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09-05 投稿



flusher 发音

英:[?fl???r]  美:[?fl???(r)]

英:  美:

flusher 中文意思翻译



flusher 短语词组

1、flusher valve ─── 冲洗阀

2、flusher fixer ─── 冲洗器固定器

3、flusher tap ─── 冲洗水龙头

4、flusher scared ─── 胆小鬼害怕

5、four flusher n. ─── 虚张声势的人;骗子;吹牛者

6、four-flusher n. ─── 虚张声势的人, 吹牛者, 骗子

7、flusher dog ─── 冲洗器狗

8、flusher truck ─── 冲洗车

9、flusher rinse ─── 冲洗器 ─── 冲洗

10、flusher branch ─── 冲洗器分支

flusher 相似词语短语

1、flushes ─── 冲洗

2、fluster ─── v.(使)忙乱,紧张;(使)心烦意乱;n.慌乱,紧张;激动

3、plusher ─── 豪华的;舒服的(plush的比较级)

4、blusher ─── n.脸红的人;红色敷面粉

5、lusher ─── n.酒鬼;醉汉

6、flushed ─── adj.脸红的;因成功、自豪或激动等而兴奋的;v.使激动(flush的过去式和过去分词)

7、flushier ─── 冲洗

8、flesher ─── n.肉畜;屠夫;n.(Flesher)人名;(英)弗莱舍

9、flasher ─── n.发出闪光之物;闪光装置;暴露狂

flusher 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He would hammer a nail into the wood with a series of blows that continued to down long after the head was flush with the boards. ─── 他老是连续不断地锤击,把钉子敲进木头,而且钉头与板面平齐之后,还是一个劲儿地敲。

2、Prior to installation, flush the pipe lines to remove foreign material. ─── 在安装之前,要冲洗管线,清除外来物质。

3、The tanks moved in to flush the snipers from their nests. ─── 为了赶走掩体内的阻击手,坦克向掩体开去。

4、Rivers flush with the spring rains. ─── 因春雨而上涨的河水

5、The boy was no four-flusher. He knew how and when to shoot, was game as a bulldog, and keen as a weasel. ─── 这小子可不是吹牛。他知道怎样开枪,也知道什么时候开枪;他象牛头犬一样勇敢,又象黄鼠狼一样敏捷。

6、B. Flush test cocks before test. ─── 在检测之前冲洗测试旋塞。

7、Registry changes are flushed to disk when the registry USES its lazy flusher. ─── 注册表使用其惰性刷新器时,将注册表更改刷新到磁盘。

8、Drinking lots of water will help to flush toxins out of the body. ─── 大量饮水有助于清除体内毒素。

9、Continuous Line Flushing Technology and the Design of Special Flusher. ─── 管道连续清洗工艺及专用清洗器的设计

10、He went flush from school into the construction of the first nucleur power station. ─── 他从学校毕业后就参加了第一个原子能发电站的建设。

11、The security forces say they will flush out all the troublemakers. ─── 保安人员说他们一定把所有捣乱分子清出来。

12、Prior to installation, thoroughly flush pipe line to remove any foreign matter. ─── 在安装之前,彻底冲洗管线,清除任何外来物质。

13、In the first flush of dawn we climbed up the mountain. ─── 在曙光初照时,我们爬上了山顶。

14、April brought the first flush of grass. ─── 四月嫩草萌发。

15、Please flush the toilet after you've used it. ─── 便後请冲水.

16、Registry changes are flushed to disk when the registry uses its lazy flusher. ─── 注册表使用其惰性刷新器时,将注册表更改刷新到磁盘。

17、She began to flush with excitement. ─── 她由于激动脸开始发红。

18、He was flush for having quarrelled with his boss. ─── 他和老板争得面红耳赤。

19、Flush the toilet after each using. ─── 便后请冲水。

20、A flush of alarm prickled her skin. ─── 一阵恐慌使得她浑身起鸡皮疙瘩。

21、Across the rich world, firms are flush with cash. ─── 在富裕国家,企业资金充裕。

22、There was a flush in her cheeks. ─── 她满脸通红。

23、The young shoots are now in full flush after a heavy shower. ─── 大雨后新芽萌发。

24、The maid gave the floor a flush. ─── 女佣冲洗了地板。

25、They tend to expect to complete their flush again if they flop another draw. ─── 他们在打另一副牌的时候就会期待再次抓到同花的五张牌。

26、A pink flush spread over his cheeks. ─── 他满脸通红。

27、A door that is flush with the wall. ─── 与墙在同一平面上的门

28、He was killed in an airplane accident in the first flush of youth. ─── 他在风华正茂时因飞机失事身亡。

29、Are you sure you want to flush the contents of cache? ─── 你确定要刷新缓冲区的内容吗?

30、The poker economy has never been flusher. ─── 扑克经济现在是空前繁荣。

31、In the full flush of success, nothing.was an obstacle. ─── 在成就如日中天时,其势锐不可当。

32、He's no longer in his first flush. ─── 他不再洋溢着青春的活力。

33、He felt a flush of pride as he watched his children. ─── 他看着自己的孩子一种强烈的自豪感涌上心头

34、Flush dirt and scale from supply pipe. ─── 冲洗供应管道内的污物和水垢。

35、The sudden relief from fear that flooded his body made him flush with shame. ─── 一阵排除了恐惧的突如其来的轻松感涌上心头,传遍全身,使他羞愧得“刷”一下红了脸。

36、Immediately flush with water for at least 15minutes. ─── 1眼睛:立即用水冲洗15分钟。

37、He is in the full flush of success; nothing was an obstacle. ─── 他的成就如日中天, 锐不可当。

38、You might as well flush it down the toilet. ─── 你简直是把钱扔入马桶里去了。

39、Flush, colourful cheeks, a light moustache, a grey fedora hat. ─── 他们这么交谈着时,她从眼角隐隐瞧见了一些那人的相貌:红润生动的脸,淡淡的一抹小胡子,一顶灰色的软呢帽。

40、The young shoot are now in full flush after a heavy shower. ─── 一阵大雨之后,那些嫩苗现在长得正茂盛。

41、When you flush the toilet,you can hear the water sloshing about in the pipe. ─── 冲厕所时,你会听到水在管道里流动。

42、He was always flush in tipping. ─── 他给小费总是很大方。

43、The flush of rainwater was welcomed by the farmers. ─── 倾泻的雨水正是农夫们梦寐以求的。

44、They flush off their garage floor every day. ─── 他们每天都冲洗车房。

45、In general, there seemed to be four stages to the flush and crash. ─── 一般说来,从暴长到破产经历了4个阶段。

46、To flush toilet, put your hand in front of the sensor. ─── 使用完后请将手放在感应器前放水冲洗。

47、His tan was pinked by a liquor flush. ─── 喝酒后他那晒黑的皮肤透出了红色。

48、Towards four o'clock the sky in front of him began to flush pink and golden. ─── 四点钟左右,他前面的一片天开始透露出淡红色和金黄色的光彩。

49、Miss Ophelia looked keenly at him, and saw the flush of mortification. ─── 奥菲丽亚小姐用锐利的目光扫了一眼他脸上羞耻的红晕。

50、Her face became full of flush after her secret was revealed. ─── 她的秘密被泄露之后,顿时面红耳赤。

51、You have to flush the birds from their hiding place before you shoot them. ─── 在向鸟射击之前,你得先将它们从藏身的地方赶出来。

52、Flush a toilet; flush a wound with iodine. ─── 冲马桶; 以碘酒冲冼伤口

53、She stopped, a faint flush suffusing her cheeks. ─── 她停了一下,脸上泛起一抹红晕。

54、There are a vast stretch of flush on his back. ─── 他的后背上有一大片潮红。

55、He felt a flush of excitement. ─── 他感到一阵兴奋。

56、She showed a flush of shame. ─── 她因羞愧而脸红。

57、He is always flush of money. ─── 他的钱总是很充裕。

58、You expect me to buy that story? Flush it! ─── 你以为我会相信那事吗?见鬼!

59、The flush method of OutputStream does nothing. ─── OutputStream的flush方法不做任何事。

60、Now the company's series products are range from Automatic Urinal Flusher, Automatic Toilet Flusher, Automatic Hand Dryer and so on. ─── 现在,该公司的系列产品包括自动小便斗冲洗器,自动马桶冲洗器,自动干手机等。

61、Can you help me to flush my car? ─── 你能帮我洗一下车吗?

62、It loosed a nervous flush along his back which pricked painfully. ─── 他顿时感到背上火辣辣的一阵灼热,针刺般的生疼。

63、Embarrassment caused blood to flush to her face. ─── 困窘使血液涌到她的脸上。

64、Dull purple flush on leaf of four week old swede plant. ─── 在四周老甘蓝植物叶上有暗紫色。

65、Make sure the paving stones are flush with the lawn. ─── 务必要使铺路石和草坪齐平。

66、Flush test cocks before test. ─── 在检测前冲洗测试旋塞。

67、He speaks in English] Fujii Itsuki straight flush. ─── 他说英语)树藤井真的脸红了。

68、The lavatory won't flush; I've tried flushing it several times, but it won't work. ─── 厕所还是塞住了,我已经试过用水冲了好几次,但没有效果。

69、The storage was behind two flush doors down the corridor. ─── 储物间在走廊那头两扇齐平门的后面。

70、Small changes in the gene pool of a population may actually initiate a flush. ─── 在种群的基因库中,微小的改变均可实际地诱发一次种群暴长。

71、He hit him flush on the jaw. ─── 他恰好打中他的下颚。

72、Drinking more water also helps to flush out excess sodium. ─── 多喝水同样可以帮助人体排出多余的钠元素。

73、The utility model provides a novel flushing method for a direct drainage closestool flusher in sitting type and squatting type closestools. ─── 本实用新型为坐式和蹲式马桶中的直排式马桶提供了一种新式冲洗方式。

74、Dual Steelwire-drive Flush valve Material:ABS+POM Type:HP-09A-B 1. ─── 产品说明: 双档自由式排水阀 材质:ABS+POM 型号:HP-09A-B 1. 区分大小水,溢流管可自由伸缩。

75、The several hundreds steeds clear shouted the scat to flush. ─── 上百匹骏马随着一声清亮的呼哨声冲了出来。

76、Prior to reassembly flush valve to remove sediment. ─── 在重新组装冲洗阀之前,先清除沉淀物。

77、A flush mounted to her face. ─── 她的脸涨红了。

78、Toilets made before 1993 use 3.5 to 8 gallons per flush (gpf). ─── 公厕1993年前使用3.5至8加仑的冲水(全球政策论坛)。

79、A flush of excitement crept into his face. ─── 兴奋的红晕爬上他的脸。

80、A deep flush dyed her cheeks. ─── 她的双颊染上一层绯红。

81、The sewege pipe is blocked; give it a good flush. ─── "这根下水道管子堵塞了,好好地冲一冲。"

82、Either way, I am likely to flush bright red as the door, with embarrassment. ─── 一扇大红色的门,当然会带来不便。

83、In the full flush of success, nothing was an obstacle. ─── 在成就如日中天时,其势锐不可当。

84、My face doesn't flush on the other side because I put ice cube on it. ─── 另一边不红,是因为我敷了冰块。愣愣地言语,就成了

85、Don't be fooled by his talk . That low - down four - flusher is not really a movie producer. ─── 别被他的话骗了。那个无耻的骗子不是真的电影制片。

86、But, alcohol reverses this effect by making you flush red. ─── 但是,酒精会通过让你脸部发红而起反作用。

87、He is killed in an accident in the first flush of manhood. ─── 他正当盛年时在一次事故中丧生。

88、One can flush the liver with a liver cleanse. ─── 你可以用肝脏净化剂来冲刷肝脏。

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