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09-05 投稿



distillment 发音

英:[[d?s't?lm?nt]]  美:[[d?s't?lm?nt]]

英:  美:

distillment 中文意思翻译



distillment 短语词组

1、distillment meaning ─── 蒸馏意义

2、distillment definition ─── 蒸馏定义

distillment 词性/词形变化,distillment变形

名词复数: distilleries |

distillment 相似词语短语

1、distilment ─── n.蒸馏液;蒸馏法

2、disablement ─── n.残废;无资格;损坏

3、distiller ─── n.蒸馏器;蒸馏酒者

4、distillers ─── n.[化工]蒸馏器(distiller的复数)

5、distillments ─── n.蒸馏;蒸馏物;蒸馏法;精华(等于distilment或者distillation)

6、distilments ─── n.蒸馏液;蒸馏法

7、distilled ─── adj.由蒸馏得来的;净化的;v.蒸馏(distill的过去式)

8、distilland ─── n.蒸馏液;被蒸馏物

9、instillment ─── n.慢慢灌输;滴入

distillment 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The pure alkali equips to distil the reforming of tower ─── 纯碱装置淡液蒸馏塔的改造

2、Approach of Using Steady Simulation to Determine Sensitive Plate of Distil lation Tower ─── 稳态模拟法求取精馏塔灵敏板的途径

3、But the science, technology and economics of treethanol are changing fast.Researchers are racing to develop ways to chip, ferment, distil and refine wood quickly and cheaply. ─── 由于科学技术和树乙醇经济的快速发展,科研部门正各显神通,竞技找出既快速又便宜的粉碎、发酵、蒸馏及提炼的良方。

4、Rice wine or wine have never pass by to distil, at most ten come to degree, so can become drink of Dou. ─── 米酒或是葡萄酒没经过蒸馏,顶多十来度,所以可以成斗的喝。

5、and there fore it is useful to distil out of this complexity a view of the key environmental impacts on the organization. ─── 因此,一个可行的方法是将组织所面临的复杂环境加以简化,从中找出对组织有关键影响的环境因素。

6、The effects of the different concentrations of aqueous extracts were compared to distil water (control.). ─── 结果表明:不同浓度的含羞草叶子提取物明显影响所选的植物种子根,茎和侧根的延长和生长。

7、distil liquids ─── 用蒸馏法提取液体

8、distil overhead ─── 初馏分酒头馏过头

9、Keywords Petris multifida poir;lye distil method;distillsubstance antibacterial effect.; ─── 凤尾草;碱液提取法;提取物;抑菌作用;

10、distil off ─── 蒸出

11、Take the flowers of lily of the valley and distil them in sack, and drink a spoonful or two as there is occasion ─── 拿铃兰花数朵,置于袋中,蒸馏之,用时吞服一二匙即可。

12、8.This way can protection of bring tap water in the distil water, the tap water bring in the distil water is the main cause of chemical of distil water worse. ─── 通过这种方式能防止夹带原水,夹带原水是蒸馏水中化学或有机软化(退化)发生的主要原因。

13、distill,distil the meaning of a poem ─── 领略诗的精髓

14、Liquor distil is one of the substantial evidences in origin investigation. ─── 摘要白酒蒸馏器是研究我国起源的重要实物证据之一。

15、We use three different methods such as solvent, microwave and supersonic to distil the pigment, and studies its stability as well. ─── 在单因素试验的基础上,通过正交试验确定最佳提取工艺参数。

16、Which the clouds do drop [and] distil upon man abundantly. yang dicurahkan oleh mendung, dan disiramkan ke atas banyak manusia. ─── 云霓将雨落下,沛然降与世人。

17、distil over ─── 馏过, 蒸出

18、Dames of elevated rank, likewise, whose doors she entered in the way of her occupation, were accustomed to distil drops of bitterness into her heart; ─── 同样,她由于职业关系而迈入富室时,上流社会的夫人们却惯于向她心中滴入苦汁;

19、Distil in a New Generation of Web Search Engine ─── 新一代Web搜索引擎中数据的抽取

20、The natural vitamin E was extracted by simple distil lation. The results showed yield of the natural vitarmin E was over 87%, vitormin E content was over 51%. ─── 对经酯化、脱甾醇处理后的油脂脱臭物采用简单蒸馏方法提取维生素E。结果表明维生素E的收率在87%以上,产品含量达51%以上。

21、This programme will help attending managers to review some old methods and concepts, learn new ones, distil from their own experiences and develop a how-to appro... ─── 这一方案将帮助管理人员参加审查一些旧方法和概念,学习新的定居点,提炼自己的经验,并制定如何处理,分析,改变和改善他们的生产设施。

22、distill,distil whiskey ─── 用蒸馏法提取威士忌酒


24、 双语使用场景

25、The poem is the art of emotion.Poet turns a poem language of magnetic latent changeable emtion inside, which make it pass on, develop and distil. ─── 摘要诗歌是情感的艺术,诗人把内隐的丰富多变的情感外化为磁性的诗化语言,使之传承、发展与升华。

26、I have shared many moments of pride with you, pride in the ability of the Congress of the United States to act, to meet any crisis, to distil from our differences strong programmes of national action. ─── 我跟你们大家共同经历了许多值得骄傲的时刻,为美国国会有能力采取行动,应付任何危机,在分岐中形成强有力的国家行动计划而骄傲。

27、In fact the wine of wine and now drink by the ancients is different and have never pass by to distil, but directly brew. ─── 其实古人所饮之酒与现在的酒不同,没有经过蒸馏,而是直接酿制的。

28、We distil useful solvents from waste water ─── 我们从废水中蒸馏出各种有用的溶剂。

29、to distil whiskey from mash ─── 从麦芽浆蒸馏出威士忌酒

30、3. Clouds distil rain. ─── 云凝结成雨。

31、General: This device can be mounted on wall, and producing the distil water in lower cost, continuously, automatically and effectively. ─── 概述:该装置可安装于墙上,设计为以最低的经济成本持续、自动、有效地生产高质量的蒸馏水。

33、Keywords alcohol;distil;distilling column;atmospheric column;pressure column; ─── 甲醇;精馏;精馏塔;常压塔;加压塔;

34、Receiving system that can distil in minus pressure(option) ─── 可在负压下作蒸馏的收集系统(选件)

35、2 Let my doctrine gather as the rain, let my speech distil as the dew, as a shower upon the herb, and as drops upon the grass. ─── 愿我的教训如雨下降,我的言语似露滴落,像降在绿茵上的细雨,像落在青草上的甘霖!

36、Time may dilute or distil. ─── 时间会稀释或者精馏。

37、Dearth: All right people, you are all making a big mistake! Willis Dearth will not be intimidated by rabble. Do you mind Distil? ─── 校长:你们听着,你们是在犯大错误,你们看错了,我是不怕你们这种威胁的。怎么了莱尔斯嘉?

38、The cool of the night distil the dew ─── 深夜的寒气凝成露珠。

39、They distil themselves with nitroglycerine, all the lot of them, out of very love. ─── 他们打着正义与爱的旗号得到的是仇恨。

40、Most important of all, they seem to distil Darwin to his essence. ─── 更为重要的是,这些诗还原了达尔文的真我。

41、2 my speech shall distil as the dew. ─── 我的言语要滴落如露 申32.

42、They represent the key insights that distil the learning and identify the key areas that the tourism plan must address. ─── 他们代表了关键的见解,提炼学习,并找出了关键领域的旅游发展计划,必须正视的。

43、distill,distil water ─── 对水作蒸馏处理

44、Learn how to distil large quantities of information into their bare essentials. ─── 学习如何将大量的信息归纳为简要信息。

45、to distil ─── 蒸馏

46、Chinese liquor distil derives from the main body of Chinese rice steamer. ─── 它都由中国饭甑为主体而演变成中国酒甑。

47、The writer managed to distil his ideas into one succinct article. ─── 作家努力把他的想法浓缩成一篇简练的文章。

48、Which the clouds do drop and distil upon man abundantly. ─── 云彩将雨落下,沛然降与世人。

49、distil tO dryness ─── 馏干

50、Its approach was summed up in the pithy four-character phrases into which Chinese policymakers love to distil their thinking. ─── 其处理方法可以用中国决策者喜欢用的思想提炼总结为四字短语。

51、symmetric two-side water distil bution ─── 对称式双边配水

52、23.Wine may be distill, (distil) ed into brandy. ─── 葡萄酒可蒸馏成白兰地。

53、You can distil fresh water from the sea. ─── 你可以用蒸馏法从海水中提取淡水。

54、By analysing the hydrocarbon composition、n-hydrocarbon distributing and distil range ,the sensitivity relation of diesel with them was discussed. ─── 通过对不同炼厂0#柴油的烃族组成、正构烷烃分布、馏程的分析,讨论了它们与柴油感受性的关系。

55、Whiskey is distill, distil) ed from malt. ─── 威士忌是以麦芽蒸馏而成的。

56、to distil out impurities ─── 用蒸馏法去除杂质

57、distill,distil one's style ─── 使自己的风度文雅

58、to distil fresh water from sea water ─── 用蒸馏法从海水中提取淡水

59、28 Which the clouds do drop and distil upon man abundantly. ─── 28云彩将雨落下、沛然降与世人。

60、This began to distil a sense of fear in Marissa, ─── 这一点开始在玛莉莎心中产生一种恐惧感,

61、Should possess the theme and can distil,is imbued with national characters,fully reflect there are such characteristics as "very angry",etc.in one's own characteristic of the ... ─── 一般来说,影视音乐应具备使影片主题得到升华、富于民族特色、充分体现影视剧的艺术风格、要有“奇气”等特点。

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