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09-05 投稿



tersely 发音

英:[?t??rsli]  美:[?t??sli]

英:  美:

tersely 中文意思翻译




tersely 词性/词形变化,tersely变形

副词: tersely |名词: terseness |形容词最高级: tersest |形容词比较级: terser |

tersely 相似词语短语

1、densely ─── adv.浓密地;密集地

2、termly ─── adv.定期地;adj.定期的;每一期的

3、tercel ─── n.雄鹰

4、herself ─── pron.她自己(she的反身代词);她亲自

5、tercels ─── n.雄鹰

6、tassely ─── 流苏状

7、aversely ─── 厌恶地

8、tensely ─── adv.紧张地;拉紧地

9、erosely ─── 分离

tersely 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Whut'll happen ter Maw an' Poke? ─── 啊,上帝,思嘉小姐!

2、Founded in 1935, the DWAA historically has held its a ual meeting the weekend of Westmi ter. ─── [全世界约有600名创造性的作家,编辑,出版商,艺术家和摄影家加入了美国犬类作家协会。

3、Elasticity production for medicine:stretch bandage(patent No.:97200213.8),elasticity cap,thrum bandage,strong bandage,plas ter interleaver. ─── 医用弹性系列产品:弹力绷带(专利号:97200213.8),弹力帽,织边绷带,强力绷带,石膏衬垫。

4、"Well, 'twouldn' do no hahm ef you wuz ter faint now an' den," advised Mammy. ─── "唔,偶尔晕那么几回也不碍事,"嬷嬷告诉她。

5、No'm, Ah kain stop fer you ter look around. ─── 不,小姐,俺不能停下来让你看。

6、"You young misses ought ter tek shame, gittin' Miss Pitty in a state," he scolded. ─── "让皮蒂小姐气成了这样,你们两位年轻小姐应当感到羞耻。" 他责备说。

7、"It is clear that m韘ter has his responsibilities for the players he selected, but we are also guilty by the errors that we commit on the field," he said. ─── 他说:“很明显教练必须为他错误的用人负责,但我们也要承担在场上的责任。”

8、"Dey tuck all de candles, Miss Scarlett, all 'cept one we been usin' ter fine things in de dahk wid, an' it's 'bout gone. ─── "他们把所有的蜡烛都拿走了,思嘉小姐,只剩下一支,咱们用来在夜里找东西的,也快用完了。

9、The recurrence intervals within and between clusters, the du rations of individual clusters, the earthquake number and strength of every clus ter are all variable. ─── 丛与丛之间以及丛内地震的时间间隔、丛的持续时间、地震次数和强度均是可变的;

10、Though the moun-tains di-vide. And the o-ceans are wide. It's a small world af- ter all. ─── 即使山脉阻隔,海洋广阔。毕竟世界很

11、Sides, Ah din' hab no way ter git back an' Ah wuz sceered de patterollers pick me up, kase Ah din' hab no pass. ─── 另外,我想回也回不去。 没有通行证所叫巡逻队抓去。

12、The Westmi ter Ke el Club Dog Show is one of the few benched dog shows in this country. ─── [西敏寺犬俱乐部的展赛是我国少数长倚式展赛之一。

13、"Miss Pitty in a state bekase she din' come ter meet you. ─── "皮蒂小姐因为没有来接你而不大高兴。

14、Sp? ter, in den siebziger Jahren, nutze Peking Tischtennisturniere zwischen China und den USA, um die politischen Beziehungen zu Washington zu verbessern. ─── 后来在70年代中国又是利用乒乓外交,打通了和美国的政治交往,并使之在其后不断地加以改善。

15、Gaffin, who in her role at Mo ter provides advice to job seekers, says she tells people undergoing job interviews by telephone to dre profe ionally, even at home. ─── 专为求职者提供建议的加芬说,她向电话面试的求职者建议要穿职业装,即便在家也应该这样。

16、The comparison of long fibre polyes ter spunbond geotextile with sta-ple fibre one is made in terms of its characte ristics and function in use of landfill. ─── 主要比较了聚酯长丝纺粘土工布和短纤针刺土工布在垃圾卫生填埋场建设中的特点和作用,阐述了土工布施工过程中需要注意的一些问题。

17、"Get the car off the road any way you can, " he said tersely. ─── 司机冷漠地说,“快点把车子从马路上弄走!”

18、It's too late," he said tersely. ─── 太晚了,”他生硬地说道。

19、One involves microelectromechanical systems that combine compu- ters with tiny mechanical devices like mirrors and gears embedded in semiconductor chips. ─── 一是微机电系统,另一个就是纳米技术,前者使计算机与嵌在半导体芯片中的镜片、齿轮之类的机械装置得以融为一体。

20、Do you also agreethe condition that all disputes, if unsettled, shall be referredthe For eign Trade Arbitration Commission for the Pro mo tion of In ter na tion al Trade? ─── 你是否也同意这样一条,解决不了的纠纷,就提交国际贸易促进会的对外贸易仲裁委员会去仲裁?

21、"Well'm, Ah sho glad ter hear dat. ─── "噢,那就好了。

22、What is puzzling is the use of transliteration when the meaning can be tersely put across in English. ─── 令人困惑的是音译菜名的含义被英文简简单单接受后的使用。

23、In SNA, a capability that allows two LU - LU half - sessions to negotiate the parame ters of a session, when the session is being activated. ─── 在系统网络体系结构(sna)中,激活话路时的一种功能,允许两个逻辑单元到逻辑单元(LU-LU)部分话路可以协商某些话路参数。

24、You'd bet ter send somebody over there to sort the situation out. ─── 你最好派个人去那儿把情况弄清。

25、The customs officer in the front seat spoke tersely into his lapel-mounted radio: "We're on our way to the airport with a load of orphans. " ─── 车上,坐在前座的海关官员对着别在衣领上的无线麦克风简练地汇报说:“我们正在送一批孤儿去机场的路上。”

26、The manufacturing method of bamboo vinegar was briefly introduced. The main composition of bamboo vinegar was tersely presented. ─── 该文叙述了竹醋液的生产方法、分离精制工艺及其所含的主要化学成分;

27、Ah ain' nebber had nuthin' ter do wid cows. ─── 俺不是那种干场院活的黑奴。

28、"Yassah, you kin sen' me ter Tara, quick as you kin. ─── "是的,先生,您可以送我到塔拉去。 越快越好!

29、"I don't know," Jackson said tersely. ─── " “我不知道。”杰克逊回答地很干脆。

30、Den de Yankees come in an' a Yankee gempmum, he wuz a cunnel, he tek a shine ter me an' he keep me te ten' ter his hawse an' his boots. ─── 后来北方佬来了,有个军官是个上校,他看中了我,叫我去给他喂马,擦靴子。

31、Ah's sceered ter go runnin' roun' in de dahk by mahseff! ─── 俺可不敢一个人在黑夜里乱跑呀!

32、He whispered tersely, It's my wife! ─── 他小声简要地说,这是我太太!

33、Pearl-fishers dive for pearls, merchants sail in their ships, while children gather pebbles and scat ter them again. ─── 他们用落叶编成船,笑着让它们漂浮在深海里。孩子们在世界的海边自娱自乐。

34、The line is mainly used for washing,filling sealing carbon dioxide drink such as carbon dioxide water,cola,ice ter ,aerated mineral water and so on. ─── 产品简介:该生产线主要用于含汽饮料,如汽水、可乐、冰茶、加汽矿泉水等饮料的冲洗、灌装、封口。

35、He remembered too well the first time he had entered this Chamber, the first time he had stood within a ring of Jedi Mas ters gathered to sit in judgment upon his fate. ─── 他仍然十分清楚地记得,他第一次进入这间会议室时的情景,他第一次站在环坐成一圈的绝地大师们面前,看着他们聚集在一起,凌驾于他的命运之上端坐在公正的席位中。

36、Ah done tole Poke ter lay two extry plates fer dem. ─── 俺告诉了波克叫他添两份饭啦。

37、In contrast, the same sort of rules can be described even more tersely using regular expressions. ─── 相比之下,使用正则表达式可以更精练地描述同类规则。

38、It is the key to protect the wooden rem ains that invigorate and volatile wa ter inwooden remains should be turned into the one which is steady and round in shape. ─── 使木质中的将蒸发的不安定的水转换为圆形的不易蒸发的物质是保护木质遗物的关键所在。

39、Hello, alice. i'm...ter White. ─── 嗨,爱丽丝。我是彼得·怀特。

40、"Y'all nee'n try ter 'scuse you'seffs. ─── "你们都休想为你们自己辩护。

41、The property law adopted last month for the first time expressly, if tersely, acknowledges that both collective and private ownership of Chinese real property is protected by law. ─── 上个月颁布的财产权法案直接明确的承认了集体和私人的固有资产都受到法律的保护。

42、He can al ter the stroke consequences completely. ─── 他就可以将中风的后果完全扭转过来。

43、Cookie fixin' soup ter tek over dar. ─── 厨娘正在做汤给那边送去呢。

44、Ingushetia's Deputy Interior Mi ter, Dzhabrail Kostoyev, died in the attack Wednesday morning near Nazran, the region's main city. ─── 印古什内务部副部长科斯妥耶夫星期三上午在印古什主要城市纳兹兰发生的袭击中丧生。

45、In this paper,the paper authors have developed cut ter magnetic strengthen device thro ugh research on magnetic technology. ─── 作者通过对磁处理技术的研究,研制开发出一种便携式刀具磁处理装置。

46、He tersely insists on doing his own thing, which is to keep little pieces of Baghdad from blowing up. ─── 他简单着坚持做自己的事情,这是防止炸毁了巴格达的小件。

47、Well, Ah ain' nebber set down wid w'ite folks an' Ah is too ole ter learn. ─── 不过我从来没和白人坐在一起过,现在太老了,也学不会了。

48、You fr ter and waste the hours in an offhand way. ─── 你虚度着。

49、"Dat's a w'ite gempmum's watch an' Mist' Gerald's ter boot. ─── "这是白人老爷们用的表,是杰拉尔德老爷的。

50、Ah drapped in ter pass time of de day wid Mammy on mah way home. ─── 刚才俺回家碰到她家的嬷嬷,还在一起聊来着。

51、Oh, Miss Scarlett, now dat Miss Ellen's in de grabe, whut is we gwine ter do? ─── 唔,思嘉小姐,如今爱伦小姐已进了坟墓,咱们怎么办呀?

52、You had bat ter ask tho se bet ter info rm ed. ─── 你最好还是询问那些消息灵通人士。

53、Warming plates suitable for Original's 1.8L glass decan ters . Available with 2warming plates . Manufactures from high polished , stainless steel sheet. ─── 2保温盘适用于1.8L玻璃咖啡壶,最多可放两只咖啡壶于保温盘上。机身由高抛光不锈钢制成。

54、In SNA,a capability that allows two LU - LU half - sessions to negotiate the parame ters of a session,when the session is being activated. ─── 在系统网络体系结构(SNA)中,激活话路时的一种功能,允许两个逻辑单元到逻辑单元(LU-LU)部分话路可以协商某些话路参数。

55、An' dey ast me ter set down wid dem, lak Ah wuz jes' as good as dey wuz. ─── 他们还请我和他们坐在一起,好像我和他们是一样的。

56、Arctic ter found in North America and the Arctic migrate each year as far south as Antarctica and back, a round trip of over 18,000 miles. ─── 人们发现北美洲和北极地区的北极燕鸥每年一直要迁移到南极洲再飞回来,往返形成超过18,000英里。

57、"Miss Scarlett," said Peter darkly, laying the whip on the startled horse, "Miss Pitty ain' gwine ter lak it you astin' questions dat ain' none of yo' bizness. ─── "思嘉小姐。" 彼得脸色阴沉地说,一面往马背上抽了一鞭子,"皮蒂小姐不会乐意让你打听那些和你无关的事情。

58、Einige Monate sp ter klopfen zwei M nner an seiner T r. ─── 几个月后,有两个男人敲响了他的门。

59、"Well, Miss Scarlett, mah Dilcey ten' ter Miss Melly's chile. ─── "唔,思嘉小姐,让俺家迪尔茜喂媚兰小姐的孩子吧。

60、De Cunnel, he tell her ter call me 'Sam' an' den she do it. ─── 后来上校告诉她叫我'萨姆',她才叫我'萨姆'的。

61、Don't write the use cases too tersely. ─── 不要把用例写得过于简介。

62、An' w'en de wah ober, de Cunnel he say ter me: 'You Sam! You come on back Nawth wid me. ─── 仗打完了以后,上校对我说:'萨姆,跟我回北方去吧,我多给你工钱。

63、"Mist' Willie Burr frum Macom whut is kin ter us, he brung it ter Miss Pitty. ─── "我们的一个亲戚威利 - 伯尔先生给皮蒂小姐带了这封信来。

64、The manufacturing method of bamboo vinegar was briefly introduced in this paper,and its main composition and applications were tersely presented and introduced. ─── 介绍了竹醋液的生产方法、性质及其在农业生产上的应用。

65、The total water quantity of the earth is about 13.86 hundreds of millions km3, the ocean salt water is 94% , and the fresh wa ter is 6% . ─── 地球总水量约为13.86亿km3,海洋咸水约占总水量的94%,淡水约占总水量的6%。

66、"Soun' ter me lak her bag full an' she need milkin' bad," said Prissy, regaining some measure of control. ─── "俺看这叫声像是奶袋发胀了,母牛急着要人给挤奶呢,"百里茜说,她这时已平静些了。

67、As the 767 took off, Page tersely but calmly shared the news with the others on the plane and answered their questions for about 15 minutes. ─── 飞机一起飞,佩奇镇静且简洁的将此消息告诉了其他人,并花15分钟回答了一些提问。

68、tersely phrased statement of a truth or opinion; an adage. ─── 警句蕴含真理或看法的精练的语句;

69、The initial sym ptoms of case 2 were bridge of nose collapsed,and protruding eyeballs 2 years la ter. ─── 例2首发症状亦是鼻梁塌陷,2年后出现右眼突,诊断为此病。

70、"Miss Scarlett," whispered Prissy, clutching her mistress' arm, "doan le's go ter Tara. ─── "思嘉小姐,"百里茜抓住女主人的胳臂小声说,"可别让咱们到塔拉去呀。

71、That me a ns that they choose a prime min is ter c a n c a binet members. ─── 也就是说,他们选出首相组织内阁。

72、Hafiz Issail tersely informed me that Israel force had broken the young cease-fire. ─── 哈菲兹·伊斯梅尔的来电简洁扼要,他说以色列部队破坏了刚刚生效的停火。

73、An important feature of information era is the application of electronic compu ter. ─── 信息时代的一个重要特征是电子计算机的运用。

74、I afraid me went to become your lover will be loss you ." Mun kit mai sue gup ter kit wa yahk gawd ter mun torramarn kit mai yahk pen fan "I hope i can aside to all . ─── 在心底的话 绽放出耀眼的花 但早已难以启齿 mai pen 会看不见明天I don't went to when you are the ordinary friend , I to know you never loving me.

75、The depth of coal mining in Yanshitai mine is over 600 m,dynamics phenomena have been occurred of ter during mining ahd excavating. ─── 南桐矿务局砚石台煤矿采深已达600多米,该矿在采掘过程中,多次发生强度不一的矿山动力现象。

76、"Wid all de fightin' up de road an' de Yankees 'cross de river an' us not knowin' whut wuz gwine ter happen ter us an' de fe'el han's runnin' off eve'y night, Ah's 'bout crazy. ─── "那时候北方佬过河了,沿着大路到处打起仗来,咱们也不知道会出什么事,那些干大田活的每晚都有人逃跑,我都气疯了。

77、"Ah hope Ah done kill dat black baboon. But Ah din' wait ter fine out," he panted. ─── "但愿我把那个黑鬼弄死的,不过我没来得及看清楚,"他气喘吁吁地说。

78、Huccome you din' ast dem ter stay fer supper, Miss Scarlett? ─── 你怎么没留他们吃晚饭呀,思嘉小姐?

79、"Security vehicle, " he said tersely. "We'd better get to our ship. " ─── “安保飞船,”他简洁地说,“我们得赶快回去。”

80、"Yas'm, you is! Ah ain' figgerin' on havin' happen whut happen at dat las' barbecue w'en Ah wuz too sick frum dem chittlins Ah et ter fetch you no tray befo' you went. ─── "你就得吃,前次野宴上发生的那种事俺不想再看见了。 那次俺吃了猪肠子病得厉害,没在你们出发前拿吃的来。

81、He came closer and, leaning over the side of the buggy, whispered: "Miss Scarlett, Ah got ter git outer 'Lanta. ─── 他抬头看了看思嘉,脸上露出惊惶的神情。 他走到近处,靠在马车边上,悄悄地说:"思嘉小姐,我非离开亚特兰大不可。

82、"Ah'm talkin' 'bout how it look ter folks, seein' Miss Pitty livin' 'lone. ─── "我谈的是有些人采取的态度,眼见皮蒂小姐独个儿住在那里。

83、"Well'm, it's--Miss Pitty, she says ter me, 'You, Peter, you brek it gen'ly ter Miss Melly,' an' Ah say--" Melly rose from the steps, her hand at her heart. ─── "唔,那是----皮蒂小姐,她对我说,'彼得,你,轻轻地告诉媚兰小姐,'我说----"媚兰一只手放在胸口从台阶上站起身来。

84、In SNA, a capability that allows two LU-LU half-sessions to negotiate the parame ters of a session, when the session is being activated. ─── 在系统网络体系结构(sna)中,激活话路时的一种功能,允许两个逻辑单元到逻辑单元(lu-lu)部分话路可以协商某些话路参数。

85、Wherever practical the measurement of liquid streams shall be by standing gauges of properly calibrated tanks or by orifice meters, rotameters or displacement me ters. ─── 可行时,液体物料应该用经过正确校验的立管来检测储罐或用孔板流量计、转子流量计或容积式流量计来测量;

86、Ter( s) are esoteric teachings concealed mainly by Guru Padmasambhava in the9 th Century through his mystical power. ─── “德玛”是公元九世纪时莲花生大士以其神通力伏藏起来的密法。

87、"Miss Scarlett, fo' Gawd, Ah couldn' sceercely git one of dem ter read yo' note. ─── "天知道,思嘉小姐,俺几乎找不到一个人来看你的字条。

88、"W'en Ah tell dem dat an' tell dem how good Miss Ellen ter de niggers, an' how she set up a whole week wid me w'en Ah had de pneumony, dey doan b'lieve me. ─── "我把情况告诉他们,还对他们说太太对待黑人多么好,我得肺炎的时候,她连觉也不睡,细心照料我一个星期,可他们都不相信。

89、Rice, Chi nese For eign Min is ter Li Zhaoxing 15)ap pealed for calm. ─── 在发布会上,李肇星呼吁各方保持冷静。

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