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09-05 投稿



inhaler 发音

英:[?n?he?l?(r)]  美:[?n?he?l?r]

英:  美:

inhaler 中文意思翻译



inhaler 同义词

breathe | smell | gulp | huff | sniff | pant | breathe in | smoke |gasp | in | inspire

inhaler 词性/词形变化,inhaler变形

动词过去式: inhaled |动词过去分词: inhaled |动词第三人称单数: inhales |动词现在分词: inhaling |

inhaler 反义词


inhaler 短语词组

1、benzoline inhaler ─── 苯甲啉吸入器

2、Allis's inhaler ─── [医] 艾利斯氏吸入器(乙醚吸入器)

3、asthma inhaler ─── 哮喘吸入器

4、Allis' inhaler ─── [医] 艾利斯氏吸入器(乙醚吸入器)

5、incurs inhaler ─── 吸入器

6、bespie inhaler ─── 间谍吸入器

7、encrust inhaler ─── 积垢吸入器

8、H.H. inhaler ─── [医] 汗-哈二氏氧吸入器

9、ether inhaler ─── [医] 醚吸入器

inhaler 相似词语短语

1、inhale ─── vt.吸入;猛吃猛喝;vi.吸气

2、inhauler ─── 承托人

3、haler ─── n.赫勒(捷克货币);n.(Haler)人名;(英)哈勒;(德、塞)哈勒

4、inholder ─── _目录

5、inhaulers ─── 目录

6、instaler ─── 分期付款

7、inhalers ─── n.[临床]吸入器;吸气者;滤气器;小口矮脚酒杯(inhaler的复数)

8、inhales ─── vt.吸入;猛吃猛喝;vi.吸气

9、inhaled ─── 吸入

inhaler 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Azmacort Inhaler ─── 曲氨奈特吸入剂

2、Problems existed in treatment of children with asthma by using dry-powder inhaler ─── 应用干粉吸入器治疗儿童哮喘中存在的问题

3、Advair combines two components in one.Patients should have short acting beta agonist inhaler as rescue. ─── 一般维持治疗就是长效的beta agonist, 扩张支气管的,外加inhaling steroid抗炎。

4、Nelson's inhaler ─── 尼克逊空气过滤器

5、decongestant inhaler ─── 减轻充血的吸入器

6、Qinyiheji inhaler ─── 支气管哮喘

7、Check inside and outside of the inhaler including the mouthpiece for the presence of loose objects. ─── 檢查吸入器(包含吸口)的內外側,是否有鬆動的現象。

8、At baseline, both groups had similar scores on tests measuring knowledge of inhaler technique and of asthma. ─── 在试验开始阶段,两组病童在有关吸入剂技术和哮喘知识的测验中得分相似。

9、The modules can e. g. consist of a BGM, a doser, an inhaler, a tablet dispenser and a storage container. ─── 所述一些模块可由,例如BGM,加药器,吸入器,药片分配器和存储容器组成。

10、But on Saturday, the workers at the pharmacy told her she could no longer buy the inhaler she needed to breathe without a prescription. ─── 周六,药店的售货员告诉她她不能再在药店买这种药了,她需要学会在没有处方的情况下呼吸。

11、spinning inhaler ─── 旋转式吸入器

12、Accordingly, raise in the bedroom a few " the function is complementary " flowers, can act as " inhaler " . ─── 因此,在居室养一些“功能互补”的花卉,便可充当“空气过滤器”。

13、Clover's ether inhaler ─── 克洛弗(氏)乙醚麻醉吸入器

14、The dry powder inhaler can be provided with or without a unit dose cartridge for using with the inhaler. ─── 干粉吸入器能设置有或者不具有用于吸入器的单位计量筒。

15、Effects of pharmaceutical care of metered dose inhaler knowledge on patients of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease club ─── 慢性阻塞性肺疾病俱乐部开展定量压力吸入器知识药学服务的效果

16、Before you head to t Love e drugstore for a high-priced inhaler filled with mysterious emicals, try chewing on a ouple of curiously strong Altoids peppermints. ─── 之前,你去药店为高价位的吸入充满了神秘的化学品,尝试咀嚼就一对夫妇的强烈好奇altoids peppermints 。They’ll clear up your stuffed nose.他们将清楚您的塞进鼻子。

17、Take two puffs from the inhaler every four hours. ─── 每隔四小时从吸药器中吸两口药。

18、Take your usual dose of reliever inhaler before going out on cold, dry days. ─── 在干冷的天气外出前,首先现带上平时剂量的哮喘药物。

19、A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial of Procaterol Aerosol Inhaler Versus Salbutamol Aerosol Inhaler in Asthma Treatment ─── 丙卡特罗气雾剂与喘乐宁气雾剂治疗支气管哮喘随机对照多中心临床试验

20、dry powder inhaler ─── 干粉吸入器

21、With an inhaler and an action plan, Rohan now knows what to do when he feels an attack coming. ─── 借助一个呼吸器和一套行动计划,Rohan现在知道如何应对他感觉到即将发作的哮喘病。

22、U-shaped inhaler tubing adapter ─── X型麻醉吸入接管

23、Whenever someone uses the inhaler, it broadcasts the location and time to a central computer. ─── 每当有人使用吸入器时,吸入器就把位置和时间播报到中央计算机。

24、trichloroethylene inhaler ─── 三氯乙烯吸入器

25、ventolin inhaler ─── 喘乐宁气雾剂

26、You will be less likely to be breathless during the day and night and you will not need to use your reliever inhaler as often. ─── 如果你的症状没有减轻,他们会调整你的用药。当然,如果效果很好的话,他们可能会减少你每天使用喷雾罐的次数或者药物的用量。

27、A device, such as a respirator or an inhaler, by which a gas, vapor, or air is drawn in ─── 吸入器用来吸入气体,蒸汽或空气的仪器,如呼吸器或吸气器

28、metered - dose inhaler ─── 定量定压式气雾器

29、berotec inhaler ─── 备劳喘气雾剂

30、powder inhaler ─── 干粉吸入装置

31、Henderson-Haggard inhaler ─── 亨-哈二氏吸入器:氧吸入器

32、B.“I will use the bronchodilator before I use the steroid inhaler. ─── ” “我将先使用支气管扩张药物喷雾剂,在使用类固醇喷雾剂。”

33、Observation of effects of budesonide inhaler in the treatment of childhood asthma ─── 布地奈德气雾剂治疗儿童哮喘临床观察

34、open and dry system trichloroethylene inhaler ─── 开放干燥型三氯乙烯吸入麻醉器

35、This project was designed to improve the effectiveness of instructing geriatric patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) using metered-dose inhaler (MDI). ─── 摘要本专案旨为护理人员对COPD老年病忠使用定量喷雾剂(MDI)护理指导成效不彰进行改善。

36、4.During the past 4 weeks , how often have you used your rescue inhaler or nebulizer medication (such as albuterol)? ─── 在过去的4周内,你用你用多久雾化吸入或服药(如沙丁胺醇)?

37、Goldman's inhaler ─── 戈德曼(氏)吸入器

38、A breath-powered, dry powder inhaler, a cartridge, and a pulmonary drug delivery system are provided. ─── 提供一种呼吸动力干粉吸入器、筒和肺部药物输送系统。

39、Spacers make your child's inhaler easier to use and more effective. ─── 储药罐可以简化孩子用药,因此更为有效。

40、medical company also invented a new device named Respimat Soft Mist Inhaler in 1997. ─── 医疗公司还发明了一种名为能倍乐软雾吸入器的新设备。

41、Ventide Inhaler ─── 喘乐酮气雾剂

42、Your child should take a dose of reliever inhaler when they start having asthma symptoms. ─── 当孩子哮喘开始发作时,需要及时施用这种缓解类用药。

43、To help prevent these side effects, ensure your child rinses their mouth out and brushes their teeth after using their preventer inhaler. ─── 为了有效避免这些副作用,要保证他们在用药完毕后马上漱口和刷牙。

44、Interferon Inhalation by PARI Inhaler Boy as Auxiliary Therapy for Bronchiolitis ─── 干扰素驱动雾化吸入辅助治疗毛细支气管炎

45、And they needed to develop equipment to accompany it, including a portable, easy-to-use inhaler. ─── 同时他们必须开发一种装置做为其附件,包括一个可携式、易于使用的吸入器。

46、Comparison of tiotropium inhalation capsules and ipratropium metered dose inhaler in a randomized, double-blind, double-dummy, efficacy and safety study in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ─── 吸入噻托溴铵干粉与异丙托溴铵定量气雾剂治疗慢性阻塞性肺疾病的疗效与安全性比较

47、inhaler (hygienic glassware) ─── 吸气器(卫生用玻璃器皿)

48、Henderson-Heggaed inhaler ─── 亨-海二氏吸入器(一氧化碳中毒者用)

49、You can take a little salbutamol by using a pressurized inhaler, which will clear your chest in the morning. ─── 您可通过雾化吸入器使用一点舒喘宁,它能在早晨帮您排痰。

50、For instance, Advair, an asthma product from GSK, comes in an innovative, multi-dose inhaler that is breath-activated and easier to use. ─── 比如葛兰素史克的哮喘药舒利迭,装在一种新型的吸入器里,一次能储存多次剂量,这种装置由呼吸激活,更易于使用。

51、Study on the effects of inhaling becotide inhaler for a long time for the treatment of asthma in children on the growth development, lung function and glandual-adrenal glands stalk ─── 必可酮长期吸入治疗小儿哮喘对生长发育、肺功能及垂体肾上腺轴影响的研究

52、Antiviral drugs are prescription medicines (pills, liquid or an inhaler) that fight against the flu by keeping flu viruses from reproducing in your body. ─── 抗病毒药物均为处方(药丸、液态制剂或吸入剂),可通过抑制流感病毒在人体内复制起到抵御流感的作用。

53、Goldman inhaler ─── 戈德曼氏吸入器

54、Keywords respiratory diseases;metered dose inhaler;inhalation treatment;instruction; ─── 呼吸系统疾病;定量吸入器;吸入疗法;指导;

55、Ipratvopine inhaler ─── Ipratropine

56、Doctor: I've prescribed an inhaler and some tablets. Take two puffs of the inhaler whenever you feel tightness in your chest. ─── 医生:我开了一个吸入器和一些药片。当你觉得胸口闷的时候就吸两口。

57、A friend of ours went to the Huashi Pharmacy, at the Portman, to purchase the inhaler she uses due to asthma. ─── 我们的一个朋友去华氏药店买哮喘的吸入器。

58、While Tamiflu is a pill that can be swallowed at home, Relenza has to be taken through an inhaler and is not suitable for everyone. ─── 达菲是片剂,可以在家中吞服;而瑞乐沙则是喷雾给药,所以并不适合所有的人群。

59、H.H. inhaler ─── [医] 汗-哈二氏氧吸入器

60、Henderson and Haggard(inhaler) ─── 享德森和哈格德(吸入器)

61、Aldecin Oral Inhaler ─── 安得新口腔吸入剂(含二丙酸倍氯米松)

62、Everyone with asthma should have a reliever inhaler. ─── 每个哮喘病人都应该拥有一个缓解药物吸入器。

63、Billy: If you're congested, you do. It's a nasal inhaler. ─── 比利:如果鼻塞就是。这是鼻用吸剂。

64、He picked up a brandy inhaler, a great fragile crystal globe, spun it, and threw it straight up toward the ceiling. ─── "他拣起一个白兰地酒瓶,转着圈地把它扔向天花板。

65、oxygen inhaler ─── 氧气吸入器, 吸氧器

66、Keywords pressurized metered dose inhaler;chlorofluorocarbon;hydrofluoroalkane; ─── 定量吸入气雾剂;氟里昂;氢氟烷;

67、Bruning's ether inhaler ─── 布鲁宁(氏)乙醚吸入器

68、Once this protection is working, occasionally forgetting to take your inhaler will usually not have bad effects. ─── 当你开始服用预防性哮喘药物时,医生可能希望你每天服用一个较高的剂量。

69、The main products of YUfeng include home oxygen supply serries,Oxygen inhaler series.absorbing bottle series.cut-off valve serles.pipe onnectors series. ─── 公司主要产品现在有家庭用供养器系列,氧气吸入器系列,吸引瓶系列,截止阀系列,管路用管接头系列,氧气阀门系列,急救阀门系列,急救保健箱系列等。

70、You may be given an asthma inhaler with albuterol, ipratropium, and/or inhaled steroids (anti-inflammatory agents). ─── 医生可能会给你开出一些哮喘吸入剂如沙丁胺醇、异丙托品等,和/或吸入性类固醇药物(抗炎药)。

71、ether inhaler ─── 乙醚吸入器

72、metered-dose inhaler ─── 定量吸入器

73、and Adrian Smith, vice president, corporate business planning-pulmonary, and Carlos Schuler, senior director, science and technology, to create an appropriate inhaler. ─── 和阿德里安史密斯,副总裁,公司的业务规划,肺,和卡洛斯舒勒的高级主管,科学和技术,创造适当的吸入。

74、inhaler adapte ─── 吸入器接头

75、the latter is a powder delivered by inhaler. ─── 前者为胶囊,后者为吸入性粉末。

76、They also run out suddenly without the waning experienced with a CFC inhaler, which warns users that the device is running low. ─── 它们还会在没有预警下突然用罄,不像氟氯碳化式的吸入器会逐渐减弱,警告用户该装置内已所剩无几。

77、becotide inhaler ─── 必可酮吸入剂

78、Pressurized metered dose inhaler ─── 压力定量吸入剂

79、When asthma control deteriorated, they were instructed to add an extra steroid or placebo inhaler for two weeks. ─── 当气喘恶化时,给这些病人增加额外的类固醇或者安慰吸入剂二周。

80、Keywords inhaler;metered dose inhaler;dry powder inhaler;nebulizer;bioequivalence; ─── 吸入给药;吸入气雾剂;吸入粉雾剂;吸入喷雾剂;生物等效;

81、They also run out suddenly without the waning experienced with a CFC inhaler, which warns users that the device is running low. ─── 它们还会在没有预警下突然用罄,不像氟氯碳化式的吸入器会逐渐减弱,警告用户该装置内已所剩无几。

82、Vancenase Nasal Inhaler ─── 二丙酸倍氯米松鼻吸入剂

83、He posits that even costs of generics would go up as CFCs become scarcer.Gross disagrees, saying that the inhaler shortage and the closure of CFC manufacturing plants are a result of the ban. ─── 他推测,随著氟氯碳化物越来越少,连非专利药的成本都会增加,但葛罗斯并不苟同,他表示,吸入器之短缺和氟氯碳化物制造厂倒闭,是该禁令所致。

84、inhaler for chloroform ─── 氯仿吸入器

85、Allis' inhaler ─── [医] 艾利斯氏吸入器(乙醚吸入器)

86、inhaler valve ─── 吸入活瓣

87、D.“I need to alternate the sequence of inhaler administrations. ─── ” “我需要改变用药的顺序。”

88、nasal spray also works faster than does nicotine gum, lozenges and the inhaler. ─── 尼古丁鼻腔喷雾器发挥的作用速度快于尼古丁口香糖、含片和吸入器。

89、A.“I will use the steroid inhaler one hour before I use the bronchodilator. ─── ” “我将先使用类固醇喷雾剂,一小时后再使用支气管扩张药物喷雾剂。”




去过美国,但没看过医生。首先,请大家想想中国的医保是怎么来的,你也就知道个八九不离十了。中国在实施医保前,各路官员,专家,学者满世界考察,最后定了调调“低赔付,全覆盖”(国情所致)。说远了,来看美国吧。“人多好种田,人少好分钱”。人多了,就决定美国不可能像欧洲有些国家一样实施免费医疗。所以,买保险是必须的。和中国一样,就了业,有了单位 ,一切好说,老板给你买,自己在掏点钱。美国也有医患矛盾,医生平均花在病人身上的时间也不多。虽然没有医保用药目录,但医生开药,做检查也要问问病人有无医保。保险公司对医院的监管是很严的,严防骗保。去“家庭医生”看病要预约,其他情况挂号。虽然繁琐,但态度极佳。最大的区别是美国没有“三甲”医院,一般的诊所也有医学博士。最大的争议还是“买保险”,有工作好说。没工作,贫困户(低收入家庭),老了怎么办。年轻不想买保险,病多了不给你保,报销多少,政府补助多少,等等。一句话,有钱都OK,没钱,哪儿都一样。

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