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09-05 投稿



clarifying 发音

英:[?kl?r?fa???]  美:[?kl?r?fa???]

英:  美:

clarifying 中文意思翻译



clarifying 词性/词形变化,clarifying变形

名词: clarifica-tion |动词现在分词: clarifying |动词第三人称单数: clarifies |动词过去式: clarified |动词过去分词: clarified |

clarifying 反义词


clarifying 同义词

enlighten | refine | simplify | process | define | expound |explain | spell out | demonstrate | shed light on | resolve | amplify | illustrate | make clear | elucidate | unfold | clear | filter | cleanse | purify | make | illuminate | interpret | clear up | specify | show

clarifying 短语词组

1、clarifying beeswax ─── 澄清蜂蜡

2、clarifying area ─── 澄清区

3、clarifying system ─── 澄清系统

4、clarifying definition ─── 澄清定义

5、clarifying cream ─── 清洁面霜

6、clarifying mask ─── 洁肤面膜

7、clarifying tank ─── [化] 沉清桶

8、clarifying filtration ─── 澄清过滤

9、clarifying shampoo ─── 澄清洗发水

10、clarifying basin ─── [化] 澄清池

11、clarifying lotion ─── 洁肤水

12、clarifying capacity ─── [建] 澄清容量

13、clarifying pond ─── 澄清池

14、clarifying solution ─── 澄清溶液

15、clarifying agent ─── [食品]澄清剂

16、clarifying water ─── 澄清水

17、clarifying plant ─── 净化厂

18、clarifying chamber ─── [化] 澄清室

19、clarifying filter ─── [化] 澄清过滤器

clarifying 相似词语短语

1、caprifying ─── 反复无常的

2、ladifying ─── vt.使…成为贵妇人

3、clarioning ─── n.号角;adj.清澈响亮的;n.(Clarion)人名;(法)克拉里翁

4、classifying ─── v.把……分类;把……分等级;将……定为机密(classify的现在分词);adj.(形容词)表示中心名词属性的

5、coalifying ─── 煤化

6、glorifying ─── v.赞美,颂扬,崇拜(神);吹捧,吹嘘,美化(glorify的现在分词)

7、rarifying ─── v.(使)变稀薄;使成精细;纯化

8、scarifying ─── v.翻松(路面、田地等);严厉批评;恐吓,使害怕(scarify的现在分词)

9、carnifying ─── vt.使成肉质;使变成肉质;vi.变成肉质

clarifying 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The saleswoman is clarifying the terms of both delivery and payment to the prospective client in a patient, non-confrontational way. ─── 听的时候,要特别注意这位销售人员对那位客户讲话的方式。她是如何鼓励这位客户购买她们公司的产品的?她用了什么技巧呢?

2、Library technical folks have been quicker to understand the value of this effort and have assisted in clarifying how the vocabularies will be used. ─── 图书馆的技术酒徒们常常能够更快地理解这类努力的价值并帮助澄清词表的应用方法。

3、The question of whether Russia's authoritarianism is sustainable is best answered by clarifying its purpose. ─── 要回答俄罗斯的专制是否能够持续的问题,最好的办法是澄清其目标。

4、The thesis aimed at clarifying dialectical relation between the economy of real estate with the commercial pedestrian street construction, at the same time. ─── 同时阐明房地产经济同商业步行街建设之间的辩证关系。

5、Having a certain skepticism about what they are being taught can help students to make the teachers and professors even better by clarifying correct answers or correcting mistakes and misinformation. ─── 对别人教给他的东西持有一种怀疑态度能够帮助学生督促老师和教授改正错误,进一步讲清正确答案,纠正错误的表达,从而使他们做得更好。

6、Recitations play a major role in clarifying the material and demonstrating how problems are solved. ─── 复习课在阐明课程内容和示范问题求解上扮演著一个重要的角色。

7、In the food industry, serves as the grape wine and the sugar fruit juice clarifying agent, beer stabilizing processing, saccharification processing, the syrup purification and so on. ─── 在食品工业上,用作葡萄酒和糖果汁的澄清剂,啤酒的稳定化处理,糖化处理,糖汁净化等。

8、Application of chitosan on mulberry fruit juice clarifying ─── 壳聚糖在桑椹汁澄清中的应用

9、Using Pectinase To Clarifying The Sugar Cane Juice ─── 应用果胶酶澄清甘蔗汁

10、Land contract responsibility system clarifying the rural land use and income rights, but is still the land collectively owned. ─── 土地承包责任制明晰了农村土地的使用和收益权利,但土地仍是集体所有。

11、By clarifying some vague ideas concerning the three concepts, We arrive at the conclusion that Geographical Indications is a concept located between Indications of source (superordinate concep... ─── 我们认为,地理标志是居于来源地标识(上位概念)和原产地名称(下位概念)之间的中位概念。

12、The options include removing certain executives and reassigning or clarifying their job responsibilities, according to people familiar with the process. ─── 据知情人士称,花旗的选择方案包括撤换某些高管,重新委任或是澄清他们的工作职责。

13、If because misunderstand,dissatisfaction is, clarifying effectively is necessary. ─── 假如不满是由于误会,那么准确有效地澄清是必要的。

14、Could you kindly send me a map clarifying how to get tITe from the airport? ─── 您没出国疑问帮助机场至贵一自己一自己自己搞的地图吗?

15、Hereby,it implied that biological activity of diosgenin might be intervented by M receptor,which provided a new scene for clarifying disgenin"s founction route. ─── 据此,推测薯蓣皂苷元生物活性可能是通过M受体介导,为阐明其作用途径提供了新的视角。

16、COM thread model is tried to introduce clearly by clarifying easily confused terminologies. ─── 但由于各种原因,COM线程模型也是较难理解的一部分。

17、It has serious significance to clarifying the facts of cases, and correctly applying law, and vindicating the judicial authority, and also guaranteeing the rights of parties. ─── 它对于查清案件事实,正确适用法律,维护司法权威,保障当事人的权利,具有重要意义。

18、Clarifying natural factors, pure Jojoba oil, tea tree oil cream, such as amino acids. ─── 成份:天然洁肤因子、精纯霍霍巴油、茶树油精华、氨基酸等。

19、They did not see that these findings were necessarily clarifying the picture of how memories are formed.But an oddball substance right there on their own list, it turned out, had unusual properties. ─── 他们没有预见这些研究发现必然能阐明记忆是如何形成的,可正是他们那份名单上的一项古怪物质,最终被确认原来是有着某种不同寻常特性的。

20、Understanding the product performance specifications and clarifying technical issues with customers and suppliers. The specification is not just limited in GB standard. ─── 可以理解技术标准文件的要求并可以和其他人员就这方面的要求进行交流,不仅限于GB标准;

21、Let's close by clarifying a couple of key issues. ─── 让我们通过澄清两个关键问题来结束本文。

22、This is a common question for all of us when talking about practice.So, only after clarifying the concepts of practice and doing good things, can we correctly understand the generation of Bodhi mind. ─── 在谈到修行的时候,我们普遍都存在着这个问题,因此,只有把行善和修行弄清楚了,才能正确理解发菩提心。

23、Absoluteness of Clarifying Property Rights ─── 产权清晰绝对性

24、Urban land property right system is the basic section, as clarifying the property right is prerequisite for any transaction. ─── 城市土地产权制度在城市地产交易制度中处于基础性地位,因为对于任何一项交易而言,产权明晰是交易的前提。

25、clearing categories and clarifying the reasons for ─── 察类明故

26、Clarifying what is required to the supplier for the development of necessary tools in order to manage,plan,check and document the product check also through the process check. ─── 为了对产品的检测以及制造过程的检测进行管理,规划,检查并形成文件记录,澄清对供应商开发必要的工具的要求。

27、You may HAs anotIT certificate clarifying the goods to be free from radioactive contamination. ─── 你们还要出具另一份证明书,以证明货物么有受放射线污染。

28、Competency models are developed through a process of clarifying the business strategy and determining performance management, competency dictionary, select sample , collect data. ─── 建立能力词典,选择样本、分组、收集数据、分析收集到的信息数据、提炼能力项目、建立模型。

29、Wordiness only obscures, instead of clarifying the idea. ─── 很难应对未来几个月变幻莫测的市场挑战。

30、But the wildness of nature is the chief source for clarifying insights into vivisystems, and probably the paramount source of more insights to come. ─── 我们对活系统的深刻认识,主要来源于自然界的野生状态,在未来,我们还将从中获得更多的启示。

31、As in Jonas's myth, deity thus achieves a redefining and clarifying of the nature of itself through the efficacy of its works. ─── 如同Jonas的神话一样,神就是这样完成了重新定义且通过它本身运转效能澄清自身的天性。

32、On the basis of clarifying capital account and capital account opening, the part analyzes the sameness and differences between the opening and restriction of capital account. ─── 其中在明确了资本项目及资本项目开放的内涵基础上,分析了资本管制与资本项目开放的异同点,指出二者既有对立,又有统一。

33、The determination the dissolvability of dissolve of alumine in calcium aluminate for water clarifying agent are introduced in this paper. ─── 介绍生产净水剂聚合铝所用原料中的氧化铝溶出率*的测定方法。

34、Relativity of Clarifying Property Rights ─── 产权清晰相对性

35、The most important use is in clarifying my own thinking. ─── 最重要的用途是理清我的思路。

36、Using artificial neural networks,can succeed in clarifying the experience disbands at different interfaces. ─── 利用人工神经网络的方法可以对不同界面脱粘时的实验检测信号进行正确地识别。

37、ZTC- Ⅱ natural clarifying agent ─── ZTC-Ⅱ型天然澄清剂

38、Holdup characteristics of liquid in a packed bed were experimentally examined for clarifying the holdup of molten materials in the lower coke zone of a blast furnace. ─── 为阐明高炉下部熔融物的滞留特性,对填料床内液体的滞留量进行了冷态模拟实验研究,考察了液体的粘度、密度和表面张力、填料的粒度和形状及液体的流速等影响因素。

39、What troubled Inman most, though, was that Lee made it clear he looked on war as an instrument for clarifying God's obscure will. ─── 最困扰英曼的是,显然李把战争看作一种方式来解读上帝未言明的意志。

40、This week, China's official Xinhua news agency said Mr.Paulson had sent it a statement clarifying his views. ─── 官方媒体新华社本周称,鲍尔森向其发来一份声明,澄清自己的观点。

41、In this paper,the origin of researches on exercise-induced immunosuppression,the "open window" theory and possible mechanism were summarized in hope of clarifying the cognition of this issue. ─── 对运动性免疫抑制研究的起源、"开窗"理论的提出及可能的机制研究综述,有利于澄清认识。

42、Notifying each party in merchandise building mortgage loan notarization has important significance in guaranteeing each party's concerned rights, and clarifying each party's concerned duty. ─── 在商品房按揭贷款公证中对各方当事人进行告知,在保障各方当事人权益、明确各方当事人义务上具有重要意义。

43、Some views on this problem are presented in the hope of clarifying erroneous ideas and correcting two deviations in this connection, and some suggestions on the teaching and learning of English grammar are offered. ─── 对此,阐明作者的观点,以期纠正一些不正确的看法和倾向,同时对如何改进英语语法教学提出建议。

44、"This has been a tough week, but it has also been clarifying, " he said. "You find out what matters to you in life, who your friends are. " ─── “这是很艰难的一周,但也帮我理清思路,”他说。“我发现了生命中什么才是重要的、谁才是朋友。”

45、Therefore, increasing the stability of anthocyanin, clarifying and preventing precipitation become key problems in the production of yangmei juice. ─── 因此提高杨梅果汁色泽稳定性、清和防止沉淀是杨梅果汁生产的关键问题。

46、But in an age when the power of independent agencies (including Catholic ones) is growing by the day, mightn't the Vatican enhance its authority by clarifying its own status? ─── 但是,在独立机构(包括天主教会的)的力量正日益增强的这个时代,难道梵蒂冈不应该通过澄清自己的身份来加强自己的威信么?

47、Clarifying how these principles and virtues can be used together to enhance the protection of medical research participants is essential, say the authors. ─── 两位作者认为,澄清如何能够共同使用这些原则与美德从而提高对医学研究参与者的保护至关重要。

48、Preps skin for the exfoliating action of Clarifying Lotion. ─── 去角质作用的洁肤水。

49、Career His published work is chiefly in article form and is usually concerned with clarifying some particular problem and assessing possible solutions. ─── 成就: 他出版的作品主要是以论文的形式澄清一些特定的问题并评价可能的解决。

50、Therefore, being prepared before the interview by clarifying the job description is important. ─── 所以,在面试前做好充足的准备,明确工作职责是非常重要的。

51、"Thought" is the soul of play .Through discussing the creative thought and clarifying the special function in erhu play, all my hope is inspire our own play and spur the progress of erhu art. ─── “思维”是演奏的灵魂,通过对二胡演奏中创造性思维的探讨,阐明其在二胡演奏中的独特作用,旨在启迪我们自身的演奏,推动二胡艺术的发展。

52、Guangzhou municipal government held an emergency news conference at clarifying the facts, strongly refuted. ─── 广州市政府下午召开紧急新闻发布会,澄清事实,极力辟谣。

53、Clarifying the Crime of Passing off the Patent ─── 对假冒专利罪的澄清

54、A Chinese official on Friday played down those expectations, saying the SED is a platform for clarifying expectations but "not for negotiations. ─── 一位中国官员在周五降低了那些预期,他说,阶段性经济对话是阐明预期的平台,但是并非用于妥协。

55、The application of enzyme processing in TCM products was introduced as auxiliary agent for extraction, clarifying agent, activator, catalyst, etc, and the main problems were presented. ─── 介绍了酶作为浸提辅助剂、澄清剂、激活剂、催化剂等,在中药制剂领域中的应用现状,分析其存在的关键问题。

56、SII focuses on clarifying standards language, ensuring that standards are program-specific, deleting redundant and nonessential standards and consolidating similar standards. ─── SII聚焦于明确标准语言,以便于确保标准因具体项目而定、消除冗余和不必要的标准并稳固类似标准。

57、Be careful to not only record the artifacts themselves (digital or video cameras are very handy at this stage) but also pay attention to how the interviewee describes them. Be sure to ask plenty of clarifying questions as well. ─── 不仅要认真记录人工制品本身(在这个阶段,数码摄像机或者摄像机非常方便),也要注意访谈对象如何描述它们,同时也要问足够多的问题进行澄清。

58、I forked over some more.A vision was now clarifying in my mind: of my being driven to a quiet place, dragged from the car, beaten, probably knifed, having everything stolen and being left for dead. ─── 我又拿出一些钱来,心里清楚地看见了将要发生的可怕情景:他们把我载到僻静的地方,把我从车里拉出来,打我,甚至用刀戳我,抢走我所有的东西,把我丢在那里等死。

59、I use this astringent after the Earth Sceince Clarifying Face Wash, and I really like how my skin looks after using this product. ─── 我在清爽洁面凝胶后面用这个水水。我非常喜欢我现在皮肤的感觉,非常好。

60、Raw juice was made from blueberry by crushing, pressing, clarifying and filtering.A blueberry pulpy juice drink was produced from the raw juice and blueberry pulp by formulation and sterilization. ─── 以笃斯越桔果实为原料,通过破碎、榨汁、澄清、精滤等工艺制得笃斯越桔原汁,添加笃斯越桔果实并经调配、杀菌工艺生产出带果粒果汁饮料。

61、In some cases I have added interpretive or clarifying comments in brackets. ─── 在一些情况下,我在括弧中加入一些解释性或阐释性评注。

62、Development of a natural juice clarifying agent ─── 一种天然果汁澄清剂的研制

63、Based on clarifying of land ecological security and taking Hebei Province as the case, this article discusses the methods of security evaluations of land ecology. ─── 以河北省为例,在界定土地生态安全概念的基础上,探讨了土地生态安全评价的方法。

64、The process of clarifying our ISAs will give us an opportunity to consider whether any other standards require more extensive revision. ─── 在使国际审计准则变得清晰的过程中,我们有机会来考虑其他准则是否需要大范围的修订。

65、Meanwhile, the article studies objects of beauty and its four evolving stages, thus clarifying the fact that the essence of beauty is continuously evolving. ─── 同时考察了美的对象及美的四个演变阶段,从而阐明了美的本质也在不断演变这一事实。

66、Authors use graphic aids to illustrate and expand on concepts taken up in the text because graphics are yet another way of portraying relationships and clarifying connections. ─── 作者使用图形辅助来说明和扩展文本中的概念,因为图形是描述关系和阐明联系的另一种方式。

67、This guidance is intended to assist Member States in understanding and clarifying how they can meet their relevant obligations under the IHR (2005). ─── 准则的宗旨是帮助会员国了解和明白怎样才能履行《国际卫生条例(2005)》赋予的义务。

68、The chest typed mixing clarifying tank was used as extractor after rempulding. ─── 将箱式混合澄清槽经改进后作为萃取器。

69、With the reputed aim of clarifying SAL's presence at Burlington House, the government brought a suit against it. ─── 2004年,政府对古物研究学会提起公诉,声称是为了澄清学会待在柏林顿展览馆一事。

70、Water clarifying agent--Ferric chloride ─── GB4482-1993净水剂氯化铁

71、But we do have the responsibility of rendering constructive criticism, of clarifying issues, of allaying fears by acting as responsible citizens. ─── 但我们确实有以下的责任:提出建设性的批评,澄清问题,以认真负责的公民的行动减少恐惧。

72、I'd like to know what else needs clarifying. ─── 我想知道还有什么需要澄清。

73、SH-EFC would sign contracts with the talents recommended by us or selected by the employers clarifying the society insurance and bonus. ─── 我公司推荐或用人单位自行物色员工,由我公司录用并签订劳动合同,承担员工的社会保险和福利.

74、We should actively participate in the constituting and clarifying of the agricultural rule for rather vindicating the agricultural benefit of our county. ─── 作为发展中的农业大国,我们要积极参与农业规则的制定和澄清,更好地维护我国的农业利益。

75、This week, China's official Xinhua news agency said Mr. Paulson had sent it a statement clarifying his views. ─── 官方媒体新华社本周称,鲍尔森向其发来一份声明,澄清自己的观点。

76、The obtained experimental results can provide the evidence for clarifying adhesive tensile mechanism as well as the reference for the practical concrete structural repair methods. ─── 为阐明粘结抗拉机理提供翔实的试验依据,并为混凝土修补工程提供参考。

77、While a recession may not be inevitable, the economy is clarifying slowed growth, and the have to mean those some companies consider downsizing. ─── 当经济消退不可避免、增长放缓的时间,就意味着某些一自己一自己自己搞要考虑递减打工人们了。

78、clarifying the boundary of state owned assets ─── 国有资产界定

79、but no doubt such a clarifying process would be going on all the while. ─── 毫无疑问,这样的净化过程随时都在继续着。

80、Mr Cameron should start now, by clarifying his European policy and his fiscal strategy while his position is strong. ─── 卡梅隆先生应该趁他的位子还稳固的时候,立刻着手说清楚他的欧洲政策以及财政战略。

81、Thinking before we write is not just a matter of clarifying ourselves to ourselves, but of putting ourselves in our addressees' position. ─── 同时,先思考后动笔,并不仅仅是对自己负责,让自己明白自己要说的话,而是要站在受众的立场上,从受众的角度去考虑问题。

82、Compensation procedures should be normalized by means of clarifying mutual consultation, preliminary compensation and judicial relief, etc. ─── 通过明确双方协商、事前补偿、司法救济等手段来规范征收补偿程序;

83、Prepare parts and components to assembly line and examine the correctness and completeness. Report missing parts, if necessary clarifying. ─── 为装配线准备零件及组件,并检查其是否正确及齐备 . 汇报缺件,必要时澄清 .

84、When clarifying spelling on the phone, it is useful to know the International Radio Alphabet. ─── 在电话交谈中要澄清字母的拼读时使用国际无线电标准拼法非常有用。

85、Supplement what you read with online tutorials. Besides clarifying things you read, they also cover topics not covered in books. ─── 使用网上教程补充书本的不足。书本除了阐明一些你阅读的东西外,通常也会包含一些书本上没有涉及的主题。

86、A cleanser with effective cum clarifying action not only washes but also lift off layers of dead cells on skin surface to let skin breathe better, increasing its capacity for absorption. ─── 具备有效磨砂及净化作用的洁面霜不仅有效洁面,而且能去除肌肤表面的死细胞层以促进肌肤的透气功能和提高吸收能力。

87、Shell UK has issued a news release to media and political stakeholders clarifying misconceptions about ′2,000 job losses′ in Shell businesses in the UK as a result of the plan to vacate Shell-Mex House. ─── (英国壳牌消息)英国壳牌向媒体及有关组织发出新闻稿,澄清所谓英国壳牌搬出麦斯大楼(Shell-Mexhouse)将导致2000人失业的失实报道。

88、Here the foundation is last, clarifying highly from the philosophy the core of the Liang Qichao "s thought on Chinese language education: the concept of personalism education. ─── 在此基础上,从哲学高度阐明了梁启超语文教育思想的核心:人格主义教育观。

89、Our study offered a new tool for clarifying the function of HER2 in cancer metastasis and a new strategy for developing the gene therapy drug. ─── 我们的研究为进一步阐明HER2与癌症恶化的关系以及发展新的基因治疗药物提供了工具和可能。

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