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09-05 投稿



elan 发音

英:[ei'la?]  美:[e??lɑ?n]

英:  美:

elan 中文意思翻译



elan 网络释义

n. 活力;热忱;锐气n. (Elan)人名;(法)埃朗

elan 词性/词形变化,elan变形


elan 短语词组

1、elan pointing device elan ─── 定点装置

2、nature elan ─── 自然elan

3、chateau elan ─── 伊兰城堡,

4、elan vital ─── [医] 生活力

elan 相似词语短语

1、Alan ─── n.艾伦(男子名)

2、flan ─── n.果馅饼;坯子;vt.用蛋奶冻馅饼袭击;n.(Flan)人名;(法)弗朗

3、lean ─── v.倾斜身体;倾斜;倚靠;(使)斜靠;adj.瘦且健康的;收益少的;贫乏的;(企业或机构)精简的;(混合汽化燃料)空气占比高的;n.瘦肉;倾斜;倾斜度;n.(Lean)(丹)利恩(人名)

4、eland ─── n.[脊椎]大羚羊(产于非洲);n.(Eland)人名;(英)伊兰

5、elvan ─── n.[岩]淡英斑岩;脉斑岩;脉斑岩之大岩脉;n.(Elvan)人名;(土)埃尔万

6、Celan ─── n.(Celan)人名;(德)策兰

7、Klan ─── n.三K党(等于KuKluxKlan)

8、eoan ─── eoo公司

9、clan ─── n.宗族;部落;集团;n.(Clan)人名;(英)克兰

elan 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、That is the path being pursued by Elan Pharmaceuticals and Wyeth Research. ─── 这条途径正是现在ELAN药业和WYETH研发在探索中的。

2、Weak spot: "A lot of people say that he doesn't have the elan of Roberto," according to one beverage analyst. ─── 弱点:“许多人说他没有Roberto的锐气,”一位饮料分析家如是说。

3、I seem slow in work, lack of nimbus;do work with no enthusiasm, lack of elan;think nothing of the relation with colleagues, lack of simplicity. ─── 只是思维比以前更迟钝了,少了灵气,做事也缺少激情,少了锐气,对于人事关系看得淡了,少了孩子气。

4、This paper directed at ELAN network imbed computer system , making an analysis of the communiction efficiency of ELAN network system, a approaches are posed for control code loaded to sub - computer. ─── 本文针对ELAN嵌入式网络微机控制系统,分析了ELAN网络系统的通信效率,提出了代码下装的方法。

5、A research to the famous elan of Gansu in Qin Dynasty ─── 秦朝甘肃世家大姓志

6、Elan Inn - Hubin Hangzhou, located in the flourishing area of Jiefang Road.Surrounded with intensive large-scale office buildings, financial district and mature business support. ─── 怡莱湖滨店位于解放路繁华地段,地理位置优越,交通便捷,周边有密集的大型写字楼、金融区以及成熟的商业配套。

7、The American poet and writer Edgar Elan Poe might well have remained a peripheral figure, had he not been transfigured by Baude Laire into the patron saint of French poetry. ─── 要不是波德莱尔把美国诗人爱德伽·艾伦·坡美化为法国诗歌的典范,他很可能至今还是一个三流人物。

8、Roy:Yes, Elan, that's exactly what I think. ─── 没错,Elan,我就是这么想的。

9、Elan,You cannot be the cleric of a hand puppet clown. ─── 你/没法/作一个手持的布袋玩偶的牧师。

10、As the flower of French chivalry, they have an elan that is unrivalled. ─── 作为法兰西骑士之骄傲,贵族骑士们锐气四射,极为剽悍。

11、Some may come, love, and some may stay. Watching out for a sunny day. Love and darkness and my sidearm. Hey, elan, elan. ─── 一某些会来,爱,一些会停留。看看晴朗的天空。爱黑暗还有我的侧投。嘿,来吧,来吧。

12、In Line with Government Policy of Restructuring Company Organizations, Elan has Established an Independent Two Supervisors and a Single Board of Director for More Efficient Shareholders Function. ─── 义隆电子响应政府推动公司治理政策,引进独立董事1位和监察人2位,藉以强化董事会功能。

13、Elan Inn is full of classic European style, equipped with superior room facilities, as well as bedding and bath facilities. You will definitely enjoy the quite different living experience. ─── 怡莱连锁酒店-杭州湖滨店,富有欧式古典风格,客房设施精良,寝具及洗浴设施舒适精致,给您别样的入住体验。

14、Although extremely effective, they nevertheless don't quite have the elan of true knights. ─── 重骑兵们尽管颇为善战,但仍缺乏真正骑士那种一往无前的锐气。

15、I belong to the Taiwan company Elan eight single-chip A-level agents. ─── 我公司属于台湾义隆八位单片机A级代理商。

16、A passive immunization treatment developed by Elan Corporation has already advanced to phase II clinical trials. ─── 伊蓝开发的一种被动免疫疗法,已进入第二阶段的临床试验。

17、Elan, which makes touch pads for computers, said it owned the rights to touch-screen technology that allowed Apple's products to detect the position of fingers on a screen or touchpad. ─── 义隆电子从事电脑触控板的生产。该公司说,它拥有的 摸屏技术被苹果公司用于探测手指在屏幕或触控板上的位置。

18、Weak spot: "A lot of people say that he does not have the elan of Roberto," according to one beverage analyst. ─── 弱点:“许多人说他没有罗伯特的锐气”,一位饮料分析家如是说。

19、While veterans make comebacks to secure their popularity, rising stars bring fresh elan. ─── 歌坛老将们开始回归,努力维持自己的地位,新星们也不甘示弱,携带朝气加入竞争。

20、Xie's elan ─── 陈郡谢氏

21、Indonesian Living Standards Before and After the Financial Crisis (with Kathleen Beegle, Agus Dwiyanto, Yulia Herawati, Daan Pattinasarany, Elan Satriawan, Bondan Sikoki, Sukamdi and Firman Witoelar). ─── 他在计量经济学模型主要类别的可识别性方面及对解决变量内生性的问题上发表了一系列有影响的论文。

22、Elan, we're adventurers. Technically, anything we EVER DO officially counts as an "adventure". ─── 我们是冒险者。理论上说,我们做的/任何事/都可以称作“冒险”。

23、As only he could, Hemingway loved these French fighters for their courage, elan, and simplicity. ─── 正如惟有海明威所能感受,海明威深喜所遇法国斗士之勇气热忱、单纯质朴。

24、Holiday Inn Express Chateau Elan Lodge : Book Direct. Click Here. ─── 现在就可以拿到绝佳的价钱!

25、Elan was awarded with the "2007 Excellence and Contribution in Invention and Creation Award" by the Ministry of Economic Affairs. ─── 荣获经济部96年国家发明创作奖的贡献奖。

26、ELAN eAM eDSP-This an assembly example for multi scanning key from 8x8 matrix. ─── 详细说明: This an assembly example for multi scanning key from 8x8 matrix.

27、elan n. ─── 锐气, 热忱 ...

28、Special Requirement: Arete does not like to be reminded that the elan are considered abominations by some, and he does not answer your summons if you are already bound to Chupoclops or Eurynome. ─── 特殊要求:奥雷特不愿理会那些厌恶厄兰(灵能种族)的人,同时不会回应与楚玻克劳珀斯或欧律诺墨立契之人的呼唤。

29、Roy:Elan! What have I told you about assisting the enemy with their rhyming scheme? ─── 我告诉过你帮敌人押韵会怎么样吧?

30、The next generation of skiing. Slovenian ski manufacturer Elan presents a new revolutionary innovation in the ski industry. ─── 滑雪的下一代。斯洛文尼亚滑雪制造商义隆电子提出了一个在滑雪产业的新的革命性创新。

31、Thank the gods for Elan and his stupid belt or I'd still be thinking with my Trouser Titan. ─── 感谢诸神多亏了Elan和他那条愚蠢的腰带,否则我还一直惦记着我的裤管泰坦呢。

32、Orgone, esprit, loosh, prana, elan vital, and bio-electricity are some of these names. ─── 生命力,才气,loosh,prana,热烈的生机和生物电就是这些名称的一部分。

33、Roy:Elan, you do know that the term, "mopping up the bad guys" is a figure of speech, right? ─── “把敌人清理干净”是一种修辞,你是知道的,对不对?

34、I know who the slut is, Elan. ─── 我知道这荡妇是什么人。

35、performing with great elan ─── 演出声情并茂.

36、In this paper, diagnosis and removal of troubles for ELAN 250 inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP_MS) are reported. ─── 介绍了ELAN250型电感耦合等离子体质谱仪在实际操作中出现的故障及排除方法。

37、the results show that LAN(Li-Ni)anode has more negative emf than LiSi alloy and LiAl alloy,and ELAN>ELiAl>ELiSi. ─── 结果表明,Li-Ni的LAN负极电极电位比LiSi合金、LiAl合金的更负、工作电压更高,与FeS2正极配对时有电动势ELAN>ELiAl>ELiSi。

38、You know,you're right,Elan. ─── 这是我第十亿次差点被你的愚行害死!

39、Ilan or Elan? ─── 一首英文歌曲!

40、elan vital ─── [医] 生活力

41、Elan also has an antibody-based drug in clinical trials. ─── Elan制药厂也有一种抗体类药物在临床试验中。

42、As capable as the group may be, none has that single-name elan of the character simply known as Bruce. ─── 这些人很有能力,但没有一个具备以“布鲁斯”这个名字闻名的沃瑟斯坦那种锐气。

43、She always tries to feel the intrinsic elan of trans-dimension in a chink of the real space. ─── 她总是在现实空间中所裂开一条细缝,寻找跨越相度的巨大骚动。

44、Elan Inn-Jiefang Hangzhou, located in the flourishing area of Jiefang Road.Surrounded with intensive large-scale office buildings, financial district and mature business support. ─── 怡莱解放路店位于解放路繁华地段,地理位置优越,交通便捷,周边有密集的大型写字楼、金融区以及成熟的商业配套。

45、Measurement and analysis on the processing time of communication in ELAN network control system ─── ELAN网络控制系统通信处理时间的测量与分析

46、Elan,you shall choose next.There two magic items remaining:the pair of boots and the other bag. ─── 你将下一个选择。这里还剩下两件魔法物品:一双靴子,以及另一个口袋。

47、H: Listen, all we need to do is swindle this bandit leader guy and we can free Elan and get away. ─── 听着,我们要做的就是唬住这位强盗头子,然后把Elan救出去并逃走。

48、ancient elan system ethics ─── 宗法伦理

49、But the idea was so simple and animal studies so encouraging that Elan researchers decided to try it out on people. ─── 但是,这思路非常简单,而且动物实验结果令人欢欣鼓舞。于是,埃兰医药公司的科研人员决定在人上作试验。

50、There was also a piano, on which Victor played jazz with great skill and elan ─── 那里有一架钢琴,维克托正在技巧娴熟、热情洋溢地弹奏爵士乐。

51、Elan said the new entity will be governed by a seven-person board. Five members will come from J&J. ─── Elan称,新公司将由七人董事会监管,其中的五位董事将来自强生。

52、The organisation was established in1991 inBudapest. Currently it has 600 members from 26 countries. They work closely with professional organizations such as ELAN, EFLA and ECLAS. ─── 1991年组织建立了在布达佩斯。它当前有600名成员从26个国家。他们严密与专业组织一起使用例如活力、EFLA和ECLAS。

53、-Taiwan bending Elan chip watchdog and sleep examples of design control Application of wdt+ Sleep in em. ─── 详细说明: 台弯义隆芯片看门狗和休眠设计控制实例说明Application of wdt+sleep in em。

54、As a potential board member, Schuler declined to discuss the J&J transaction, but another of Elan's previous critics welcomed it. ─── 作为可能的董事会成员,Schuler拒绝就强生入股交易进行评论.不过,另一位此前批评Elan的人士对此交易表示欢迎。

55、This small part was taken with elan by a promising young tenor. ─── 这一小段由一位大有前途的青年男高音倾情演绎。

56、a performance of great elan and sophistication. ─── 在这场比赛中黄楠雁的锐气没有打出来。

57、In addition to the Manpower brand, the company operates under the brand names of Right Management Consultants, Jefferson Wells, Elan and Brook Street. ─── 万宝盛华的宗旨就是通过提供优质、高效及节约成本的服务来为客户创造最大的利益,从而使客户能够专心于业务发展。

58、That is the path being pursued by Elan Pharmaceuticals and Wyeth Research. ─── 这条途径正是现在ELAN药业和WYETH研发在探索中的。

59、Before the treatment, Elan wasn't able to communicate verbally, Medina said. ─── Medina说,Elan在接受治疗以前根本无法与人进行口头交流。

60、The entire sound system consists of a variety of Elan and Sonance speakers, which are mounted either in-wall, in-ceiling, or outdoors. ─── 屋主说他之所以在家里如此精心安装这些音效系统完全是因为“我们喜欢听音乐!”

61、elan harmony ─── 宗族和谐

62、U.S.-traded ADRs of Elan were down more than 40% in pre-market trading this morning, and Biogen was down more than 20%. ─── 在今天早上的开市前交易中,Elan的ADR(美国储蓄证券)交易价下跌40%以上,Biogen下跌20%以上。

63、Here guests and friends gathered to witness development of Elan Textile, and to share the joy of successfully creating the Elan brand. ─── 这里嘉宾相聚,宾朋云集,共同见证依澜家纺公司的发展成果,共同分享依澜品牌创建的成功喜悦。

64、ELAN Chemical Guangzhou Co.,Ltd. was authorized to produce and sell "Extra" and "益达” trademarks officially in the 3th-category product. ─── 广州市伊亮日用品有限公司是国内唯一获得“Extra”和“益达”两商标持有人正式授予,合法使用于第三类商品的使用者。

65、Elan,the symbol of Pain is gone now.You can stop saying "Owl" over and over. ─── 痛苦徽记已经消失了。你可以不用一遍遍的说“哎哟”了。

66、Simon had carried out all his assignments with discretion, elan , and pluck. ─── 西蒙凭着谨慎,热忱和勇敢,完成了他的全部任务。

67、H: Hey, listen, if I can suffer through stereotyped girly-girl stuff, and Elan can read the ridiculous thing he had to read. ─── 嗨,听着,如果连我都能忍受那种娘娘腔的语句,甚至Elan都念完了那些滑稽的台词……

68、Although extremely effective, they don't quite have the elan of true knights. ─── 重骑兵们尽管颇为善战,但仍缺乏真正骑士那种一往无前的百战杀气。

69、Weak spot:Alot of people say that he doesnt have the elan of Roberto, according to one beverage analyst. ─── 弱点:许多人说他没有罗伯特的锐气、一位饮料分析家如是说.

70、elan narrative ─── 家族叙事

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