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09-05 投稿



goby 发音

英:[?ɡo?bi]  美:[?ɡ??bi]

英:  美:

goby 中文意思翻译




goby 网络释义

n. 虾虎鱼;刺鳍鱼n. (Goby)人名;(法、捷)戈比

goby 短语词组

1、Hector's Goby ─── 赫克托的戈比

2、Gorgeous prawn goby ─── 漂亮的大虾

3、shore goby ─── 岸上戈比

4、sleeper goby ─── [网络] 卧铺鬼怪

5、goby trewan ─── 蘑菇树

6、Sulphur Goby ─── 硫磺戈比

7、firetail goby ─── 火尾虾虎鱼

8、blenny goby ─── 淡蘑菇

9、dragonet goby ─── 小龙虎鱼

10、Randall's prawn goby ─── 兰德尔的大虾

11、Transparent goby ─── 透明的戈比

12、Chameleon goby ─── 变色龙戈比

goby 词性/词形变化,goby变形


goby 相似词语短语

1、go-by ─── 经过;顺便走访;凭…判断;遵循;时间流逝

2、Toby ─── n.矮胖老人形啤酒杯;托比(男子名)

3、gooby ─── n.唾沫

4、gobby ─── n.肥瘦不均的肉;脂肪分布不均的胴体

5、gob ─── n.凝块;水兵;vi.吐唾沫;n.(Gob)人名;(法)戈布

6、globy ─── 球状

7、gaby ─── n.傻瓜;笨人;n.(Gaby)人名;(法、罗、英)加比

8、go by ─── 经过;顺便走访;凭…判断;遵循;时间流逝

9、doby ─── n.土坯;土坯房(等于adobe);adj.用土坯制成的

goby 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Sister, the Gobi is all I own ─── 姐姐,今夜我只有戈壁

2、Pingliang is famous for its apples, and orchards are being planted to battle dust storms from the nearby Gobi Desert. ─── 平凉盛产苹果,当地大量种植果树为抵挡戈壁沙漠的大风沙。

3、If the stars seem a little less bright and the skies less clear later this year, then part of the reason will be the Gobi gunk that has been blown into the Earth's atmosphere over the past few days. ─── 今年晚些时候,如果你看到天上的星星不那么明亮,天空不那么清晰,一部分的原因就是过去几天从戈壁沙漠吹到地球大气层的沙尘。

4、- You'll be good to goby tomorrow.- Yeah! ─── |-你明天就可以出院了 -Yeah!

5、Tianjin also experiences occasional sandstorms which blow in from the Gobi Desert and may last for several days. ─── 天津偶尔也会有从戈壁吹来的沙尘暴,并且可能会持续几天。

6、At the Jiuquan Space Center near the edge of the Gobi Desert in northern China, Shenzhou 5 is being readied for launch. ─── 在中国北边戈壁沙漠边缘的酒泉卫星发射中心,神舟五号正蓄势待发。

7、If the latter view of the desert, saw the vast Gobi Desert, the spread of acu cu , one of the green sandcong cong onion (leek shape). ─── 如果而后观大漠,只见茫茫戈壁滩上,散布有一簇簇、一丛丛的嫩绿沙葱(形似韭菜)。

8、The Gobi was covered with the clusters of camel grass which seemed like protuberant rocks to us. ─── 当列车稳稳地停靠在终点站的站台上时,噢!

9、It has been shown by experimentation that a single Chinese tamarisk or rose willow on the Gobi is like a brave soldier that can block 2,500 cubic meters of drifting sand a year. ─── 实验表明,戈壁滩上一棵柽柳便会如同一位孤胆战士,一年能拦截流沙2500立方米。

10、China's farmers are also losing land to expanding deserts, such as the Gobi, which is consuming an additional4,000 square miles each year. ─── 中国农田的丧失还来自沙漠的扩大,例如戈壁每年就扩大10000平方公里。

11、Mirage (China .Neimenggu) : Some suspected images of hills and water were appeared on a Gobi. ─── 在一戈壁上出现一大山丘,以及一些似海像湖的影像。

12、For a slower-paced adventure, ride a camel through the Gobi Desert of Mongolia. ─── 如果是为了悠闲缓慢的探险游,乘骑骆驼穿越蒙古的戈壁滩是最好不过的了。

13、Jun Buxian endless in the Gobi Desert, the all can not survive in an environment that only the Luo Tuoci Yicu also Yicu publicized in the sun with the vitality of life. ─── 君不见在一望无际的戈壁滩上, 在白杨都不能生存的环境中,只有一簇又一簇的骆驼刺在阳光下张扬着生命的活力。

14、Goby and Bubble Coral, Indonesia, 2005 Photograph by Tim Laman A goby fish with brilliant orange streaks stands out on a bit of gray bubble coral in Maumere Bay off Indonesia's Flores Island. ─── 意译:主标题:虾虎鱼和泡沫珊瑚,印度尼西亚,2005年。一条虾虎鱼闪耀着橙色条纹维持不变的有点灰色泡沫珊瑚maumere湾远离印度尼西亚的弗洛雷斯岛。

15、Showing his courage and tenacity in 1887, he crossed the Gobi desert from Peking and entered India by crossing Mustagh pass. ─── 1887年,他显示了他的勇气和固执,从北京出发穿越了戈壁沙漠,从马兹他山口进入印度。

16、The difference between RN and sum of LE, Hs and soil heat flux on a cloudy day is bigger than that on a clear day as well as it in Gobi is bigger than that in grassland. ─── 两地均存在能量不平衡现象,草原感热、潜热、土壤热通量之和小于净辐射,戈壁感热、潜热、土壤热通量之和大于净辐射,戈壁能量不平衡大于草原。

17、The remains of a huge beaked dinosaur with the looks of an ostrich but the weight of a rhino have been discovered in China's Gobi desert, fossil hunters have announced. ─── 化石猎人称,看起来像鸵鸟但重量如同犀牛般的巨大似鸟龙化石残骸在中国戈壁滩被挖掘出来。

18、The northwest also has high plateaus with more arid desert landscapes such as the Takla-Makan and the Gobi Desert, which has been expanding. ─── 中国西北部也有一些有着众多干旱沙漠的高原,如塔克拉玛干沙漠和戈壁沙漠。

19、"The Internet industry as a whole warmed up, the risk with them to bring a good investment earnings are closely linked."Gobi partner Xu Chen said. ─── “互联网行业的整体回暖,与他们给风险投资机构带来不俗的收益有着密切的联系。”戈壁合伙人徐晨表示。

20、Wensu county in Aksu 60 km northwest, about 1700 meters above sea level, covering more than 600 acres, known as the "Pearl of the Gobi. ─── 位于阿克苏温宿县城西北60公里处,海拔约1700米,占地600余亩,被称为“戈壁明珠”。

21、Saw a look of boundless desert, a thousand years of the Snowy Mountains, panoramic view of barren Great Gobi. ─── 只见一望无边的大沙漠,千年不化的大雪山,寸草不生的大戈壁尽收眼底。

22、Description: It is a relatively small goby with cylindrical body and a relatively blunt snout. ─── 形容:小型鰕虎鱼,躯干呈圆筒形,吻部短钝。

23、Therefore, how to use multi-wind directions and gobi bed for arresting and transporting sand, which will achieve a dynamic equilibrium between airflow and aeolian landforms, is a key to construct the comprehensively preventing system. ─── 因此,如何因势利导,使窟顶流场与风沙地貌达到一种动力平衡,是莫高窟综合防护体系成功与否的关键之一。

24、Kecun Zhang, Ruiping Zu, Jianjun Qu, Haiyan Fang. Characteristics of drifting sand flux over Gobi surface: A wind tunnel simulation. Annals of Arid Zone ,(SCI) (Accepted). ─── 张克存,屈建军,俎瑞平,方海燕.不同下垫面对风沙流特性影响的风洞模拟研究.干旱区地理,2004,27(3):352-355.

25、Small creatures consort with great ones, as does this inch-long (2.5-centimeter-long) translucent goby that lives and feeds on the mantle of a giant clam. ─── 小生物和大生物相互依赖生存,正如这条2.5厘米长的透明虾虎鱼栖息于一个巨蛤的薄膜上并吃掉它的寄生物。

26、In the Gobi Desert, passengers see camels and yurts, circular Mongolian and Chinese-are added to the train at different points in the journey. ─── 在戈壁沙漠,你也可以看到骆驼和牧民的(蒙古游牧民族居住的,用毛毡或兽皮搭起的)圆顶帐篷和穿梭来往不同的中国列车点亮这趟列车旅途的色彩。

27、Kumtag desert is one of wild Bactrian camel distribution area in the world,the main topography unit there is piedmont alluvial floodplain gobi,desert and salt desert wetlands. ─── 库姆塔格地区地貌形态单元以山前冲积洪积戈壁、沙漠、盐漠湿地为主,是野骆驼分布的地区之一。

28、The train keeps driving, endless Gobi desert everywhere, like we are wrapped around by it. ─── 于是火车继续开着,四处都是戈壁,荒无人烟却广阔的苍劲.

29、China's first astronaut Yang Liwei walked out of the re-entry capsule of the Shenzhou 5 spaceship, smiling and waving to the recovery team in the grasslands in Gobi Desert, Inner Mongolia. ─── “神舟”五号航天飞船在内蒙古草原顺利着陆,中国首位宇航员杨利伟面带微笑走出返回舱,并向搜救人员挥手致意。

30、"Yes. These eggs were found in the Gobi Desert by a group of scientists in the 1920s," Miss Li said. ─── “是的,这些恐龙蛋是一批科学家于20世纪20年代在戈壁滩发现的。”李小姐说。

31、Hu Yinqiao,Yang Xuanli,Zhang Qiang,et al.The characters of energy budget on the Gobi and desert surface in Hexi Region[J].ACTA Meteor Sinica,1992,6(1):82-91. ─── 张强卫国安.邻近绿洲的荒漠表层土壤逆湿和对水分“呼吸”过程的分析[J].中国沙漠,:.

32、The controller at the Jiuquan satellite launch center in northern China's Gobi desert announced the lift-off. ─── 位于中国北部戈壁沙漠的九泉卫星发射中心的指挥官宣布了发射。

33、A goby fish with brilliant orange streaks stands out on a bit of gray bubble coral in Maumere Bay off Indonesia's Flores Island. ─── 在印尼弗洛雷斯岛外的毛梅雷海湾里,一条有著亮丽的桔黄色条纹的虾虎鱼在一些气泡珊瑚前游动。

34、Jiayuguan, Shandan, Yongchang, Gulang territory, such as cities and counties to preserve integrity, standing in the Gobi desert, the imposing majesty. ─── 嘉峪关,山丹,永昌,古浪等市县境内保存完整,矗立在戈壁沙漠中,气势雄伟。

35、He traveled to Inner Mongolia to plant trees as a measure to slow the advance of the Gobi Desert. ─── 作为延缓戈壁沙漠的一种方式,他旅游到内蒙古的去植树。

36、A hundred years ago the winter monsoons brought little more than a sprinkling of Gobi desert dust to Hong Kong. ─── 100年前,冬季季风只会将零星的戈壁沙尘带到香港。

37、The engineering practice proves that after the foundation is consolidated by mortar pouring into pipe, pipe-jacking course is about the same as that in the original gobi desert soil without groundwater, and the desired result is achieved. ─── 实践证明,基础经小导管注浆加固处理后,其顶进过程与原状、地下水戈壁土的基本相同,达到了预期的目的。

38、tropical fish that resembles a goby and rests quietly on the bottom in shallow water. ─── 与虾虎鱼相象的热带鱼,在浅水底静卧。

39、Ghibli ere gebu i da gvnin oci sahara gobi i dele de dara halhvn edun sembi. jai jalan dain i fonde Itali i deyesi sa ceni mejigexere deyetun be Ghibli hvlaha. ─── Ghibli 这个名字的本意是,撒哈拉沙漠上吹过的热风。二次世界大战的时候,意大利的飞行员,把他们的侦察机也称作Ghibli.

40、The genetic types of queer stones include primary grape agate, Gobi stone formed through water flowing and weathering, Desert stone formed in saline lake in desert. ─── 其成因类型有原生的葡萄玛瑙、次生改造的戈壁石和沙漠盐湖形成的沙漠石。

41、By using space SAR and TM composite images, the U-metallogenic setting and conditions of Jiangjun gobi in eastern Junggar have been studied. ─── 利用航天SAR与TM复合图像对准噶尔东部将军戈壁地区铀成矿环境与成矿条件进行研究。

42、(B) For months they travelled through the sands of the Gobi. ─── 好几个月他们一直在戈壁沙漠中走。

43、Deep in the vast and mostly unpopulated Gobi Desert, China's launch base is quietly awaiting the country's first-ever manned space flight. ─── 在辽阔无际人烟稀少的戈壁滩上,中国发射基地正默默等待着首次载人航天飞行时间的到来。

44、A goby fish with brilliant orange streaks stands out on a bit of graybubble coral in Maumere Bay off Indonesia's Flores Island. ─── 在印尼弗洛雷斯岛外的毛梅雷海湾里,一条有着亮丽的桔黄色条纹的虾虎鱼在一些气泡珊瑚前游动。

45、Kublai Khan had two palaces and Shang-tu was the one he used in the summer. It was situated in the mountains south of the Gobi desert. ─── 忽必烈有两座宫殿。 上都是忽必烈的夏宫,位于戈壁大沙漠以南的群山之中。

46、Under the unsteady soil and great amount of groundwater seepage flow in the Gobi De-sert, the foundation consolidation method for driving and pipe jacking construction was introduced. ─── 介绍了在戈壁土土质不稳定和地下水渗流量大的情况下,进行人工掘进顶管施工的基础加固方法。

47、Bogd fault is the largest fault in the Gobi Altai fault zone. An earthquake with M=8.3 occurred in 1957 along the Bogd fault, and left a 250 km long surface rupture zone in south Mongolia. ─── 其中的博格德断裂上 195 7年发生了戈壁阿尔泰 8.3级地震 ,形变带长约 2 5 0km。

48、Ironically, because of habitat destruction, the goby is endangered in its native habitat of the Black and Caspian Seas in Russia. ─── 具有讽刺意味的是,由 于栖息地破坏,刺鳍鱼在俄罗斯黑海和里海的原始栖息地中面临危险。

49、Sand goby is a fish usually present in estuaries, lagoons, salt marshes and along coastal waters of Thailand. ─── 笋壳鱼通常生长在河口、礁湖、盐沼及泰国沿海水域。

50、tropical fish that resembles a goby and rests quietly on the bottom in shallow water. ─── 与虾虎鱼相象的热带鱼,在浅水底静卧。

51、An elegiac Uyghur song reverberates across the Gobi Desert.The sky is dyed a bright red.Two figures on camels come into focus. ─── 大学里,老唐(姜文饰)与林大夫(陈冲饰)有染,但林大夫暗恋著小梁(黄秋生饰),恰巧老唐又跟小梁是好朋友。

52、Christmastree worms shelter a goby (at left) in their coral reef habitat. ─── 圣诞树蠕虫在珊瑚礁栖息地庇护一只虾虎鱼(左)。

53、Some albedo parameterizations of SZA dependence were evaluated in a simple land surface model BATS using in situ data over Gobi and Desert. ─── 在陆面过程模式BATS中引入考虑太阳天顶角变化的裸土反照率参数化以改善沙漠、戈壁地表的辐射和热状况模拟,并与观测资料进行了对比。

54、Jiayuguan, it can be said is a first industrial city after the industrial tourist city, so Pass is also known as "Frank the Northwest", and the Gobi on a "Western city. ─── 因此可以说嘉峪关是一座先有工业后有城市的工业旅游城市,于是嘉峪关又被称为“西北钢城”,和戈壁上的“西部名城”。

55、Wharf, also known as River City, in Dunhuang City, 90 km west of NATO on the Gobi Desert. ─── 又名河仓城,在敦煌市城西北约90公里的戈壁滩上。

56、A tiny goby fish searches for a meal of parasites on the snout of a grouper on the reefs off Cuba. ─── 图为在古巴近海的一片暗礁中,一只小虾虎鱼在一只石斑鱼的大嘴巴上寻找寄生虫作为它的食物。

57、A tiny goby fish searches for a meal of parasites on the snout of a grouper on the reefs off Cuba. ─── 极小的虾虎鱼搜寻为了进餐的寄生虫当场在石斑鱼的鼻口部在珊瑚礁之外古巴。

58、While the cameras were rolling, Xu randomly picked out a bone from a dig site in the Gobi Desert, where a unique sauropod had preiously been found. ─── 当照相机正在拍摄的时候,徐星在沙漠戈壁的一个挖掘点随便捡起一根骨头,那里是以前一个独特的蜥脚类动物被发现的地方。

59、Dragon Hunters: Secrets Of The Gobi Desert ─── 巨龙猎人:戈壁沙漠的秘密

60、Scientists working in the Gobi Desert have shed new light on the life of dinosaurs. ─── 在戈壁滩上工作的科学家们使人们对恐龙的生活有了新的认识。

61、Once a subordinate fish grows to within 5-10% of the size of its larger competitor, it causes a fight which usually ends in the smaller goby being driven away from the group. ─── 一旦低级鱼长到与其上级鱼类体型(差异)的5%-10%以内就会引起战争,而结果通常是小的沙鱼被群体抛弃。

62、In a vast Gobi Desert, a soldier was reading a letter. ─── 在茫茫一片戈壁滩上,一位战士正在读信。

63、In mountain,desert and Gobi areas,the hypsography is serious and static correction is an ill-posed problem. ─── 在山地、沙漠和戈壁等地区,地形起伏严重、风化层变化剧烈,静校正问题非常严重。

64、The Gobi desert in China and Mongolia and the Patagonian desert in Argentina are all cold winter deserts. ─── 中国和蒙古的戈壁沙漠以及阿根廷的巴塔哥尼亚沙漠都是这种沙漠。

65、I think you are talking with blue goby (with a very long caudal fin).Very shiny one! ─── 9米深的水底,见到好多白色的鱼,鱼身是长长的,约3-4吋.

66、In 2001, she and Bill traveled on foot from west to east, the longest route, through the Gobi Desert in Mongolia . ─── 二00一年,她和比尔徒步由西向东穿越蒙古戈壁沙漠这条最长的路线。

67、Trekking the Gobi: Desert of Dreams and Despair ─── 在戈壁上徒步:梦想与绝望的沙漠

68、As rough and immense as the desert is, the Silk Road gropes its way westward bit by bit, through desolate land, the Gobi and the deserts. ─── 大漠雄关,被丝绸柔韧的力量一点点拨开,穿越荒原、戈壁、沙漠,一路西行。

69、Curiously, Soviet scientists have discovered what they call "age-old instruments used in navigating cosmic vehicles" in caves in Turkestan and the Gobi Desert. ─── 好奇地,苏联科学家已经发现他们所说的“古代用于宇宙航行的飞车器具”,深陷在土耳其斯坦和戈壁沙漠里。

70、tropical fish that resembles a goby and rests quietly on the bottom in shallow water ─── 与虾虎鱼相象的热带鱼,在浅水底静卧

71、Scientists working in the Gobi desert have shed new light on. ─── 在戈壁滩上工作的科学家们对恐龙的生活有了新的认识。

72、quick increase and strong reproductive capacity, bare neck goby is advantageous for raise and management in the laboratory. ─── 结果裸项栉虎鱼体形小、食性杂,生长快、繁殖力强,便于实验室饲养管理。

73、The freshwater goby is mainly found in Liao River and Yalu River in Liaoning. ─── 地区的淡水虎鱼主要分布在辽河和鸭绿江两大河流。

74、Description: It is a relatively small goby with cylindrical body and a relatively blunt snout. ─── 形容:小型鰕虎鱼,躯干呈圆筒形,吻部短钝。

75、I goby taxi. ─── 我乘出租车去。

76、Snow and ice collect at higher elevations, but the valleys are as dry as the Gobi desert; temperatures average minus 4 degrees F [-20 degrees C]. ─── 冰雪聚集在高海拔处,可山谷中却如戈壁般干燥;平均温度为华氏4度(摄氏零下20度)。

77、"We started shooting in the Gobi Desert," recalls director Ang Lee. ─── 导演李安回忆说:“我们开始拍摄是在戈壁沙漠。

78、During the crossing of the Gobi desert, two of the group (Krystyna and Makowski) died. ─── 在穿越戈壁滩途中,两人(克里斯蒂娜和马科夫斯基)不幸去世。

79、A sure bet is the steamed sand goby with chilli and lemon sauce. ─── 一道稳妥选择是配有辣椒酱和柠檬酱的清蒸笋壳鱼。

80、Millions of young goby fish head upstream, but they must first run the gauntlet of the lowlands. ─── 几百万只幼小的虾虎鱼正溯溪而上,但它们会在低地先遭受层层的攻击.

81、"It is as if this was the Gobi Desert or the Sahara Desert, and you came along and took a few pieces of sand off the desert," said Senator Gregg. ─── 但是国会共和党人说,这些削减措施的影响力微乎其微的。参议院预算委员会席位最高的共和党参议员贾德.格雷格说:

82、A widespread goby occurring in many of the freshwater streams and rive mouths in Hong Kong. ─── 广泛分布于本港淡水溪涧及河口水域。

83、A goby fish with brilliant orange streaks stands out on a bit of gray bubble coral in Maumere Bay off Indonesia's Flores Island. ─── 在印尼弗洛雷斯岛外的毛梅雷海湾里,一条有著亮丽的桔黄色条纹的虾虎鱼在一些气泡珊瑚前游动。

84、Description: Barcheek Goby has a slightly depressed head.Body is yellowish green;its cheek and opercula bear radiating broken lines from eye. ─── 形容:头部略扁,躯干呈黄绿色,面颊和鳃盖骨缘有条纹虚线一直伸展至眼角位置。

85、Today, the western end of the Great Wall effectively ends at the historic site of JiaYuGuan Pass, in northwest GanSu Province, at the limit of the Gobi Desert and the oases of the Silk Road. ─── 今天,长城的西端有效古迹止于嘉峪关, 在西北的甘肃省,在戈壁沙漠和绿洲丝绸之路的界限上。

86、The Relations between Uighur and Other Ethnic Groups to North of the Gobi Dissert ─── 回纥与漠北草原诸族关系初探

87、Observation and Study of Land Surface Parameters over Gobi in Typical Arid Region ─── 典型干旱区荒漠戈壁陆面参数的观测研究

88、A hundred years ago the winter monsoons brought little more than a sprinkling of Gobi desert dust to Hong Kong. But today they bring much more from sources closer to home. ─── 100年前,冬季季风只会将零星的戈壁沙尘带到香港。但现在,它带来了更多来自近处的风沙。

89、Today visitors here constantly, mountain light, acoustic, Grottoes, Oasis mutual Huiying, seamless, is the Gobi desertA worldly paradise, has good prospects for tourism development. ─── 如今这里游人不断,山光、水声、石窟、绿洲彼此辉映,浑然一体,真是戈壁荒漠中难得的人间仙境,具有较好的旅游开发前景.





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