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09-05 投稿



mercenary 发音

英:[?m??rs?neri]  美:[?m??s?n?ri]

英:  美:

mercenary 中文意思翻译




mercenary 短语词组

1、desert mercenary ─── 沙漠雇佣兵

2、dimensional mercenary ─── 空间雇佣兵

3、hessian mercenary ─── 黑森雇佣兵

4、mercenary man ─── 雇佣兵

5、mercenary boy ─── 雇佣兵男孩

6、a mercenary friend ─── 酒肉朋友

7、dimensional mercenary manga ─── 立体雇佣漫画

8、mercenary war ─── 雇佣军战争

9、mercenary system ─── [法] 募兵制, 雇佣兵役制

10、arctic fox mercenary ─── 北极狐雇佣兵

11、mercenary marriage ─── [法] 着眼实例的婚姻, 买卖婚姻

12、mercenary king ─── 唯利是图的国王

13、mercenary explicit ─── 雇佣兵明确

14、mercenary troops ─── 雇佣军

15、mercenary and sensual ─── 贪财好色

16、mercenary kings ─── 雇佣军国王

mercenary 词性/词形变化,mercenary变形

复数--mercenaries;比较级--more mercenary;最高级--most mercenary。

mercenary 常用词组

mercenary marriage ─── 买卖婚姻;着眼实利的婚姻

mercenary 相似词语短语

1、mercery ─── n.绸布业;布店;布类;n.(Mercery)人名;(法)梅塞里

2、mercenarily ─── 唯利是图

3、decenary ─── n.征收什一税(等于decennary);十家区;adj.征收什一税的(等于decennary)

4、merchantry ─── 商品学

5、mercenaries ─── n.雇佣兵(mercenary的复数形式)

6、centenary ─── n.(某重要事件的)一百周年;一百周年纪念(或庆典);adj.一百周年的

7、parcenary ─── 共同继承

8、unmercenary ─── 非强制性

9、mercenarism ─── 雇佣军

mercenary 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A down-on-his-luck hacker and a sleep razor-nailed mercenary discover the secrets of a newborn AI. Cyberpunk's first defining work and the first of Gibson's Sprawl books. ─── 一个耗尽了好运的黑客、同时也是一个做梦都想敛财的家伙发现了一名新生AI的秘密。网际庞克第一次被提出的著作,也是吉布森众多作品的第一部。

2、a mercenary act, motive, etc ─── 只为图利的艺术﹑ 动机等

3、"Pray, my dear aunt, what is the difference in matrimonial affairs, between the mercenary and the prudent motive? ─── “请问你,亲爱的舅母,拿婚姻问题来讲,见钱眼红与动机正当究竟有什么不同?

4、A company whose captain is a mercenary and is not of any other people does not belong to any Path of Alliance.The combatants of its “people” are the other mercenaries. ─── 一个队长为佣兵且不属于任何种族,而战斗人员由其他种族佣兵构成的佣兵团,不会被归属于任何联盟途径。

5、slavish mercenary: a soldier hired into foreign service like a slave. ─── 奴隶似的佣兵。

6、Mercenary men lust for wealth. ─── 唯利是图的人贪求财富。

7、a mercenary soldier ─── 一个雇佣兵

8、Democracy in our army is an important weapon for undermining the feudal mercenary army. ─── 军队内的民主主义制度,将是破坏封建雇佣军队的一个重要的武器。

9、The mercenary's boots heralded his approach as he clicked around a final bend in the tunnel, coming into a wide, low-roofed chamber. ─── 佣兵靴子的咔嗒声预示着他的到来,他已经走过洞穴的最后一个转弯,来到一个宽敞的房间。

10、His attentions to Miss King were now the consequence of views solely and hatefully mercenary; ─── 他向金小姐献殷勤一事,现在看来,也完全是从金钱着眼,这实在可恶;

11、Hoodwinked by a Trade Federation-hired mercenary named Vana Sage, Nym was captured trying to fence a cache of secret weapons. ─── 他被贸易联邦雇佣的赏金猎人瓦娜·塞奇骗了。尼姆因涉嫌藏匿一箱秘密武器而被捕。

12、Some went as mercenary soldiers, others as merchants or craftsmen, some in organized groups, others singly. ─── 他们要么作为雇佣军,要么作为商人或工匠艺人; 要么有组织地成群结队或单独前往。

13、The doctor thought it very vulgar to be precipitate in accusing people of mercenary motives. ─── 医生认为不分青红皂白把别人斥为抱有贪图钱财的动机反而会显出自己的庸俗。

14、The mercenary leader sat behind a stone desk in an exotic cushioned chair, supported by a single stem with a swivel so that it could rock back at a considerable angle. ─── 佣兵头子做在石桌后面一把充满异国情调的软椅子上。这把椅子由一根可旋转的柄支撑,可进行大角度的旋转。

15、After seeing her family's fortunes fall and rise in the course of a few hours, Atia enlists her mercenary, Timon, to ensure her family's security. ─── 在经历了家庭的财富在几个小时内剧烈波动,阿蒂亚招募了蒂蒙来保护她家的安全。

16、a sailor mercenary ─── 一个船上雇员

17、Mercenary arbalest units are popular throughout the known world as they provide ranged punch for those that need it. ─── 唯利是图的弩手单位是十分普遍,因为他们只需要潘趣酒(一种用酒,果汁,香料等调和的饮料)作报酬。

18、Also mercenary groups in taverns are larger. ─── 另外,在酒馆中的雇俑兵团的数量会增加.

19、I know Mermaid Xiaoyuer regard as the spiritual home of a dream, do not let this home business, become a mercenary place. ─── 我知道小鱼儿把美人鱼当做了一个梦想中的精神家园,不想让这个家园商业化,变成一个充满铜臭的地方。

20、There they are. The mercenary dream team. ─── 他们来了。佣兵的梦幻组合。

21、This chick's a mercenary. ─── 这女人可惟利是图了。

22、Chris Kody, the worlds best mercenary, is freed from prison -- but theres a catch. ─── 世界最好的雇佣兵,刚从监狱出来。

23、Two new female mercenary lines, start from peasants and refugees. ─── 两个新的女性雇佣军线,从农民和难民。

24、49 The captain of a gnome mercenary company is looking for a good supplier of horses and weapons. ─── 49一个唯利是图的侏儒公司的头目正在寻找一个良好的马匹与武器供应源。

25、He sent 4000 mercenary Genoese crossbowmen against the English line.They were cut down by the English longbowmen. ─── 四千个雇佣的热那亚籍十字弓手奉他命令,向英国阵营进攻,不少死在英国长弓手箭下。

26、Virtue flies from the heart of a mercenary man. ─── 唯利是图者,胸中无美德。

27、Any loyal Confederate who had a thousand dollars in cash in 1861 could have done what I did, but how few were mercenary enough to take advantage of their opportunities! ─── 只要他1861年手头有一百美元的现金,任何一个忠于南部联盟的人,都会像我这样干的,可是,真正惟利是图能够利用他们的机会的人又多么少啊!

28、He's not suited to be a mercenary, to cut himself off from his country, his planet. ─── 他不适于做一个唯利是图的人,使自己同自己的国家,星球断绝关系。

29、Last Christmas you were afraid of his marrying me, because it would be imprudent; and now, because he is trying to get a girl with only ten thousand pounds, you want to find out that he is mercenary. ─── 去年圣诞节你还生怕我跟他结婚,怕的是不郑重其事,而现在呢,他要去跟一个只不过有一万镑财产的姑娘结婚,你就要说他见不得钱啦。”

30、After his death ten different emperors ruled in Rome in twenty years, set up by Vandal and other mercenary troops. ─── 在他死后的20年时间里,10个由汪达尔人和其他雇佣军拥立的不同皇帝统治过罗马。

31、She's interested in him for purely mercenary reasons. ─── 她对他感兴趣完全是为了贪图金钱。

32、The Elementalist is a new B-Class mercenary, and when upgraded becomes Pocahontas. ─── 元素师是新的B级佣兵,可晋级成为印第安公主=。

33、Four of the mercenary soldiers who were left behind were convicted of treason in the Seychelles; ─── 四个雇佣兵被遗弃,后被塞舌尔判处国罪。

34、The image of Clemens as a mercenary, a hired gun without any real emotional attachment, was strong leading up to the Rocket's launch in the Bronx. ─── 在老克在洋基再一次升空时,在他们的想像里,老克可能是个贪财的、有真感情的选手。

35、Are they intended to be rare characters, or do you intend for players to have a mercenary or two in play at all times? ─── 他们被限定了有限的能力或是你们打算让玩家在游戏过程中只能有一个或两个雇佣英雄?

36、meanly avaricious and mercenary. ─── 卑鄙的贪婪、唯利是图。

37、The Tournament gets underway as Tien Shinhan battles his former mentor turned cyborg, Mercenary Tao. Tensions run high as the former assassin attempts to take Tien down - permanently! ─── 八强之战开始了,天津饭首先出战他以前的师叔桃白白变身而成的机器怪物。场上的气氛变得异常紧张,因为这个以前的世界头号杀手一心想要把天津饭置于死地!

38、not mercenary; not influenced by financial gains. ─── 不是惟利是图的;不受财富收入影响的。

39、More than a hundred feet down, he again looked into the bolts of readied hand crossbows, but these were withdrawn as soon as the mercenary guardsmen recognized Dinin as one of their own. ─── 下降了一百多英尺之后,那些闪着寒光且蓄势待发的箭失再次印入眼帘,不过在确认了狄宁的身份后,那些雇佣兵同伴即刻解除了警戒。

40、He will tell you I am mercenary. ─── 他会对你说,我是财迷心窍。

41、Online dating sites, whatever their more mercenary motives, draw on the premise that there has got to be a better way. ─── 且不论在线相亲网站唯利是图的动机,单就他们“一定有更好的方法”的前提来看。

42、"But though Zhang and his wife were snobbish and mercenary, they had a principled and feeling daughter. " ─── "谁知那张家父母如此爱势贪财,却养了一个知义多情的女儿"

43、Ultimately, it is the mercenary nature of people that causes financial crises, and this one is no exception. ─── 归根结底,造成金融危机的,是人类唯利是图的本性,这次也不例外。

44、A generic mercenary and homunculus AI. ─── 一个一般性的雇来人和矮人人工智能。

45、Management to the Dispute over Surface Areas of Mercenary Commercial Housing ─── 商品房买卖面积争议处理

46、the mercenary system ─── 募兵制

47、Many prisoners captured in past battles have joined the Red Army, and such elements bring with them a markedly mercenary outlook, thereby providing a basis in the lower ranks for the purely military viewpoint. ─── 因为历次作战俘虏兵甚多,此种分子加入红军,带来了浓厚的雇佣军队的思想,使单纯军事观点有了下层基矗

48、Oh, what a detestable crew they are, thse mercenary speculators!" ─── 噢,投机家是多么卑鄙下贱

49、Viture flies from the heart of a mercenary man. ─── 人贪钱财,心无美德。

50、I've seen them in light weapon. It is said that they're collected by German army, and as mercenary army in Britain after WW2. ─── 从轻兵器上见过,说是他们先被德军收编,二战结束后在英国做雇佣军。

51、Have you worked as a mercenary for a long time? ─── 你曾经当过很长一段时间的雇佣军吗?

52、The giant anacondas are back in the next chapter in the thrilling series, starring David Hasselhoff as Hammett, the ruthless mercenary and snake slayer. ─── 在欧洲乡郊的一个秘密研究所,科学家正在对两条巨蛇进行研究。

53、The mercenary 's boots heralded his approach as he clicked around a final bend in the tunnel, coming into a wide, low-roofed chamber. ─── 佣兵靴子的咔嗒声预示着他的到来,他已经走过洞穴的最后一个转弯,来到一个宽敞的房间。

54、a mercenary society/attitude ─── 唯利是图的社会/态度

55、Many prisoners captured in past battles have joined the Red Army,and such elements bring with them a markedly mercenary outlook,thereby providing a basis in the lower ranks for the purely military viewpoint. ─── 因为历次作战俘虏兵甚多,此种分子加入红军,带来了浓厚的雇佣军队的思想,使单纯军事观点有了下层基础。

56、Wallenstein contract now affects the new WarChiefs mercenary units. ─── 华伦斯坦卡现在对酋长新增的佣兵也有效。

57、A mercenary guild is a place designated for the recruitment of experienced mercenaries. ─── 佣兵行会总部的建立宗旨是招揽身经百战的精锐佣兵。

58、"I think you are vile and mercenary," said Scarlett, but her remark was automatic. ─── "我看你这个人很卑鄙,惟利是图,"思嘉说,不过口气是机械的。

59、Well qualified for mercenary duties, the Heavy Billman is equally comfortable in both attack and defence. ─── 作为英格兰平民步兵之精英,重装钩镰兵攻防俱臻佳境。

60、She's interested in him for purely mercenary reasons. ─── 她对他感兴趣完全是为了贪图金钱。

61、While serving as the commander-in-chief of FOX- HOUND, Big Boss also ran a mercenary dispatch company utilizing his connections and capital from his years as a merc. ─── 在大首领作为猎狐犬的总指挥官服役的同时,他还凭借着他在当雇佣兵时建立起来的关系和积累下来的财富,运作着一支雇佣兵军团。

62、I hate to sound mercenary," Labane said, "but am I getting paid to be in this play of yours?" ─── 我不愿让自己听起来惟利是图,”拉班说:“但是参与你这出戏演出我会得到报酬吗?”

63、a mercenary recounting his exploits; ─── 关于他的剥削的唯利是图的描述;

64、Before it even bothered to get up, the kobold foolishly sneered in contempt at the mercenary leader. ─── 在它还没来得及站起来前,狗头人愚蠢地对佣兵头子发出轻蔑的嘲笑。

65、mercenary motives ─── 出于贪财的动机

66、1BB, T: Destroy target tapped nonblack creature. 3, T: Search your library for a Mercenary card with converted mana cost 3 or less and put that card into play. ─── 3,T:从你的牌库中搜寻一张总魔法力费用不大于3的佣兵牌,并将该牌放置进场。

67、"Mercenary," repeated Tom."Who is not mercenary? Ask my sister." ─── “唯利是图?”汤姆重复了一句。“谁不唯利是图,你问问我姐姐看。”

68、His actions are entirely mercenary. ─── 他的行为完全是为了钱。

69、Added a tavern to each side of the map, reduced the creep level and item that guard the Mercenary buildings, and reduced two Orange creep camps and level of the item drop. ─── 在地图两边各加入一个酒馆,降低雇佣兵商店门口怪物的等级,也降低了两个橙色怪物点所掉落的物品等级。

70、Mercenary Heroes get mercenary parties to join them for free. ─── 佣兵英雄也可以免费让佣兵队伍加入他们。

71、Do you doubt him?” Vierna's words echoed through the tunnels, causing Dinin further distress and sounding clearly as a threat to the mercenary. ─── “你怀疑他?”维尔娜咆哮的声音回荡在隧道里,使得狄宁更加痛苦。这话明显带着对佣兵的威胁。

72、Neuromancer. William Gibson. A down-on-his-luck hacker and a sleep razor-nailed mercenary discover the secrets of a newborn AI. Cyberpunk's first defining work and the first of Gibson's Sprawl books. ─── 一个耗尽了好运的黑客、同时也是一个做梦都想敛财的家伙发现了一名新生AI的秘密。塞伯朋克第一次被提出的著作,也是吉布森系列作品的第一部。

73、Mercenary Cavalry pierce and hack armor decreased. ─── 佣骑兵穿刺和劈砍防御值减少。

74、A mercenary gets involved in a mission that threatens the lives of his kin. ─── 一个雇佣兵卷入了一个任务,完成与否关系到他的亲人的安危。

75、More troop types avalible for mercenary hire in taverns. ─── 在酒馆可雇用更多佣兵.

76、a mercenary marriage ─── 买卖式婚姻

77、mercenary politicians ─── 唯利是图的政客

78、The captain of a gnome mercenary company is looking for a good supplier of horses and weapons. ─── 一个唯利是图的侏儒公司的头目正在寻找一个良好的马匹与武器供应源。

79、marriage by purchase;mercenary marriage ─── 买卖婚姻

80、You will be able to hire an old friend or mercenary AND you're able to equip him with weapons, armor, etc. ─── 你可以雇用老朋友(迪哥啊,密而顿啊)和佣兵做帮手,你还可以控制他们的武器和防具。

81、mercenary commercial housing ─── 商品房买卖

82、A medieval mercenary. ─── 中世纪雇佣军

83、mercenary system ─── [法] 募兵制, 雇佣兵役制

84、Cateran Enforcer can't be blocked except by artifact creatures and black creatures.4, tap: Search your library for a Mercenary card with converted mana cost 4 or less and put that card into play. ─── 卡特蓝强胁者只能被神器生物或黑色生物阻挡。4,横置:从你的牌库中搜寻一张总魔法力费用:不大于4的佣兵牌,并将该牌放置进场。

85、In the Aquarius map, a Mercenary grabbed by a Spy doesn't get stuck in the crunching box; he dies with the Spy. ─── 在Aquarius的地图中,间谍背后抓住雇佣兵后,箱子掉下来后,同时死亡,雇佣兵不会卡在箱子里。

86、He did that out of mercenary motives. ─── 出于贪财的动机他才做的。

87、"They will return of their own accord," the mercenary explained, pulling at the edge of his bloused sleeve to reveal the magical sheath enveloping his wrist. ─── “它们会按顺序自己回来的。”佣兵解释道,掀起他短衬衫的衣袖,露出了腰间的魔法刀鞘。

88、A former British mercenary jailed and then pardoned for an attempted coup in Equatorial Guinea is now back in Britain. ─── 因试图在赤道几内亚制造政变而被监禁后被赦免的英国前雇佣兵回到英国。

89、"I think you're a mercenary rascal--just like the Yankees." ─── "我看你是个要钱不要脸的流氓----跟那些北方佬一样。"


I don't believe I will ever marry, I'm happy as I am. And I love my liberty too well to be in any hurry to give it up.


Girls have to go into the world and make up their own minds about things.


Money is the end and aim of my mercenary existence.


I suppose marriage has always been an economic proposition. Even in fiction. It's mercenary.




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