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09-05 投稿



ectopy 发音

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英:  美:

ectopy 中文意思翻译



ectopy 短语词组

1、columnar ectopy ─── 异位柱

ectopy 相似词语短语

1、ecto- ─── 外胚层-

2、atopy ─── n.特异反应性;异位性

3、-ectomy ─── n.切除术

4、ectopic ─── adj.异位的;异常的

5、eutropy ─── n.异序同晶

6、rectory ─── n.教区长(教区首席牧师)住宅;教区长圣俸

7、ectophyte ─── n.(寄生在另一有机体外表的)[生态][植]外生植物;外寄生菌

8、entropy ─── n.[热]熵(热力学函数)

9、ectopia ─── n.[医]异位(器官等的位置异常,通常是先天性的)

ectopy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He suggests that ventricular dilation and/or hypertrophy may have contributed to the frequent ventricular ectopy found in this study. ─── 而心室扩大且/或肥厚,可能与在此研究中经常发现的心室异位有关。

2、"Both ventricular ectopy during recovery and a low ejection fraction were independent predictors of death," the authors write. ─── 作者表示,在回复期的心室异位性搏动及低射出分率,是死亡的独立预测因子。

3、Investigation of phenomenon of cell ectopy in the super-thin epidermal graft ─── 超薄表皮片移植细胞异位的初步研究

4、This condition is called ectropion or ectopy, which is visible as a strikingly reddish-looking ectocervix on visual inspection. ─── 这些变化使宫颈管下段的柱状上皮外翻到宫颈阴道部,这种情况称外翻或导位,肉眼可见宫颈明显发红,有时用词不当,称为糜烂或溃疡。

5、As explained earlier, these areas of ectopy or everted columnar epithelium are not pathological and the term cervicitis is not appropriate. ─── 其实其仅仅是柱状上皮移位或者反转,并非是病理改变,故子宫颈炎的称谓是不恰当的。

6、Cervical ectopy ─── 宫颈糜烂

7、rapid rate-dependent ventricular ectopy ─── 快速频率依赖性室性异位心搏

8、thyroid ectopy ─── 甲状腺异位

9、A total of 138 (5%) of the men were found to have atrial fibrillation or flutter, and 1,048 (36%) were found to have complex ventricular ectopy. ─── 138名(5%)受试者出现心房颤动或心房扑动,1,048(36%)名出现复杂性心室异位。

10、right ventricular ectopy ─── 右室异位

11、Area of cervical ectopy ─── 糜烂面积

12、Conclusions: It present a new way to differentiate unilateral renal ectopy and nephrospasis by measuring the changes of mean peak-systolic flow velocity of renal artery in these patients. ─── 结论:肾缺如、肾异位、肾游走患者肾动脉血流峰值流速的改变,为肾缺如、肾异位、肾游走的 鉴别诊断提供了新的依据。

13、Objective to investigate the condition about cell differentiation and distribution in the super-thin epidermal graft, confirming the existence of phenomenon of cell ectopy during wound repair. ─── 目的:了解超薄表皮片移植中干细胞的分化和分布的状况,初步探讨创面修复过程中细胞异位现象的存在。

14、In eight subjects, the origin of ectopy that initiated ventricular arrhythmias was mapped to sites concordant with the localization of repolarization abnormalities. ─── 其中有8个患者,他们诱发室性心律失常的早搏被定位与局部复极化异常部位一致。

15、Studies of Color Doppler Flow Imaging on the Flow Changes of Renal Artery in Patients with Unilateral, Renal Ectopy and NePhrospasis ─── 用彩超研究肾缺如、肾异位、肾游走患者肾动脉血流的改变

16、Keywords Cervical ectopy;Chlamydia trachomatis;Human papillomavirus 16/18;Neisseria gonorrhoeae; ─── 宫颈糜烂;沙眼衣原体;人乳头瘤病毒16/18型;淋病奈瑟氏菌;

17、ventricular ectopy ─── 心室异位

18、crossed ectopy ─── 交叉异位肾

19、Keywords ultrasonography;unilateral kidney;renal ectopy;nephrospasis;renal arterl; ─── 超声扫描术;肾缺如;肾异位;肾游走;肾动脉;

20、Frequent ventricular ectopy occurred only during exercise in 945 patients (3%), only during recovery in 589 patients (2%), and during both in 491 patients (2%). ─── 心室异位性搏动在运动中发生频繁的有945名病患共佔3%的比例,只发生在回复期的有589名佔2%,在两个情况中都发生的有491名为2%。

21、Keywords ganglia;spinal;ectopy;neurilemmoma; ─── 神经节;脊;异位;神经鞘瘤;

22、left ventricular ectopy ─── 左心室异位

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