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09-05 投稿



spherically 发音


英:  美:

spherically 中文意思翻译



spherically 网络释义

adv. 球地;球状地

spherically 短语词组

1、spherically dished cover plate ─── [化] 球面碟形盖板

2、spherically dished head ─── [化] 球状碟形封头

spherically 相似词语短语

1、spheroidically ─── 球状的

2、esoterically ─── 机密地;神秘地

3、sterically ─── 空间

4、sphericality ─── 球度

5、spherical ─── adj.球形的,球面的;天体的

6、isomerically ─── 同分异构地

7、euphorically ─── 情绪高涨地;心情愉快地;心满意足地

8、aphetically ─── 失语的

9、spheroidally ─── 球状

spherically 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Abstract: Large quantities of spheric silver colloidal particles, which were protected by poly vinyl pyrrolidone (PVP),can be converted into flake silver powders using photoinduced method. ─── 摘要:将银溶胶用适当的保护剂保护后,置于一定波长的可见光下进行辐照可以得到纳米级片状银粉。

2、rubber universal spheric joint ─── 橡胶球关节


4、A spheric pair would produce no additional constraints and would thus be equivalent to an opening in the chain, while all other lower pairs have nonspheric motion. ─── 一个回转副不会产生额外的约束,因而就相当于开式链,而所有其它的低副都有非球形运动。

5、essentially what that tells is that these s orbitals are spherically symmetrical. ─── 实际上它告诉我们,这些s轨道,是球对称的。

6、A New Method for Drawing Shade and Shadow in Spheric Perspective ─── 球体透视阴影画法的研究

7、Calculating Methods of the Horizon Surface Gravity in Non-Stationary Spherically Symmetric Black Hole ─── 动态球对称黑洞视界表面引力的几种计算方法

8、The quantum tunneling radiation characteristics of a spherically symmetric charged black hole ─── 一个球对称荷电黑洞的量子隧穿辐射特征

9、spherically dished head ─── [化] 球状碟形封头

10、then we compared the BFA system with the ECA system, as well as the distribution of pressure and medicine in oblate spheric tumor; ─── 此外,还对比了扁球肿瘤中的压力分布和药物分布。

11、General static spherically symmetric spacetime ─── 一般静态球对称时空

12、With the same center as bearing, the spherically formed outer ring raceway can make selfalignment.Their rolling elements linearly come into contact with the raceways of inner ring and outer ring. ─── 外圈是以轴承中心点为球心的球面,具有自动调心性,滚动体与内、外圈滚道之间是线性接触,能承受大的径向载荷。

13、The Application of the Multi-tooth Weir-type Fire-control Cooling-water System in the Spheric Tank Zone of Liquefied Hydrocarbon ─── 多齿堰式消防冷却水系统在液化烃球罐区的应用

14、Starting from the Klein-Gordon equation near the event horizon,we exactly determine the Hawking temperature and radiation spectrum of a general spherically symmetric and charged evaporating black hole. ─── 从视界附近的Klein Gordon方程出发 ,准确地定出了一般球对称带电蒸发黑洞的Hawking温度和辐射谱 ,同时计算出事件视界方程 .

15、Violent earthquake waves will be produced when an underground spherically packed explosive is blasted,and their propagation mode is affected by many factors. ─── 地下球形药包爆轰后将产生很强的地震波,其传播受到多种因素的影响。

16、Violent seismic waves will be produced when an underground spherically packed explosive is blasted, and their propagated model is affected by many factors. ─── 摘要地下球形药包爆轰后将产生很强的地震波,其传播受多种因素的影响。

17、Effects of incomplete penetration on the stress concentration of lattice frame empty spheric joint ─── 未焊透对网架空心球节点应力集中的影响

18、spheric Gaussian orbital ─── 球型高斯轨道

19、The absorbed dose and dose distribution were calculated for spherically symmetric radionuclide distributions depending linearly and exponentially on the radial position. ─── 放射性核素在细胞中径向线性分布和指数分布,分别计算了细胞和细胞核的平均吸收剂量;

20、spheric tank of liquefied hydrocarbon ─── 液化烃球罐

21、A theory of constant-current stripping analysis (CCSA) with a spheric mercury film electrode (SMFE) is presented in this paper. ─── 推导出球形汞膜电极上的恒电流溶出分析法的理论方程式。

22、The solutions of scalar field equations in the region between the black hole's event horizon and the cosmological horizon in static and spherically symmetrical space-time are given in this paper. ─── 摘要采用多项式函数代替乌龟坐标的方法,给出静态球对称时空中黑洞事件视界和宇宙视界区域内标量场方程的解,并对事件视界附近势垒的性质进行了讨论。

23、Three-Dimensional Design and Practice of Blast Furnace Used to Dry Spheric Agglomeration Breeze ─── 球团矿粉干燥煤粉热风炉三维设计及应用

24、spherically symmetric structure of the earth has been assumed. ─── 地球的构造假设为球状对称。

25、Spheric joint of the deep sea bed mining lifting system was designed based on the working environment and drawing lessons from the domestic and foreign ones. ─── 借鉴国内外深海采矿扬矿管接头,结合其作业环境设计了一种球铰接头,使扬矿系统不受弯矩和扭矩,相当于柔性管。

26、He also obtained similarity solutions for longitudinal and spherically symmetric motions ─── 他也得出了关于纵向对称运动和球面对称运动的类似解。

27、Entropy of Dirac field in a general spherically symmetric and charged evaporating black hole ─── 一般球对称带电蒸发黑洞Dirac场的熵

28、RRSSC(rotary- rotary - spheric - spheric - cylindric) linkage ─── RRSSC机构

29、Keywords Elastodynamics;Hollow cylinder;Hollow sphere;Orthotropy;Spherically isotropy;Functionally graded material;Multilayered material; ─── 弹性动力学解;空心圆柱;空心球;正交各向异性体;球面各向同性体;功能梯度材料;层合材料;

30、In the situation of the spherically symmetric non-static black hole, the instantaneous radiant emittance of black hole is always proportionate to quartic power of temperature of the event horizon of black holes at any time. ─── 对于球对称动态黑洞 ,任一时刻黑洞的瞬时辐出度总是正比于黑洞事件视界温度的四次方

31、The formula of the first term for spheric wave propogating in ealstic medium has been derived,including the first terms of direet wave,reflection wave,and transmitted wave. ─── 本文推导了球面波在弹性介质中传播的首项公式,包括直达波、反射波和透射波的首项。

32、The sphering 4R mechanism is the most basic and useful spheric hinge four-bar linkage which can be used to cause corresponding angle displacements of driving and driven links, and so on. ─── 摘要球面4R机构是最基本的、最常用的球面铰链四杆机构,可用来实现主从动杆对应角位移等。

33、The four basic characteristics and the spheric harmonic analyses(Gauss theorem) of geomagnetic field,as well as the world geomanetic reference field distribution were presented. ─── 介绍了地磁场的四个基本特性、地磁场的球谐分析方法(高斯理论)及国际地磁参考场的发布使用情况。

34、Surface Gravity of Horizon and Quantum Nonthermal Radiation of a General Nonstationary Spherically Symmetric and Charged Black Hole ─── 一般动态球对称荷电黑洞视界表面引力及量子非热辐射

35、The Non-Thermal Effects of a Spherically Symmetric Non-Static Black Hole with Electric Charges and ─── 带有电荷与磁荷的球对称动态黑洞的非热效应

36、The researchers say that the symmetric and isotropic universe should have formed from a spherically symmetric explosion. ─── 研究者说对称的,各向同性的宇宙应该是形成于一个球对称的大爆炸中。

37、It has been known that effect of natural emissions of VHC from different sources on imbalance of atrno spheric VHC is great. ─── 天然产生的挥发性卤代烃(VHC),对大气中VHC的源汇平衡有显著影响。不同生态系统中VHC的天然生成机制存在很大差异,有许多天然过程还不为人们所了解。

38、The rate of typically abortive pollen of "Jin23A","IR58025A" and "DongB11A" is 100%, 100% and 98.08% respectively,the rate of spherically abortive pollen of "DongB11A" is 1.92%. ; ─── “金 2 3A”和“IR580 2 5A”的花粉典败率达 1 0 0% ,“东B1 1A”的典败率为98.0 8% ,圆败率为 1 .92%。

39、In this paper, the non-die sphering process of an spherically inscribed sheel structure is put into experiment and numerical analysis. ─── 本文通过实验和数值分析,对球内接锥台壳体在爆炸冲击载荷作用下无模成形过程进行了研究。

40、Keywords Spheric MI-CDPs;cycledextrin polymers;embedded;molecularly imprinted;particle size; ─── 环糊精聚合物;球状环糊精;粒度分布;分子印迹;包埋;

41、5000 Cubic meter spheric tank NDT of north gate station in Wuhu city of Anhui province. ─── 安徽芜湖中燃北门站5000立方米球罐无损检测。

42、A spherically symmetric structure of the earth has been assumed ─── 人们把地球的构造假设为球状对称。

43、Effect of the Spherically Aberrated Lens on Beam Quality[J]. ─── 引用该论文 季小玲,季小玲,吕百达.

44、The advantage and disadvantage of various models such as the plate model,the hollow spheric model,the advancing front model and other models were discussed. ─── 对各传质动力学模型的优缺点进行了比较和评价,指出了不同模型的应用范围。

45、spherically invariant random process ─── 球不变随机过程

46、Here we should point out that the nonideal optical systems are referred to be the apertured or spherically aberrated optical systems. ─── 涉及到的激光光束大体上分成两类:一类是厄米正弦类高斯光束;

47、10. Hence a full subshell has zero angular momentum and is spherically symmetric. ─── 于是,一个已经填满的支壳层的角动量为零,并且是球面对称的。

48、Keywords deep sea mining system;spheric joint;thread off;thread compound; ─── 深海采矿扬矿系统;球铰接头;螺纹滑脱;脂密封;

49、spherically symmetry ─── 球对称

50、The slip spheric joint support is also used for the large-span steel structure roofing in order to dispel distortion by temperature change an. ─── 为了消除温度变形和安装允许误差的影响,对大跨度钢结构屋面在支座部位采用了滑动球铰支座。

51、Spheric Lignosulfonate Resin(LSAR) produced by sulfite process waste liquid dischanged in papermills was used as bio_microcarrier in laboratory_scale up flow anaerobic fluidized bed (UAFB) reactor. ─── 以用造纸黑液制成的球形木质素树脂作为生物载体,在上流式厌氧流化床(UAFB)反应器装置中,进行了处理模拟高浓度酸化相出水的厌氧甲烷相流化床的运行实验。

52、Keywords iron mine;spheric agglomeration;blue ocean; ─── 冶金矿山;球团矿开发;蓝海;

53、The Combustion Characteristics of RDX Modified Double Base Spheric Small Size Propellants ─── RDX改性双基球形小粒药的燃烧特性

54、Interaction Between Chemical Reactions and Spherically Imploding Detonation Waves ─── 化学反应和球面聚心爆轰波的相互作用


56、Entropy of a generalized non-stationary spherically symmetric black hole with charge ─── 动态广义球对称含荷黑洞的统计熵

57、Keywords eccentric load;tray failure;theory of rotary spheric shell;breakage mode of the tray;eccentric tray; ─── 偏心载荷;托盘失效;旋转球壳理论;托盘破坏类型;偏心托盘;

58、Doing those probability density dot graphs, we can get an idea of the shape of those orbitals, and we know that they're spherically symmetrical. ─── 通过那些概率密度图,我们可以知道轨道的形状,我们知道它们是球形对称的。

59、In spheric linkages, the axes of all revolute pairs must intersect at a point. ─── 在球面连杆机中,所有回转副的轴必须在一点上相交。

60、spherically iotropie ─── 圆球土样

61、The Distribution of Charge on the Spheric Surface of Metal Ball in Electric Field of Point Charge ─── 点电荷电场中金属球面上的电荷分布

62、Fractional Fourier Transform with Spherically Aberrated Lens ─── 带透镜球差的分数傅立叶变换

63、In this paper, spherically symmetric structures of the Brusselator are calculated in detail by using the bifurcation theory. ─── 本文利用分支点理论详细地计算了布鲁塞尔子的球对称解。

64、Computer simulation using spherically symmetric conductor head model demonstrates that the method is effective. ─── 球对称导体模型下的模拟计算表明,这一方法是有效的。

65、With the application of the model, the exergy efficiency and the exergy loss in the system of ironmaking (sintering, spheric, ironmaking) is analyzed and direction and path of energy conservation are described. ─── 应用该模型,分析了铁前各工序(烧结、球团、炼铁工序)的(火用)效率、(火用)损失,指出了铁前工序的节能方向和途径。

66、Polar plates geometric size calculation of the compounding spheric shell ─── 混合式球壳极板几何尺寸计算


68、Placing a molecule that's essential to life within a spherically symmetrical one could let researchers learn more about each. ─── 将“生命之源”——水分子放在球形对称体上可以让研究人员更详细地研究两者。

69、Spherically Reticulated Shell Construction and Installation ─── 球冠状网壳采光顶的施工安装

70、About The Added Pressure Produced By Liquid Force of Gravity Under The Convex Spherically Hat-shaped Liquid Surface ─── 关于弯曲液面下由液体重力产生的附加压强的讨论

71、Based on the beam propagation equation in free-space, the hyperbolic-fit mothed is used to calculate the M2-factor of Gaussian beams passing through a spherically aberrated lens. ─── 根据自由空间束宽的传输方程,采用双曲线拟合的方法,计算了高斯光束通过球差透镜后的M2因子。

72、Some Results on the Problems of Eigenvalue for Spheric Bessel Equation ─── 关于球Bessel方程本征值问题的几个重要结果

73、shade and shadow of spheric surface ─── 圆球的阴影

74、We make the relative forming mould according to the chocolate shape, such as spheric shape, button shape, olive shape, cashew shape, triangle shape. ─── 根据客户巧克力胎芯形状,如球形、纽扣形、橄榄形、腰果形、三角形等,来制作相应的成型模具。

75、Large quantities of spheric silver colloidal particles,which were protected by poly vinyl pyrrolidone(PVP),can be converted into flake silver powders using photoinduced method. ─── 将银溶胶用适当的保护剂保护后,置于一定波长的可见光下进行辐照可以得到纳米级片状银粉。

76、New Hongli Glass provide all kinds of design,manufacture and installation,such as spheric glass,glass curtain wall,light absorption shade,sightseeing lift and so on. ─── 公司承接各类玻璃幕墙、大型采光天棚、观光电梯、室内装饰玻璃等产品的设计、制作和安装工程。

77、Most important for applications (e.g., the hydrogen atom) are spherically symmetric potentials, which we treat in Sect. 4.6. ─── 大部分重要应用对象(例如氢原子)是球对称势,这一部见4.6节。

78、theory of rotary spheric shell ─── 旋转球壳理论

79、spherically symmetrical orbitals ─── (分子的) 球形对称轨道

80、The energy distribution of scalar particles in a space-time of general spherically symmetric and evaporating black hole ─── 一般球对称蒸发黑洞周围时空中标量粒子的能量分布

81、Dual induction spherically focused log ─── 双感应球形聚焦测井

82、spheric agglomeration ─── 球团矿

83、In the clutter modeled as spherically invariant random vector (SIRV), the adaptive coherent radar target detection is addressed. ─── 在球不变随机向量(SIRV)非高斯杂波背景下,研究了多脉冲相参雷达目标的自适应检测问题。

84、Thread Off and Thread Compound Performance Analysis for the Spheric Joint of Deep Sea Bed Mining Lifting System ─── 扬矿球铰接头的螺纹滑脱及脂密封性能贩

85、He also obtained similarity solutions for longitudinal and spherically symmetric motions. ─── 他也得出了关于纵向对称运动和球面对称运动的类似解。

86、In spheric linkages, the axes of all revolute pairs must intersect at point. ─── 在球面连杆机构中,所有的转动副的轴必在一点上相交。

87、spheric representation of a surface ─── 曲面的球面表示

88、A central force is one derived from a potential-energy function that is spherically symmetric ─── 中心力是由球对称的势能函数而来的力。

89、Compensate Effect Under Time-Scale Transformation in a General Spherically Symmetric Non-Stationary Space-Time ─── 一般球对称动态时空中时间尺度变换的补偿效应

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