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09-05 投稿


synovial 发音


英:  美:

synovial 中文意思翻译



synovial 短语词组

1、synovial sheath ─── [医] 滑液鞘

2、synovial hernia ─── [医] 滑膜突出

3、synovial membrane ─── 滑膜

4、synovial glands ─── [医] 滑液腺, 哈弗氏腺

5、synovial joint ─── 滑液关节

6、infrapatellar synovial fold ─── [医] 髌滑膜襞

7、synovial diverticula ─── [医] 滑膜憩室

8、synovial fringe ─── [医] 滑膜皱襞

9、synovial folds. ─── [医] 滑膜皱襞

10、synovial layer ─── [医] 滑膜层

11、synovial ligaments ─── [医] 滑膜韧带(襞)

12、synovial Fluid ─── [医] 滑液

13、synovial cyst ─── [医] 滑囊囊肿

14、synovial ganglia ─── [医] 滑囊囊肿

15、synovial capsule ─── [医] 关节囊

16、synovial crypt ─── [医] 滑膜憩室

17、patellar synovial plicae ─── [医] 髌滑膜襞

18、osteochondromatosis synovial ─── [医] 滑膜性骨软骨瘤病

19、synovial chondromatosis ─── [医] 滑膜性软骨瘤病

synovial 词性/词形变化,synovial变形

形容词: synovial |

synovial 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Rheological Characteristics and Lubrication Mechanism of the Artificial Synovia ─── 复合人工滑液的流变性能及润滑机制分析

2、Keywords arthroscopy;synovial plica syndrome; ─── 关节镜术;滑膜皱襞综合征;

3、The procedures included removal of osteophyma,loose body hyperplastic synovial membrane,and raw surface of degenerated cartilage,repairing the worn meniscus,and reshaping of the intercondylar fossa. ─── 手术包括清除增生肥厚的滑膜组织,磨削股骨髁间窝和胫骨髁间前棘增生的骨赘,解除髁间窝狭窄等。

4、Objective: To explore the anatomic and histological features of synovial folds of lumbar zygapophyseal joints and determine its clinical significance. ─── 摘要目的:研究腰椎椎间关节滑膜皱襞的解剖学组织结构,探讨其临床价值。

5、Keywords congenital macrodactyly;chondromatosis;synovial; ─── 巨指畸形;软骨瘤病;滑膜;

6、These two compartments are synovial cavities, which consists of an upper and a lower synovial cavity. ─── 这两个隔室是滑膜腔,由上、下滑膜腔组成。

7、We hypothesize that the loose body in our patient originated from an adjacent synovial joint.The fragment was asymptomatic even though it occupied a considerable space within the spinal canal. ─── 我们假设这个病人的游离体原来是靠近滑膜关节的,纵使它在椎管内占据了较大的空间,当时无相应症状。

8、To study the relationship between patients' age, course of disease, severity of synovial plicac and severity of chondral injuries. [Method] Fifty eight knees with synovial plicae were retrospeeted. ─── 摘要目的研究年龄、病程与滑膜皱襞病变和相应软骨面损伤之间的关系。

9、Operation was include lost body removed, meniscus repaired, synovial partially removed, notch plastied, the third spine removed and lateral retinacular released. ─── 手术内容包括:关节内游离体摘除,半月板修整,滑膜部分切除,髁间凹成形,第三髁间嵴切除,外侧支持带松解等。

10、Primary synovial sarcoma of the kidney can only be confirmed by molecular analysis. ─── 肾脏原发性滑液肉瘤只能经由分子分析来确认。

11、Moreover, the reports about prognosis of synovial sarcoma arecontradictory. ─── 其预后因素的文献报道经常是矛盾的。

12、synovial membrane of articular capsule ─── 关节囊滑膜

13、Combining the peripheral blood tests with the synovial fluid cell count and differential can improve their diagnostic value. ─── 四周血的检测结合滑膜积液的白细胞计数和分类可以提高诊断的价值。

14、Methods:84 cases of synovial osteochondromatosis were proved by pathology and clinical manifestations. ─── 方法:对经病理及临床综合确诊的84例滑膜骨软骨瘤病的X线表现进行回顾性分析。

15、Objective: To study the effect of Yifu-Juanbi granule on the pathomorphology of the synovial membrane of adjuvant arthritis rats. ─── 摘要目的:观察蚁附蠲痹颗粒对佐剂性关节炎大鼠滑膜组织中病理形态学的影响。

16、Abstract: Objective To study the nomenclature and classification of synovial cyst of popliteal fossa,to explore its treatment method and indication of operation. ─── 摘 要: 目的提出腘窝滑膜囊肿的命名及分型,探讨手术适应证及治疗方法。

17、In patients with RA and OA,NO concentration in blood serum was lower than that in synovia,but significantly higher than that in control group. ─── RA和OA患者血清NO浓度均低于滑液中的,但显著高于正常对照组血清NO浓度;

18、Diagnosis and treatment of synovial hemangioma in children ─── 儿童滑膜血管瘤的诊断和治疗

19、According to the results,the author put forth the theory of Canal System of the Meniscus,and consequently the theory of Synovial Fluid Propulsion System,through which the menisci gained the n... ─── 因此,据此实验结果提出"半月板管道系统"理论,进而提出半月板营养获得的"滑液推动系统"理论。

20、Clarke RP. Symptomatic, lateral synovial fringe(plica) of the elbow joint. Arthroscopy, 1988,4:112-116. ─── 刘玉雷,崔国庆,敖英芳,等。肘关节镜治疗顽固性网球肘影响因素分析,中国运动医学杂志,排版中。

21、Objective: To explore the X-ray findings of synovial osteochondromatosis and improve diagnostic accordance. ─── 摘要目的:探讨滑膜骨软骨瘤病的X线诊断特点,提高对本病的诊断水平。

22、One case report of synovial sarcomas ─── 喉部滑膜肉瘤一例

23、Methods Multiple loose bodies and degenerative synovia were removed under knee arthroscopy. ─── 方法关节镜下手术,清理关节内游离体及病变滑膜。

24、Expression of MMP-2 in synovial fluid from patients with TMD ─── MMP-2在颞下颌关节紊乱病患者关节液中的表达

25、Excision of synovial cyst of popliteal space ─── 腘窝间隙滑膜囊肿切除术

26、synovial membrane macrophage-like cell ─── [滑膜]巨噬细胞样细胞

27、This method of isolation, cultivation and purification of the synovial cells in vitro is proved to be simple and feasible. ─── 结论本研究建立了简单易行的滑膜细胞分离、培养和纯化方法。

28、The high Y1 expression on tumor cells of ESFT and synovial sarcomas and on blood vessels in many other sarcomas represents an attractive basis for an in vivo tumor targeting. ─── ESFT和滑膜肉瘤肿瘤细胞中以及许多其他类型肉瘤内血管Y1表达高代表了体内肿瘤靶向治疗的有吸引力的基础。

29、Background: Synovial chondromatosis is a benign lesion characterized by synovial proliferation and metaplastic change of hyaline cartilage. ─── 背景:滑膜软骨瘤病变是一种良性的疾病,而滑膜增生与透明软骨的化生病变为其特色。

30、Report of 2 Cases of Synovial Myoma in Children ─── 儿童滑膜肉瘤2例报告

31、There was widening and lengthening of the bursae and they extended from 3cm above the carpal transverse ligament to the middle and distal portion of metacarpus,however,the synovial bursa of carpiradialis was normal. ─── 增宽延长的滑液囊自腕横韧带上 3cm至掌骨远段止 ,而桡侧滑液囊正常 ,MPR显示尤为清楚。

32、Results: The cultured synovial cells were in a fibrocyte-like form with long fusiform shape and grew in the same direction. ─── 结果:培养的滑膜细胞具有成纤维细胞的形态和特征,呈长梭形极向生长,FCM检测VCAM-1表达率94%以上。

33、synovial membrane fibroblast-like cell ─── [滑膜]成纤维细胞样细胞

34、Diagnosis of RGM infection was made by culturing synovial fluid and periprosthetic tissue specimens. ─── RGM感染是通过培养滑膜液和人工关节周围组织标本进行诊断的。

35、osteochondromatosis synovial ─── [医] 滑膜性骨软骨瘤病

36、Layer of slippery film of articulatory bursa liner, secrete synovia, can reduce the attrition when articulatory activity, and but nutrient joint cartilage. ─── 关节囊内衬滑膜层,分泌滑液,可减少关节活动时的摩擦,并可营养关节软骨。

37、Objective To explore early diagnosis and operative treatment of primary synovial chondromatosis of the hip joint. ─── 摘要目的探讨髋关节原发性滑膜软骨瘤病的早期诊断与手术疗效。

38、Angiogenesis in Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) synovial of patients is the cause of synovitis, bone and cartilage destruction, pannus growth. ─── 类风湿关节炎(RA)患者滑膜中血管生成增加是造成滑膜炎、骨和软骨破坏、血管翳生长的原因。

39、Fibroblast-like synovial cell ─── 成纤维样滑膜细胞

40、Because a synovial sarcoma is a very aggressive and lethal malignancy, prompt and radical surgery even amputation is recommended, and subsequent radiotherapy or chemotherapy may be used in conjunction with surgery. ─── 上肢之滑液膜恶性肉瘤是一种十分具有侵略性与致命性的恶性肿瘤,立即根除性的手术,甚至截肢,配合术后放射或化学治疗,对病患之预后是有利的。

41、Keywords arthritis;experimental;synovial membrane; ─── 关节炎;实验性;滑膜;

42、A colloidally stable suspension of nanoparticles was incubated on sheep synovial cells in vitro for 3, 24, 72, and 120 hours. ─── 将纳米颗粒胶质的稳定悬浮液与羊滑膜细胞体外培养3、24、72和120小时。

43、Method The cultured synovial cells of rheumatoid arthritis were infected by adenovirus containing lacZ reporter gene. Then the expression of lacZ gene were showed by the X gal method and the diagram of expression was drawed. ─── 方法 将含LacZ报告基因腺病毒感染类风湿关节炎滑膜细胞 ,通过X gal显色的方法观察腺病毒感染滑膜细胞后基因的表达情况 ,绘制感染效率曲线。

44、differentiated synovial sarcoma ─── 分化型滑膜肉瘤

45、From March 2000 to February 2003, two cases of synovial sarcoma of the upper extremity were treated, one proximate to the wrist and the other close to the elbow. ─── 从2000年3月至2003年2月,本院整形外科共治疗二例上肢之滑液膜恶性肉瘤的患者,分别发生于腕部及肘部。

46、Similar method of detection was administered in the rat cultured synovial cells co-incubated with 0.16mg/ml MSU solution and the different dilutedserum containing TFN. ─── 大鼠滑膜细胞在0.16mg/ml尿酸钠浓度刺激下,加入不同稀释度的痛风宁含药血清进行干预,以不含药正常血清为对照,观察上述指标的改变并进行方差和直线相关分析。

47、Pathological Diagnosis of the Primary Synovial Sarcoma in the Pubis ─── 原发性耻骨滑膜肉瘤的病理诊断分析

48、common synovial sheath of flexor ─── 屈肌总腱鞘

49、The expression of COX-l/COX-2 in synovial cells peaked in 3-6h in Model Group after MSU injected (P

50、It is difficult for the radiologist to differentiate renal synovial sarcoma from other primary renal tumors by image studies. ─── 对于我们而言,很难单由影像检查去与其他原发性肾脏肿瘤做鑑别诊断。

51、The TIMP-1 expression was only detected in the synovial lining cells and a small quantity of fibroblast cells. ─── TIMP-1只在滑膜衬里层细胞和少量的成纤维细胞有表达,而MMP-1免疫组化显示阳性细胞数和着色强度强于TIMP-1。

52、Synovial fluid : A viscous fluid acts as lubricant, reducing friction between the bones and acting as a shock absorbent. ─── 滑液:黏稠的液体,作为润滑剂,减低关节软骨间的磨擦,吸收震动。

53、Synovial layer of articular capsule ─── 关节囊滑膜层

54、Jiang Song,Wang Chentao,Cheng Xiyun,et al.Tribological Properties and Tribochemistry of Articular Synovial Fluids Made of Physiological Saline and Calf Serum[J].Tribology,2004,24(6):527-530. ─── [7]蒋松,王成焘,程西云,等.人工关节滑液的摩擦学性能及摩擦化学研究[J].摩擦学学报,2004,24(6):527-530.

55、While mAb was administered in large enough amounts to deplete peripheral cells, it may not have been present in sufficient concentration to coat synovial T cells. ─── 当给予足够量的单克隆抗体用以消灭外周细胞的时候,它可能就无法达到有效的浓度以包被关节滑液中的T细胞。

56、Synovial sarcomas occur predominantly in the extremities, where they tend to arise in the general vicinity of large joints, especially the knee. ─── 摘要滑液膜恶性肉瘤大多发生于肢体,好发在较大之关节附近,尤其在膝部。

57、Keywords Patella Medial Synovial Plica;Arthroscope;Classification; ─── 关键词髌内侧滑膜皱襞;关节镜;分型;

58、But CD99 expression was 95.0%(20/21) in EWS/PNET,71.4%(5/7) in poorly differentiated synovial sarcomas,66.7%(8/9) in rhabdomyosarcomas,75.0%(3/4) in esthesioneuroblastomas and 60%(3/5) in mesenchymal chondrosarcomas,respectively. ─── CD99在EW S/PNET中阳性表达率为95.2%(20/21),在分化差的滑膜肉瘤、横纹肌肉瘤、嗅神经母细胞瘤和间叶软骨肉瘤分别为71.4%(5/7)、66.7%(6/9)、75.0%(3/4)和60%(3/5)。

59、Methods From March 1990 to October 2001, 18 cases of tuberculosis in synovial sheath at the wrist and hand were treated using surgery and antitubercular agents and rehabilitation. ─── 方法1990年3月至2001年10月,对18例手腕部腱鞘结核患者采用手术、抗结核药物及功能锻炼等综合治疗后,分析其临床疗效、误诊原因和治疗要点。

60、Fig. 1-43 Median septum separating two posterior compartments of knee. Note fenestrum at proximal pole. Synovial septum invests cruciate ligaments and contains branch of middle genicular artery. ─── 图1-43中隔将膝关节后部分成两个腔室,注意隔膜近端的卵圆孔,滑膜中隔包裹交叉韧带及膝中动脉的分支。

61、It widely consists in the extracellular space of human and animal tissue, vitreum, umbilical cord, skin joints synovia and cockscomb, etc. ─── (产品照片) Hyaluronic acid(HA) is a straight chain macromolecular mucopolysaccharide composed Of repeat disaccharide units of glucuronic acid and N-acetylglucosamine.

62、Keywords chondromatosis;synovial;hip joint; ─── 关键词软骨瘤病;滑膜;髋关节;

63、The non-synovial part of the profoudn digital flexor tendon of rabbits was put into the joint cavity of the knee aseptically and a human fetal tendon was cultured with synovial cells in vitro. ─── 将家兔和胎儿的鞘外无滑膜肌腱段分别放入膝关节腔内进行在体肌腱培养和体外与滑膜细胞联合培养。

64、Natural articular cartilage is well known as a special connective tissue with multiple effects and functions,which are important and irreplaceable,in human synovial joints. ─── 人体滑膜关节中,天然关节软骨具有多重不可替代的特殊功能和重要作用。

65、Title: Histological Observation of Articular Cartilage and Synovial Injury after Ischemia in the Animal Hind Limbs. ─── 关键词:肢体;缺血再灌注损伤;关节软骨;滑膜;组织学

66、CT images showed synovial proliferation of bursa carpi ulnaris,the tendines were disarranged. ─── CT显示腕尺侧滑液囊滑膜增生 ,滑液囊增宽、增厚、延长 ,其内肌腱排列次序紊乱、分散、推移而无增粗改变。

67、Objective To summarize the curative effect of diagnosis and treatment of synovial chondromatosis of the knee with arthroscopy. ─── 摘要目的总结关节镜诊断和治疗膝关节滑膜软骨瘤病的疗效。

68、The gene diagnosis of Ewing's sarcoma and synovial sarcoma ─── 尤文肉瘤与滑膜肉瘤的基因诊断

69、Methods 5 cases with primary synovial chondromatosis of the hip joint were reviewed, of which 2 were left and 3 were right. ─── 方法5例髋关节原发性滑膜软骨瘤病患者,左侧2例,右侧3例。

70、Primary synovial sarcoma of the kidney is a rare renal malignancy. ─── 摘要肾脏原发性滑液肉瘤是一种罕见的肾脏肿瘤。

71、The expression rate of CCR5 was 52% Y 8%, the expression rate of CXCR3 was 61% Y 12% in synovial fluid, significantly higher than those of PBMCs. ─── (2 )RA患者滑液中T细胞受体CCR5的表达率为5 2%± 8% ,CXCR3的表达率为 6 1%± 12% ,与自身及正常人 (外周血单个核细胞 )比较明显升高 (P

72、Methods The number and the distribution of HLA DR +,S 100 + and CD1a + cells on synovial membranes in 25 patients with rheumatoid arthritis were investigated with immunohistochemical staining. ─── 方法 采用免疫组织化学方法观察 2 5例RA滑膜中HLA DR抗原阳性表达细胞、S 10 0阳性CD1a阳性的树突状细胞(DC)的多少和分布情况。

73、Is there any known malignancy (such as rhabdomyosarcoma, Ewing sarcoma, synovial sarcoma, paraganglioma, etc) in her clinical history? ─── 在她的病史中是否有已知的恶性肿瘤?如横纹肌肉瘤、尤文瘤、滑膜肉瘤、副节瘤等等。

74、Keywords Chondromatosis;synovial;Tomography;X-ray co mputed; ─── 关键词软骨瘤病;滑膜;体层摄影术;X线计算机;

75、There was abundant vessels at PA pulleys, which was connected with the proximal part of synovial bursa of finger flexor tendons. ─── PA滑车富含血管 ,与指屈肌腱滑液囊近端有血管联系。

76、Compound Artificial Synovia in Orthogonal Test ─── 复合人工滑液的正交设计

77、Basically a sample of the synovial fluid is taken from the affected joint via syringe and needle. ─── 基本上样本的抽取关节液是经注射器和针头联合影响。

78、Method:Do the surgery under the arthroscope,clean up the educt in the joint and the pathological synovial membrane. ─── 方法:关节镜下手术,清理关节内游离体及病变滑膜。

79、Synovial sarcoma of the hypopharynx: Analysis of Clinical features ─── 喉咽部滑膜肉瘤的临床特征

80、The PVNS included irregular and nodular or diffused synovial proliferation, with low signal areas consistent both on T1WI and T2WI of hemosiderin deposition. ─── PVNS主要表现为滑膜不规则结节状增生或弥漫性增生,增生的滑膜和结节内沉着含铁血黄素(T1WI、T2WI双低信号)。

81、Methods:In 13 cases of synovial osteochondromatosis confirmed by arthroscope,all 13 cases underwent X-ray examination,6 cases underwent CT examination and 4 cases underwent MRI scan. ─── 方法:搜集13例进行过影像学检查并经过关节镜证实的滑膜骨软骨瘤病患者,13例均进行了X线检查,6例同时进行了CT扫描,4例进行MRI检查。

82、The sheep TMJ synovial cells were cultured in vitro by tissue explantation, and the phase-contrast microscopic and electron microscopic examinations were made. ─── 摘要本实验进行了羊TMJ滑膜细胞体外培养传代和活细胞倒置相差显微镜观察以及细胞超微结构的观察。

83、The arthroscopic portals and synovial membrance of carpus in cows were studied in this experiment by using arthroscopy. ─── 应用关节内窥镜对奶牛腕关节的进镜部位和滑膜形态进行了研究。

84、In 5% of cases synovial bursa waspresent below the end of piriformis tendon. ─── 5%±2.18的梨状肌腱止端的下方有滑液囊。

85、The synovial tissue also revealed rare tophaceous deposits. ─── 滑膜组织中可发现少量痛风结石沉积。

86、Loose bodies or osteochondral fragments are commonly found in human joints.They are presumed to arise from trauma joint disintegration (for example degenerative changes) or synovial proliferation. ─── 在人类的关节中可以经常发现有游离体或骨块的存在,有研究表明创伤、关节退化,或者滑膜增生都可能导致增大。

87、MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES:The number and the distribution of HLA DR+,S 100+and CD1a+cells in synovial membranes were investigated with immunohistochemical staining. ─── 主要观察指标:两组患者滑膜中HLA-DR抗原阳性表达细胞、S-100阳性和CD1a阳性的DC的多少和分布情况。

88、Bologna C,Edno L,Anaya JM,et al.Methotrexate concentrations in synovial membrane and trabecular and cortical bone in rheumatoid arthritis patients[J].Arthritis Rheum,1994,37(12):1770. ─── 何东仪,姜婷.问荆合剂和甲氨蝶呤联合治疗类风湿性关节炎临床疗效观察[J].中华现代中西医结合杂志,2004,2(4):489-491.

89、Inside that joint capsule is a lubricant called synovial fluid, which contains dissolved gases. ─── 关节囊里是一种被称作滑液的润滑剂,这种物质包含可溶解气体。

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