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09-05 投稿



gladder 中文意思翻译



gladder 同义词

joy | elate | animate | rejoice | brighten |delight | exhilarate | please | content | cheer | comfort | cheer up | inspire | hearten

gladder 反义词


gladder 词性/词形变化,gladder变形

动词现在分词: gladdening |动词过去分词: gladdened |动词第三人称单数: gladdens |动词过去式: gladdened |

gladder 相似词语短语

1、gladded ─── (使)高兴;(使)快乐;(使)兴奋(glad的过去式和过去分词)

2、cladder ─── 包层

3、bladder ─── n.膀胱;囊状物,可充气的囊袋

4、gladier ─── 高兴的

5、ladder ─── n.阶梯;途径;梯状物;vi.成名;发迹;vt.在……上装设梯子

6、gladdener ─── 高兴者

7、gladden ─── vt.使喜悦,使高兴;vi.喜悦;n.(Gladden)人名;(英)格拉登

8、bladders ─── [解剖]膀胱;囊状物;可充气的囊袋(bladder的名词复数)

9、gadder ─── n.钻机架;凿孔机;[机]凿岩机;创煤镐

gladder 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I'm so glad to hear of your scholarship to Nelson. ─── 十分高兴获悉你得到了尼尔逊奖学金。

2、Don't shed crocodile tears over his leaving. I know very well that you detest him and are glad to see him go. ─── 不要假惺惺地为他的离去而悲伤。我知道得很清楚,你极讨厌他而且很高兴看他走。

3、Gladder Ladder for Great Firewall. ─── 防火长城之梯。

4、Glad that you've staved off the trouble. ─── 很高兴你避开了这件麻烦事儿。

5、Want those who had you to collect only, come discharge, girl happiness, I am gladder. ─── 只要有了你的收录,来流量了,小姑娘幸福,我更兴奋啊。

6、I was glad that he had broken with the club. ─── 他与俱乐部绝了交,我很高兴。

7、He was glad to get away with a mere five guineas and he beat a hasty retreat, clutching the precious bottle under his arm. ─── 使他高兴的是,只花了五个金币便得以脱身。把他这个珍贵的瓶子夹在腋下匆匆忙忙地跑掉了。

8、I am glad we have come to an agreement on price. ─── 很高兴我们就价格问题取得一致意见。

9、My heart is gladder than all these Because my love is coming to me. ─── 我的心 比这些还更欢畅因为 我的 爱情已经来到。

10、I am only too glad to have been of help to you. ─── 对你能有所帮助十分高兴。

11、Sure thing, I'll be glad to do it for you. ─── 当然,我很高兴为你做这事。

12、She was glad to be rid of him. ─── 她因摆脱了他而感到高兴。

13、I'll be glad when we're through with this project. ─── 如果我们完成了这个项目,我会高兴的。

14、If necessary, I'll be glad to run you about. ─── 如果需要,我们乐意用汽车接送你。

15、We are glad if you can come to attend our meeting. ─── 如果你能列席我们的会议我们将很高兴。

16、I would be glad if you would go away ! ─── 你要是能走开,我感激不尽!

17、Glad I was to get it, and gladder had I got them both. ─── 我很高兴收到了信,更高兴的是收到了两封。

18、We shall be glad to have your reply by return. ─── 如蒙回示,不胜欣慰。

19、I am glad we have come together at last. ─── 很高兴我们终于取得了一致。

20、He is give the glad eye to every voter. ─── 他对每一个投票人都在频送秋波。

21、Although we are not in want of any at present, we should be glad if you would submit prices in about six weeks. ─── 尽管我方无意购进,若你方在大约六周后报价,我方将很高兴。

22、You'll be glad to get your operation over with. ─── 做完手术后你会高兴的。

23、She was very glad that you were able to come. ─── 你能来她非常高兴。

24、The belle jumps over much place, fashionable dress stylist is gladder . ─── 美女越多的地方,时装设计师越兴奋。

25、I am glad we have closed the business. ─── 很高兴我们做成了这笔生意。

26、I am glad you number me among your friends . ─── 你把我算做朋友,我很高兴。

27、He was glad at/about the news. ─── 他听到那消息很高兴。

28、It wasn't any bother. I was glad to do it. ─── 一点也不麻烦,我很愿意做这事。

29、Ah, I really love this song! I am so glad! ─── 啊,我真喜欢这首歌!好高兴!

30、I'm glad to hear he's feeling better. ─── 听说他身体好些了,我很高兴。

31、You are much gladder for what I achieve. ─── 你比谁都为我的成功高兴。

32、Tne more studious he is,the gladder his mother is. ─── 他越勤奋,他妈妈就越高兴。

33、In the warm light they felt "happier and gladder, more enthusiastic and peppy" to a significant number. ─── 在暖光照射下,被试报告感觉到更开心,更愉快,更加的精力充沛。

34、They are actually glad I am leaving, are not they? ─── 他们很高兴我要离开,对不对?

35、She made the children glad in a variety of ways. ─── 她用各种方法使孩子们高兴。

36、I should be glad if you could insert this article into your periodical. ─── 如果能把这篇文章登在你的期刊上我将很高兴。

37、I am glad you like it. Will you have some coffee? ─── 你们爱吃我很高兴。再喝一些咖啡好吗?

38、She gave the glad eye to every man she met. ─── 她向遇到的每个男人送秋波。

39、The woman at the next table was giving him the glad eye. ─── 坐在旁边桌子那儿的女子向他抛媚眼。

40、I'm glad you raised that point. ─── 你能把那一点指出来,我感到很高兴。

41、The overseas are very glad to set foot on their homeland. ─── 华侨们非常高兴地踏上祖国的土地。

42、Thank you for your letter John. Glad I was to get it, and gladder had I got them both. ─── 谢谢你的来信,约翰。我很高兴收到了信,更高兴的是收到了两封。

43、He was the bringer of great glad tidings. ─── 他就是带来大好消息的那个人。

44、I have to sit for an exam next week: I shall be glad to get it over. ─── 下星期我得参加一门考试; 我恨不得早点把它考完。

45、Were you glad to go back to work? ─── 你又回来上班,高兴吗?

46、Bruce was glad to visit the museum. ─── 布鲁斯很高兴能参观博物馆。

47、She is glad to get the exam over with. ─── 她很高兴考试结束了。

48、I'm glad to see that you have taken my advice to heart. ─── 你认真考虑了我的劝告,我很高兴。

49、I am extremely glad to hear about that. ─── 听说此事,我极为高兴。

50、If new product can be developed, we'll be very glad to import advanced technology. ─── 如果能开发出新产品,我们将乐于引进先进技术。

51、I'd be glad of (ie I'd like) your help/a cup of tea. ─── 你若能帮忙[给我一杯茶]本人十分感激。

52、He was glad to find the garden unrooted out. ─── 他很高兴发现园中的花木未被连根拔起。

53、It wasn't any trouble. I was glad to do it. ─── 一点也不麻烦,我很愿意做这件事。

54、But I'm glad to hear you had such a successful trip this time. ─── 但我很高兴地得知你这一趟出差收获甚丰。

55、I'm so glad I didn't agree to do it; it would have got me into serious trouble. ─── 幸而我没同意做那事,要不然惹的麻烦就大了。

56、George was glad to have the sick dog off his hands. ─── 乔治很高兴不用照管这条病狗了。

57、If I could go with you, I should feel very glad. ─── 假如我能同你们一起去,我会感到非常高兴。

58、She was glad to get everything off her chest. ─── 她很高兴,因为心中不快的事情讲出来觉得如释重负。

59、My heart is gladder than all these Because my love is come to me. ─── 我的心比所有这些都快乐,因为我的爱来到了我身旁。

60、I was glad that he had broken with the club . ─── 他与俱乐部绝了交,我很高兴。

61、I shall be glad if you will send me pattern with your lowest price and best discount for cash. ─── 如寄样品,并报最低价格及现汇付款最大折扣,则不胜感激。

62、Henry was glad to be home again. ─── 亨利很高兴又回到家里。

63、If you agree we shall be glad to supply you with our samples for you to show to the potential customers. ─── 如果贵公司愿意,我们将乐于提供样品,便于您向有购买潜力的顾客展示。

64、I am glad you had a sound sleep last night . ─── 你昨天晚上睡得好吗?

65、She is glad to embosom his affection. ─── 她喜悦地珍惜他的爱情。

66、You can't think how glad I am to see you. ─── 你无法想象我是多么高兴见到你。

67、He was very glad to get back to his work after his serious illness. ─── 他重病之后重返工作岗位,感到很高兴。

68、He seemed to is very glad of your success. ─── 他对你的成功显得很高兴。

69、They were glad of the examination being over. ─── 他们为考试结束了而高兴。

70、I'll be glad when we get all the exam results so we know where we stand for next year's course of study. ─── 当我们知道全部考试的结果时我会很高兴,那样我们就了解了情况,为明年的学习课程作准备。

71、I shall be glad to go, if you will accompany me. ─── 如果你能陪伴我,我乐意去。

72、In a way, I'm glad you made that mistake, for it will serve as warning to you. ─── 在某种意义上来说,你犯那个错误我倒很高兴,因为那个错误会对你起警告作用。

73、It goes without saying that we shall be glad if we all can pass the examination. ─── 不用说,如果我们都能通过考试,我们将会高兴的。

74、I'm glad about your passing the test. ─── 你考及格了,我很高兴。

75、During the blizzard I was glad I'd had the foresight to buy enough groceries. ─── 在那场大风雪中,我庆幸自己深谋远虑,事先买了足够的食品杂货。

76、The prisoner was glad to get his discharge. ─── 囚犯获准释放,感到很高兴。

77、The king was glad when he saw Aladdin and Princess. ─── 国王看见阿拉丁和公主非常高兴。

78、I shall be glad to get this whole project through. ─── 完成了整个项目就好。

79、Despite their protestation, they were still glad to accept our help. ─── 尽管他们严肃地表明了态度,但他们仍然乐于接受我们的援助。

80、I am glad to hear that, Ron. Now, what can I do for you? ─── 听到这我很高兴,罗恩。你有什么事吗?

81、Boy, am I glad about that! ─── 伙计,这事我真高兴!

82、I shall be glad to receive a fresh supply of sample as promise when the traveler reaches the town. ─── 当推销员到达时,如能按照约定的新样品,得到供货,则不胜感谢。

83、He was a boring nuisance! I'm glad to be rid of him. ─── 他这人真讨厌! 我很庆幸能摆脱他的纠缠。

84、She looked at her son,her eyes leaking glad tears. ─── 她看着她的儿子,眼里流出高兴的眼泪。

85、As I am taking leave of my friend, he says he will be glad to see me again before long. ─── 当我正向我的朋友告别时,他说他很高兴不久就会再见到我。

86、She is such a jerk. I'm glad he finally left her. ─── 她真是混蛋一个。我很高兴他终于离开了她。

87、I'm glad he's feeling better. ─── 他身体好些了,我很高兴。

88、They were glad to leave the boat and put their feet on the solid ground. ─── 他们很高兴能离开海船,回到坚实的陆地上。

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