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09-05 投稿


circassian 发音

英:[[s?:?k?s??n]]  美:[[s??k???n, -?k????n]]

英:  美:

circassian 中文意思翻译




circassian 短语词组

1、circassian art circassian ─── 艺术

2、Circassian walnut ─── 切尔克斯胡桃木

3、circassian names circassian ─── 名称

4、circassian ladies circassian ─── 女士

5、circassian beauty circassian ─── 美人

circassian 相似词语短语

1、circensial ─── 环状的

2、circensian ─── 环境

3、Circassian ─── n.切尔克斯人;切尔克斯语;adj.切尔克斯的

4、Circassic ─── 环状的

5、circadian ─── adj.生理节奏的(指与地球二十四小时运转联系的新陈代谢、内分泌作用及睡眠等节奏有关的);以24小时为周期的

6、Circassians ─── 切尔克斯人

7、Parnassian ─── adj.帕纳塞斯山的;诗文学的;n.法国高蹈派诗人

8、Circassia ─── n.切尔克西亚(苏联高加索西北部一地区)

9、circassienne ─── 切尔克斯

circassian 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Circassian Walnut ─── 胡桃木, ph. 【植】胡桃木

2、Online Circassian dictionaries and language courses are emerging. ─── 在线切尔克斯语词典及语言课程也开始兴起。

3、Study on the Technique of Pectin Extraction from Skin Residue of Circassian Fruit ─── 从海红果皮渣中提取果胶的工艺研究

4、Petya was a Turkish lady, Dimmler was a clown, Natasha a hussar, and Sonya a Circassian with eyebrows and moustaches smudged with burnt cork. ─── 彼佳化装成土耳其女人。季姆勒扮成丑角,娜塔莎扮成骠骑兵,索尼娅扮成切尔克斯人(有一副用软木炭画的胡子和眉毛)。

5、He was dressed in a long white Circassian coat over a brown beshmet trimmed round the collar with fine silver lace. ─── 他身着白色长外套咖啡色切尔克斯beshmet修剪回合衣领天晴银牌花边。

6、a N Caucasian language spoken by the Circassian people. ─── 切尔克斯人所说的北高加索语系的一个分支。

7、Hashemite, Bedouin, and Circassian ─── 哈希姆王朝成员、贝都因人和切尔卡西斯人

8、Or what Circassian Land? ─── 还是切尔科斯的土地?

9、Or what Circassian Land? ─── 还是什么切尔克斯陆地?

10、He took off his Circassian cap to his master and looked scornfully at him. ─── 他在老爷面前摘下切尔克斯高顶帽,鄙夷地向他望了一眼。

11、decade, Shirley had married a Circassian Christian, Teresia. ─── 十年里,雪利嫁给了一个叫泰蕾西娅的切尔克斯基督徒。

12、Ethnic Composition: Arab 98% (Palestinian 60%), Circassian 1%, Armenian 1%. ─── 民族:阿拉伯人占98%(其中60%以上是巴勒斯坦人),彻尔克斯人占1%,亚美尼亚人占1%。

13、Study on the Technique of Pectin Extraction from Skin Residue of Circassian Fruit ─── 从海红果皮渣中提取果胶的工艺研究

14、He took off his Circassian cap to his master and looked scornfully at him. ─── 他在老爷面前摘下切尔克斯高顶帽,鄙夷地向他望了一眼。

15、Northwest Caucasian languages include Abkhaz and a chain of dialects called collectively Circassian. ─── 阿布哈兹-阿迪格(或西北高加索)语族包括阿布哈兹语,以及合称切尔克斯语的一连串方言。

16、Within a decade, Shirley had married a Circassian Christian, Teresia, and set off with her to Europe on a series of diplomatic missions in the service of the shah. ─── 此后十年里,雪利先是娶了一个叫特蕾西娅的切尔克斯基督徒,然后听从大帝的吩咐,两人共同来到欧洲完成一系列外交使命。

17、a north Caucasian language spoken by the Circassian people ─── 切尔克斯人所说的北高加索语

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