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09-05 投稿



gallnut 发音

英:[?ɡ??l?n?t]  美:[?ɡ??ln?t]

英:  美:

gallnut 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 五倍子


gallnut 相似词语短语

1、gallet ─── n.石片;碎片;vt.把碎石片嵌入(等于galet,garret);n.(Gallet)人名;(法、意)加莱

2、gallium ─── n.[化学]镓

3、gallnuts ─── n.[林][中医]五倍子;没食子

4、galliot ─── n.单桅(荷兰)货船(或渔船);地中海的快速平底船

5、gallus ─── n.背带;吊裤带;n.(Gallus)人名;(俄、德、意)加卢斯

6、gallant ─── adj.英勇的,勇敢的;华丽的;雄伟的;n.(Gallant)人名;(法)加朗;(英)加伦特

7、galloot ─── 加洛特

8、gallous ─── adj.亚镓的;二价镓的

9、galant ─── n.三菱戈蓝;(法)潇洒风格;adj.潇洒风格的

gallnut 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A tungsten molybdophosphate-casein colorimetric method was used with gallic acid as reference substance.Content of tannin in gallnut and radices sanguisorbae was tested. ─── 采用磷钼钨酸-干酪素比色法,以没食子酸为对照测定五倍子、地榆药材中鞣质的含量。

2、gallnut oil ─── 五倍子油

3、Chinese gallnut aphids ─── 倍蚜

4、Study of the Dyeing Mechanism and Properties of Gallnut for Silk Fabrics ─── 五倍子色素对真丝的染色机理及性能研究

5、Objective:To observe the inhibition of Chinese gallnut on bacteria in plaque biofilms by the use of artificial mouth. ─── 目的:应用人工口腔观察五倍子对菌斑生物膜内细菌的抑制作用。

6、optimal process of the extraction of tannic acid from Chinese gallnut. ─── 从五倍子中提取单宁酸,通过正交实验优化筛选出最佳工艺。

7、A Study on the New Overwintering Hosts (2 Species of Mosses) for Chinese Gallnut Aphids ─── 湖南枣铁倍蚜和蛋铁倍蚜两种新冬寄主藓研究

8、The antibacterial effect of the aqueous extract of Chinese gallnut on anaerobic strains in the root canals was proved. ─── 本实验证实了五倍子糊剂在感染根管内的抑菌效果。

9、Keywords gallic acid;gallnut;antimony subgallate;infrared spectrometry; ─── 五倍子;没食子酸;碱式没食子酸锑;红外光谱;

10、The combination treatment of some natural preservatives was also carried out.The treatment of clove with gallnut extract was regarded as optimum inhibition treatment.This... ─── 在复配溶液中,五倍子与丁香的效果最佳,能有效抑制该菌的生长繁殖,为萧山萝卜干生产中防腐剂超标的问题提供了解决途径和一定的理论依据。

11、This kind of plastic is made of gallnut. ─── 这种塑料是用五棓子做原料制成的。

12、Determination of Pyrogallol Acid in Tannic Acid Extracted from Chinese Gallnut by High Performance Liquid Chromatography ─── HPLC法测定从五倍子提取的单宁酸中焦性没食子酸的含量

13、The inhibition of Chinese gallnut on bacteria in plaque biofilms ─── 五倍子对菌斑生物膜内细菌的抑制作用

14、To study the optimal process of the extraction of tannic acid from Chinese gallnut. ─── 从五倍子中提取单宁酸,通过正交实验优化筛选出最佳工艺。

15、Keywords chinese gallnut;tannic acid;ellagic acid; ─── 关键词五倍子;单宁酸;鞣花酸;

16、Keywords Chinese gallnut;Artificial mouth;Plaque biofilms; ─── 五倍子;人工口腔;菌斑生物膜;


18、It suggest that at the same concentration, the inhibitory effect of compound gallnut was better than Bletilla striata. ─── 提示相同浓度的复方五倍子抑菌作用优于白芨,其中起主要抑菌作用的成分为五倍子。

19、Keywords Chinese gallnut;Plaque biofilms;Confocal laser scan microscope;Ethidium bromide/fluorescein diacetale staining; ─── 五倍子;菌斑生物膜;激光共聚焦显微镜;溴乙锭/荧光素双乙酸盐染色;

20、The material of brewing tannin is natural gallnut,it can be directly used in food and medicine by physical purifying and it has brought into the catalogue of Chinese food additives(No. ─── 酿造单宁是以天然五倍子为原料,用物理方法提纯可直接用于食物和入药,已纳入我国食品添加剂目录(编号为2201)。

21、Study on the Kind of the Plants the Gallnut Aphid in Zhushan Country Live on in Winter 荣秀兰,雷朝亮,薛东, ─── 特种种植、养殖业开发中的“五要”“五不要”丁亮

22、The natural conditions for Chinese gallnut ( Melaphis chinensis) production in Guizhou province and the production potential are discussed. ─── 本文对五倍子产区的自然条件和生产潜力进行了分析。

23、More strange is that the Yang parasitic tree, pepper, gallnut trees and wheat, corn and other 9 kinds of plants. ─── 更为奇特的是树上寄生着杨、花椒、五倍子树和小麦、玉米等9种植物。

24、Keywords Herb;Mango;Gallnut;Colletotrichum gloesporioides;Botryodiplodia theobromae; ─── 关键词中草药;芒果;五倍子;炭疽病菌;蒂腐病菌;

25、Chemical raw materials and the seizure of wild-type has more than 20 kinds of skin, such as seized oak, gallnut, Cassia, cat feces, such as melon. 5. ─── 4.野生化工原料及检皮类有20多种,如检皮栎、五倍子、槐、猫屎瓜等。5.野生果类100多种,如中华猕猴桃、樱桃、山葡萄、枇杷、板栗、沙棘等。

26、Method: The matrine,amoorcom tree bark,gallnut were identified with TLC. ─── 方法:对方中的苦参、黄柏、五倍子进行TLC鉴别。

27、Chinese gallnut water extract may inhibit the vitality of the plaque biofilm. ─── 五倍子水提取物在较短的时间内就能对生物膜中的细菌产生一定的杀伤效应,使其活性下降。

28、The Preliminary Study of the Aqueous Extract of Chinese Gallnut for Root Canal Disinfection ─── 五倍子水提取物用于根管消毒的初步实验研究

29、Major components: gallnut, boxing and Senate whip of Chengdu, Zaojiao thorn, such as Lotus 25 Dujiao pure natural flavor of wild Miao drugs. ─── 主要成份:五倍子、拳参、鞭蓉叶、皂角刺、独脚莲等25味纯天然野生苗族药物。

30、Flow injection analysis of gallic acid in Chinese medicine gallnut with enhanced chemiluminescent detection ─── 流动注射化学发光增强法测定中药没食子中没食子酸

31、gallnut extract ─── 五倍子浸膏

32、Keywords High-purity food tannin;tannic acid;gallnut;extraction; ─── 高纯度食品鞣酸;单宁酸;五倍子;反应萃取;

33、In vivo study of the aqueous extract of Chinese gallnut used as an intracanal medicant ─── 五倍子水提取物用于根管内封药的动物试验研究

34、Studies on the Changes of Blade Tissues in the Course of the Development of Chinese Gallnut ─── 角倍发育过程的组织学研究

35、Keywords Epistaxis Injection gallnut Compound Nasal mucosa; ─── 鼻出血;五倍子液;鼻粘膜;

36、Study of the Dyeing Mechanism and Properties of Gallnut for Silk Fabrics ─── 五倍子色素对真丝的染色机理及性能研究

37、Keywords Zhining cleansing solution;Quality standard;Matrine;Amoorcom tree bark;Gallnut;TLC; ─── 痔宁洗液;质量标准;苦参;黄柏;五倍子;TLC;

38、PURPOSE: To observe the influence of the aqueous extract of Chinese gallnut on root canal dentinal tubules in vitro. ─── 目的:体外观察五倍子水提取物对根管预备后牙本质小管的影响。

39、Chinese gallnut water extract ─── 五倍子水提取物

40、Study of anti - acidic effect of Gallnut on dental enamel ─── 五倍子对釉质抗酸蚀作用的实验研究

41、Conclusion:Chinese gallnut water extract can inhibit the growth of bacteria in suspension and in plaque biofilms,the bacteria in biofilms may have stronger resistance to the extract. ─── 与浮游细菌相比,生物膜中的细菌对五倍子水提取物具有较强的抵抗力。

42、The experiments showed that the gallnut extract had the significant dose-dependent inhibitory effect on the activity of collagenase. ─── 实验显示五倍子水提取物能显著抑制胶原酶的活性,其作用呈浓度依赖性。

43、Recovery tests of standard addition in Chinese gallnut samples showed an average recovery of 100 .6%. ─── 在中药五倍子浸提液中用标准加入法进行回收实验,其平均回收率为100.6%。

44、Effects of Jianshen Po: [main ingredients] Chaihu, gallnut, osthol, Dodder, cinnamon, Curculigo. [Role] to remove hot and humid place to improve the fatigue tension, keeping fit, Yishen Yang. ─── 健肾宝:[主要成份]柴胡、五倍子、蛇床子、菟丝子、肉桂、仙茅。[作用]清除湿热下注,改善疲劳紧张,强身健体,益肾助阳。

45、It also points out that there is a great possibility for forecasting the yield of Chinese gallnut and making climatic division of the producing regions with the regression model established. ─── 本文还提出,用主导气象因子建立的回归模式建行角倍产量预报和产地气候区划的可能性。

46、Keywords Chinese gallnut;tannic acid;extraction; ─── 五倍子;单宁酸;提取;

47、Chinese gallnut ─── 五倍子

48、Keywords gallnut water extract;periodontal inflammation;Collagenase; ─── 五倍子水提取物;牙周炎;胶原酶;

49、Keywords tannic acid;ellagic acid;gallnut;HPLC; ─── 五倍子;单宁酸;鞣花酸;高效液相色谱;

50、Major components: gallnut, boxing and Senate whip of Chengdu, Zaojiao thorn, such as Lotus 25 Dujiao pure natural flavor of wild Miao drugs. ─── 主要成份:五倍子、拳参、鞭蓉叶、皂角刺、独角莲等25味纯天然野生苗族药物。

51、The Principles and Practices of the Agro-forestry Management on Production of Chinese Gallnut ─── 营建五倍子复合生态系统的理论与实践

52、Keywords gallnut water extract;PDLC;LPS;cement; ─── 五倍子水提取物;内毒素;人牙周膜细胞;牙骨质;

53、The effects of Chinese gallnut on the vitality of oral plaque biofilms in vitro ─── 五倍子对口内菌斑生物膜活性影响的体外研究


55、Development Potential and Countermeasures for Industrilization Development of Chinese Gallnut from ─── 五峰县五倍子发展潜力与产业化发展对策

56、The natural conditions for Chinese gallnut ( Melaphis chinensis) production in Guizhou province and the production potential are discussed. ─── 本文对五倍子产区的自然条件和生产潜力进行了分析.

57、Clinical Observation on External Application of Gallnut Pearl Powder in Treating Sores ─── 五倍珍珠散外搽治疗疮疡临床观察

58、The method has been used to determine the content of gallic acid in Chinese medicine gallnut with satisfaction. ─── 该方法用于测定中药没食子中没食子酸的含量,结果令人满意。

59、Recovery tests of standard addition in Chinese gallnut samples showed an average recovery of 100. 6%. ─── 在中药五倍子浸提液中用标准加入法进行回收实验,其平均回收率为100.6%。

60、Keywords Chinese gallnut water extract;artificial mouth;plaque biofilm; ─── 五倍子水提取物;人工口腔;菌斑生物膜;

61、4. Production of gallnut is not simple to plant , but an ecological works of breeding gallnuts, which is complex . ─── 五倍子生产不是一个简单的种植业,而是一个以繁衍五倍子蚜虫为核心的系统生态工程。

62、These results indicated that the anti-inflammatory effect of gallnut extract might be due to its inhibition to epoxidase and lipoxidase. ─── 表明五倍子水提取物抗炎作用可能与抑制环氧化酶、脂氧化酶有关。

63、Keywords Host tree of Chinese gallnut;tannin content;ultraviolet spectrophotometry.; ─── 倍子树;单宁;紫外分光光度法;

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