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09-05 投稿



disinheriting 发音

英:[?d?s?n?her?t??]  美:[?d?s?n?her?t??]

英:  美:

disinheriting 中文意思翻译



disinheriting 同义词

cut off | cut out | deprive | disown | divest |dispossess

disinheriting 词性/词形变化,disinheriting变形

名词: disinheritance |动词现在分词: disinheriting |动词第三人称单数: disinherits |动词过去分词: disinherited |动词过去式: disinherited |

disinheriting 短语词组

1、disinheriting clause ─── 剥夺继承权条款

2、disinheriting daughter ─── 剥夺女儿的继承权

3、disinheriting ira ─── 剥夺爱尔兰共和军的继承权

4、disinheriting meaning ─── 剥夺继承权的意义

5、disinheriting someone ─── 剥夺某人的继承权

6、disinheriting spouse ─── 丧失继承权的配偶

disinheriting 反义词


disinheriting 相似词语短语

1、disinherisons ─── 剥夺继承权

2、disinfecting ─── v.消毒(disinfect的ing形式)

3、disintegrating ─── v.分裂;瓦解;(非正式)精神崩溃;(物理)蜕变(disintegrate的现在分词)

4、disinhibiting ─── 解除抑制的

5、disinfesting ─── vt.消灭害虫,驱除害虫

6、disinteresting ─── adj.索然无味的;无聊的;v.使无兴趣(disinterest的ing形式)

7、disinherison ─── 剥夺继承权

8、disinheritance ─── n.废嫡;[法]剥夺继承权;断绝父子关系

9、disheriting ─── 洗碗

disinheriting 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、1.His daddy would disinherit him if he don't have a prenup with me! -- I doubt ! ─── 他爸爸要我们在婚前签协议,否则就和他断绝关系。--我表示怀疑!

2、"If you're not in Gryffindor, we'll disinherit you," said Ron, "but no pressure." ─── “如果你没有进格兰芬多,我们就不认你这儿子(原文是剥夺继承权),”罗恩说,“不过别紧张”

3、You don't mean to disinherit her, do you? ─── 你总不愿意剥夺她的继承权吧?

4、As it was with their sin of the golden calf, God once again expressed His desire to destroy and disinherit the sinful Israelites and raise up a new chosen nation through Moses (14:12; ─── 就像在金牛犊事件中一样,上帝再次表示祂要灭掉这群恶民,使他们不得承受迦南地,并要从摩西的后裔中另立选民(14:12;

5、He had a father-in-law, a wealthy aunt, relatives, I don't know exactly what all, who threatened to disinherit the child if he, the father, saw him. ─── 那一伙子都威吓他,不许他这做父亲的来看他孩子,否则,便不让他的孩子继承遗产。

6、This child had been the colonel's joy in his solitude;but the grandfather had imperatively claimed his grandson, declaring that if the child were not given to him he would disinherit him. ─── 这孩子是上校在孤寂中的欢乐,但是那个外祖父蛮不讲理地要把他的外孙领去,口口声声说,如果不把那孩子送交给他,他便不让他继承遗产。

7、I will smite them with the pestilence, and disinherit them, and will make of thee a greater nation and mightier than they. ─── 我要用瘟疫击杀他们,使他们不得承受那地,叫你的后裔成为大国,比他们强胜。

8、disinherit one's eldest son ─── 取消自己的长子的继承权.

9、9.You can disinherit your children. ─── 你可以剥夺子女的继承权。

10、There is no likelihood that Roman citizens began immediately to avail themselves freely of the power to disinherit. ─── “罗马公民很少可能会立刻开始自由地运用这剥夺继承权的权力。

11、If the process has children, disinherit them. INIT is the new parent. ─── 搜索进程表,寻找刚才终止进程的子进程,把它们变为。

12、"And you disinherit your granddaughter," continued the notary, "because she has contracted an engagement contrary to your wishes?" ─── “所以您才不把遗产留给您的孙女儿,”公证人又说,“就是因为她结了一门违背您心愿的亲事,是不是?”

13、disinherit sb. ─── 剥夺继承权

14、Children were under the absolute authority of their parents, who could disinherit them or, as mentioned before, could sell them into slavery. ─── 孩子在父母的绝对权威之下,父母可以剥夺他们的继承权,又或者正如上面提到的,把他们作为奴隶而卖出去。

15、If you intend on either disinheriting certain of your children or providing gifts to your children in unequal amounts, your children can make application to Court for a greater share of your Estate. ─── 如果你剥夺了某些特定子女的继承权或是在子女中间进行不平等的馈赠时,你的子女有权向法院提出请求,要求在分配不动产时获得更多的份额。

16、He would disinherit Nora immediately. ─── 他会立刻取消劳拉的继承权的。

17、which did very often disinherit its sons for suggesting improvements in laws and customs that had long been highly objectionable, but were only the more respectable. ─── 国家总是剥夺提出修改法律和习俗的儿子们的继承权,因为法律和风俗正是因为它们长期令人深恶痛绝而尤其可敬的。

18、'He will disinherit me!' she corrected. ─── ‘他会不给我继承财产的!'她告诫说。

19、1. John's father threatened to disinherit him if he married beneath himself. ─── 约翰的父亲威胁约翰说,如果他同地位低的女子结婚,就要剥夺他的继承权。

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