连”,鱼衔莲叶,寓意“连年有余”。

68、rise of piano, standardisation of the orchestra, sonata form, chamber music, symphony, balance, enlightenment, absolute music ,concerto, homophonic. ─── 钢琴地位的提升,管弦乐队的标准编制,奏鸣曲式,室内乐,交响乐,音乐平衡感,音乐教化作用,纯音乐,协奏曲,主调音乐。

69、Thus, attention needs to be paid to re-investigation of the function of "homophonic synonymy" in Chinese study, which is worth enough concern but not over-exaggeration. ─── 应当重新审视“音同义通”在汉语研究中的作用,既要重视之,亦不宜过于夸大之。

70、Homophonic Symbolization and Auspicious Folklore ─── 谐音象征与吉祥民俗

71、We Wu Gezi the pronunciation of homophonic "Beijing welcomes you" represents the best wishes: prosperity, happiness, passion, health and good and shipped. ─── 我们五个字的读音组成谐音“北京欢迎你”代表着美好的祝愿:繁荣、欢乐、激情、健康和好与运。

72、The ribbons knot together is homophonic to auspicious which means "everything goes well" . ─── 绶带挽结的“结”与“吉”谐音,代表着吉祥如意。

73、The homophonic of five FU WA name add exactly Peking is welcome you. ─── 五个福娃名字的谐音加起来正是“北京欢迎您”。

74、the homophonic new words ─── 谐音新词

75、The character ribbon held in phoenix's mouth is homophonic to character longevity in Chinese. ─── 鸾鸟所衔绶带的“绶”字和长寿的“寿”字谐音。

76、homophonic substitution ─── 同音代换

77、The "homophonic synonyms" take only a small proportion in Chinese words, and most of them are identical in primary meaning but different in extended meaning. ─── “音同义通”的词在汉语词汇中占少数,相通的义项亦占少数。

78、The description of cuckoo's crowing has never been stopped, and more than 20 different names are give to the bird based on lengend and its homophonic crowing. ─── 杜鹃多名,至少有二十几个,其命名方式大致有六种,主要根据神话传说和她啼鸣声的谐音。

79、" From then on, "without chicken "County, called the open, after years away, could then choose the homophonic called" The Promise. ─── 从此,“无鸡”县就叫开了,经过多少年后,才慢慢的取其谐音改称“无极”。

80、Homophonic nonce words, composed of two types-those of whole homophony and those of similar sounds, belong to lexical parody. ─── 摘要谐音杜撰词分为完全谐音词和近音词两大类,均属于仿拟中的谐音仿词。

81、On Digital Homophonic Words on Internet ─── 网络数字谐音词语浅论

82、About the Variation of Translated Homophonic Words and the Causes for Variation ─── 论谐译词进入汉语后的变异及其原因

83、Most blessing words are homophonic blessing words from their constructing pattern. ─── 从构成方式看,主要是谐音“口彩”;

84、The character put on paper can be pasted normally or upside down, for in Chinese the "reversed fu" is homophonic with "fu comes", both being pronounced as "fudaole. ─── 据说人日主人丁兴旺和人身健康,人们以此日的天气晴否来占验本年的收成好坏。

85、homophonic part ─── 谐体

86、Because there is homophonic, now often confused. ─── 因为两者是谐音,时下往往混淆。

87、Roll dumplings mean dumplings to the pot from the roll out of the homophonic child! ─── 饺子滚的意思是从饺子到锅里打滚儿出来的谐音!

88、2001 years, the Beijing real estate market is indeed a lot of new terminology, but this is no longer a concept in English, but as "faster" is "bullying the Housing" category homophonic term. ─── 2001年,北京房地产市场确实出了不少新名词,不过这次不再是英文概念,而是诸如“期房”就是“欺房”之类的谐音词。

89、"Homophonic synonymy" is one of the varied relationships between sound and sense in the Chinese language. ─── 摘要汉语语音和语义之间的关系有多种,“音同义通”只是其中的一种。

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