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09-05 投稿



falsify 发音

英:[?f??ls?fa?]  美:[?f??ls?fa?]

英:  美:

falsify 中文意思翻译




falsify 网络释义

vt. 伪造;篡改;歪曲;证明...虚假vi. 撒谎

falsify 反义词


falsify 词性/词形变化,falsify变形


falsify 同义词

misrepresent | lie | interpolate | fabricate | change | impute | manipulate | varnish | rig | fix | alter | warp | garble | color |fake | forge | doctor | distort | wangle | cook | fiddle | fudge

falsify 短语词组

1、falsify syn ─── 伪造syn

2、falsify kdrama ─── 伪造kdrama

3、falsify data ─── 伪造数据

4、falsify a record ─── [法] 窜改记录

5、falsify documents ─── 伪造文件

6、falsify 2017 ─── 伪造2017

7、falsify define ─── 伪造定义

8、falsify accounts ─── 伪造账目

9、falsify a record judge-ment ─── [法] 撤销判决, 窜改判决

10、falsify definition ─── 伪造定义

11、falsify las ─── 伪造las

12、falsify noun ─── 假名词

falsify 相似词语短语

1、falsie ─── 女用衬胸

2、falsies ─── n.假乳房(使乳房看起来丰满的胸罩衬垫,falsie的复数)

3、falsity ─── n.虚伪;错误;谎言;不真实

4、basify ─── v.使……盐基化;使……碱化

5、falsely ─── adv.错误地;虚伪地;不实地

6、falsism ─── n.极为明显的谬论

7、falsish ─── 法尔西什

8、salsify ─── n.婆罗门参

9、gasify ─── vt.使气化,使成为气体;vi.气化,成为气体

falsify 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、To falsify one of them would be to challenge the scenario of inflation in the most serious way a scientific theory can be challenged. ─── 若要证明其中某项预测的特性不存在,相当于是在测试暴胀学说的底限,对科学理论来说是最严峻的挑战。

2、A faade is used by local government to falsify the design or contents of a building to impress the higher-ups. ─── 它表示地方政府篡改建筑物的标牌和形式来蒙骗上级。

3、Article 36 No unit or individual shall forge, falsify or transfer documents of approval for the examination of advertisements. ─── 第三十六条任何单位和个人不得伪造、变造或者转让广告审查决定文件。

4、A seemingly self-evident truth must be stated foremost: preservation means to take care of monuments, to preserve and maintain them, not to falsify, damage, impair or even completely destroy them. ─── 如何以最新药剂增加木门窗防腐及防虫蛀之功能,并遵循传统匠艺之延续,对于堪用之旧材,采保存与利用之方式修复;

5、We must determine the true state of affairs and tell the truth;we should not falsify reports or exaggerate achievements. ─── 必须坚持察实情,讲真话,不虚报浮夸;

6、fabricate history; falsify history ─── 伪造历史

7、Enterprises will be sold as a commercial housing 6600 square metres commissioned intermediaries assessment of the fixed assets and to falsify company paid-up capital of 700 million yuan. ─── 如某企业将已售商品房6600平方米委托中介机构评估,虚增公司的固定资产和实收资本700余万元。

8、The tightly closed sample vials and the sensitive, self-adapting filling procedure make it possible to measure volatile samples because there is no evaporation to falsify the results. ─── 密闭样品瓶和敏感、自适配进样程序,由于无蒸发不影响测量结果,用于测量易挥发样品。

9、I would falsify the attendance records by filling out membership cards with fictitious names. ─── 我将在出席记录上弄虚作假,用伪造的名字填写会员证。

10、Sincerity, expressed by human lips and enforced by eyes, is impossible to falsify. ─── 由人的嘴唇表达,再由人的眼睛强化的这份真诚,是不可能说谎的。

11、falsify documents ─── 伪造文件

12、They falsify or deny whatever doesn't suit their books. ─── 他们篡改或者否定任何不符合他们意见的东西。

13、falsify patent ─── 假冒专利

14、From that time, the customs of collecting antiques began.For profit, merchants began to falsify art works. ─── 也由于宋代民间开始了鑑藏的风气,商人见有利可图,于是开始了作伪造假。

15、{0>1.Alter, conceal or falsify factual information in the inspection reprots. ─── 一为变更、隐匿或捏造事实之陈报。

16、On his video-blog Mr Medvedev hit out at attempts to falsify history by former Soviet republics. ─── 梅德韦杰夫在他的视频博客中猛烈攻击了原苏维埃加盟共和国篡改历史的企图。


18、Clients can falsify or choose not to present a ─── 客户端可伪造或选择不提供

19、falsify records ─── 伪造纪录

20、Police arrest eight guy who falsify and slave trade the fake acceptance from university. ─── 警察在本月初逮捕了8名伪造和贩卖假大学录取通知书的人.

21、to alter; to falsify; to tamper with; to doctor up ─── 窜改

22、She had to falsify the accounts so you wouldn't know about it. ─── 为了不让您发现,她还得在日用开支账上做点手脚。

23、On the other hand, edits can also be used to falsify information and give the erroneous impression that a process is under control; ─── 另一方面,编辑也能被用来伪造信息和给被控制下的过程一个错误的感觉。

24、falsify the history ─── 歪曲历史

25、falsify accounts; manipulate accounts ─── 窜改账目

26、He pledged tough penalties on corporations and chief officers who falsify accounts. ─── 他扬言将严惩作假帐的企业和主管人员。

27、10.Test environments must be carefully controlled to prevent unauthorised modifications which might falsify test results. ─── 测试环境必须仔细地控制避免非自动更新,这可能导致错误的测试结果。

28、The meta-analysis suggested that 14% of researchers in the underlying studies had seen their colleagues fabricate, falsify, alter or modify data. ─── 元分析结果显示,从事基础研究的人员中,有14%曾见过自己的同事杜撰、伪造、改动或修改数据。

29、The appropriate attitude to adopt therefore is to employ severe tests of financial documents and records in an attempt to falsify them. ─── 因此,我们需要使用严苛的方法测试是否有人试图窜改财务文件与记录。

30、Them return go to company just discover have originally a cockroach who enters computer to falsify the program of toy bear, is them become self dominate the tool of world. ─── 他们便回到公司才发现原来有一只蟑螂进入电脑篡改了玩具熊的程序,是它们成为自己称霸世界的工具。

31、To falsify one of them would be to challenge the scenario of inflation in the most serious way a scientific theory can be challenged. ─── 若要证明其中某项预测的特性不存在,相当于是在测试暴胀学说的底限,对科学理论来说是最严峻的挑战。

32、However many confirming instances there are for a theory, it only takes one counter observation to falsify it: only one black swan is needed to repudiate the theory that all swans are white. ─── 不管有多少确实的证明一个理论的证据放在那里,只须一个相反的观察就可以证伪它:反驳所有的天鹅都是白的这个理论只需一个黑天鹅就够了。

33、to falsify account ─── 做假帐

34、to falsify facts, issue, etc. ─── 歪曲事实、问题等等

35、falsify the details of an event; invent (or make up) a story ─── 编造情节

36、They have to falsify account to get balance. ─── 他们必须做假帐才能平衡帐目。

37、It seems to be a skeptical hypothesis: a hypothesis that I cannot rule out, and one that would falsify most of my beliefs if it were true. ─── 它似乎是一个怀疑论的假说:一个我不能排除的假说,一个如果其为真将使得我的绝大部分信念变为假的假说。

38、9.To be completely honest with Sears Holdings Corporation. They will not falsify records or coach workers. ─── 必须诚信。不可提供虚假记录或训导工人。

39、Fudge the figures; cook the books; falsify the data. ─── 伪造数字;伪造帐本;伪造数据。

40、falsify an issue, facts, etc ─── 歪曲问题、 事实等.

41、One might at the least be saved from attempting to falsify a non-falsifiable theory, or come to see an unfalsifiable theory as unsupportable. ─── 一行字可能不能成为一项主张(有可能只是随机的字而不具有意义),而且即使这一行字是一项主张,也不表示其一定可以成为一个科学理论。

42、In fact, Science needs to be repeating test, verify and falsify. ─── 事实上,科学需要重复测试,验证和伪造。

43、falsify records, accounts, etc ─── 伪造记录、 帐目等.

44、Any attempt to falsify these certificates would be very serious offense and will not be tolerated by the university. ─── 任何伪造这些证书的企图都是对学校很严重的触犯并且不会被容忍。

45、8.On the other hand, edits can also be used to falsify information and give the erroneous impression that a process is under control; ─── 另一方面,编辑可用来伪造信息,给人以错误的印象,认为工艺受控;

46、falsify attendance records ─── 伪造出勤纪录

47、falsify a record ─── [法] 窜改记录

48、falsify a record judge-ment ─── [法] 撤销判决, 窜改判决

49、(5) Every genuine test of a theory is an attempt to falsify it, or to refute it. ─── (5)对一项理论而言,每次真实的试验皆对其有驳斥或证明其为虚假的意图;

50、falsify accounts ─── 伪造帐目

51、She was fired because of falsify accounts. ─── 她因做假帐而被解雇。

52、falsify testimony. ─── 篡改过的证词

53、Article 18 When applying for export licenses, an operator shall declare faithfully in light of the present Measures, and may not falsify, or cheat to obtain the export license by means of false contract or fake documents. ─── 第十八条经营者申领出口许可证时,应当按本办法如实申报,不得弄虚作假,严禁以假合同、假文件等手段骗领出口许可证。

54、cook accounts; falsify accounts ─── 虚报账目

55、To alter or falsify(accounts, for example) for dishonest gain. ─── 伪造为不正当目的伪造或篡改,例如(帐目)

56、to falsify the facts ─── 歪曲事实

57、To falsify or change in such a way as to make favorable to oneself ─── 用假造的或改变的方法来对某人有利.

58、To Falsify the Arguments of Untranslatability with Relevance Theory ─── 关联理论对不可译论的证伪

59、A similar fallacy is that we can "falsify" a model or a theory. ─── 类似的谬论是我们能“假造”一个模型或理论。

60、falsify certificates ─── 伪造执照

61、to falsify data/records/accounts ─── 篡改资料/记录/账目

62、This month Beijing also introduced new penalties for officials who falsify statistics. ─── 本月北京也出台了对虚报数据官员的新惩罚措施。

63、'It's easy to falsify or embellish beyond a point that would be an ethical representation of your accomplishments. ' ─── 在这种情况下,人们易于去伪造或修饰自己的过去,而不是诚实地展现自己的成绩。

64、The models are then tested, and experiments confirm or falsify theoretical models of how the world works. ─── 模型经过验证之后,试验证实或推翻关于世界运行模式的模型。

65、As if, however, to falsify this assertion, his legs seemed to give way, and he suddenly sat down to save himself from falling. ─── 但是仿佛要证明他在说谎似的,他的两条腿支持不住了,为了防止跌倒,他只好一屁股坐下来。

66、Do not fabricate, falsify, misrepresent, or overreach data in manuscripts, grant proposals, or meeting presentations. ─── 在文章,授权提议和会议报告中不要伪造,伪造,误传或者利用数据过度引申。

67、To change or falsify(a text)by introducing new or incorrect material. ─── 篡改通过插入新的或不正当的材料改变或伪造(课本)

68、See account Management and It's countermeasure from"Do not Falsify accounts" ─── 从"不做假帐"看当前会计管理现状及其对策

69、False Sensory Input. You falsify one of the subject's senses. ─── 伪造感觉:你伪造受术者的一种感觉。

70、to forge; to counterfeit; to make a counterfeit of; to falsify; to fabricate; to fake up ─── 伪造

71、Falsify a visa. ─── 伪造签证。

72、Every genuine test of a theory is an attempt to falsify it, or to refute it. ─── 对一项理论而言,每次真实的试验皆对其有驳斥或证明其为虚假的意图;

73、The principle that scientific facts ostensibly falsify theory should play a roleof theoretic basis in the process of reconstruction. ─── “科学事实表面证伪科学理论”的原则是整个重建的理论基础。

74、ChuoAoyama's problems began in earnest in 2005 when several of its accountants were arrested for allegedly conspiring with executives at Kanebo, a cosmetics company, to falsify the firm's accounts. ─── 中央青山早在2005年就暴露出问题,当时已有多位该公司旗下的会计员涉嫌非法伙同行政人员篡改化妆用品公司嘉娜宝(kanebo)的账目而被捕。

75、falsify an accounts ─── 篡改账目

76、Of course the whole science symbol is testing hypothesis and hoping someone would say to falsify them. ─── 当然,整个科学符号都是测试假设,和希望有人能证明其为假。

77、Falsify or delete any author attributions, legal or other proper notices or proprietary designations or labels of the origin or source of software or other material contained in a file that is transferred. ─── 伪造或删除任何作者属名、法律或其他正当的通告、专有设计、产地或软件来源的标记或传送的文件中包含的其他资料。

78、To be completely honest with Sears Holdings Corporation. They will not falsify records or coach workers. Finally, a violation of the above four conditions may result in factory termination. ─── 必须诚信。不可提供虚假记录或训导工人。宿舍费

79、1. The aim of science is to falsify theories and to replace them by better theories. ─── 科学的目标在否定理论,并代之以更好的理论。

80、One may doubt whether our memory, which omits so much from the dream, does not falsify what it retains. ─── 质疑我们的记忆是否把梦中的许多内容删除了,存在脑海中的是否只是假象,而并非梦境。

81、Not to destroy or falsify evidence or tally confessions. ─── 不得毁灭、伪造证据或者串供。

82、Leaders of the administration departments and enterprises and organizations may not force or suggest the statisticians to distort the statistics information or falsify the data; ─── 民航行政机关和民航企事业单位负责人不得强令或者授意统计人员篡改统计资料或者编造虚假数据;

83、An adverse economic forecast will stimulate action intended to falsify it. ─── 不利的经济预报将会刺激人们作出使预报失灵的行动。

84、Popper emphasizes the logic of experimentation, which tests hypotheses by attempting to falsify them. ─── 波普尔强调了实验方法的逻辑,通过尝试去证伪它们来检验假设。

85、All those who try to falsify history are bound to end up at criminals in history. ─── 一切伪造历史的人必然会成历史的罪人。

86、falsify vt. ─── 篡改,伪造;

87、No work unit or individual may falsify, alter, lease out, lend out, sell or in another manner transfer an Advertising Business Permit. ─── 任何单位和个人不得伪造、涂改、出租、出借、倒卖或者以其他方式转让《广告经营许可证》。

88、falsify the data ─── 伪造数据

89、Now quite a few private traders falsify their accounts to evade taxing. ─── 现在不少私营商贩做假帐来逃避征税。

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