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09-05 投稿



scintillating 发音

[ 's?nt?let??]

英:  美:

scintillating 中文意思翻译



scintillating 网络释义

adj. 闪烁的;才气横溢的v. 闪耀(scintillate的ing形式)

scintillating 词性/词形变化,scintillating变形

动词现在分词: scintillating |动词过去式: scintillated |副词: scintillatingly |动词过去分词: scintillated |动词第三人称单数: scintillates |

scintillating 短语词组

1、scintillating medium ─── 闪烁介质

2、scintillating lady ─── 闪烁的女士

3、scintillating material ─── 闪烁物质

4、scintillating scotoma ─── [医] 闪光暗点

5、scintillating liquid ─── 闪烁液体

6、scintillating crystal ─── 闪烁晶体

7、scintillating technique ─── 闪烁技术

scintillating 相似词语短语

1、cantillating ─── vt.吟诵;以单音调诵歌;vi.吟诵

2、scintillation ─── n.闪烁;发出火花;才华横溢

3、scintillant ─── adj.闪烁的

4、scintillations ─── n.闪烁;发出火花;才华横溢

5、scintillatingly ─── 闪亮的

6、scintillated ─── vi.发出火花;闪烁

7、scintillator ─── n.荧光材料;闪烁计数器,闪烁体

8、scintillates ─── vi.发出火花;闪烁

9、scintillate ─── vi.发出火花;闪烁

scintillating 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The city's beauty is the scintillating point of its moment. ─── 城市之美,是它片刻闪耀的光芒!

2、organic scintillating solution ─── 有机闪烁溶液

3、Optical and Scintillating Properties of Large-size PbWO_4 Crystal Grown by Modified Bridgman Method ─── Bridgman法生长的大尺寸钨酸铅晶体的光学和闪烁性能(英文)

4、Blue watched as a word or phrase materialized in scintillating sparks, a poetry of fire which casts everything into darkness with the brightness of its reflections. ─── 蓝色,它看起来就像是闪溢着无数火花的拥有具体化外形的一个词语,好比火焰一般的诗歌,在它明亮的炙热的反光中,一切都显得黯淡。

5、Since then, Ronaldo has been in scintillating form for the Reds, and Queiroz is excited about the future that lies ahead of the Madeiran. ─── 从那以后,罗纳尔多在曼联一直表现出色,奎罗兹为这个马德拉人能继续留在曼联而兴奋。

6、That's for you to decide and to write your paper about this week or make scintillating comments in your discussion sections. ─── 这个问题留待你们判断和作为本周的论文题目,或者在讨论环节中做精彩的评论。

7、Neither twin had played a full match in a year, but they were keen to play down their scintillating start to life at United. ─── 在看了拉法尔惊艳的表现后,法比奥强调他在替补出场时并不会感到压力。

8、Exploring Improvement of Optical Properties of Glasses by Doping with Organic Scintillating Activator ─── 掺杂有机闪烁激活剂玻璃的荧光光谱和光输出

9、It is even more frustrating considering Rooney's scintillating form since overcoming a fractured metatarsal sustained on the opening day of the season. ─── 考虑到赛季初鲁尼已经因跖骨骨裂缺阵数周,这可能更让人不安。

10、The Ivory Coast star has been in scintillating form this season but has yet to put pen-to-paper on a new deal. ─── 这位科特迪瓦球星在本赛季表现抢眼,一份新的合同即将签署。

11、For the second consecutive year, the posh patrons here at the All England Club were treated to a scintillating men's final that spilled into extra time. ─── 连续两年,全英俱乐部的上流主顾们都享受到了一场才华横溢的男单决赛,火星四溅直到加时。

12、or induced an orgasmic explosion of scintillating flavors on your taste buds? ─── 还是引发你的味蕾达到美味的高潮?

13、In this illusion, the induced color appears both self-luminous and scintillating. ─── 就这种错觉而言,诱导出的颜色似乎同时会自行发光、也会闪烁。

14、She had risen from her chair to gaze out the viewport, mesmerized by the scintillating dance of Earth's orbiting debris. ─── 她从椅子上站起来,出神的看着地球轨道上漂浮的那些残骸。

15、Mancini was in scintillating form last season as Roma finished second in Serie A, won the Coppa Italia and reached the quarter-final of the Champions League. ─── 小曼奇尼上赛季表现优异,而罗马也在联赛中夺得了亚军,赢了意大利超级杯,并成功的打进欧冠的四分之一决赛。

16、Would you say that ravished your inquisitive palate or induced an orgasmic explosion of scintillating flavorson your taste buds? ─── 你认为这道菜破坏了你的食欲还是让你食欲大增?

17、The scintillating conversation was the saving grace of a bad and overpriced meal. ─── 这顿饭既差又贵,唯一可取之处,即是用餐时充满才趣的对话

18、Diamonds scintillating in the candlelight ─── 在烛光下闪烁的钻石.

19、You start to hear the lovely complex patterns, and they are turned into scintillating electronic stimulations within the nervous system. ─── 你开始听到这个可爱的复杂图景。

20、Benayoun's scintillating all-round performance was capped by his third hat-trick in a red shirt. ─── 贝纳永星光闪耀帽子戏法已经是他代表利物浦的第三个帽子戏法。

21、United turned in a scintillating first-half display, and could have been ahead through Kieran Lee or Fraizer Campbell before they did take the lead. ─── 曼联上半场打得非常理想,在首开纪录前就有机会依靠基兰-李或者坎贝尔的头球取得领先的。

22、But she is also a Hellenistic bacchante scintillating over the surface of a chunky silver vase. ─── 但她也是古希腊酒神女祭司,在一个厚实的银花瓶上散发光芒。

23、Keywords polyester garbage;triangular heteroclite dacron short fibre;shape of spinneret;hetercliteness of the intersecting surface of the fibre;gloss;scintillating effect; ─── 聚酯废料;三角形涤纶短纤维;喷丝孔形状;截面异形度;光泽度;闪光效果;

24、Understandably, the 23-year-old is yet to recapture the scintillating form that saw him score 42 goals as United claimed both the Premier League and Champions League crowns last term. ─── 显然,目前这位23岁的球员还没有恢复到上个赛季打入42球,帮助曼联夺取双冠王的状态。

25、Keywords lead tungstate crystal;luminescence decay time;optical absorption;irradiation hardness;scintillating crystal;Bridgman method; ─── 钨酸铅晶体;发光衰减时间;光学吸收;辐照硬度;闪烁晶体;坩埚下降法;

26、a scintillating performance/conversation ─── 精彩的演出/谈话

27、a play full of scintillating dialogue. ─── 一个充满经典对话的剧本。

28、inherit our country ancient excellent culture.Read through a scintillating of verse. ─── 通过诗歌的诵读,学生能受到美的熏陶。

29、You can hardly expect scintillating conversation from a kid that age. ─── 你几乎很难想象那么小年纪的孩子会说出妙趣横生的话来。

30、scintillating scotoma ─── [医] 闪光暗点

31、Emanating an alluring floral scent, this full-bodied tea has a flowery sweet accent that progresses into a fresh, scintillating aftertaste. ─── 产生一个诱人的花香味,这种浓郁的茶有一个华丽的甜口音的进展成一个新鲜的,夺人眼目的回味。

32、Ben and his sister Becky said the bear was likely lured into the car by a certain scintillating scent. ─── Ben和他的姐妹Becky说,这头熊可能是被某种香味所引诱而进入汽车的。

33、The former Marseille man has been in scintillating form this term, with his efforts justifying his decision to remain loyal to Chelsea and sign a new deal. ─── 这位前马赛前锋今年的状态很出色,由于自己的努力得到认可,他决定留下来忠于切尔西,并且的到了一份新合同。

34、Time resolution research in liquid scintillating detection ─── 液闪探测的时间分辨率研究

35、This striking phenomenon may be referred to as the scintillating grid illusion. ─── 这一惊人的现象可能被称为闪烁电网幻想。

36、Jwewl like the immortal does not boast of its length of years but of the scintillating point of its moment. ─── 宛若宝石般的不朽者,夸耀的不是它久远的年代,而是那片刻闪耀的光芒。

37、Scintillating colors appear in the air. ─── 耀眼的色彩出现在空中。

38、This softly soapy shower gel whips up a lather that simultaneously conditions and cleans. It also doubles as bath bubbles with a scintillating citrus scent. Ingredients.8.5 oz.By Bliss. ─── 温和的清洁沐浴露。制造出丰富的泡沫。提供清洁及健康效能。丰富泡沫形成泡沫浴。使皮肤清洁及气味清新

39、It will be a truly scintillating occasion. ─── 那将是一个真正闪亮着光芒的情景。

40、Her present countenance had a wild vindictiveness in its white cheek, and a bloodless lip and scintillating eye; ─── 在她现在的面容上,那白白的双颊,没有血色的唇,以及闪烁的眼睛都显出一种狂野的要复仇的心情;

41、It was as though all the players taking part were too tired to think about tactics and boring stuff like defending, as the likes of Spain, Holland and Russia served up some scintillating football. ─── 本届欧洲杯的所有参赛球队似乎都对战术纪律和防守意识感到厌倦,许多球队例如西班牙、荷兰和俄罗斯,都为世界演绎出了才华横溢的比赛。

42、Promoters Bob Arum of Top Rank and Richard Schaefer of Golden Boy had all but wrapped up a scintillating bout between Pacquiao and Ricky Hatton for May 2 at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas. ─── 纵使顶衔推广的阿鲁姆和金童推广的沙菲尔能呼风唤雨,也敲不定帕奎奥和哈顿5月2日火并拉斯维加斯米高梅饭店。

43、Guus Hiddink proved as much in a brief yet scintillating spell in charge over the last three months of last term which served to remind this squad of their considerable capabilities. ─── 希丁克在上赛季最后三个月短暂却辉煌的任期,证实这支队伍具备非凡的能力。

44、Jewel-like the immortal does not boast of its length of years but of the scintillating point of its moment. ─── 像宝石的不朽者并不夸耀他年代的悠久而是他那顷刻的闪耀。

45、Keywords scintillator;scintillating glass;glass-ceramics;organic activator; ─── 闪烁体;闪烁玻璃;微晶玻璃;有机激活剂;

46、iridescent scintillating effect ─── 虹彩闪烁效应

47、Keywords NaBi(WO 4) 2;crystal growth;Bridgman method;scintillating crystal; ─── 晶体生长;坩埚下降法;闪烁晶体;

48、But she is also a Hellenistic bacchante scintillating over the surface of a chunky silver vase. ─── 但她也是古希腊酒神女祭司,在一个厚实的银花瓶上散发光芒。

49、his fertile effervescent mind; scintillating personality; sparkling conversation; a row of sparkly cheerleaders. ─── 他丰富、活跃的思想;活泼的性格;活跃的谈话;一排活泼的啦啦队队长。

50、liquid scintillating detection ─── 液体闪烁探测

51、The skipper enjoyed another scintillating season at the heart of the Reds' title push and believes both he and Liverpool are on the verge of an even better campaign next time out. ─── 红军队长表示自己很享受本赛季个人和球队的表现,他声称有信心带领球队在下个赛季迎来一个冠军井喷的利物浦年。

52、She had risen from her chair to gaze out the viewport, mesmerized by the scintillating dance of Earth's orbiting debris. ─── 她从椅子上站起来,出神的看着地球轨道上漂浮的那些残骸。

53、Keywords bismuth germanate;crystal pulling;scintillating crystal; ─── 锗酸铋晶体;引上法晶体生长;闪烁晶体;

54、Also went on one scintillating solo run in the first half when he beat three men. ─── 上半时还有一次惊艳的突破三人表现。

55、Statistics on unemployment levels hardly make for scintillating reading. ─── 失业统计数据读来不大会有趣味。

56、Minmei wasn't sure what reactions or thoughts she was seeing cross Edwards's face; the gleaming half cowl and scintillating lens-eye made it difficult to tell. ─── 明美不敢确定从爱德华兹的脸上,看到了什么反应或者想法;光亮的半边面罩与闪烁的晶体假眼让她更加难辨。

57、scintillating medium ─── 闪烁介质闪烁体

58、But of the scintillating point of its moment. ─── 而是顷刻的闪耀。

59、The first of a record-breaking month of London gigs found Gervais in taste-free yet frequently scintillating form. ─── 在伦敦演出的首个破记录月份里,格威斯的表现低俗无味,但又时常妙趣横生。

60、Conclusion: being a walk-on may not win the applause and flowers from the audience, but that is an inevitable course leading to scintillating success. ─── 总结:作为跑龙套的可能不会得到观众的掌声和鲜花,但它是通往闪亮成功的必不可少的过程。

61、Jewel like the immortal does not boast of its length of years but of the scintillating point of its moment.? ─── 宛若宝石般永恒者,炫耀的并非它悠久的历史,而是耀亮于瞬间的光芒。??

62、For the scintillating prospect of enduring accomplishment. ─── 为了闪耀的前景,不断坚持使命。

63、At the continent's center, the Titans crafted a lake of scintillating energies.The lake, which they named the Well of Eternity, was to be the fount of life for the world. ─── 泰坦在这块大陆的中心凿出了一片充满魔法能量的湖泊,并将它命名为永恒之井,以此作为这个世界生命的源泉。

64、Jewel like the immortal does not boast of its length of yearsof the scintillating point of its moment. ─── 宛若宝石般永恒者,炫耀的并非它悠久的历史,而是耀亮于瞬间的光芒。

65、Cloud 9 Offers You A Scintillating View Of The Chinnakanal Waterfalls, From From All Its Cottages And Rooms. ─── 云09酒店优惠预订,如果您需要在慕那尔,印度住宿(包括酒店、宾馆、旅店,饭店、汽车旅馆),这个酒店将是一个不错的选择。

66、With determination and perseverance, anyone could thrive in the subject.Contrary to the belief that mathematics is boring and mechanical, Kou thinks it attractive and scintillating. ─── 虽然当年她的家境并非富裕,但在父亲的全力支持下,可以免去后顾之忧而全身心投入数学的学习之中。

67、scintillating disk ─── 盘状闪烁体

68、scintillating scotomata ─── 闪光暗点

69、Abstract The structure of the large area scintillating fiber array (LASFA) detector and the characteristics of the scintillating fibers unit were described. ─── 摘要 对大面积光纤阵列探测器中的光纤阵列探测单元的性能进行检测。

70、brightly coloured; scintillating ─── 灼烁

71、On the upper halves of its two mountains, the resort is reminiscent of the best of the Alps: cold, snowy and blessed with a scintillating variety of terrain. ─── 在这两座山的任一座上,其景点都成了阿尔卑斯山脉最美的回忆:凉爽、多雪、具有出色的多样的地形。

72、This spatter of brilliant, scintillating foam looked from a distance like a shower of minute white plum petals fluttering slowly down. ─── 那溅着的水花,晶莹而多芒; 远望去,象一朵朵小小的白梅,微雨似的纷纷落着。

73、plastic scintillating fiber ─── 塑料闪烁光纤

74、You were scintillating on TV last night. ─── 您昨晚在电视上妙语如珠.

75、In this aspect, scintillating glass has obvious advantages comparing with scintillating crystal. ─── 与闪烁晶体相比,闪烁玻璃在这方面具有明显的优势。

76、Characteristic test of Sb doped lead tungstate scintillating crystals ─── 掺锑钨酸铅晶体性能的测量

77、Neither twin had played a full match in a year, but they were keen to play down their scintillating start to life at United. ─── 值得一提的是两兄弟在为曼联上阵的一年前都没踢过一场完整的比赛,可是一下场他们立即有不俗的表现。

78、2. his fertile effervescent mind; scintillating personality; sparkling conversation; a row of sparkly cheerleaders. ─── 他丰富、活跃的思想;活泼的性格;活跃的谈话;一排活泼的啦啦队队长。收藏指正

79、Keywords PbWO 4 crystal;macroscopic defect;Bridgman method;scintillating crystal; ─── 4晶体;宏观缺陷;布里奇曼法;闪烁晶体;

80、Keywords PbWO 4(Y 2O 3)crystal;scintillating crystal;Bridgman method; ─── 晶体;闪烁晶体;布里奇曼法;

81、However he is a scintillating player who did a very good job at right-back and filled in for Makelele quite well. ─── 虽然如此他仍然是个机灵的球员,串演右后卫时表现非常出色亦蛮不错地填补了马克莱莱的位置。

82、Test and improvement of voltage divider system of PMT for large area scintillating fiber array detector at RIBLL terminal[J].Nuclear Electronics & Detection Technology(in press, in Chinese). ─── RIBLL终端大面积闪烁阵列探测器光电倍增管分压系统的测试与改进[J].核电子学与探测技术(待发表).

83、A complete picture of his genius depends all the more, then, on his numerous superb drawings, many of them scintillating studies from the life. ─── 他的绘画的完成靠的是他的天才,远比其他因素多上许多。

84、Growth Technique and Scintillating Properties of Lead Tungstate Crystal ─── 新型闪烁晶体钨酸铅的生长技术和闪烁性能

85、Pearl set forth at a great pace, and as Hester smiled to perceive, did actually catch the sunshine, and stood laughing in the midst of it, all brightened by its splendour, and scintillating with the vivacity excited by rapid motion. ─── 珠儿拔腿飞快地跑去,海丝特微笑着看到,她还真的抓住了阳光,并且站在阳光中放声大笑,全身披着的灿烂的彩晖,还随着她快速移动的活跃激荡着而闪闪发亮。

86、scintillating repartee ─── 机敏的应答

87、Ronaldo admits he is in a rich vein of form as the season enters its critical stage, but he attributes his scintillating displays in part to the contribution of the players around him. ─── “我信心十足,我勇不可挡,我对每场比赛都充满了热情。当然当球队大占上风的时候,踢球总是一件很惬意的事情。身边每一个伙伴的状态都很好,这也让我有机会能尽情发挥。”

88、I'm looking forward to some scintillating conversation at your party tomorrow night. ─── 我希望在你明晚的宴会上听到妙趣横生的谈话。

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