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09-05 投稿


flatted 发音

英:[?fl?t?d]  美:[?fl?t?d]

英:  美:

flatted 中文意思翻译



flatted 词性/词形变化,flatted变形

动词过去分词: flatted |形容词最高级: flattest |动词第三人称单数: flats |名词: flatness |动词过去式: flatted |动词现在分词: flatting |形容词比较级: flatter |副词: flatly |

flatted 短语词组

1、flatted fifth ─── 平顶五分之一

2、flatted 3rd ─── 平铺第三层

3、flatted fifth bbq ─── 五号烤肉

4、flatted fifth bellevue ─── 平底鞋

5、flatted npm ─── 扁平npm

6、flatted 5th ─── 扁平第五

flatted 同义词

insipid | monotonic | flavourless |level | even | matte | horizontal | horizontally | accommodation | straight | savorless | suite | bland | plane | vapid | smooth | categoric | flatbed | mat | surface | blade | categorical | flat tire | unconditional | unmusical | lodging | quarters | flatcar | matt | two-dimensional | dull | directly | off-key | compressed | monotone | studio | monotonous | matted | prostrate | apartment | lifeless | face | flavorless | savourless | penthouse

flatted 反义词

bumpy | natural | rough |sharp | uneven | contrasty

flatted 相似词语短语

1、blatted ─── vi.(小牛,小羊)咩咩叫;嚷嚷着说(blat的变形)

2、fatted ─── v.长胖,长肥;(使)长肥,长胖;育肥(fat的过去式及过去分词);adj.肥胖的;养得很肥的

3、flatbed ─── n.长平台;平板车;平台印刷机;(扫描仪等)平台设备;adj.平台的,平板的

4、flattened ─── adj.没精打采的;垂头丧气的;v.平整;打倒(flatten的过去分词)

5、slatted ─── adj.用板条做的;装有板条的,覆有板条的

6、flatter ─── vt.奉承;谄媚;使高兴

7、flatten ─── vt.击败,摧毁;使……平坦;vi.变平;变单调;n.(Flatten)人名;(德)弗拉滕

8、platted ─── 制…的地图;绘…地区图;计划;安排:(plat的过去式和过去分词)

9、flattered ─── adj.高兴的,感到荣幸的;过分夸赞;v.奉承(flatter的过去分词);阿谀奉承

flatted 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Tell me flat out what you think. ─── 坦率地告诉我你的想法。

2、She is buying a flat close to her office. ─── 她正在购买一套靠近她办公室的单元房。

3、People used to think that the world was flat; now we know it is round. ─── 从前人们以为地球是平的,现在知道是圆的。

4、After the excitement was over, she felt flat. ─── 令人兴奋的事过後,她感到平淡无味。

5、His fever is allayed,but his appetite is still flatted. ─── 他发烧减轻了,但食欲仍然不振。

6、She could tell the approach of the milkman by the whistled notes that somehow always flatted. ─── 她能从那总是偏低的口哨声听出送奶人的到来。

7、His family lives in the flat above this one. ─── 他全家住在这层上面的公寓里。

8、A thin, flat layer or scale, as that of a fish. ─── 外表组织薄而平的一层或鳞状物,如鱼鳞

9、Pump more air into the tyre; it is still flat. ─── 再往轮胎里打点气,轮胎仍很瘪。

10、One flat can accommodate a family of five. ─── 一套单元房可容纳一个五口之家。

11、The trouble with having a big dog like an Alsatian in a small flat is that it always seems to be in the road when you are carrying a tray of glasses. ─── 在这么小的公寓里养一条象阿尔萨斯的大狼狗真是麻烦,当你拿着一盘玻璃杯时,它似乎老是挡道。

12、Her unceasing chatter will surely lay you flat. ─── 她那喋喋不休的讲话一定会使你厌烦。

13、They is evict from their flat for not pay the rent. ─── 他们因不付房租而被赶出公寓。

14、Image processing window was set up and the image was flatted for reducing noise. ─── 进行了图像处理窗口的确定、图像的灰度化处理、平滑处理等。

15、It is insecurity for your tyres flatted. ─── 你的轮胎磨平了,不安全。

16、Price according to season and size of flat. ─── 价格按季节和公寓大小而定。

17、He lived in a flat free of rent. ─── 他住在免付租金的公寓里。

18、She patted the dough into a flat cake. ─── 她把面团轻轻拍成扁饼。

19、He boarded at my house/with me until he found a flat. ─── 他找到住房之前,在我家寄膳。

20、A cable containing flat metallic ribbon conductors, all lying side-by-side in the same plane and imbedded in a material which insulates and binds them together. ─── 一种含有扁平金属长条导体的电缆,这些导体并排地置于同一平面上,并灌以绝缘材料将其结合在一起而成。

21、The market has been flat today. ─── 今天市场上生意一直很清淡。

22、He spread the map out flat on the floor. ─── 他把地图平摊在地板上。

23、Are you pleased with the new flat? ─── 你对这套新公寓满意吗?

24、She fall flat on her face as she get out of the car. ─── 她一下车便直挺挺地脸朝下倒了下去。

25、She was in a miserable mood and all my attempts to cheer her up fell flat. ─── 她心境很坏,我想使她高兴的一切努力都彻底失败了。

26、His fever is allayed, but his appetite is still flatted. ─── 他发烧减轻了,但食欲仍然不振。

27、An ancient Egyptian tomb with a rectangular base, sloping sides, and a flat roof. ─── 古埃及墓室有长方形底座、倾斜的四边和平顶的古埃及墓室

28、They've decided to shack up together in her flat. ─── 他们决定在她的公寓里同居。

29、The flat land gave the soldiers no cover from enemy fire. ─── 土地一片平坦,战士无法躲避敌方的炮火。

30、He lived in a flat above the shop. ─── 他住在那商店上面的一套房间里。

31、I have sublet a flat to my friend for the summer. ─── 夏天我把一套公寓转租给一个朋友。

32、He feels boxed in, living in that tiny flat. ─── 他身居斗室,感到很不自在。

33、Before cooking,she pressed pastry flat and thin. ─── 制做前她把馅饼皮压得薄又平。

34、He is flat broke and cannot find a job anywhere. ─── 他身无分文,又求职无门。

35、A skirt sewed with fine flat seams. ─── 一条缝制得线缝细密平整的裙子

36、The bus was filled with students in nothing flat. ─── 公共汽车立即装满了学生。

37、It was carved on a natural shaped- flatted marble. Made by Dr. ─── 该作品刻制在一块自然造型的磨平大理石上。

38、An extensive area of flat or rolling, predominantly treeless grassland, especially the large tract or plain of central North America. ─── 大草原多为广阔而无树木的平坦或起伏的草原区域,尤指北美洲中部的大平原

39、The birth of twins put pressure on them to find a bigger flat. ─── 他们生了双胞胎,不得不寻找一套较大的住房。

40、His paintings are deliberately flat, it's part of his style. ─── 他作画刻意用单一色调,这是他的一种风格。

41、"Shall I send it to your flat,sir?" he said. ─── 他说:“先生,要不要把这个东西给你送到家里?"

42、In this flat country people grow rice and raise cattle. ─── 在这土地平坦的乡间,人们种植水稻,饲养牲畜。

43、A thin, flat, circular object or plate. ─── 圆盘,圆板,盘状物一种薄而扁平的圆形物或盘子

44、A nearly flat land surface representing an advanced stage of erosion. ─── 准平原一种因晚期侵蚀作用而形成的近似平坦的地面

45、Why don't you come round (to my flat) this evening? ─── 今晚你来(我家), 好吗?

46、Cylindrical shanks for milling cutters - Part 2 : dimensional characteristics of flatted cylindrical shanks. ─── 铣刀筒形手柄.第2部分:扁筒形手柄尺寸特性

47、I got a flat on my way home. ─── 在我回家的路上,我的车胎跑气了。

48、The idea that the earth is flat has long been discredited. ─── 地球是方的这种说法早已不为人们所相信了。

49、She was conscious of her flat nose. ─── 她为自己的扁鼻子感到难为情。

50、The last note I will mention, is the flatted fifth. It is also often used on the "way home" . Try this simple lick in A. ─── 我最后提到的是降五音,它也经常在“回家”的时候用,试试下面这个简单的乐句。

51、She was ready to set off with the porter's assistance to search for any intruders who might still be lurking in her flat. ─── 她准备在工友的协助下着手搜寻入侵者,因为他们可能仍然在她的这套房子里躲着。

52、He had not gone many steps before he stumbled on the uneven ground and fell flat on his face. ─── 他在那高低不平的地面上才走了几步,就被绊了一下,直挺挺地跌趴在地上。

53、She blow up the flat tyre with a bicycle pump. ─── 她用自行车打气筒给瘪了的轮胎打气。

54、A piece of broad, heavy, roughly dressed timber with one face finished flat. ─── 半圆木料由圆木料对剖成的横截面为半圆的木料

55、She feels boxed in living in that small flat. ─── 他住在那套小房间里感到局促压抑。

56、A flat facet cut across the top of a precious stone. ─── 切平面在一颗宝石的顶部切出的平面

57、In computer graphics, a hand-held locator operated by moving it on a flat surface.A mouse generally contains a control ball or a pair of wheels. ─── 在计算机绘图技术中,通过在平面上移动进行操作的一种手握的画面定位装置。它通常有一个控制球或一对轮子。

58、She was out of bed, dressed and at the breakfast table in 50 seconds flat. ─── 她起床、 穿衣、 坐到饭桌旁,一共才用了50秒钟。

59、She lives in one of the flat over there. ─── 她住在那边公寓的一套房子里。

60、In the forming process of the solder embossment, a top (27) of a plurality of solder embossments (22) is flatted and roughened. ─── 在焊料突起成形工序中,对多个焊料突起(22)的顶部(27)进行平坦化及粗糙化。

61、They had to work flat out to get the job finished. ─── 他们必须全力以赴把工作完成。

62、It's no longer possible to find a cheap flat in central London. ─── 在伦敦市中心区再也不可能找到租金低廉的公寓了。

63、She lie flat on her back in the warm sunshine. ─── 她在温暖的阳光下平躺着。

64、They are renting a furnished flat. ─── 他们租用了一套带有家具的公寓房子。

65、He sat on his hat and squashed it flat. ─── 他坐在自己的帽子上,把它压扁了。

66、A soldier lies flat on his bunk. ─── 一位土兵仰面躺在铺位上。

67、He stumbled on the floor flat on his back. ─── 他仰面绊倒在地板上。

68、To cut and spread open and flat, as shrimp. ─── 切开,摊开并铺平,如虾

69、In flat open country there is plenty of grass for the cattle to feed on. ─── 在开阔平坦的地区有大量的青草供牛群食用。

70、She was turfed out of her flat. ─── 她被赶出了公寓。

71、She lay flat on her back in the warm sunshine. ─── 她在温暖的阳光下平躺著。

72、The world was being flatted. ─── 世界被变平了。

73、Same as above, but with a flatted fifth (or raised fourth), for a spacey, impressionistic group of notes. ─── 与上面的预置相同,但输入是降半音的第五大调(或升半音的第四大调),以获得更大的给人印象深刻的音符组。

74、Any of a breed of small dog developed in China, having a flat nose, a long-haired coat, short bowed forelegs, and a tail that curls over its back. ─── 哈巴狗一种在中国衍生发展长有扁平的鼻子且浑身长毛的小狗,有短小如弓状的前足及卷曲在背上的尾巴

75、A cone is a solid body which narrows to a point from a round, flat base. ─── 圆锥体是底面圆平顶尖的实体。

76、He spread the map flat out on the floor. ─── 他把地图平铺在地上。

77、She's got herself fixed up with a cosy flat. ─── 她弄到了一套舒适的公寓。

78、A flat plate, slab, or disk that is ornamented or engraved for mounting, as on a wall for decoration or on a monument for information. ─── 匾额,铭碑,饰板被装饰或雕刻的平的薄板、厚板或圆板,用来镶嵌在墙上装饰或安在纪念碑上记载资料

79、A flat, brittle cookie spiced with ginger and sweetened with molasses. ─── 姜饼一种薄而脆的饼干,用姜汁调味并加糖蜜使之甜

80、Their teachers live in a high-rise flat. ─── 他们的老师住在高层公寓大楼内。

81、The commandant issues a flat order. ─── 司令官发布一道干脆的命令。

82、A flat ring made of rubber or plastic, used as a gasket. ─── O型环一种由橡胶或塑料制成的平环,用作垫圈

83、Water, Power, Gas, Heating system, Drainage, Communication and Flatted land are available. ─── 水,电,气,热力,通讯,污水处理,场地平整等设施完备。

84、He shifted his luggage up to his flat. ─── 他把行李搬到楼上住所里去。

85、After running in the marathon, she was flat out for a week. ─── 她参加马拉松比赛后一星期都疲惫不堪。

86、He has a flat in the centre of town. ─── 在市中心他有一套单元房。

87、The colours used are flat and unvaried. ─── 使用的颜色既单调又无层次。

88、He stumbled over a stump and fell flat on his face. ─── 他给树桩一绊,摔了个嘴啃泥。

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