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09-05 投稿


subsistence 发音

英:[s?b?s?st?ns]  美:[s?b?s?st?ns]

英:  美:

subsistence 中文意思翻译



subsistence 词性/词形变化,subsistence变形

形容词: subsistent |

subsistence 短语词组

1、minimum of subsistence ─── [经] 最低生活水准

2、subsistence cost ─── [法] 生活费

3、daily subsistence allowance ─── [经] 每日生活津贴

4、subsistence allowance ─── [经] 生活补助, 生活津贴

5、Perishable Subsistence Automated Su ─── 易腐的生存自动化苏

6、subsistence crop ─── 口粮作物,自种自食的作物

7、subsistence diet ─── [医] 生存饮食

8、security of subsistence ─── [经] 生存保证, 社会保险

9、subsistence farmer ─── 自然经济, ─── 自给农民

10、self-subsistence n. self-subsistent ─── 的变形

11、means of subsistence ─── [经] 生活资料

12、subsistence level ─── [经] 生活水准, 生存水准

13、subsistence farming n. ─── 少有余粮的农场经营

14、subsistence agriculture n. ─── 少有余粮的农场经营

15、cost of subsistence ─── [经] 生存费用, 最低生活费用

16、subsistence plant ─── [经] 粮食加工厂

17、subsistence expenses ─── [经] 生活费

18、subsistence wages ─── [经] 维持生活的最低工资

19、subsistence money ─── 生活维持费

subsistence 常用词组

means of subsistence ─── 生活资料

subsistence level ─── 勉强糊口的生活水平;贫困生存线;维持生活的最低水平

subsistence 相似词语短语

1、subsistent ─── adj.实际存在的;现存的

2、persistence ─── n.持续;固执;存留;坚持不懈;毅力

3、desistence ─── 稠度

4、insistence ─── n.坚持,强调;坚决主张

5、consistence ─── n.浓度;[流]稠度;坚固性(等于consistency)

6、subsentences ─── 下标

7、subsidence ─── n.下沉;沉淀;陷没

8、subsentence ─── 小节

9、subscience ─── 科学分支

subsistence 习惯用语

1、labour for subsistence ─── 做工过日子

2、bare subsistence ─── 最低限度的生活费; 最低生产

3、gain one's subsistence ─── 活得下去

4、minimum subsistence ─── 最低生活必需

subsistence 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The individual balance seeks subsistence, while the collective one pursues development. ─── 个体平衡谋生存、群体平衡求发展。

2、The terms of the contract subsist. ─── 合同条款有效。

3、Everything on earth wants to subsist, and should respect each other. ─── 万物都想生存、应当相互尊重。

4、Many families are living below the level of subsistence. ─── 许多家庭难以度日。

5、We should improve the systems of unemployment insurance and subsistence allowances for urban residents. ─── 健全失业保险制度和城市居民最低生活保障制度。

6、How do they manage to subsist (on such a low wage)? ─── 他们(区区这点工资)怎样餬口?

7、While struggling for the right to subsistence, the Chinese people have waged a heroic struggle for democratic rights. ─── 中国人民在争取生存权的同时,为争取民主权利进行了可歌可泣的斗争。

8、How do they manage to subsist ? ─── 他们怎样糊口?

9、A citizen's right to work is the essential condition for his right to subsistence. ─── 公民的劳动权利是获得生存权的必要条件。

10、Those things will help to buy your [color=Red][b]subsistence [/b][/color]there, and your passage home again. ─── 你的那些东西可以帮助你在那儿过活,并可做你回家的盘费。

11、First, the relationship between subsistence and development. ─── 一是生存与发展的关系。

12、However, to protect the people's right to subsistence and improve their living conditions remains an issue of paramount importance in China today. ─── 在中国,维护人民的生存权利,改善人民的生存条件,至今仍然是一个首要问题。

13、Plenteous fresh water is the magnitude guarantee of the subsistence and society abidance development of human being. ─── 充足的淡水资源是人类生存和社会持续发展的重要保障。

14、Safeguarding citizens' lives, and protecting the people's subsistence and development are the lofty responsibilities of the Chinese government. ─── 保障公民的生命安全,维护人民的生存发展,是中国政府的崇高责任。

15、The subsistence security standards of other cities are all below 200 yuan, of which Huhhot, Nanchang and Yinchuan are the lowest at 143 yuan. ─── 其它城市最低生活保障标准均在200元以下,其中标准最低的是呼和浩特、南昌和银川三市,标准均为143元。

16、Even if it is also written to help people write letters to be a subsistence living. ─── 哪怕是代笔替人写书信也能够成为一个维持生计的活。

17、And did well in study in his schooltime.From his youth on ,he made great contribution to the subsistence and development of the Florence republic . ─── 佛罗伦萨之子马基雅维利幼时聪慧,长则学业有成,青壮时为国之生存与发展倾其全力。

18、But can a certain order subsist in thee, and disorder in the All? ─── 但怎么可能在大全中无秩序,而在你之中却存在某种秩序呢?

19、A nationality's culture is the reflection of its economic subsistence. ─── 一个民族的文化,是本民族经济生活的反映。

20、He worked a 16-hour day for a subsistence wage(= enough money to buy only basic necessities). ─── 他一天工作16小时的工资仅够活命。

21、Subsistence farmers, who live off their harvest and risk falling victim to rapine or drought, can depend only on themselves and their children. ─── 以自给自足型农民为例,过去他们的生活完全取决于作物的收成,一遇到盗劫旱情等灾祸,农民们的生存就会面临极大威胁。

22、VI. The objects for research of the Great Balance Theory are nature, society and man. The goal is to improve man himself and guarantee subsistence. ─── 六、大平衡的研究对象依然是:自然、社会、人。目的:自我提升,保障生存。

23、Lacking resources or the means of subsistence; completely impoverished. ─── 匮乏的缺乏生活的资源和手段的;完全一贫如洗的

24、In the traditional subsistence farm, output and consumption are identical. ─── 在传统的维持生存的农业中,生产和消费相等。

25、The percentage of people living at or below subsistence level in China has decreased from 33 per cent in 1979 to single-digit level today. ─── 中国人民生活在仅足糊口水平或水平之下的比率,已从一九七九年的百分之三十三下降至今天的只属单位数字的百分率。

26、They could gain their subsistence in the mountains. ─── 他们在山里能够活下去。解放前,他们靠讨饭维持生活。

27、"Money earns together " is advertisement divided into mode whether let video website " creditable " ground subsist? ─── “有钱一起赚”的广告分成模式能否让视频网站“体面”地活下去?

28、this cupboard the grandfather kept everything that he needed for his subsistence. ─── 爷爷把生活所需的一切东西都放在这个橱柜里。

29、People in the far north subsist chiefly on fish and meat. ─── 住在北极地方的人主要以鱼和肉为生。

30、Copenhagen made the request on behalf of its autonomous territory of Greenland, where Inuit people are allowed to hunt whales for subsistence. ─── 丹麦政府是代表其自治领地格陵兰岛提出这个要求的。格陵兰岛的因纽特人获得允许捕杀鲸鱼以维持其生存。

31、When the Tangut immigrats came in and began settling down, their subsistence was half agriculture and half pasturage. ─── 党项内附后,更加凸显了宋夏沿边地区农牧并举的经济形态;

32、You do sometimes wonder whether it mightn't be easier to moe to a desert island and subsist on berries and fresh air. ─── 你有时肯定想知道是否移居到荒岛,依靠浆果和新鲜空气为生的生活会变得容易。

33、Cannot subsist in society but by reciprocal concessions. ─── 只有通过相互的让步,社会生活才能继续下去。

34、In my opinion, the Tao of subsistence in financial crisis is to study English and bide your time! ─── 回复:直播贴!不能再忽视了!大家一起讨论一下金融危机及其可能带来的影响。

35、How do they manage to subsist (on such a low wage )? ─── 他们(区区这点工资)怎样口?

36、But can finance subsist, being completely divorced from physical economy? ─── 但是,金融果真能够完全脱离实体经济而独立存在吗?

37、A club cannot subsist without members. ─── 俱乐部没有会员就无法存在。

38、Thus, questions about policies on subsistence goods can be best answered by studying the decisions at the municipal level. ─── 因此,通过对地方政府决定的研究,可以找到与提供生活必需品政策相关的问题的最佳答案。

39、For the sake of the continuable subsistence and development of human being, we must dance to another tune for a new low-cost way. ─── 为了人类的可持续生存和发展,我们必须改弦易辙,另辟新径,走低代价发展之路。

40、Don't worry about your children whom I can subsist. ─── 别担心你的孩子们,我可以供养他们。

41、"Farmer" means an individual who practices farming, whether subsistence or commercial, excluding a juristic person. ─── “农民”指从事农业活动的个人,无论为生活目的或商业目的,但不包括为法律目的进行的农业活动。

42、In the countryside, local officials frequently conspire with developers to buy land from subsistence farmers at cut rates. ─── 在农村地区,地方干部经常与开发商串通,以极低的价格从仅能维持温饱的农民那里买下土地。

43、Because there is too much civilisation, too much means of subsistence, too much industry, too much commerce. ─── 因为社会上文明过度,生活资料太多,工业和商业太发达。

44、What is his means of subsistence? ─── 他靠什么为生?

45、They had no visible means of subsistence. ─── 他们生计无着。

46、They were living barely above the level of subsistence. ─── 他们的生活水平勉强在最低水平线以上。

47、To implement the subsistence security system for urban residents according to law. ─── 依法落实城市居民最低生活保障制度。

48、But conceptions of right to life and right to subsistence have been used confusedly in academic researches and social life. ─── 然而无论是在学术研究还是社会生活中,生命权和生存权这两个概念的使用都很混乱。

49、"She" of graveyard . . . . . . here, subsistence "she" of. Every time, absence ~only in foul spirits, fidgety. He. ─── “她”的墓地……这里,有“她”的存在。每一次,只要心情不愉快,烦躁。他就。

50、How do they manage to subsist(on such a low wage)? ─── 他们(区区这点工资)怎样口?

51、I don't like to think of him as a hack scribe, writing nonsense from dictation to earn a pitiful subsistence. ─── 我不愿意想象他是一个受雇的文人,根据口述写一些无聊的东西,挣一点可怜的薪饷。

52、China institutes a subsistence security system for urban residents in a major reform of its traditional social relief system. ─── 国对传统社会救济制度进行重大改革,建立了城市居民最低生活保障制度。

53、Friendship can only subsist between equal. ─── 不平等无友谊。

54、In 1988, Japanese schools and the city of Omuta subsistence became friendly secondary schools, Datong has become a window opening to the outside world. ─── 1988年,学校与日本大牟田市延命中学结为友好学校,成为大同市对外开放的窗口。

55、In many systems of permanent subsistence agriculture, domesticated animals play an important role. ─── 在许多固定的自给农业系统中,家畜起着重要的作用。

56、All is for the better subsistence in the disciplinal education, people don't have the freedom to chose his real desire. ─── 在规训的教育中一切都是为了以后更好的生存,个人没有选择自己真正意愿的自由。

57、The problem of food and clothing having been basically solved, the people have been guaranteed with the basic right to subsistence. ─── 人民的温饱问题基本解决了,人民的生存权问题也就基本解决了。

58、How do they manage to subsist on such a low wage? ─── 他们这点工资怎么糊口?

59、They had no visible means of subsistence. ─── 他们生计无着。

60、The uneven development in the Chinese countryside became marked. Quite a number of low-income people could not meet their basic needs for subsistence. ─── 中国农村发展不平衡问题凸现出来,低收入人口中有相当一部分人经济收入不能维持其生存的基本需要。

61、The subsistence security standards of other cities are all below 200 yuan, of which Huhhot, Mohe and Yinchuan are the lowest at 143 yuan. ─── 其它城市最低生活保障标准均在200元以下,其中标准最低的是呼和浩特、漠河和银川三市,标准均为143元。

62、In the more arid grasslands, herding of goats, sheep and so on is a traditional method of subsistence. ─── 在较干旱的草原上,山羊、绵羊等的放牧业才是人们传统的维生之道。

63、Condition of production and subsistence in countries have been improved further. ─── 农村生产生活条件进一步改善。

64、If the person did not have a desire can subsist? ─── 人如果没有了欲望能活下去吗?

65、So I came back for the present, being more intent upon getting at the ship, where I hop'd to find something for my present subsistence. ─── 于是我就折回来了。因为,当前最要紧的是我得设法上大船,希望在上面能找到一些日常应用的东西。

66、The anguish of life can mask calm subsist really with adamancy? ─── 人生的痛苦真的可以用坚强去掩盖镇定的活下去吗?

67、Domestic residents is essential means of subsistence, with the succession, transfer, welfare and other characteristics. ─── 住宅是居民必不可少的生活资料,具有继承、转让、福利等特性。

68、Whoever has no such necessary activities will not subsist. ─── 即无论什么人,如果离开这些“必需活动”都将无法生存。

69、What we believe is: individuality decides subsistence, detail decides success or failure. ─── 因为我们相信:个性决定生存,细节决定成败!

70、In Mississippi, the Division of Subsistence Homesteads began five projects that were similar to those in other States. ─── 与其他州类似,生活家园部门在密西西比州开设了5个项目。

71、However, people in the world continue to face challenges and threats to subsistence security. ─── 但是,人类生存安全面临的挑战和威胁仍继续存在。

72、Where the islands of capitalism met the sea of subsistence labour, there was not a "beach" , but a "cliff" . ─── 在经济特区吸引到足够的劳动力之前,横梗于路上的不是一个“沙滩”,而是一个“悬崖”。

73、The peasant does not subsist this year on the produce of this year's harvest, but on that of the last. ─── 农民不是靠当年的收成过日子,只是靠上一年的收成过日子。

74、Nearly77% of China's rural poor have been covered by the country's subsistence allowance system so far . ─── 到目前为止,农村最低生活保障制度已覆盖接近77%中国贫困农村地区。

75、Cutting emissions would push them from just above subsistence back, literally, to the dark ages. ─── 削减排放会将他们从勉强维生的状态,推回至真正的黑暗时代。

76、In the context of subsistence, freedom seems to be an active, positive exercise of one's being. ─── 就自立性来看,自由似乎是个人存有之主动的、正面的行使;

77、They see a cash economy that they were not able to participate in back in the subsistence farm. ─── 有现金经济交易,使得人们不愿回归到仅能维持生计的农业耕作上

78、The purpose of the research is guaranteed subsistence, orderly development, and harmonious life. ─── 其目的为:保障生存、有序发展、和谐生活。

79、Their subsistence comes from the sea. ─── 他们依赖海洋生活。

80、He is on the margin of bare subsistence. ─── 他正处在挨饿的边缘。

81、Patient of a leukaemia, how does ability have the courage of subsist. ─── 一个白血病患者,怎么才能有活下去的勇气。

82、But blending "may be difficult in poor areas with little infrastructure and subsistence diets," McGrath says. ─── 但麦格拉思说:“贫困地区的设施简陋,加上饮食习惯的不同,要混合比较困难。”

83、To solve their human rights problems, the first thing for the Chinese people to do is, for historical reasons, to secure the right to subsistence. ─── 争取生存权利历史地成为中国人民必须首先要解决的人权问题。

84、Their main mode of subsistence is hunting. ─── 他们主要以打猎为生。

85、"The Masai subsist on cattle blood and meat and milk and little else. ─── “马赛族人依靠牛血、肉、奶和很少的其他食物为生。

86、His strength ebbed away as they tried to subsist on pumpkin leaves. ─── 因为那时他们只靠着吃南瓜叶维持生计,他的身体一点一点的跨了下去。

87、Old systems still subsist in the country. ─── 国内仍存在着古老的习俗。

88、By the end of 1999, a total of 2.81 million urban residents received subsistence security allowances across China. ─── 到1999年底,全国共有城市居民最低生活保障对象281万人。

89、But the harsh words of the father in a drunken moment of excessive ancestral pride cause a dignified departure with the conciliatory donation of half her means of subsistence and the intimation that she is rejoining her husband. ─── 但父亲在一次酒后的刺耳话语中说了一些有关家世过分骄矜的话,使苔丝傲然离开了家。她把自己一半的生活费留给父母,并告诉他们她要去找丈夫团聚。

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