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09-05 投稿



divarication 发音

英:[da??v?r??ke???n; d??v?r??ke???n]  美:[da??v?r??ke???n]

英:  美:

divarication 中文意思翻译



divarication 短语词组

1、divarication synonym ─── 分歧同义词

2、divarication meaning ─── 分歧意义

3、palpebral divarication ─── [医] 眼睑分离

4、divarication men ─── 分居的人

5、divarication definition ─── 分歧定义

6、divarication recti ─── 直肠分叉

divarication 词性/词形变化,divarication变形

动词第三人称单数: divaricates |动词过去分词: divaricated |动词现在分词: divaricating |副词: divaricately |动词过去式: divaricated |

divarication 相似词语短语

1、divaricated ─── v.(诗、文)伸展,铺开;叉开;分歧;adj.(树枝)叉开的,分叉的;大分叉的

2、covariation ─── n.[数]共变;[遗]相关变异

3、prevarication ─── n.搪塞;支吾

4、divarications ─── n.分歧;分叉;意见不同;分支

5、divaricator ─── 分叉肌

6、divagation ─── n.流浪;入歧途;分离;逸脱

7、dijudication ─── 法律判决

8、divaricating ─── v.(诗、文)伸展,铺开;叉开;分歧;adj.(树枝)叉开的,分叉的;大分叉的

9、divaricate ─── v.(诗、文)伸展,铺开;叉开;分歧;adj.(树枝)叉开的,分叉的;大分叉的

divarication 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、From divarication, friction to open polemics, the two parties have conflicts on a series of issues, including the attitude to war and peace. ─── 中苏两党从产生分歧、摩擦到公开论战,在一系列问题上形成对立,其中包括关于战争与和平问题的认识。

2、There are many swordplay in monetary theory, these divarication should attribute to the conversion of monetary fuctions. ─── 在今天,大量的金融创新、发达的网络支付系统,使货币理论必须跟随经济的这种变化,在新的经济条件下有更好的解释力。

3、Abstract : The viewpoints of the nature of the firm are logic start of the theory of the firm, are also the fundaments of divarication in theories. ─── 摘要 :对企业本质的认识是企业理论的逻辑起点,也是导致它们分歧的理论基础。

4、The information inequivalence between the company and the shareholders causes divarication and suspicions on benefits. ─── 股东与公司之间的信息不对称,使两者之间产生以利益为核心的博弈与猜忌。

5、Delimited Divarication and Slack Algorthms ─── 限界分枝松驰算法

6、In order to harmonize the divarication of developed countries and developing countries in the restrictive clause, the international society has tried times. ─── 为了协调发达国家与发展中国家在限制性商业条款问题上的分歧,国际社会进行了许多尝试。

7、great divarication in theory, confusing and difficult in practice, it is necessary to argue and study this issue. ─── 在理论上的认识分歧较大,在实践中的困惑难点较多,对此进行探讨和研究很有必要性。

8、So Britain amended the agreement with French, and established his predominance in the Middle East, but enlarged the divarication between the West World and the Arab at the same time. ─── 协定签定后,中东形势又产生了新的变化,英法对条约进行了修订,这一方面确立了英国在中东的战略优势地位,另一方面还加深了阿拉伯同西方世界的分歧。

9、Factors of divarication ─── 分歧因素

10、Near the distributary channel, coal layer divarication and pinch-out, with high ash content, and transition to clastic rock. ─── 河道方向,煤层分叉变薄,灰分高,向碎屑岩过渡。

11、The article analyzed the principles in the mutual activities among teachers and students according to PCP, and how to deal with divarication of opinions effectively. ─── 文章分析了根据建构理论师生在互动中应遵循的原则,对于出现的分歧怎样进行有效的处理。

12、Divarication of Competitive Sports Management Style of China Regional Government under the Background of Transition Period and Duality Structure ─── 转型时期和二元结构条件下我国地方政府竞技体育管理方式的歧化

13、getting at the root or the matter, there is originally great divarication in concepts among the foreign founders of musical form analysis theory. ─── 甚至国内某些理论分歧还源于错误译文的引导。

14、There is a divarication between us when we finally make everything in track and build up the financial link to get the benefits. ─── 当我们终于让一切走上正轨并且在完整的商业链中牟利之后,我们之间的分歧也就产生了。

15、Ideology Theories in Two Paradigms of Institutional Economics: Divarication and Roots ─── 两种制度经济学范式中的意识形态理论:分歧与根源

16、Some people think that the divarication that has presently arisen in the reflection on reform is whether we should reform.It seems that one side sticks to reform and the other side is against reform. ─── 有人认为,当前反思改革中出现的分歧是要不要改革的分歧,仿佛一方坚持改革,另一方则反对改革。

17、Through studying these treatise carefully, we can find that the divarication is rooted in the different understanding of Tingsong sentences. ─── 而近代以来的关注则多以批判的方式进行。

18、1.This is the divarication of the meaning caused by consciously using the trait of Polysemy in the given circumstance. ─── 1.这是在特定的语境中有意识地利用一词多义的特点,造成语义分歧。

19、From divarication, friction to open polemics, the two parties have conflicts on a series of issues, including the attitude to war and peace. ─── 中苏两党从产生分歧、摩擦到公开论战,在一系列问题上形成对立,其中包括关于战争与和平问题的认识。

20、The main reason of their divarication is because of their different view on social history. ─── 二人国家观分歧的主要原因在于其不同的社会历史观基础。

21、So we will probe into the reason of this dispute and suggest how to reduce this divarication. ─── 因此,本文拟探讨纷争产生的缘由,并提出缩小分歧的建议。

22、However, the effect of low energy ion implantation on the length of bough, the side-bough, the divarication and the size of peanut were very weak. ─── 而花生主枝长,侧枝长,分枝数和荚果大小等性状除个别剂量外影响较小,变化规律性较弱。

23、The discrepancy sprouts the two dissimilar historical philosophy systems, whose ontological divarication must lead to methodological plurolism, finally to from an inarguable lingual contradiction. ─── 这种差异客观上滋孽了两种不同的历史哲学体系,其本体论的分野必定引致方法的多元,形成不争的语言吊诡。

24、After performing DP separately in multi speed-direction regions, noise trajectory energy accumulation and target trajectory divarication decrease.As a result, target enhancements are achieved. ─── 通过在动态规划能量累加过程中引入方向限制,减小了噪声轨迹能量积累和目标轨迹能量扩散,提高了算法的目标检测能力。

25、palpebral divarication ─── [医] 眼睑分离

26、SDH (Synchronous Digital Hierarchy) network is composed of terminal MUX, divarication MUX, REG and SDXC units etc, and they are used in transmission, multiplexing, divarication and cross-connecting of synchro information. ─── 同步数字体系(SDH)网络由终端复用器、分插复用器、再生中继器和同步数字交叉连接设备网络单元组成,进行同步信息传输、复用、分插和交叉连接。

27、The reason why the USA would cooperate with the CPC is that the common strategic interests outweighed the divarication . ─── 美国之所以能够与中共合作,是因为当时双方的共同战略利益大大超过了双方的分歧;

28、So we will probe into the reason of this dispute and suggest how to reduce this divarication . ─── 因此,本文拟探讨纷争产生的缘由,并提出缩小分歧的建议。

29、The viewpoints of the nature of the firm are logic start of the theory of the firm, are also the fundaments of divarication in theories. ─── 对企业本质的认识是企业理论的逻辑起点,也是导致它们分歧的理论基础。

30、China and USA have different situation, the existence of divarication is normal. ─── 中美两国国情不同,存在一些分歧是正常的.

31、The belief to the God was from the perceptual or the rational. that is the greatest divarication between Rousseau and Voltaire. ─── 伏尔泰并不是把感情作为宗教信仰的来源,他认为理性是首要的。

32、He cut down the little divarication of the trunk. ─── 他把树干上的小分枝都剪掉。

33、Although presumption is an important institution of law, the academic field has serious divarication in understanding it. ─── 尽管推定是法律中的一个重要制度,但学界对它的理解却是分歧严重。

34、The results revealed that the fresh legume total yield was con elated very significantly with the height of plants the number of node, the number of divarication, the length and the weight of per legume and the yield of per plant. ─── 结果表明:鲜豆荚总产量与主蔓长、主蔓节位数、单株分枝数、豆荚长、单荚重、单株鲜豆荚重有极显著的相关性;四棱豆块根的总产量与单株块根数、单株块根重有显著的相关性。

35、People in medical field have divarication on the genesis of the ectopic pacemaker,parallel heart rhythm,atrial fibrillation,etc,which usually emerge in clinic. ─── 对于临床上经常见到的异位起搏点、并行心率、心房纤颤等等心脏疾病的成因,医学界一直存在分歧。

36、Nevertheless, on establishing FTA, divarication always exists. ─── 然而,三国在建立FTA问题上立场存在分歧:中等发达国家韩国对此态度最积极;

37、The scholars in our country have done much research on this issue, however, big divarication still. ─── 我国学者对平行进口问题探索颇多,但并没有就平行进口问题达成共识。

38、The report of typical characters is a unique divarication in China's news promulgation, occupying an important position at all times. ─── 摘要典型人物报道在中国新闻传播中独树一帜,一直占据举足轻重的位置。

39、Some people think that the divarication that has presently arisen in the reflection on reform is whether we should reform. ─── 有人认为,当前反思改革中出现的分歧是要不要改革的分歧,仿佛一方坚持改革,另一方则反对改革。

40、The main reason of their divarication is because of their different view on social history. ─── 二人国家观分歧的主要原因在于其不同的社会历史观基础。

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