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09-05 投稿



Hyperion 发音

英:[ ha?'p?ri?n]  美:[ha??p?ri?n]

英:  美:

Hyperion 中文意思翻译



Hyperion 网络释义

n. 亥伯龙神(泰坦神族的一员)

Hyperion 短语词组

1、hyperion apartments hyperion ─── 公寓

2、Hyperion (moon) Hyperion( ─── 月亮)

3、hyperion labs hyperion ─── 实验室

4、Hyperion (mythology) Hyperion( ─── 神话)

5、Hyperion (tree) Hyperion( ─── 树)

Hyperion 相似词语短语

1、Hyperion ─── n.亥伯龙神(泰坦神族的一员)

2、hyperons ─── n.超子,重核子

3、hypergol ─── n.自燃火箭燃料

4、hypericin ─── n.金丝桃素

5、hyperon ─── n.超子,重核子

6、hypersonic ─── adj.极超音速的,超出五倍音速(5马赫)的;特超声频的,声频超过10亿赫兹的

7、hyperbaton ─── n.倒装法

8、hyperaction ─── n.活动过度,极度活跃

9、hypertonia ─── n.张力亢进;高渗性

Hyperion 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Metrics tool performance and compatibility The volume of our data overwhelmed our Hyperion Brio desktop metrics tools. ─── 度量工具性能和兼容性数据量让Hyperion Brio deskto p度量工具难以招架。

2、Thenkabail P S.Enclona E A.Ashton MS Hyperion,IKONOS,ALI,and ETM+ sensors in the study of African rainforests 2004(1 ─── 林文鹏.王长耀.储德平.牛铮.钱永兰基于光谱特征分析的主要秋季作物类型提取研究[期刊论文]-农业工程学报2006(9

3、The Consul thought about the sharp pleasure of the hunt and the equally sharp solace of solitude: solitude he had earned through the pain and nightmare he had already suffered on Hyperion. ─── 领事想起狩猎的铭心快感,以及独处时同样刻骨的慰藉:孤独,他已经在海伯利安上忍受过痛楚和梦魇,从中他得到了孤独。

4、This paper focuses on application of Hyperion hyperspectral remote sensing data in mixed pixels unmixing technology, compares the traditional classification method and hyperspectral classification method of mixed pixels unmixing. ─── 本文主要围绕Hyperion高光谱遥感数在混合像元分解技术中的应用这个中心展开,比较了基于多光谱的传统分类方法和适用于高光谱的混合像元分解分类方法的差异。

5、‘Whether they seek to control just Hyperion for the Time Tombs or whether this is an all-out attack on the Worldweb remains to be seen. ─── “不管他们只是为了得到光阴冢而想要控制海伯利安,还是他们想要对世界网进行全面侵袭。

6、In this critical moment, a national hero, led by Qi Qi Jia-jun after many years, finally out of Japanese territorial waters, to achieve its Fenghou not my intention, I hope that Hyperion Ping oath! ─── 在这危难时刻,民族英雄戚继光率领着戚家军历经多年,终于将倭寇赶出了领海,实现了其封侯非我意,但愿海波平的誓言!

7、For the characteristics of Hyperion hyperspectral remote sensing data, at first the paper pretreated Hyperion image and provide the guarantee for further analytical and actual application image. ─── 论文首先针对Hyperion高光谱遥感数据的特点,对Hyperion图像进行了必要的预处理,为图像的进一步分析和实际应用提供了保障。

8、The volume also contains his four great odes: "Ode on Melancholy", "Ode on a Grecian Urn"."Ode to a Nightingale", "Ode to Psyche";his lyric masterpiece "To Autumn" and the unfinished poem "Hyperion". ─── 这部诗集包括他著名的四首‘颂’,‘犹豫颂’,希腊古瓮颂‘,’夜莺颂‘,’普塞克颂‘以及他抒情诗的代表作’秋日颂‘和未完成的诗作’希波里恩‘。

9、Hyperion's strange shape may have been caused by bombardment by meteors, which blew away part of its surface, some experts believe. ─── 一些专家认为,土卫七的奇形怪状是由于流星的袭击撞飞了部分表面而造成的。

10、He bet me a pound that Hyperion would win. ─── 他认为亥伯龙会赢,与我赌1 英磅。

11、Theodore I.Urbancic. , Cezar-IoanTrifu. , : Engineering Seismology Group Canada, 1 Hyperion Ct., K ─── 首页----期刊主要分类----期刊细介绍----期刊题录与文摘----期刊详细文摘内容

12、Atmospheric correction and its application to an analysis of Hyperion data ─── 超离子资料分析对大气校正及其应用

13、Yudai Tan international yacht club off the clear water, Yanbo Hao-miao, the United States in the sand-wave Hyperion static and picturesque scenery; ─── 国际游艇俱乐部玉带滩外海水质清澈,烟波浩淼;沙美内海波平浪静、风光如画;

14、Hyperion generated revenues of $703 million for the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2005 and is traded under the Nasdaq symbol HYSL. ─── 在开发产品、参与市场竞争以及处理客户、员工及股东关系时,它诚实正直,而且满怀敬意。

15、Accounting / Finance. 2.Minimum three years working experience in accounting. 3.Experienced with Oracle and reporting tools (Hyperion) will ... ─── 公司性质:外商独资公司规模:1000-9999人经验要求:3-5年最低学历:本科/学士及同等学历

16、Hyperion is about 250 kilometers across, rotates chaotically, and has a density so low that it might house a vast system of caverns inside. ─── 土卫七直径约250公里,自身旋转混乱,并且其密度如此之低,内部极有可能是一个庞大的洞穴系统。

17、The sun god, son of Hyperion, depicted as driving his chariot across the sky from east to west daily. ─── 赫利俄斯太阳神,许珀里翁之子,相传每日驾四马战车自东至西驰过天空

18、For more information about the associated query designer, see Hyperion Essbase Query Designer User Interface. ─── 有关关联的查询设计器的详细信息,请参阅Hyperion Essbase查询设计器用户界面。

19、Hyperion says they're about to have two million copies in print, but all I cared about was the first 3 copies. ─── 海波说,他们大约要出两百万册,但我关心的只是前3本。

20、In the sudden silence he lay thinking about how insane it would be to return to Hyperion. ─── 耳边兀然沉寂,他躺在那,心想,回到海伯利安,真是发疯之举啊!

21、Raynor led a revolt within the ranks of the Sons of Korhal and seized Mengsk's personal flagship, the Hyperion, and a small fleet of ships. ─── 于是雷纳在克哈尔之子组织内部发动了起义,控制了蒙斯克的亥伯龙号私人指挥舰和一小部分舰船。

22、10.The sun god, son of Hyperion and Theia, depicted as driving his chariot across the sky from east to west daily. ─── 赫利俄斯:太阳神,许珀里翁和忒伊亚(两位都是泰坦神)的儿子,相传每日驾四马战车自东向西驰过天空。

23、The up-to-date treatment technologies of wastewater,waste-solid & waste-gas are integrated in American Hyperion Treatment Plant,which forms a technical line of wastewater recycling. ─── 以美国海波皮处理厂的污水处理工程为例,阐述了美国现行的集现代先进的污水处理技术、固体废物处理技术及废气处理技术为一体的污水资源化技术路线。

24、The Analysis of the Spectrum-reflecting Characteristics of the Typical Objects along the Beach in Subei Using Hyperion Data ─── 星载高光谱Hyperion数据在海滩涂调查应用中的分析

25、Afterwards you end up in the Hyperion's Cantina where Raynor watches a news report on TV. ─── 结束后的场景是在在亥伯龙号的酒吧上,雷诺在看电视上的一个新闻报告。


27、And while we were climbing Hyperion , Marie Antoine spotted an unknown species of golden-brown ant about halfway up the trunk . ─── 当我们在爬亥帕龙神的时候,马莉·安东尼发现一种未知的金棕蚁在树干的半腰处。

28、If the Ousters conquer Hyperion, their agent must be eliminated and the Time Tombs sealed at all cost. ─── 如果驱逐者占领了海伯利安,我们必须消灭他们的间谍,无论付出什么代价,都要封住光阴冢。

29、The valid classification samples and algorithms can be provided for the oil and gas exploration in progress in this area using NASA experimental hyperion hyperspectral satellite. ─── 运用反射光谱学原理,根据物质的诊断性光谱吸收特征,可以鉴别物质成分和结构。

30、Hyperion experience is an advantage. ─── 最好有Hyperion系统使用经验。

31、The tree called Hyperion stands at 378.1 feet, eight feet taller than the previous record holder, another coast redwood dubbed Stratosphere Giant in a state park about 90 miles south. . ─── 在偏远的北加州海岸森林中有一棵红杉,经测量后被暂时确定为目前世界上最高的生物。.

32、Explanation: What lies at the bottom of Hyperion's strange craters? ─── ( 说明:土卫七奇异的陨石坑底,到底藏了些什麽?

33、By then he was internationally known for such works in prose and verse as "Hyperion" (1839), "Voice of the Night" (1839). ─── 那时他已以下列诗文作品蜚声国际:《海皮里昂》(1839),《夜吟》(1839)。

34、Reporting Services provides a graphical query designer for building Multidimensional Expression (MDX) queries for a Hyperion Essbase data source. ─── Reporting Services提供了图形查询设计器,以便为Hyperion Essbase数据源生成多维护表达式(MDX)查询。

35、responsibilities: offshore hyperion service delivery, including development of requirements related... ─── 学历要求:本科以上|工作经验:3-5年|职位类型:全职|公司规模:1-49人

36、Hyperion asks, What good is a gun that doesn't shoot where you point? ─── Atlas为了制造出在任何领域都出色的枪,不惜付出任何代价。

37、Preprocessing EO-1 Hyperion hyperspectral data to support the application of agricultural indexes ─── 预处理EO-1超离子超光谱资料对保障农业指数的应用

38、He bet that Hyperion would win . ─── 亥伯龙会赢,他敢打赌。

39、Chris Anderson (canderson@wired.com) is the editor in chief of Wired and author of The Long Tail. His next book, FREE, will be published in 2009 by Hyperion. ─── 作者克里斯·安德森(candersonwired.com)是《连线》总编辑,《长尾理论》的作者。他的下一本书《免费》将在2009年由hyperion公司出版。


41、published by Hyperion in 2007. ─── 由Hyperion出版。

42、In this project, we've chosen the Oracle 9i ran on the IBM AIX 5.2 platform as the main data warehouse software, Essabase Hyperion OLAP tool suites and the Creawor smartETL as the data loader. ─── 项目选择运行于IBM AIX 5.2环境下的ORACLE 9I数据仓库软件,并使用ESSABASE hyperion OLAP分析工具和CREAWOR的SMART ETL数据装载工具;

43、Discussion of the method for recycling waste-water as a resources in American Hyperion Treatment Plant ─── 浅析美国海波皮处理厂污水资源化

44、Hyperion data ─── Hyperion数据

45、What lies at the bottom of Hyperion's strange craters? ─── 土卫七那奇怪的陨石坑下究竟隐藏着什么?

46、An isoline-based translation technique of spectral vegetation index using EO-1 Hyperion data ─── 一个使用EO-1超离子资料进行光谱植被指数等值线转换技术

47、By then he was internationally known for such works in prose and verse as "Hyperion" (1839),"Voice of the Night" (1839). ─── 那时他已以下列诗文作品蜚声国际:《海皮里昂》(1839),《夜吟》(1839)。

48、"The most striking visual aspect of Hyperion is its sponge-like appearance, which is unlike any other object imaged to date," they report. ─── 研究人员报道:“土卫七最显著的视觉特征是其类似海绵的外表,这跟以前所获得的任何天体的图象都不相同。”

49、Heliosn. Greek Mythology The sun god, son of Hyperion, depicted as driving his chariot across the sky from east to west daily. ─── 赫利俄斯太阳神,许珀里翁之子,相传每日驾四马战车自东至西驰过天空。

50、The result was Hyperion, a sentimental romance. ─── 结果是《亥伯里恩》,这是一个感伤的爱情故事。

51、The director said that Mo Xiaoqi hid the Hyperion for two years, two is after the Spring Festival this year broke up, is the cause of it. ─── 该导演称莫小棋隐瞒了海波两年之久,两人是今年春节后就分手了,起因就是这事。

52、You must install Hyperion System 9.3 Beta 2 on the data source server before you can use Hyperion Essbase as a data source. ─── 必须先在数据源服务器上安装Hyperion System 9.3 Beta 2,然后才可以将Hyperion Essbase用作数据源。

53、If the Ousters conquer Hyperion, their agent must be eliminated and the Time Tombs sealed at all cost. ─── 如果驱逐者占领了海伯利安,我们必须消灭他们的间谍,无论付出什么代价,都要封住光阴冢。

54、Preprocessing of EO-1 Hyperion Hyperspectral Data ─── EO-1 Hyperion高光谱数据的预处理

55、Hyperion hyperspectral image ─── Hyperion高光谱图像

56、The sun god. son of Hyperion and Theia. depicted as driving his chariot across the sky from east to west daily. ─── 赫利俄斯:太阳神.许珀里翁和忒伊亚(两位都是泰坦神)的儿子.相传每日驾四马战车自东向西驰过天空.

57、Using a special sensor inside ALI called Hyperion, scientists have been able to see wavelengths of light that are invisible to our eyes. ─── 通过ALI中一个叫做Hyperion的特殊传感器,科学家们能看到肉眼所看不到的光波长。

58、Hyperion Press, a division of Disney, will publish Shopgirl early this summer. ─── 海皮瑞出版社属于迪士尼公司,他们将在今年初夏出版马丁的小说“商店女孩”。

59、the sun god,son of Hyperion,depicted as driving his chariot across the sky from east to west daily ─── 太阳神,许珀里翁之子,相传每日驾四马战车自东至西驰过天空

60、He asked us not to even mention the nickname, "Hyperion," but I figure the nickname gives away nothing. ─── 他问我们甚至不要提这个绰号“和伯龙神”但是我想出的这个绰号是免费赠送的。

61、We could have enjoyed the half day off company offered but the stupid Hyperion ruined it again! ─── 终于挨到女人的节日,公司下午放假,但万恶的海波龙还是把偶千载难逢的早归给扼杀了...

62、They followed this outward to where the riot of leaves caught the glare of Hyperion's sun. ─── 他们沿着这条树枝走着,海伯利安的太阳光照在这些茂盛的树叶上。

63、The US space probe Cassini sent back high-resolution images of Hyperion to Earth in four flybys in 2005 and 2006. ─── 在2005和2006年,美国航天探测器“卡西尼号”四次飞近土卫七,发回了高分辨率图象。

64、with strong knowledge and is competent utilization of financial systems (specifically JD Edwards, Hyperion, Pillar, Cognos, BFS and MIS), MS-Excel and Ms-Access. ─── 要求英文流利,尤其是口语.以下技术擅长一项即可.有很强的学习能力.

65、I am thrilled that Hyperion, the publishing arm of Disney, will be publishing the book. ─── 我很高兴迪斯尼的海波公司将出版这本书。

66、Reporting Services 2005 Service Pack 2 and later includes a data processing extension that allows you to use data from a Hyperion Essbase data source in a report. ─── Reporting Services 2005 Service Pack 2及更高版本包含一个数据处理扩展插件,该插件允许您在报表中使用来自Hyperion Essbase数据源的数据。

67、MNC preferred excellent language and communication proficiency strong ERP or Hyperion experience, Oracle a plus good people management skill... ─── 公司性质:合资公司规模:1000-9999人经验要求:5-10年最低学历:本科/学士及同等学历

68、In Report Designer in Data view, when you create or edit a dataset with Hyperion Essbase data, the graphical query designer opens in the default Design mode. ─── 在报表设计器的“数据”视图中,当使用Hyperion Essbase数据创建或编辑数据集时,图形查询设计器将以默认的设计模式打开。

69、Overall responsibility on General Ledger and Hyperion reporting ?Support in ERP system... ─── 凯瑞食品配料(杭州)有限公司 (本公司位于余杭仁和九龙工业区) ?

70、Softvan provide BI, EAI and ITSM consulting & technical services for the customers by cooperation with Global companies like IBM, HP, TIBCO, BMC, Hyperion, BO and MIRAPOINT. ─── 同时我们也与IBM、HP、TIBCO、BMC、Hyperion、BO、MIRAPOINT等国际著名企业合作为客户提供BI、EAI、ITSM咨询和技术服务。

71、‘You have been chosen to return to Hyperion as a member of the Shrike Pilgrimage,’ continued the voice. ─── “你已经被选中作为伯劳朝圣者中的一员,返回海伯利安。”那声音继续说。

72、"The most striking visual aspect of Hyperion is its sponge-like appearance, which is unlike any other object imaged to date, " they report. ─── 研究人员报道:“土卫七最显著的视觉特征是其类似海绵的外表,这跟以前所获得的任何天体的图象都不相同。”

73、Application of imaging spectroscopy to mapping canopy nitrogen in the forests of the central Appalachian Mountains using Hyperion and AVIRIS ─── 使用超离子和AVIRIS对阿巴拉契亚山脉中央森林氮覆盖填图成象光谱学的应用

74、Hyperion is peppered with craters, most of which are 2-10 kilometres across, and are well preserved. ─── 土卫七犹如遭到弹雨袭击一般布满陨石坑,多数陨石坑口径为2至10公里,至今仍保存完好。

75、‘You have been chosen to return to Hyperion,’ came a woman's husky voice. ─── “你被选择中要返回海伯利安,”传来一个女人沙哑的声音。

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