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09-05 投稿


tenet 发音

英:[?ten?t]  美:[?ten?t]

英:  美:

tenet 中文意思翻译




tenet 网络释义

n. 原则;信条;教义n. (Tenet)人名;(法)特内;(英)特尼特

tenet 词性/词形变化,tenet变形


tenet 常用词组

company tenet ─── 公司宗旨;企业宗旨

tenet 相似词语短语

1、benet ─── v.用网捕捉;n.(Benet)(法、西、美、英、阿)贝尼特(人名)

2、tensest ─── 绷紧的(tense的最高级)

3、Genet ─── n.麝猫,香猫;n.(Genet)人名;(英)吉尼特;(罗)杰内特

4、tenant ─── n.承租人;房客;佃户;居住者;vt.租借(常用于被动语态);n.(Tenant)人名;(法)特南

5、tent ─── n.帐篷;住处;帷幕;vt.用帐篷遮盖;使在帐篷里住宿;vi.住帐蓬;暂时居住;n.(Tent)人名;(罗、瑞典)滕特

6、Usenet ─── n.世界性新闻组网络

7、tended ─── vi.趋向,倾向;照料,照顾;vt.照料,照管

8、tenets ─── n.原理,原则(tenet的复数);信条

9、denet ─── 德内

tenet 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Quality first, credit first is always the tenet of our serving for all customers. ─── “质量第一、信誉第一”一直是公司孜孜以求的宗旨。

2、"People is the base, contract honored, promises kept" is our motto, "Quality guaranteed & delivery on time" is our management tenet. ─── “以人为本,重合同,守信用”为本企业之座右铭,“质量保证、交货准时”为本厂的经营宗旨。

3、The tenet of company" s business is“ quality comes first, honesty, solidarity, innovation comes next”. ─── 公司经营宗旨为“质量为本、信为人、结拼搏、实创新”。

4、All staff follow modern rules for business management, and believe the business culture tenet Honest and loyal to devote on the job. ─── 全体员工遵循着现代化的企业管理制度,信奉着“诚信做人,诚朴敬业”的企业文化宗旨。

5、The company to establish a people-oriented service concept, with "four noes, four satisfied" as service tenet. ─── 公司确立以人为本的服务理念,以“四不、四满意”为服务宗旨。

6、Quality First and Service Bases is the tenet of the company. we are willing to cooperate with friends from all circles. ─── “质量第一、服务为本”,是我公司的宗旨,我们愿与各界朋友精诚合作,共同发展

7、The major tenet of RISC states that much of the static runtime complexity can and should be handle prior to runtime by an optimizing compiler. ─── RISC的主要原则表明许多固定运行时间的复杂指令可以并且应该由优化编译器先于运行时间进行处理。

8、My creed is love and you are its only tenet—you have ravished me away by a power I cannot resist. ─── 我的信仰是爱,而你就是它唯一的信条——你用一种我无法抗拒的力量把我夺去了。

9、Director George Tenet made his comments before a U. S. Senate panel Tuesday. ─── 主管乔治特纳是在星期二面对美国参议院小组的时候作出这番言论。

10、The company take the service tenet of “Inaugurate,Sincerity”, pursing the satisfied service in the condition of guaranteeing product quality. ─── 公司秉承“创新、诚信”的服务宗旨,保证不断提升、创新产品品质的前提下,追求服务到位,做到及时高效;确保产品质与量;

11、Our company holds on to advanced principle and the tenet of truth and sincerity, exploiting market and trying to go out for overseas. ─── 公司坚持以前卫的理念,诚信的宗旨,开拓市场,走出国门。

12、High quality and efficiency is the tenet of Aigret Co. ─── 优质高效---是玉鹭的宗旨,

13、Annie: What is the tenet of the Olympic sports then? ─── 安妮: 那么奥林匹克运动的宗旨是什么?

14、Our tenet: Quality is the life of our company. ─── 公司奉行:质量是企业的生命之原则。

15、The second tenet to help nourish the joints is to become still and muscularly soft allowing gravity to have us. ─── 如果在被伸展的部位感觉到虚弱、伤痛或经常想要移动,我们需要做两件事。

16、Based on analysis of the mine heritage of Pengxi mine park,the plan putted forward planning tenet and development orientation of mine park. ─── 在对矿业遗迹分析的基础上,提出了矿山公园的规划原则和发展定位,并对正在和将要进行的矿山公园建设提供了有益的借鉴。

17、The dispute of GSE thought focused on the educational tenet of GSE. ─── 关于女学思想的论争,主要集中在女学的教育宗旨上。

18、We hold the business concept of honest tenet and Pragmatic Innovation, our products won a great popularity among customers. ─── 公司一贯崇尚厚德载物,务实创新,受到广大客商和消费者的青睐。

19、Stick to the tenet of "Credit Upmost", "Quality First", we sincerely welcome your good companies make a good cooperation with us! ─── 一直本着“诚信为本”、“质量第一”为宗旨的经营理念,愿与新老客户携手共进、互惠互利、共创伟业,欢迎惠顾国内外客商前来洽谈合作!

20、Tenet of company: integrity deploitation,advance with the times,common flying, grateful forever. ─── 公司宗旨:诚信开拓、与时俱进、共同鹏飞、永远感恩!

21、Our company's tenet is "quality is the first productivity, customer's trust is existent guarantee". ─── 公司宗旨:“质量是第一生产力,客户的信赖是本公司得以生存的保障”。

22、The tenet of the company is today's quality is tomorrow's market. ─── 公司的宗旨是:"今天的质量,明天的市场"。

23、Road traffic is no longer more important than pedestrians, the arts have flourished, and design is now a central tenet in urban planning. ─── 道路交通不再比行人更重要,艺术欣欣向荣,设计现在成为城市规划的中心宗旨。

24、Meanwhile, we gained the high praise from customers for basing on the tenet of "quality first, credit first". ─── 多年来企业以“质量第一,信誉第一”为宗旨,而赢得广大客户的信赖。

25、The best quality, The best service, is the tenet persevering by Qtopeses. ─── “一流的品质,一流的服务”是齐天人坚持的宗旨。

26、Taking “Health, fashion, vitality” as designing tenet, the company innovates continually and lead the fashion trend. ─── 公司以“健康、时尚、活力”为设计宗旨,不断创新,引领时代潮流。

27、In 1987, Information Newsletter put forward the tenet of serving readers and the industry. ─── 1987年,提出专业媒体要同时服务好读者和产业的两个上帝的办报理念。

28、The works shall conform to the topic and tenet of the contest. ─── 作品需符合本届大赛的主题和宗旨。

29、The core of Zhuang Zi's philosophy is life, whose final tenet is free and easygoing spirit. ─── 在复归原始无望的情况下,庄子对个体生命价值的体认最终落实到精神的自由与逍遥上。

30、Companies of "credibility quality service" as the tenet ,Do our best for clients to provide more and better, newer options. ─── 公司秉承“信誉、质量、服务”的宗旨,竭诚为广大客户提供更多、更好、更新的选择。

31、Our tenet is "quality first, credit standing paramountcy". Welcome to cooperate and develop with us! ─── 公司奉行“质量第一、信誉至上”的宗旨,热忱欢迎新老朋友洽谈合作,共同发展。

32、Our tenet is "Client orineted,Faith is root". ─── 企业宗旨:宾客至上,诚信为本。

33、Mr Tenet allowed Mr Cheney to twist intelligence in order to build a case for attacking Saddam. ─── 副总统钱尼为使进攻萨达姆名正言顺,歪曲情报,而田南默不作声。

34、Our threads: Abide by contract, keep faith, take quality and credit of contract as our tenet. ─── 公司的经营理念是:重合同,守信用,视产品质量,合同信用为宗旨。

35、Our tenet is" make the first-rate product, meet your various demands". ─── 以“造一流产品,报上帝厚爱”为经营宗旨,锐意进取。

36、"From life , higher than life ; grab the elite,delete the draff" is the tenet of the park. ─── 1"源于生活,高于生活;取其精华,去其糟粕"是公园建设的宗旨.

37、Kandinsky's book Concerning the Spiritual In Art (1910) and Point and Line to Plane (1926) echoed this basic Theosophical tenet. ─── 创造性方面的表达形式是由一系列递减的圈子,三角形,和广场。

38、Tenet: quality is the art team of our life! Your satisfaction is our pursuit! ─── 团队宗旨:艺术品质是我们的生命!你们的满意是我们的追求!

39、Arose one's all efforts to make the country prosperous and honest with credit" is our company's tenet. ─── 太仓罗杰物料输送设备工程有限公司宗旨:励精图治,诚实守信。

40、"Customer Fore &Quality Best"is our management tenet . ─── “用户至上,品质优良”是本厂的经营宗旨。

41、This view has become the tenet of the modern linguistic approach to grammatical analysis. ─── 这一观点已成为现代语言学语法分析的原则。

42、We attach importance to innovate and exploder new products and insist on the management tenet of “mutual benefit, time, quality”. ─── 产品远销欧洲、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、韩国、香港及中东等国家和地区。

43、So“ Clients first and mutual benefit” is our tenet, as always. ─── 因此,“客户至上、赢共进”,同广大合作伙伴共荣互惠,是我们一向的服务宗旨。

44、The tenet of company"s business is "quality comes first, honesty, solidarity, innovation comes next". ─── 公司经营宗旨为“质量为本、诚信为人、团结拼搏、求实创新”。

45、Confucius say: terrain-kun, the gentleman should tenet. ─── 儒家讲:地势坤,君子以厚德载物。

46、Filial piety has long been a tenet of traditional Chinese culture and is a core concept of Confucianism. ─── 孝道一直是中国传统文化的基本信条,并且是儒教的核心思想。

47、If another tenet seems to be false -- why? ─── ”如果另一信条看似虚假的就问“为什么?

48、"Slaughter an ox in this life and you will be an ox in the next" has become almost a religious tenet;oxen must never be killed. ─── “杀牛的来生变牛”,简直成了宗教,故牛是杀不得的。

49、The most important tenet of protection is permanence, or perpetuity. ─── 保育最重要的原则是永久保护。

50、The Tenet of TQE is "Technology in Quality ".It's our business to provide new technology and high quality electronical control products. ─── 公司隶属于德国慕尼黑的高新技术集团公司--德国TQ集团。

51、With the tenet of“ Customer uppermost, law supreme, and efficiency first”, Kanbon earnestly hopes to offer quality and effective legal service. ─── 凯邦律师将秉承法律至上、户至上、率至上的宗旨,竭诚为社会各界提供优质、效的法律服务。

52、Professional quality, Struggle innovative energy, Honest manage and knight after service,all of them is our tenet for ever. ─── 专业的品质、努力创新精神、诚信经营、优质的售后服务,是我们公司一贯秉承的宗旨。

53、This is probably the tenet of empricism, but if i take a rationalist's view, it does not stand. ─── "假若人类的理性的先验使用能够成立.那么.形而上学的可能性便是成立的."

54、Company Tenet: Good Quality! Expressment Service! Break new ground! ─── 公司宗旨:锐意进取!卓越质量!真诚服务!

55、"Wancheng in the multitude hearts"is the enterprise tenet and stratagem development objective of Wancheng company. ─── “万众心中的万城”是万城公司的企业宗旨和战略发展目标。

56、Our tenet is safty, high efficiency and high quality. We are ready to receive your precious suggestion. ─── 在此,我们正以我们的决心和毅力努力着,我们的宗旨是安全、高效、优质。

57、We always abide tenet to offer you satis-factory prouducts and excellent service. ─── 始终为客户提供满意的产品和服务是我们的宗旨。

58、To emblematize and stick up for peace, friendship, health, civilization for everyone is our tenet. ─── 代言并帮助每个人维护和平、友谊、健康、文明、美丽、幸福是我们的神圣宗旨。

59、The tenet of the enterprise is "To exist by credibility, to cooperate by empressement, to compete by quality, to develop by strength". ─── 企业宗旨是:"以信誉求生存、以真诚换合作、以质量去竞争、以实力求发展。

60、It's our tenet that customer foremost with the spirit of religious. ─── .是修磨焊缝、点、刺、锈、新、砂、光的理想抛磨具产品,本厂一贯坚守严谨的质量态度,顾客至上为宗旨。

61、Make full use of wastrels, Depurate the environment" is the tenet we stick to. ─── “变废为宝,净化环境”一直是我们坚持的宗旨。

62、Honor and certificate Service tenet Company profile Jiangmen city Xinhui city...TEL:0750-6402010 Fax:0750-6402005 mail:xh@ fancy-yarn .cn... ─── 中国花式纱线网|中国花式纱线面料网,花式纱线,特种纱线,花式纱线...

63、It is our tenet that doing our best for our costomer to fabricate precise, shortcutting and durable manufacturing toolings. ─── 全力以赴,为客户制造精密、捷、用的生产工具,是我们的宗旨。

64、Company tenet: Principal Service,Foremost Customer. Try our best to provide the best after sales service and technology support for customer. ─── 公司的宗旨:以服务为本、顾客至上。竭诚为广大计算机用户提供最佳之售后服务及技术支持。

65、"First quality, paramount credit standing"is our companys tenet. ─── “质量至上,信誉至上”是我们公司宗旨。

66、Its tenet is to be a good channel between airlines and airport, helping them to communicate effectively and work cooperatively. ─── 协会的宗旨是倡导航空公司与机场相关部门的和谐沟通,并努力成为两者之间的沟通协调桥梁。

67、SH-HONEST HOLDS THE TENET THAT QUALITY FIRST AND CUSTOMERS FOREMOST. ─── 公司以“品质第一、户至上”为企业宗旨,具备完善的售前、中、后服务体系,可靠诚实的质量信誉为广大客户所认识和接受。

68、Attorney General John Ashcroft and Central Intelligence Agency Director George Tenet. ─── 司法部长john Ashcroft及中央情报局负责人George Tenet

69、As our tenet says,"Develop with Quality,live on Honesty",we always focus on delicate appearance,proved quality and practicality and decorativeness. ─── 办厂至今一直秉承着“质量求发展、以信誉求生存”的硬道理为宗旨,所生产出的产品质量可靠、造型精美,极具实用性装饰性。

70、Tenet of the company: continuous, improvement, constant innovation, offering better instruments and equipment for lab workers. ─── 公司宗旨:持续改进,不断创新,为试验室工作者提供更好的仪器和设备。

71、Tenet Of our corporation is "sincerity and practicality, balance and development". ─── 企业宗旨“真诚务实、均衡发展”。

72、With its mighty strength and tenet of caring human health, the center provides all-round premium services for patients. ─── 中心本着关怀人类健康生活的宗旨,以雄厚的综合实力,为患者提供全方位的优质服务。

73、Our tenet is "quality first, client first, credit standing paramountcy". Welcome to new/old clients come and cooperate. ─── 公司以“质量第一、客户第一、信誉至上”为宗旨。欢迎新老客户光临惠顾。

74、With its mighty strength and the tenet of caring for human health, the center provides the most advanced and all-round medical service for patients. ─── 中心将继续本着关怀人类健康的宗旨,为患者提供全方位的优质医疗服务。

75、Our tenet is "quality first, credit standing paramountcy ". Welcome the clients at home and abroad to negotiate and cooperate. ─── 公司严格执行客户标准,坚持“质量第一、信誉至上”的理念,深受广大客户信赖。

76、The tenet of CCIA is to serve the nation and society as a whole on behalf of carpet industry in China. ─── 地毯协会的宗旨是立足行业,服务全国,面向社会。

77、What is the tenet of the Asian Games? ─── 亚运会的宗旨是什么?

78、We will continue firmly uphold our corporate tenet of“ containing thousands of little rivers, the sea is great. ─── 公司同仁始终不渝的坚持“海纳百川,有容乃大”的企业宗旨。

79、Meanwhile, CIA Director Tenet came under fire from Democrats, criticized pre-war intelligence about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction. ─── 同时,中央情报局主管也受到民主党人的攻击,就战前关于伊拉克大规模杀伤性武器情报方面的问题提出批评。

80、The first meeting of Grandlab discussed new location, tenet and aim of this program. Have a look and give us some suggestions. ─── 大实验室计划召开了一次会议讨论了新的定位,希望得到你的建议。

81、How could realize the tenet availably? ─── 如何有效实现?

82、Reputation first is the factorys tenet. ─── 信誉第一,是该厂的宗旨。

83、A key tenet of the Street's defense of Fannie is that the $9 billion restatement doesn't really constitute an economic loss. ─── 华尔街为房利美辩护的主要依据在于,重新编入账目的90亿美元不构成经济损失,只是一个会计问题。

84、Mr. Tenet defended the work of his intelligence analysts, and said the search would continue for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. ─── 特纳为其情报分析工作提出辩解,表示将继续在伊拉克寻找大规模杀伤性武器。

85、Dongdubao sticks to service tenet: quality first, service paramountcy to offering the faithful services to the clients. ─── 以质量第一、信誉至上为宗旨,竭诚为广大客户服务.

86、However,the decision of Bush to plunge into politics violated a basic family tenet: First make your mark and your fortune,then run for office. ─── 不过小布什这个进入政坛的决定,却违背了他们家族的基本信条:先成名立业,后竞选公职。

87、Wancheng in the multitude hearts" is the enterprise tenet and stratagem development objective of Wancheng company. ─── 万众心中的万城”是万城公司的企业宗旨和战略发展目标。

88、The only moral tenet governing the conduct of business in the shop was that the goods should be genuine and the price fair. ─── 货真价实,是商店唯一的道德。

89、The tenet of the company is: the demand from the clients is our goal! ─── 公司宗旨:客户的需求,我们的追求!













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