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09-05 投稿



declarer 发音

英:[di?kler?r]  美:[d??kle?r?(r)]

英:  美:

declarer 中文意思翻译



declarer 短语词组

1、formal declarer ─── [计] 形式说明词

2、declarer ameli ─── 报关员阿梅利

3、declarer definition ─── 声明人定义

4、virtual void declarer ─── [计] 虚无值说明词

5、actual declarer ─── [计] 实在说明词

6、declarer bridge ─── 庄家桥

7、declarer meaning ─── 声明人意思

8、declarer defined ─── 申报人定义

9、declarer mean ─── 庄家平均数

10、declarer play ─── 庄家游戏

declarer 词性/词形变化,declarer变形


declarer 相似词语短语

1、cellarer ─── n.管窖人,葡萄酒库管理者;衣食住管理员

2、declares ─── vt.宣布,声明;断言,宣称;vi.声明,宣布

3、decare ─── n.十公亩

4、declaimer ─── n.朗读者,演说者

5、declare ─── vt.宣布,声明;断言,宣称;vi.声明,宣布

6、dearer ─── 珍贵的(dear的比较级)

7、declarers ─── n.(桥牌)定约人;宣告者;宣誓者

8、declared ─── adj.公然的;公开宣布的;v.断言;宣称;申报;(板球中)宣布结束赛局;叫(牌)定约(declare的过去式和过去分词)

9、decares ─── n.十公亩

declarer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Customers Declarer Certificate holder, able to work independently; ─── 持有报关证,能够独立从事报关工作;

2、It often happens that declarer lacks the wherewithal both to draw trumps and to ruff out the side suit. ─── 它常常发生在庄家既需要清光将牌又需要将吃边花的牌局中。

3、This declarations should be made in tripartite,one is kept by the Administration for file,and two for the declarer and the ship respectively. ─── 此申报单一式三份,其中两份申报人留持和分送承运船舶,一份留主管机关存查。

4、Customs Declarer Certificate holder, able to work independently; ─── 持有报关、报检证,能够独立从事报关报检工作;

5、He trumped small, but was overtrumped by the declarer. ─── 他用小牌将吃,但是被庄稼将牌盖吃了。

6、Information of the declarer of the enterprise to be opened ─── 拟开业企业申报人员信息

7、If the offender becomes declarer or dummy the cards are picked up and returned to the hand. ─── 如果违规方坐庄或者成为明手,所有牌张重新拿回手中。

8、Elijah was an outspoken declarer of God's righteousness: Elisha was a soft-spoken demonstrator of God's righteousness. ─── 以利亚大声宣告上帝的公义;以利沙柔声展现上帝的公义。

9、the partner in bridge who exposes his or her hand to be played by the declarer ─── 明手,桥牌中定约人的搭档,即把所持牌亮出的人

10、This declarations should be made in tripartite,one is kept by the Administration for file,and two for the declarer and port operator respectively. ─── 此申报单一式三份,其中两份退申报人留持并分送港口作业部门,一份留主管机关存查。

11、Now Woolsey was subjected to a black-suit squeeze, and declarer did not err in the play. ─── 现在,乌尔希陷于黑花色的紧逼之下,庄家在这种打法上不会犯错误。

12、This declaration should be made in tripartite, one is kept by the Maritime Safety Administration for file, one for the declarer and one for port authority. ─── 此申报单一式三份,经批准后,一份留海事管理机构存查,一份退申报船舶留持,一份分送港口管理机构。

13、If a declarer needs to extend the valid term for the registration of declarers, he shall go through the formalities for extending the registration of customs declarers. ─── 报关员需要延续报关员注册有效期的,应当办理报关员注册延续手续。

14、joined declarer ─── 说明词组

15、This declaration should be made in tripartite, one is kept by the Administration for file, and two for the declarer and the ship respectively. ─── 此申报单一式三份,其中两份申报人留持和分送承运船舶,一份留主管机关存查.

16、Welcome the fresh graduate who is the Customs Declarer Certificate holder. ─── 欢迎持有报关证的应届毕业生应聘。

17、The Occupation Prospects and the Requirements to Custom Declarer ─── 报关员职业前景与素质要求

18、Clearly East cannot give up a club, and if he parts with a heart, one lead from dummy suffices to establish two heart tricks for declarer. ─── 明显地东不该垫掉一张梅花,然而如果他垫一张红心,从明手引一此红心就足以让庄家建立好两个赢墩。

19、"no", I declar it definitely, the Christianism composed of churches is the biggest enemy for morality development, it is befor, so is now. ─── 1不我明确的说,由教会所组织的基督教是道德进步的最大敌人,过去如此,现在依然如此。

20、Points scored in contract bridge by the opponents when the declarer fails to make a bid. ─── 桥牌罚分桥牌中因未能叫牌而被对方减的罚分

21、actual declarer ─── 实在说明词

22、formal declarer ─── 形式说明词

23、Minimum 2 years experiences in customs declaration or relative position, Customs Declarer Certificate holder, able to work independently; ─── 两年以上相关外高桥物流园区报关工作经验;持有报关员资格证;

24、Double-dummy, declarer had to cash HA, cross to DA, ruff a club and then run the diamonds. This Dentist's Coup avoids the trump promotion. ─── 双明手,石淼这个庄须得兑现HA,DA过手,将吃一张草花,然后打方块。这个牙医妙招可以避免将牌升级。

25、A declarer shall provide his identify certificate or its registration certificate. ─── 集中申报人应提供其身份证明或注册登记证明。

26、Article 9 Where a same declarer entity s more than one food additives at the same time, it shall make a separate declaration for each variety. ─── 第九条同一申报单位同时申报多种食品添加剂时,应按品种分别申报。

27、At his turn to play from his hand or from dummy declarer may request an explanation of a defender's call or card play understandings. ─── 在轮到其打牌时或从明手出牌时,庄家都可以要求戍守一方解释其叫牌或其所打牌的寄义。

28、in 2002 ,i obtained the customs declarer credentials. in 2005, i did register. ─── 2002年取得了报关员资格证书,2005年注册。

29、points scored in contract bridge by the opponents when the declarer fails to make a bid ─── 桥牌中因未能叫牌而被对方减的罚分

30、and the inspection declarer shall assist the work of the inspection and quarantine agency, and change the items declared for inspection or add some items within the prescribed time limit. ─── 报检人应当配合检验检疫机构工作,并在规定的期限内改报或增报检验项目。

31、The partner in bridge who exposes his or her hand to be played by the declarer. ─── 明手桥牌中定约人的搭档,即把所持牌亮出的人

32、do you do, for instance, if declarer plays a diamond? ─── 你会怎么打,例如,当庄家打出一张方块?

33、virtual declarer ─── 虚说明词

34、This declaration should be made in tripartite, one is kept by the Administration for file, and two for the declarer and port operator respectively. ─── 此申报单一式三份,其中两份申报人留持和分送港口作业部门,一份留主管机关存查。

35、virtual void declarer ─── 虚无值说明词

36、odd trick ? each trick to be won by declarer ' s side in excess of six. ─── 线位墩数??庄家赢取超过六墩以上的每一墩。

37、This declaration should be made in two pieces; one is kept by the Administration for file, and one for the declarer. ─── 此申报单一式两份,其中一份退申报人,另一份送留主管机关存查。

38、The customs house shall make public notice on the conditions and procedures for the issuance of qualification certificate of a customs declarer according to law. ─── 海关对颁发报关员资格证书的条件、程序等应当依法进行公示。

39、small but be overtrump by the declarer. ─── 小牌将吃,但是被庄家将牌盖吃了。

40、customs declarer ─── 报关员

41、Information of declarer of the enterprise to be established ─── 拟设立企业申报人员信息

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