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09-05 投稿


jujube 发音

英:['d?u?d?u?b]  美:[d?ud?ub]

英:  美:

jujube 中文意思翻译



jujube 网络释义

n. 枣子,枣树;枣味糖

jujube 反义词


jujube 同义词

ripe | exciting | lurid | gamey | scandalous | blue | salacious | moist | risque | toothsome | naughty | racy | gamy | sensational | voluptuous | fat | luscious | spicy | red-hot | vivid | interesting |succulent

jujube 短语词组

1、tincture of jujube ─── [化] 枣酊

2、jujube core ─── 枣核

3、Chinese jujube n. ─── 枣树(等于Chinese date)

4、jujube seed ─── 及酸枣仁

5、jujube tokidoki ─── 域名

6、jujube disney ─── 枣树迪斯尼

7、candied jujube ─── 糖枣;蜜枣

8、jujube bush ─── [网络] 枣树

9、jujube tree ─── 枣树

10、jujube fruit ─── 枣果

11、jujube paste ─── [医] 枣糊

jujube 词性/词形变化,jujube变形

名词: jujuism |

jujube 相似词语短语

1、YouTuber ─── 油管人(频繁使用视频分享网站YouTube的用户,特别是自己制作视频并且出镜的人们)

2、jujus ─── n.护符(及其魔力);大麻烟卷;小玩物

3、jujuist ─── 果汁

4、YouTube ─── n.视频网站(可以让用户免费上传、观赏、分享视频短片的热门视频共享网站)

5、jujutsu ─── n.柔术(等于jujitsu)

6、jujubes ─── n.果胶软糖;枣子(jujube的复数)

7、daube ─── n.炖肉(尤指牛肉)

8、Danube ─── n.多瑙河(位于欧洲)

9、jujuism ─── n.护符(及其魔力);大麻烟卷;小玩物(juju的变形)

jujube 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The main pathogen caused postharvest decay of "Dong" jujube was Alternaria sp p and Emericella nidulans. ─── 侵染冬枣的病原菌主要是交链孢和裸孢壳菌。

2、Cultivate in siheyun more is jujube, Chinese flowering crabapple, pomegranate. ─── 四合院里种植较多的是枣树、海棠、石榴等。

3、Taihangshan Zizyphus Jujube Dates belong to the dried jujube which rich in nutrients and has some healthcare effects. ─── 太行山婆枣属于干制品种,营养价值十分丰富,并且具有一定的保健功能。

4、The research on Xinjiang dried fruit compound beverage by using the extraction of dried apricot, plum, jujube and raisins. ─── 以杏干、酸梅、红枣和葡萄干为原材料,按照合适的比例浸泡,提取浸提液研制干果复合饮料。

5、Yam, lotus seed, lily, red jujube can be good at lienal raise a stomach, stop dischargeCalm the nerves, safeguard skin moist thereby strong and handsome. ─── 山药、莲子、百合、红枣等能健脾养胃,止泄安神,从而维护肌肤润泽健美。

6、The Asparagus Nutritional Liquid Was produced by the mixing precipitating anent and UF membraced asparagus juice and extract of wolf berry and jujube with honey. ─── 把芦笋汁、枸杞子和红枣提取液经沉淀、超滤处理,并与蜂蜜按适当比例调配后制成芦笋营养液。

7、According to Mr.Zhou Ruchang, “The 300-years-old jujube tree in the yard should have ‘seen' Cao Xueqin. ─── 按周汝昌所说:“院里的一株三百年的枣树,应该‘见过’曹雪芹的。”

8、There was a big jujube tree in our courtyard when I was a kid, which, according to my granny, boasted a his... ─── 小时我家有一棵很大的枣树,听奶奶说有上百年了。在我的童年时光里,它陪伴着我走过了无数个春夏秋冬,带给了我无数的欢乐和慰藉。

9、Jujube alone simple-minded, there is still absolutely still, sound asleep, the outside world seems to have nothing to do with it. ─── 唯独笨笨的枣树还在那里纹丝不动,呼呼大睡,外面的世界似乎与它毫不相干。

10、The mechanism efficiency that the area in town of city of village of Shandong province jujube begins is censorial and solid, get common feelings of people greatly. ─── 山东省枣庄市市中区开展的机关效能监察扎扎实实,深得民心。

11、Bubble of big jujube boiled water bilges. ─── 大枣开水泡胀。

12、The main produces are walnut, persimmon, chestnut, jujube, pine, silk and so on. ─── 主要土特产有核桃仁、柿饼、板栗、大枣、松籽、蚕丝等。

13、Eat red jujube every day meeting skin? ─── 天天吃红枣会皮肤好吗?

14、Officinal: Jujube benevolenceCalm the nervesFluid evening takes 2, orCalm the nervesBe good at headFluid evening takes 2. ─── 成药:枣仁安神液晚服2支,或安神健脑液晚服2支。

15、In Huanghua, home to China's winter jujubes,we not only savored some tasteful winter jujubes,but also got some understanding of the 3,000-year-old history of jujube cultivation. ─── 在被誉为中国的“冬枣之乡”的黄骅,我们既品尝了美味的冬枣,还了解了枣树三千多年的栽培历史。

16、The volatile chemical components in jujube tincture were analyzed by GC and GC/MS. ─── 利用GC和GC/MS对枣子酊的挥发性化学成分进行了分析。

17、Effect of ABA and GA3 treatments on the metabolism of active oxygen species in cold stored 'Brumal Jujube' flesh[J].Acta Hort.Sin.,2005,32(5):793-797. ─── ABA、GA3处理对冬枣采后果肉活性氧代谢的影响[J].园艺学报,2005,32(5):793-797.

18、In this paper,the study of gather time and method, preservation method and development for brumal jujube were studied. ─── 介绍了冬枣的采收时期和采收的方法,冬枣贮藏保鲜技术和国际上的保鲜发展趋势。

19、You could also look for jujube seed, bamboo shavings, and oyster shell, which soothe the mind and spirit. ─── 你也可以用枣种子、竹屑和牡蛎壳,它们有助于放松你的心灵。

20、Ebony fingerboard, jujube wood parts, metal tailpiece. ─── 乌木指板、枣木零件、金属拉线板.

21、Luliang folk food: jujube hill dolls, popular in Lishi, County, Fang Shan, China Yang, Liulin area. ─── 吕梁民俗食品:枣山娃娃,流传于离石、临县、方山、中阳、柳林一带。

22、The relationship between the diversity and stability of arthropod communities at jujube yards managed differently was also analyzed. ─── 同时也探讨了冬园不同管理类型条件下生物的多样性与稳定性的关系。

23、Effect of CaCl2 and 6-BA on membrane lipid peroxidation of postharvest jujube fruits [ J ].Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2001, 34 (1): 66-71. ─── CaCl2和6-BA处理对枣果呼吸强度及贮藏品质的影响[J].中国农业科学,2001,34(1):66-71.

24、Cleans the auricularia auricula, the red jujube goes to the nucleus, the watering right amount, boils about a half hour. ─── 将黑木耳洗净,红枣去核,加水适量,煮半个小时左右。

25、The plantation area of Chinese jujube has increased more than 0.46 million ha, with an annual output of 0.8 million t, accounting for 95% of the total world output. ─── 我国枣树栽培面积已达46万多公顷,年产鲜枣80万吨,占世界鲜枣总产量的95%以上。

26、Urgent, (on row) can you add (earthnut) (red jujube) (Xianggu mushroom) be stewed together? ─── 急,(上排)可以加(花生)(红枣)(香菇)一起炖吗?

27、Ermao fur, black melon seeds, jujube, seaweed, licorice, and other products of good quality, long enjoyed a good reputation, there are broad prospects for development. ─── 二毛裘皮、黑瓜子、大枣、发菜、甘草等土特产品质优良,久负盛名,具有广阔的开发前景。

28、China archaism says:" Hit spank, to sweet jujube " is also. ─── 中华古语曰:"打一巴掌,给一个甜枣"是也。

29、HU eggs Motherwort date: HU 10 g, 30 g Motherwort, jujube 10, three eggs. ─── 元胡益母草枣蛋:元胡10克,益母草30克,大枣10枚,鸡蛋3个。

30、Al~3+, Sn~2+ and Ca~2+ can inhibit nonenzymatic brown of Jujube pulp. ─── Al~(3+)、Sn~(2+)和Ca~(2+)可抑制枣浆非酶褐变。

31、CEPA treatment can promote the ripening of fresh fruit to turn red and improve the quality of jujube fruit. The content of Vc amd sugar are increased, acid is decreased. ─── 乙烯利处理采后枣果,可促进枣果后熟转红和鲜果品质的改善,使果肉中V-、含量增加,酸度降低。

32、One chinese jujube growes in this water. ─── 在这红色水域里边,有枣树,只开花,不结果,什么原因?”

33、Wind speed less than 6m . s-1 is not harmful to all the organs of Chinese jujube during growing season. ─── 在整个生长季,4级(6m·s-1)以下的风对枣树各个器官都是安全的

34、Zhanhua jujube teas Shandong Tea Ltd. for Quality Supervision and Inspection and the Ministry of Agriculture is testing centers designated enterprises. ─── 山东沾化碧源茶业有限公司是国家农业部茶叶质量监督检验测试中心定点企业。

35、He said it was a vegetarian restaurant in Shanghai called Jujube Tree that caused his transformation. ─── 他说是上海的一间叫JujubeTree的素食餐馆使他发生改变。

36、A low sugar compound jam was processed by using carrot and jujube as the raw materials. ─── 以胡萝卜和红枣为主要原料,进行低糖复合果酱的研制。

37、A few months later, he made out a white flower, the white after another, so that the spirit of jujube tree Great! ─── 几个月过去了,他开出了白色的小花,这一朵朵白花,使枣树精神极了!

38、Handle is Xiangpin style, interior surface of a gold, gold and white, all white, the Ukrainian gold, red jujube, aesthetic generous, luxurious extraordinary. ─── 手柄是镶拼式,壳体表面有金色、金白色、全白色、乌金色、枣红色等,美观大方,豪华非凡。

39、A gentle summer rain after sleep calmly until the jujube opened his eyes, he gave the world around them. ─── 一场温柔的夏雨过后,睡梦中的枣树才不慌不忙地睁开了双眼,打探着周围的世界。

40、They are also the best primitive winter jujube trees. ─── 品质最好的原始冬枣林了。

41、Autumn, and a variety of fruits are beginning to mature, to mature dates, from afar, such as jujube tree on a small fire burning point. ─── 秋天到了,各种水果都开始成熟了,枣子也要成熟了,远远望去,枣树上像一个个燃烧的小火点。

42、There are some jujube trees in that courtyard. ─── 那个院子里有几棵枣树。

43、Ebony fingerboard, both jujube wood and ebony sets can be supplied; rosewood endpin, metal tailpiece. ─── 乌木指板,枣木配件和乌木配件两种,红木尾柱,金属拉线板.

44、This thesis introduced diabetes supplementary food based on baking technology with compound assistant foods, such as yam, Tuckahoe, white haricot bean, lotus seed and jujube. ─── 在复方糖尿病辅助食品(山药、茯苓、白扁豆、莲子及大枣)基础上,以焙烤食品为模式,研究糖尿病辅助食品制作工艺。

45、Our major jujube, Pibo, the small, Zhiduo, bright color and thick, succulent and crisp and refine equipped with palatability and taste good, as the fruit of the treasures. ─── 我们的冬枣个大、皮薄、核小、汁多、色泽鲜艳而浓重,肉质细嫩而酥脆,酸甜适口,口感极佳,实为果中之珍品。

46、Arrived again the season with big mature jujube, have the profit in filling gas, raise blood to calm the nerves the big jujube of action became table to go up " frequenter " . ─── 又到了大枣成熟的季节,具有补中益气、养血安神作用的大枣成了餐桌上的“常客”。

47、Dongzao jujube fruit couldbe three days shelf life at normal temperature by polythene packing and CO2 absorbent after 85 days stored in controlledatmosphere storage. ─── 冬枣在气调贮藏85d后,结合包装和CO2吸收剂,可在常温下保持3d的货架期。

48、Practice proves to after eating a jujube, contain jujube nucleus in the mouth, have effect of stimulative saliva excretive. ─── 实践证明吃完枣后将枣核含在嘴里,有促进唾液分泌的作用。

49、The preparation technology for mixed jujube and tea beverages is studied by orthogonal tests, and the quality standard concerned worked out. ─── 利用正交试验设计,对复合枣、茶饮料的制作工艺进行探讨,并制定了其质量标准。

50、I company at 307 State Road North, Watkins jujube of origin. ─── 我公司位于307国道北,金丝小枣的原产地。

51、The jujube culls is developed using enzyme hydrolysis,yeast fermentation and acetic fermentation to produce jujube vinegar. ─── 利用枣制品下脚料枣液,使其通过酶解、酵母发酵、醋酸发酵.工艺研制枣醋。

52、A FieldSpec 3 spectroradiometer was used for collecting 30 sample spectra data of the three kinds of jujube separately. ─── 对3个不同品种的鲜枣进行光谱分析,各获取30个样本数据。

53、On each wooden table in Jujube Tree there is a small sign that says, "Pure persistence, for our planet, for your health. ─── 在枣树的每一只木头餐桌上,都标有一个小的记号,上面说“为了我们的星球,为了我们的健康而进行纯粹的坚持。”

54、This paper reports the process of making asparagus and jujube juice liquor ,The product,has not only high nutritive value and special flavor, but also health function . ─── 以芦笋、蜂蜜、枣汁为原料生产的保健酒,含有丰富的营养物质,而且还具有一定的保健作用。口感清香,具有果酒的风味。

55、The plantation area of Chinese jujube has increased 0.33 million ha, with an annual output of 1.1 billion kg, accounting for 95% of the total world output. ─── 我国枣树栽培面积已达33万多ha,年产鲜枣11亿kg,占世界鲜枣总产量的95%以上。

56、The main pathogens caused postharvest decay of "Yuanling" jujube was Alternaria sp p. while the alcohol injury was the main symptom. ─── 侵染圆铃枣的病原菌是交链孢,但主要表现为生理性病害酒化。

57、CAT activity? MDA content? the relative conductivity,Vc content and pulp firmness of Chinese Jujube Lizao were studied. ─── 以梨枣为试材,研究了减压处理对梨枣果实呼吸强度、CAT活性、MDA含量、果肉组织相对电导率、VC含量和果肉硬度的影响。

58、In this paper, changes in quality were studied of fresh Dongzao jujube in different producing areas during storaged. ─── 以藁城、黄骅、沾化冬枣为试材,研究了不同产地冬枣采后贮藏过程中的品质变化。

59、Midnight on the day, such as Chun Yan Liu Yansheng in Alice Lane favorite jujube input hypnotics, drowsiness while other aircraft with a rope to the other strangled. ─── 当天午夜,闫燕生在刘如俊爱吃的枣糊糊里投入安眠药,趁对方昏睡之机,用绳子将对方勒死。

60、Dongzao tress.[Method]By using leaf area meter and stoving method,the changes of the leaf area and specific leaf weight of leaves of Zizyphus jujube cv. ─── [方法]采用叶面积仪和烘干法,对施用不同浓度赤霉素后的冬枣叶面积与比叶重变化进行了测定。

61、From 30 grams of ginger, jujube 10, Eugenia 15 grams, 50 grams of japonica rice. ─── 取生姜30克,大枣10个,高良姜15克,粳米50克。

62、And Se content of jujube could be control according to the concentration and sprayed times for quantitative assimilate Se by human body. ─── 并且可通过调节喷施液浓度和喷施次数,得到硒含量适宜的成熟小枣。

63、Among 20 to 30 knaves living outside the Sour Jujube Gate, two were their ringleaders. ─── 3话说当时太尉喝叫左右排列军校,拿下林冲要斩,林冲大叫冤屈。

64、Soak and wash the apricot seeds, fungus, jujube and figs with warm water. ─── 制法:1.将南北杏、雪耳、蜜枣和无花果用温水浸洗。

65、Guo J S,Chen M Y.Analysis on Lubei dong jujube[J].China Fruits and Vegetables,2001(1):29. ─── [1]郭继胜,陈美元.浅析鲁北冬枣[J].中国果菜,2001(1):29.

66、Although the application of molecular markers in Chinese jujube was at its start stage, it would have a widen prospect in the future. ─── 分子标记技术在枣树研究中的应用尚为起步阶段,也存在着广阔的发展前景。

67、The key steps of genomic DNA-AFLP system were analyzed and prospect on identifying jujube cultivars by AFLP is discussed. ─── 探讨了基因组DNA-AFLP分析技术的各关键步骤,并展望AFLP技术在枣品种鉴定上的应用前景。

68、Title: Influence of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on water condition of wild jujube(Zizyphus spinosus Hu. ─── 关键词:丛枝菌根真菌;酸枣;生长;抗旱性

69、With liquorice,jujube and Chinese wolfberry as raw materials,a nutrient-rich health drink with natrual role was deveolped. ─── 以甘草、红枣、枸杞为原料,研制出一种营养丰富又具有保健作用的天然饮料。

70、This paper studied on sour Taiwan green jujube by lactic acid fermention, analysed the key of technic parameters and set forth the method of process. ─── 把细菌纤维素添加到鲜奶中进行发酵,采用正交实验设计确定乳酸菌发酵的最佳条件。

71、An F1 population from Dongzao Linyilizao was used to study the segregation pattern of AFLP markers and construct a genetic map for Chinese jujube. ─── 以72株冬枣×临猗梨枣F_1代为材料,研究了AFLP标记分离方式,构建了枣连锁图谱。

72、The main products are all kinds of date and date products, the Cangzhou Watkins jujube to its unique taste, good nutrition value, driven by domestic and foreign markets. ─── 主要产品是各种枣和枣制品,沧州的金丝小枣以它独特的口感,良好的营养价值,打入了国内外市场。

73、"Qiankunli" brand nectar flowers to the high-quality raw materials Bozhou real estate chrysanthemum, mint, Huaihua, jujube, Campanulaceae, cassia side for the group. ─── “乾坤力”牌花果茶以亳州地产的优质原料菊花、薄荷、槐花、大枣、桔梗、决明子为组方。

74、Chinese jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.);Fruit; Nutrition;Polysaccharide;dietary fieber;Shelf life. ─── 01枣;生育期;糖;膳食纤维;维生素C;有机酸;矿质元素;货架期

75、Dongzao jujube fruit was a typical fresh fruit, the affluent in nutrition and crisp high quality were welcome to everyboby. ─── 冬枣是典型的鲜食品种,其丰富的营养价值和酥脆可口的鲜食品质在市场上很受欢迎。

76、The niche and competition among species of natural enemies and pests in different intercropped and managed jujube orchard ecosystems in Taigu were studied. ─── 对太谷地区枣园生态系统中主要害虫、天敌的时间、空间生态位及不同营养层物种间竞争进行了调查研究。

77、Further ahead, there are a few old pine trees, some of the high tree, perhaps the question of distance, I still prefer black jujube tree window. ─── 再远一点,零星的有一棵不老的松树,一些长的很高的槐树,也许是距离的问题吧,我还是更喜欢窗前这棵黑枣树。

78、This article introduced four natural pigments:moascus colors,natural carotenes,jujube pigment,Capsanthin and their basic character,distilling techniques and application. ─── 开发天然色素是世界食用色素发展的总趋势,本文介绍了四种极具发展前景的天然色素:红曲色素、天然胡萝卜素、酸枣色素、辣椒红素。

79、In 1987 and 1988, the relation between photosynthetic rate and chlorophyll content in the leaves of Chinese jujube were studied with infrared CO2 analyser etc. ─── 作者采用红外CO_2气体分析仪等,研究了枣树(Zizyphus jujuba Mill)叶片的光合速率与叶绿素含量间的关系。

80、The influence of different protecting liquid on jujube dongzao freezing point temperature is studied exploringly. ─── 同时对不同保护液对冬枣冰点的影响进行了探索性研究。

81、In addition to this, the great plain of North China in the lower course is the original home of mulberry, walnut, jujube and hazelnut. ─── 当然得出这样的结论还有一个很好的理由,那就是,现今我国从东南的福建、台湾到西南的云南,北到江西、南到海南都有普通野生稻的分布。

82、Jujube hypnosis: jujube Weigan, like sugar, protein, vitamin C, organic acids, mucus quality, calcium, phosphorus, iron, etc., Invigorating the Spleen, Anshen effect. ─── 大枣催眠:大枣味甘,含糖类、蛋白质、维生素C、有机酸、粘液质、钙、磷、铁等,有补脾、安神的功效。

83、Practice : peanut, soybean milling and drying chopped jujube, Chinese wolfberry remove. ─── 做法:花生、黄豆烘干磨粉与切碎的红枣、枸杞拌匀,

84、The optimum conditions of process were found out, the stability of lactic acid beverage of red jujube and hops were analyzed, also other factors impacting the product. ─── 在研究中确定了发酵红枣酒花饮料的最佳工艺条件,对乳酸菌发酵红枣酒花饮料的稳定性和工序中影响制品的其他因素进行了分析探讨。

85、You gently a bit, jujube skin, dental, and fibrillation, suddenly a acid strength channeling to the body. ─── 你轻轻地一咬,红枣皮破,牙酸,口颤,突然一股酸劲窜向全身。

86、Will to Hubei save ear of weather of jujube in relief city to press down Wu Zhuang when the car when the village, the car besmears to the farmer new strong home sails. ─── 当车来到湖北省枣阳市天耳镇吴庄村时,小车向农民涂新强家驶去。村民们一见习议论开了:“杨教授又来请咱们的涂专家了”。

87、Place sorghum, red beans, peanuts, and jujube in a pot, cover with water and cook to half tender. ─── 将高粱、红豆、黄生和红枣放入锅中,加水,煮至半软烂。

88、In 1987 and 1988, the effects of some cultural methods on pho- tosynthesis of Chinese jujube(Zizyphus jujuba Mill.) were studied with infra-red CO_2 analyser. ─── 于1987、1988年采用红外CO_2分析仪研究了某些栽培措施对枣树光合作用的影响。

89、State Forestry Department in 1993 named "Chinese jujube town. ─── 1993年国家林业部命名“中国大枣之乡”。


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